Chapter 27

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I write letter after letter after letter.

I send flowers every week.

I work and I plan.

I try and stay positive.

But all I've gotten is complete silence.


It's driving me absolutely fucking insane.

I try and not resort to any self destructive behaviour. The gym keeps me busy and I save some frustrations for the boxing ring where I can't do any irreparable damage. I stay away from the whiskey. I don't go to the bars. Nikki and the rest of the family have been an amazing source of comfort and reassurance as we all keep negotiating our way through this fucked up situation.

"Good morning Ms Gallon..."

"Good morning to you Adam," she replies in her formal, don't take shit from no one voice. So her normal voice.

"I hope the delivery arrived okay," I question her as I normally do.

"Beautiful choice as always. The main office and my desk are looking positively lovely," she says with a pep in her voice, that steely facade cracking ever so slightly.

"Glad to hear it Ms Gallon. Has ahh...has Summer been passed at all...?" I try and keep my voice steady without too much desperation but it's hard when that's all I feel.

There's a pause...and I wait patiently.

"I believe that she's still in with the psychologist but when she's due at the gym, she'll be walking this way."

I take a deep breath and blink away the water forming in my eyes. Ms Gallon had made it clear that she would be unable to discuss Summer's incarceration, but in answering the one and only question I ever ask, she gives me a very tiny amount of information about her day. She doesn't realise how important that is to me. It gives me confidence that she is still fighting, still fulfilling her plan, still working on herself and her health.

A few weeks later I get, "I hardly recognised her with that new haircut, so yes, she did walk passed."

And later, "that girl's got muscles on her muscles she goes to the gym that often."

A few months pass by and the one day when I'd love to know more, all I get is a stern response, "I'm sorry Adam, I don't have time for chit chat today. My desk is so swamped with mail, I hardly know where to start."

"Apologies Ms Gallon. I didn't mean to interrupt," the apology is perhaps a bit overboard but this woman is my one and only link to Summer.

"That's alright Adam. You have a real happy day now," she hangs up before I can reply. Was that comment a bit weird? It was weird but I have no clue about her cryptic words.

Later that night we have a very special evening planned. A lot of family members have come, Nikki of course, even Toby has ditched his gym gear for jeans and a shirt to mark the occasion. There's a reserved and quiet hush as we all find a seat around the lavishly decorated table. Mum and Aunt Lily have truely outdone themselves with the gorgeous flower centre piece and table settings. Dad grip's my shoulder in support, as I tap my glass with a knife to get everyone's attention.

"Umm... thanks everyone for coming tonight," my eyes glaze over as I fight back tears. The weight of emotions making me short of breath as I again have to endure missing her more than ever. Nikki grabs my hand from across the table and gives it a gentle squeeze, some tears already rolling down her cheeks. This is so fucking hard. But I remember where I am and that I'm surrounded by loved ones. Whereas Summer is all alone, surrounded by four walls and her own thoughts.

"Only one person missing tonight. But thanks each of you, for keeping her in your thoughts. Happy Birthday Summer," I raise my glass and clink it against the other's toasting her special day. Murmurs of 'Happy Birthday' and 'To Summer' echo around the table. A few sniffles and tears as well.

"I hope she got my card okay," Nikki said to no one in particular.

"Me too," sniffed Aunt Lily.

"Same," added Mum.

I stare at them around the table and at the others nodding their heads in agreement.

I clear my throat, but my voice cracks all the same, "so you all sent her..." I couldn't get the words out. Mum just patted my hand, as mums do.

"Of course we sent her birthday cards. It was the very least we could do and really, the only way we could let her know that we're all thinking of her."

The pile of mail on Ms Gallon's desk suddenly made much more sense.

"Th-thank you... just... thank you..." I sputter the words out. Not being able to say the words to adequately convey how much their thoughtful actions meant.

Dinner gets underway and the heavy moment lifts as we pass plates around and refill drinks. A few late comers arrive and I grin at Toby as his eyes widen as Holly, Summer's lawyer bustles in, sending her apologies for being late. Magically the seat next to him becomes vacant and she sits down and introduces herself with a smile. The conversation's bubble away and the sounds of family and friends are a welcome distraction.

The emotional night is not quite over yet but I'm unaware of the next surprise to come. The lights dim and Nikki brings out a large chocolate mud cake stuffed with candles. We sing a loud rendition of Happy Birthday to the girl I miss more than anything. No one can bring themselves to blow out the candles so we all watch in silence, a few crying quietly, as they burn down and eventually burn out.

"This is for you," Mum says quietly and slides an envelope across to me.

"It came yesterday. I think she wanted me to give it to you when I thought the time was right."

I stare at the envelope with her loopy handwriting on the front and the Silver Burch logo in the corner. My heart is fucking thundering away, my chest almost hurts with how fast it's beating. I contemplate opening this in private but I guess we're all here to support one another, so I'll just go ahead.

I rip the envelope and find one piece of paper inside. I unfold it and stare at the picture of a flower. It's a beautiful blue iris and at the bottom is one little 'x'.

Her favourite flower.

With a kiss.

Happy Birthday Summer.

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