11 : back together

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"So, what's your deal?"

Nat looked at Yasmine. "Me? Oh uhm..." Yas spaced out for a second "I've been looking after her for the past two years." Steve looked back at Natasha, answering for the teen.

"Yeah, also, I have powers."

Steve nodded as she said that. "Alright. Well, I'm Natasha Romanoff... and you are?" She put a hand out for her to shake. "Yasmine Novak" Nat raised an eyebrow. "Вы русский?" She nodded "наполовину казахстанец."

"I really need to learn Russian, I'm always surrounded by people who speak it." Steve laughed.

Nat smiled and went back to her seat. "I like that kid, she has potential." She said to Steve. "She's a good fighter too." He said back.

It didn't take too long for them to arrive in Scotland, well it was daytime when they took off and now it's night...

"Alright we're here!" Natasha landed the jet in some random secluded area.

"Do we know where they are?" Steve asked as he walked outside. "Actually, I know exactly where they are." A random voice said... from nowhere.

Oh, wait it's Sam.

Sam flew down and landed right in front of Cap. "Hey Sam." Steve gave him a hug. "On my way here I heard a bunch of commotion." Sam said. "Is everyone ready?" Steve turned around to look at Yasmine and Natasha.

"We're bringing the kid?" Sam raised an eyebrow.

"I'm a teenager now, fourteen." Yasmine crossed her arms as Sam laughed at her attitude. "Yes, yes we are..." Steve said.

"So what's the plan?"

The four of them found where Wanda and Vision were located but, there were also two alien-people.

Yasmine, Natasha and Sam stayed outside while Steve went in first, little surprise attack for them. Wanda was outnumbered, two against one. Vision looked like he had been injured. Didn't even know that was possible.

"Yasmine, you try to help Vision while Sam and I will take the others out." Nat said and the two nodded.

As Wanda was about to start fighting the aliens again a fight a train passed by an a shadowy figure was slightly noticeable behind it.

"So that's where Steve went..." Yasmine gasped.

The female alien threw her weapon across the train tracks towards Steve and he quickly caught it. He stepped out from the shadows revealing himself to the others. "Show time." Sam chuckled as he flew down and kicked the female alien into a random store window.

Sam then circled the area again and used his wing blasters to shoot the male alien.

Natasha and Yasmine both ran into the fight, Yasmine made her way over to Wanda and Vision as Steve threw staff from earlier over to Nat.

Yasmine didn't have any trouble getting over to the couple since the alien people where too focused on the three adults now attacking them.

"Are you two okay?" Yasmine asked as she knelt down in front of them. "I'm-I'm sorry you look so familiar do I know you?" Wanda laughed nervously as she held on to her android lover.

"We never actually spoke before but I'm Yasmine, We saw each other during that airport fight two years ago."

Wanda smiled at Yasmine and turned back to Vision. "Can you stand?" Yas asked him. Both females helped Vision to his feet, the others were already done fighting as the alien woman crawled away from the three to check on her partner.

"We don't wanna kill you, but we will." Natasha said coldly.

"You'll never get the chance again..." The alien woman spat then pressed a button that made a blue beam appear which lifted the two aliens off the ground and into the sky.

Yas and Wanda helped Vision walk over to the group. "Thank you Captain." Vision said in between breaths, thanking Steve.

"Let's get you on the Jet."


"Hey, Yasmine?" Steve walked over to where the child was sitting as she looked up at him.

"Hm?" She hummed in response. "I know technically you didn't do any fighting but still, good job." Steve grinned as he continued.

"Most people your age would run and hide when they saw a literal alien, you're brave kid." He placed a hand on her shoulder but she took it off right after.

She didn't say anything back to him, Steve could tell something was wrong but here in the jet wasn't the best place to talk.

"Where to Cap?" Sam asked as Steve walked away from Yasmine.


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