1 : training buddy

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Staring at the grey cold stone walls of her hydra cell , Yasmine was quietly humming a random tune she had made up in her head.

She made sure it was quiet enough for no one else to hear since she knew the guards outside of her cell wouldn't be happy if they heard her. She learned that the hard way— many times .

She was only 6 at the time when she was taken in by Hydra. Actually, no, not taken in , kidnapped . . . It's been four years . She gets those mixed up sometimes.

It's all just foggy memories now, but what she does remember are her parents playing with her , then a loud boom . Men rushed into her home and killed them both right in front of her.

She doesn't remember anything after that.

Yasmine was in constant pain most of the time. Hydra gave her these huge cuff things so that she wouldn't use her powers since she couldn't control them very well via her young age. Even a small sneeze would set them off.

It was very lonely in her cell, but one thing she could always look forward to was training. She trained with a really, really cool guy! (Her exact words)

The Winter Solider.

She was told not to make small talk with him while training, but Hydra trusted him enough to leave the two unsupervised. So... like any 10 year old would do—

Start talking.

"What's your name ?"

silent glares . . .

"Winter Solider."

"Nuh-uh,that's your big baddie name."

Yasmine let out a bit long sigh as she walked over to the corner of the training room to take sit down and take a break.

"By the sudden silents... I'm guessing you don't have one, huh?"

Yasmine stared at him— still no response out of him."Cold - "she giggled, getting back up, realizing that she's would probably have to get back to training soon before they got in trouble.

"Never mind,I'm ready." She held up her hands into a fighting stance, even though she wasn't planning on punching him.

The size difference of the two was very noticeable, It made her wonder why he was assigned to train with her. Didn't bother her one bit, though?



Yasmine yawned as they finished up their training for the day. She was sitting on the floor, her knees up to her chest and her head resting on them.

"You know... you're not as big and scary as the doctors said you were."She blinked slowly as the tiredness settled in.

"Really, what else did they say?"

He cautiously walked over to the kid, sitting next to her in the empty room. "Uhm... They said that you were violent, but they were obviously wrong because you seem nice."

She leaned her head on his shoulder,making him flinch a bit before she calmed back down.

"I like you..." she mumbled before closing her eyes.

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