16 : Snap

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"Cap...That's him..." Bruce huffed as he spoke.

"Eyes up, Stay sharp." Steve said to everyone as he extracted his new shield.

First, Bruce went to go attack Thanos but he used one of the infinity stones to fase through Banner and then made him get stuck in a nearby rock. Before Steve could even touch the Titan he made him hit the ground.

The same with T'Challa, Sam, Rhodey, Bucky, Yasmine, Okoye, Natasha and many others.

Wanda had to use her own powers to destroy the stone since there where no others options left. Steve got back up and stared punching Thanos again, getting some decent hits in for a while, giving Wanda more time to destroy the stone.

It still wasn't enough though.Thanos threw Steve to the ground again and made his was towards Wanda and Vision. Wanda used her powers to both destroy the stone and hold off Thanos.

"It's alright..."Vision reassured his lover as she sobbed. "It's alright." He repeated.

"I love you." Was the last thing he said before a large blast of energy was sent across the forest and the field.

The stone was destroyed.

And so was Vision. Wanda fell to her knees as she just killed her own lover. "I understand, my child. Better than everyone."

Wanda looked up at the titan. "You could never." He then gently placed his large hand on her head. "Today, I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn. Now is no time at all."

Thanos walked over to where Vision once stood and used another one of his stones.


I grunted as I tried to turn my head to where Wanda was, I was half trapped under some rubble with Natasha.

"No!" I heard Wanda scream as Thanos hit her away. Thanos picked Vision up by the head and ripped the magic stone right out of his head...

He now had all of the stones.

What does this mean..?

He placed the last one into his golden glove, all different colors of energy spread throughout his body as he—

Thor flew into the forest striking Thanos down! Honestly where was he this whole time?!

He threw his axe at him and it hit him right in the chest. I let out a sigh of relief, seeing how strong Thor was he could definitely beat Thanos.

Thor slowly walked up to Thanos who now was on one leg kneeling.

"I told you...you'd die for that." He pushed the axe deeper into his chest.

Thanos screamed and groaned in pain but then he stopped.

Is he dead?

"You should have..."

Never mind...

"You should...You have gone for the head." Thanos snapped his fingers.

"NO!" Thor yelled

Everything went white.


When I opened my eyes again the rocks that where on top of me where gone. I stood up and went to look for Bucky.

"Where'd he go?" Steve panted as he looked around, trying to find a answer. "Thor, Where'd he go...?"

I kept searching for Bucky until...

"Yas..." i turned my head to Bucky before running towards him.

But before I could even reach him.


He disappeared, no— faded away..?


Yasmine fell to her knees as she stared as the remanding of Bucky. "Dad...?" She whispered, not even realizing what she said she started crying.

"Y-You promised..." she muttered.

Steve ran up to Yasmine as he heard her sobs. "Yasmine..."

"..." The girl looked him at him, not responding. He eyes all red as tears ran down her face.

"What's just happened?" She whipped her face as she cried more. Steve knelt down and touched the dust of his friend.

Meanwhile in the outer field of Wakanda the same was happening to the warriors, they where disappearing. Steve looked around some more, Wanda had also faded away.

"Sam, where you at?" Rhodes called out to Sam but but there was no response.

Steve helped Yasmine up as they both walked towards Vision's body which was once red, now was a dull grey. He turned Vision's body over.

The remaining people, Steve, Bruce, Natasha, Yasmine, Thor, Rocket and Okoye all sat there. Not knowing what to do.

"What is this... what the hell is happening?" Rhodey asked.

"Oh god..." Steve himself didn't know.

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