19 : Bug-Man?

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5 YEARS LATER : April 25, 2023


I woke up with a quiet dreadful groan. Every single day at the compound is exactly the same. It's just been me and Nat here for the last 5 years.

Well, Steve comes around from time to time, but that doesn't really count. As I sat up, Alpine jumped up on my bed and let out a loud and long meow, she's hungry.

"Alright, you don't gotta yell at me." I say to her as I drag myself out of bed, slipping into a pair of sweat pants before leaving my room, Alpine right behind me. When I enter the kitchen, I see Natasha at the counter drinking some coffee.

"Morning." I sang, reaching into the pantry to get Alpine's food. Nat didn't answer me back, so I just started talking again.

"Have you heard from Steve recently?" I ask.

"No, I was thinking of calling him, just never got to it." She sighs. I hum in response, pouring the food into the cat bowl.

I've been thinking. My birthday is next month and I haven't actually celebrated since I was 13, I'm 19 now and I really miss celebrating. "Hey Nat, do we still have those spare Avengers jets?"

"Um, yeah, probably in the garage." She answers.

"Wanna take a trip?"


"Why'd you wanna go to Bucharest?" Natasha asked as she landed the jet on top of an abandoned building.

As soon as we got out I walked over to the edge of the building, realizing my surroundings. This place really hasn't changed.

"Me and Bucky used to live over here when we were in hiding after the Hydra incident, that was before we'd officially met though." I say, petting Apline in my arms.

After a bit more searching we found the exact apartment I used to live in. As soon as we stopped at the doorway Apline stared meowing loudly.

"Why's there no door?" Natasha asked, pointing at the door way, no door present as if it was torn off the hinge, which was correct.

"Um... stuff happened." I shrugged it off, Memories of that one time Steve had shown up unannounced in this very small apartment flashing in and out of my mind. Alpine jumped out of my arms and starts running around, sniffing everything, her tail wagging excitedly.

"Oh, wow, look at this." Natasha laughed as she picked up something. She turned it around to reveal an old worn out Avengers coloring book.

My eyes quickly widened as I cringed to myself. "That was mine..." I admit as she starts flipping through it until she found a black widow picture I colored way back when.

"Alright, maybe I'll dye my hair purple." She smirks, showing the very inaccurate colored picture.

"Please don't..." I chuckled, super embarrassed.

As it fell silent the mood quickly changed. "Nat?" I call her name as I sit down on the old couch next to where she was standing. She puts the coloring book down and sat next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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