9 : anger and corruption

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The group of three, And Tony kept walking together until they could find who they were looking for. Yasmine swore that the whole time she felt a pair of eyes watching her and the rest of them, but she didn't see anyone else.


Soon, they entered a big room. "I got heat signatures." Tony said.

"How many?" Steve asked.


When they entered the room fully, everything suddenly turned on. Specify something that caught everyone's eye where these huge yellow glowing tubes with people in them.

"If its any comfort, they died in their sleep." A random voice from presumably nowhere said.

Cap and Tony distanced walked farther into the middle of the room while Bucky and Yasmine scaled the sides. Bucky went up to one of the tube sand looked in, and yep, they are definitely dead.

"You really think I wanted more of you?" He was probably talking about Bucky or The Winter Soldier.

"What the hell..?" Bucky muttered

"Im grateful to them, though. They brought you here." As he finished speaking, a small light turned on, revealing who's voice it was.

Tony quickly pointed to hit blaster at him, and Cap flung his shield towards the glass, but it came right back to him, probably bulletproof of something.

"Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets." Everyone started slowly approaching the glass. "I'm betting I could beat that." Tony added, cocky.

"Oh, im sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time, but then you'd never know why you came."

Cap walked closer. "You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?" Yasmine scanned around the room, you know just in case something went wrong, she spotted an open area that looked like it went upwards.

"I've thought nothing else for over a year. I studied you, and I followed you. But now that you're standing here... I just realized there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes."

Yasmine stopped walking and just thought for a second.

Who exactly was this guy...? He obviously had something to do with HYDRA or something because he has all this power and knows a lot so—

"I know that road..."

Shoot, what's going on?

Tony and Steve were both now looking at a small computer screen. "What is this?" Tony quite literally yelled, but he gave no response. The room also went silent...

"Sergeant Barnes?"

The audio from the computer was faint put easily heard because of how quiet it was. "What is that?" Yasmine looked up at Bucky.


Bucky only slowly shook his head, not even looking down at her. Tony and Bucky both locked eyes for a second before he looked back at the computer.


The same voice yelled again. Yas didn't move from her spot next to Bucky, but whatever was on the computer she knew wasn't good, and the look on Tony's face gave that all away.

After a long and dreadful silence, Tony quickly went to attack Bucky, but Cap held him back.

"No, Tony."

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