14 : Bucky

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As the Quinjet passes through the force field into Wakanda Yasmine gasp. "This place looks even cooler than it did last time!" She said in awe.

"They've probably upgraded some stuff." Steve shrugged as they landed.

The occupants of the Quinjet descend the ramp and the group starts walking out. Bruce turns to Rhodey. "Should we bow?"

"Yeah, he's a king." Rhodes smirked. "What-" Yasmine raised an eyebrow.

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something." Steve shook hands with T'Challa. Bruce randomly bows in front of T'Challa causing Yasmine to laugh a bit.

"What are you doing?" Rhodey acts like he didn't do anything. "Uh, we don't do that here..." He dissuades with a motion of his hand. "So how big of an assault can we expect?"

T'Challa asks as they all begin walking again.

"Uh, sir-sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault." Bruce speaks up.

"How we looking?" Steve asks.

"You will have my King's Guard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and..." T'Challa points to someone.


"A semi-stable, 100-year-old man."

Yasmine gasped as she heard a familiar voice. "Bucky!" Yasmine squealed and ran up to hug him.

"Hey Yas." Bucky hugged her back. "Jeez has it really been that long, look at how tall you've gotten!" He said as he pulled back from the hug.

"Got myself a cool suit too, courtesy of Steve." She smiled brightly.

Steve then went up and hugged Bucky.

"How you been, Buck?" He patted Bucky's back.

"Uh, not bad, for the end of the world."


Natasha,Bruce,Steve,Wanda,Vision and T'Challa all went up into Shuri's lab while Yasmine Bucky Rhodey and Sam stayed outside.

"So uh, what's up with that?" Sam looked over to Bucky.

"What—?" Bucky raised an eyebrow.

"The whole facial hair thing. Well don't get me wrong it looks great...just not on you—"

Yasmine gasped "Sam!"

"Okay I'm sorry!" Sam crossed his arms.

Yasmine's then looked at Bucky "Oh, aslo since you totally kept your promise, I kept mine too!" Yas said excitedly, most literally bouncing up and down.

"Really? Then you definitely gotta show me when this fight starts." Bucky and Yasmine both smirked.


Sam, Bucky and Yasmine all look up at the sky noticing something was off.

"Hey, Cap, we got a situation here..." Sam spoke over the comm.

"God, I love this place." Said Bucky, looking up at the sky seeing how the force field kept them safe.

"Praise Wakanda." Yasmine let out a breath as she put a hand up to her heart.

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