3 : it's over

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THURSDAY 12:00 am

When Yasmine woke up, Bucky was already gone. Well, she didn't actually know where he went. Probably to train or something.

Her heart started racing as she realized that today was her big day, the day of her first mission.

A guard came up to her cell when they saw she was awake "Get up, Statix, we have to get you ready."

She got up as the guard opened the metal door.

Yasmine was placed into a small room with an outfit on a desk. She stared at it for a second before she realized something.

It kinda reminded her of The Winter Soldier's outfit, but there were purple accents to it-

'supper original HYDRA...'

Yasmine put the suit on and then was taken into a room with a bunch of weapons, she has never seen this many guns and knives before, and it made her a bit nervous.

She probably wouldn't need to use them because of her powers, though.

Yasmine was definitely too young for this mission but because she was basically a super soldier now and plus her maturity they thought she would be fine out there and since Bucky would be there with her Hydra trusted the young girl.

There were basically guns and little knives in every pocket of her suit now, which was super uncomfortable. Yasmine took a deep breath as she placed her mask on her face.

A guard walked out with her to the hallway where Bucky was waiting for her. "You ready?" he spoke directly to her.

"Nervous, but hell yeah." she smirked.


The whole helicopter ride to their destination was super silent.

It was Yasmine, Bucky, and two guards there with them. Yasmine stared out the window. She could mostly see clouds... And a faint view of New York City.

She was pretty anxious,she didn't even realize it until Bucky placed a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head quickly before realizing it was just him.

"You're going to be okay, Yas." He said just above a whisper. She looked up at him and nodded.

"We've arrived." One of the guards said.It looked like some type of airborne vehicle, but it had a flat surface on it, and that is where Yasmine and Bucky were dropped off.

Yasmine could see a group of men. Probably S.H.E.I.L.D or something. "Alright, let's go." Bucky said to her as he pulled out some kind of gun and fired it at one on the planes.

Yasmine stayed behind Bucky the whole time, she didn't want to interfere with anyone unless instructed to. In an instant, the men were blown off their feet from the explosion.

There was another man running towards the two, Bucky turned back to stare at Yasmine, and she got the message through her head.

She shot a bolt of electricity towards the man, and he fell to the ground, Bucky finished him off by shooting him.

Bucky was blocking most of the shots with his metal arm while Yasmine was taking out the men that were further away with her powers.

Yasmine saw Bucky kick a man into one of the plane blades, causing it to explode. She cringed at the sight but kept fighting.

"Statix!" Bucky called out to Yasmine as he just finished shooting someone out of a jet. She ran over to it and climbed in the passenger seat, and they flew off.

Statix // Bucky Barnes' Daughter Where stories live. Discover now