4 : Steve

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Yasmine and Bucky were able to find some new clothing and a place to stay. It took a while for Yasmine to understand that HYDRA is over and that they didn't have to return back to that place.

Bucky was also able to remember some minor things of his past, like his life before HYDRA, and something's about Steve Rogers.


SATURDAY 11:30 pm

"Yas, wake up." Bucky lightly shook Yasmine awake.

"What it's so early?" She slurred as she sat up on her bed. "I know, but there's somewhere I wanna go, and I think it's better if we go earlier." Bucky said as he walked away from her bed into the kitchen area.

"Fine, whatever." she pouted and got out of bed, grabbing her book bag she went into the bathroom to go change. When she got back out, Bucky was by the door, putting on a hat.

"Ready!" She skipped towards him. "Great, we'll get breakfast while we're out." Bucky smiled as he ruffled her hair a bit.

Yasmine still wasn't aware of where they were going. It was a normal sized building. When they walked in, it was kinda dark, except for these dim lights. "What is this place?".

"It's a museum. Yas, I think that—"

All of a sudden, he went quiet. It seems he has spotted something. Yasmine looked up at him, confused before noticing what he was looking at. "That's..."

It was a museum with things about Bucky and Steve and about them back in the war before he was pronounced dead.

"Yeah... Yeah, that's me." Bucky finished her sentence. "Well, that's super confusing. That was a long time ago?" She crossed her arms and tiled her head. Bucky laughed.

"Well, duh, HYDRA had me under ice... which kept me from aging. That was way before I started training you, of course." He turned to her.

"Right... pfft- Grandpa." Yasmine snickered as she began to walk out.

"Oh come on, I'm not that old!" Bucky ran after her.



After that, it was pretty peaceful for the two. Nobody recognized them, so they didn't have to worry while going out. Bucky was still sure that Steve was looking for them, but that wasn't a huge issue. Yasmine's nightmares had also stopped. She was happier... and safer.

"Ooh, Bucky! I also discovered something new about my powers when you were out the other day." Yasmine and Bucky sat together at a small table eating their dinner.

"Really, what is it?" Yas smiled and got up from her seat and stood next to a lamp.

She held her hand in front of it before electricity sparked from her fingertips into the lit lamp, sucking all the energy out of it, shutting the lamp off. "See?!" Bucky's eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow, Yas, that's... impressive!" She smiled proudly and lit the lamp back up with her powers again.

"It also works on electronics, too, like anything that is supercharged, really." She got back up in her seat and continued eating.

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