5 : innocent

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All of a sudden, a bomb was thrown through the window, Cap knocked it away with his shield, and then another one was thrown near Bucky.

He kicked it in Steve's direction and proceeded to let it go off underneath his shield. Banging was coming for the entrance door, Bucky threw the kitchen table at it, blocking the way.

Yasmine stayed on the ground, taking the bags out and crawling over to the back door.

Two swat men busted through the windows. Another came through the back door, Cap grabbed his gun to the side while Bucky pushed him back outside. Yasmine got up and threw her bag around her back.

"Bucky stop!" Steve yelled."You're gonna kill someone."

Bucky pushed Steve to the ground and took his bag out of Yasmine's hands.

"I'm not gonna kill anyone."

He threw his bag out the door and onto the roof of the next building, and then he looked at Yasmine.


Yasmine hesitated for a second, not wanting to leave Bucky here, but she turned around and went out the door. She heard more gunshots being fired, which made her want to go back inside, but she knew she would get hurt.

She climbed over the railing and then took a deep breath before jumping onto the roof below her. Yas got up and dusted herself off.

That whole time she waited she swear there was another percents on that roof with her, but she looked around and no one was there. Soon, she saw Bucky jump onto the roof.

He rolled over then grabbed his bag, and began running, Yasmine now next to him.

"This is literally the w—" she was cut off by someone presumably coming out of nowhere and kicking Bucky to the ground.

Bucky got up on his knees and looked up at the person. It was somebody in an all black suit, with cat ears. 'Interning...' Bucky got up and swung at the person, but he was blocked by him kicking him back.

Yasmine ran to the edge off the building and looked down for a safe area to jump, then she looked up and saw another guy. She remembered him for her first mission.

Bucky managed to get the cat guy off of him, and then he ran in Yasmine's direction. He jumped off the side of the building, and so did she.

"Who the heck is that?!"

Yasmine said as she tried to catch her breath.

"I have no idea... also, Yas, do not use your powers."

He said as they hit the ground. "Got it!" She yelled from behind him.

They kept running as there was now also a helicopter shooting at him. Yasmine didn't understand why people were chasing after Bucky again, he hasn't done anything wrong in almost a whole two years. Bucky grabbed a hold of Yas, and he jumped down into a highway.

Her heart was racing this whole time as she just kept following Bucky. She turned her head and noticed that Cap was also running. There was so much going on.

Bucky knocked someone off of a motorcycle and jumped on it. He then helped Yasmine up quickly and started driving.

"Hold on tight."

Yas held onto his waist tightly and shut her eyes, they where definitely going over the speed limit. When she opened them again, that cat guy was back and tried jumping on Bucky, but he grabbed him by the neck with his arm.

Statix // Bucky Barnes' Daughter Where stories live. Discover now