2 : ready

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The light bulb lit up as Yasmine's head shot up. "What?!" The bulb got brighter. "Hey, look, you did it." Bucky smiled, pointing at the bulb.

"Hold on,no! You're leaving?" Her eyes widened.

"It's not for long. I just have a mission to complete." Bucky patted her on the head as she frowned.

"обещаешь, что вернешься?"

"I'll be back before you even know it, я обещаю."

Yasmine pulled Bucky into a tight hug,they stayed like that for about a minute before she let him go."Was that all the training for today?" She asked him. "Yep,that's all."

As if on cue, the guards came to collect the two.Yasmine was escorted to her cell.She's guessing that Dr. K got his message through because they didn't put her cuffs back on that night.She watched as the guards took Bucky into another room.


SUNDAY 4:00 am

"Let me see her before I go."

Yasmine heard a familiar voice get louder as she woke up. Bucky was leaving. She immediately got up and got closer to the bars,Bucky did the same on the other side.

"You better not get yourself killed out there, James." He smiled under his mask.

"You don't have to worry about me." Yasmine reached her hand out the bars to meet his gloved hand.Bucky simply nodded and then walked away.

The whole night Yasmine was super anxious,she was sitting in the middle of her once shared room with Bucky. Her hands balled up into fists so that she didn't lose control of her powers.

She knew if Hydra saw her loose control, they would put those cuffs right back on her. Yasmine's only sense of control came from Bucky's comfort.



Yasmine still couldn't get herself to fall asleep,since there really wasn't anyone around the Hydra base except for the people working there.

The halls were quiet and echoed sometimes,meaning that she could hear most things.

This night in particular Yasmine heard some men talking about infiltrating something called S.H.E.I.L.D this wasn't her first time hearing that name though,she also heard it a couple of weeks ago when Bucky had went on his first mission in a while.

She didn't think anything of it, it's really none of her business and she knew that.


MONDAY 7:00 am

"Wake up, Statix, new training today."

A guard banged on her cell before opening it.The two walked into an unfamiliar room,it was probably new or something.When they entered the room, there was a man waiting for her in there.

This week would be her last day of training before she was sent out on her first mission. She had to learn how to handle guns and knives.

The man walked up to her and handed her a training pistol and pointed at the target across the room.

Statix // Bucky Barnes' Daughter Where stories live. Discover now