18 : What now?

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DISCLAIMER : This chapter contains one of my
other oc's, Roxanne, from my Guardians of the Galaxy book.


I don't understand. It's not fair... Bucky and I just got reunited. And now he's gone, thanks to some weird huge purple alien?!

Whatever, Anyways, everyone, plus that raccoon thingy, were having a conversation with this blonde woman who literally showed up out of nowhere...

"Rocket, do you know who else was up in space besides you, Groot, and Thor?" Steve asked Rocket.

Everyone was in the meeting room trying to figure out if at least Tony was still out there somewhere.

"Uh... the Guardians of the Galaxy, and I had split up from each other. I'm not sure if they met up with any others, but the Guardians are : Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax, Mantis, and Roxanne..." He listed off all unfamiliar people.

"So, most likey Tony, Strange and Spider-man were also up there with them." Bruce came up with a conclusion. "I could go look for them.

It won't take long to find a random group of people floating in the middle of space." The blonde woman, whose name is Carol Danvers, said before walking outside.

"By the way, the last place I remember them going to was nowhere, I ain't sure if they're still there, but that's a start." Rocket called out to her before she flew off. She's kinda cool...

I sat in the same office chair I had sat in before the Wakandan fight, spinning in slietns until I heard someone walk up to me.


Steve sat in the chair in front of me. I do love Steve, but he is way too positive... a whole speech machine, I guess that's what you get from Captain America.

"I promise you, we'll get Buck back." He faintly smiled.

"The last person who made a promise to me kinda broke it immediately..." I said back. That person just so happened to be Bucky. It may not have been his fault but, still he's gone again.

"Do we know when Carol will be back?" Rhodey asked. "Maybe in like a day? It doesn't take too long to travel in a ship, but yet again, I don't know how fast she is." Roket crossed his arms and shrugged. I got up and headed out of the room.

"Where are you going?"

Steve stopped me. "What? I'm going for a walk. It's not like anything can hurt me it's a ghost town out there." I sighed and left.


"I'll go talk to her." Natasha put her hand on Steve shoulder before going after Yasmine. When she walked out the door, she immediately spotted Yasmine walking out of the front gate.

Nat ran up to her. "Yasmine, wait up!" The woman called out, and Yasmine stopped with a quiet huff, slightly turning her head just enough to see the blonde.

"Yes?" She asked as Natasha stopped behind her. "I'm not going to lecture you or anything about how you spoke to Steve. Don't worry about that." She smiled as she continued.

"But I think we both know that you are not okay and need to talk to someone about it." Natasha finished.

Yasmine turned her head back around and stared at the concrete. "So what if I'm not okay... the only person who made me ever feel okay was Bucky, and he's not here anymore." She wrapped her hands around her body, hugging herself. Natasha frowned.

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