15 : Wakandan Battle

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Hundreds of the alien monster start running towards the army, shots are being fired everywhere and Steve and T'Challa are beating the crap out of the alien monsters.

They are so cool.... Anyways!

"How much longer, Shuri?" T'Challa asked his sister over the comm.

"We've barely begun, brother."

"You might want to pick up the pace." He grunts as he goes to attack another monster.

Bucky and I stayed more in the back of the fight since we both have more range skill.

A alien thing was running towards Bucky so I quickly shot one electrical bolt to the ground that sent the monster up into the air and another straight to its head, killing it.

Bucky looked at me shocked.

"What...? When I said I lernt some new things I meant it." I shrugged as a killed another monster, on the inside I was super exited about it but there was honestly no time to celebrate now.

Bucky didn't say anything back but I he smiled proudly.

Quickly it became noticeable that we were definitely being outnumbered by these beast, that's just great...

"There's to many of them!" Bruce yelled as he was on the ground being attacked by a group of them.

I ran over to his hulk buster but before I could get the chance to help him Suddenly, a large beam of light lands nearby...

"What the hell is that?" I turned around.


Another Avengers has joined the battle. Everyone stop to look up as an axe flies through the air, electrocuting most of the Outriders in the area. Thor appears with his new axe Stormbreaker, alongside Rocket and Groot.

Bruce laughed "Hah! Hah! Hah! You guys are so screwed now!"

"BRING ME THANOS!!!" Thor charges toward the hoards of Outriders, followed by Groot and Rocket

"Hm, well look at that you're not the only one here with electric powers now." Bucky walked up next to Yasmine.

"Whatever..." she side eyed him and ran off.


Yasmine took out most of the outriders pretty easily, mostly using the technique she tired out with Steve only yesterday. It definitely got the job done.

She then noticed Thor not that far away from her. He turned his head in her direction. "So little one, you've gotten powers like me I'd assume?"

She raised and eyebrow "Like you would be an overstatement dude, I don't even know where I got them from..." she shook her head while killing a outrider in the distance.

"Ah, I see." He did an upside down smile.

"That axe is pretty cool though, Thor right?" She kinda yelled as she was in the heat of the battle, killing another outrider.

"Yes, and you?"

"Yasmine." She smiled before running elsewhere.

Before she could even get that far a strange rumbling was heard in the distance. And then the ground started to rise... Yasmine's eyes widened as she used her powers to lift herself up into the air to see what it was.

"Oh my..." she gasped, the aliens sent these huge saw looking things into the field, definitely killing some Wakandans in the process.

"Fall back, Fall back now!" T'Challa yelled as he ran.

"Focus that fire on the left flank, Sam." Rhodey said to Sam.

"I'm doing it!" Sam said as he shot at the huge objects, breaking them down slowly.

When Yasmine landed she say Natasha and Okoye fighting one of the outriders so she wanted to help the women.

She shot an electric blot at it and it quickly fell to the ground.

"Th—" Nat, Okoye and Yasmine all turned their heads to see one of the other huge objects about to crush all three of them but then someone else stepped in, Wanda.

Wanda used her powers to stop it and turn it in the other direction. She then slammed them down onto the outriders killing them all.

"Why was she up there all this time?" Okoye asked. "Are you all okay?" Wanda asked and got a yes from all of them.

"Guys, we got a Vision situation here—" Sam was then randomly cut off.

"Actually maybe you should of stayed up there..." Yasmine huffed. "Somebody get to Vision!" Steve yelled over the comm, Vision was pushed out of the window by another one of those alien people.

"I got him!" Bruce flew to the back forest where had Vision landed.

"On my way..." Wanda said but then got hit by something. "He'll die alone. As so will you." Proxima pushed Wanda to the ground.

"She's not alone..." She turned around to face Natasha. She then turned her head to see Okoye and Yasmine, both ready to fight.

Proxima Midnight yelled and went to go attack Nat, Okoye then used her spear to hit her and Yasmine zapped her to the floor.

But the alien got back up and held Yasmine by the neck. "Stupid child..." Proxima grunted as she held a hard grip on her neck.

Yasmine gasped for air as she tired to kick her. Wanda then got back up and was able to use her powers again. She made her drop Yasmine and then, threw Proxima into another one of those huge saws.

Yasmine held her neck as she gasped for air. "T-Thank you..." she spat out some blood.

"I gotta go find Vis..." Wanda sighed as she got up and flew over to the forest.

"We'll catch up with you soon" Natasha said as she helped Yasmine up.


When Yasmine, Okoye and Nat made their way to the forest something was very weird, it had gotten super silent.

"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming..." Everyone looked around confused.

Yasmine found Bucky and he looked at her concerned. "Are you okay?!" He ran up to her. "I just almost got chocked to death, no big deal." She dryly laughed.

"God damnit Yas...I can't have dying on me we just got reunited." He groaned.

Suddenly, a blue smokey portal opened not to far from the group.

And out stepped the one who Bruce was warning them about the whole time.


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