17 : Strange device

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Before the avengers made their way back to the compound that day...

They found a strange beeper type objects near Nick Fury's car. It had a red and blue with white stripes background and a star in the middle.

Bruce suggested they take it with them to examine it.


Yasmine sat in Wanda's old bedroom in the Avengers compound, just staring at the grey walls...

Sounds pretty familiar.

The Avengers were in the lab. The beeper they had found earlier wasn't doing anything at all.

Until it turned off. Steve was staring at the list of people who had disappeared, many unfamiliar faces. Too many familiar ones. "This is a nightmare..." Steve said.

"I've had better nightmares..." Nat comments.

Rhodey then walked in. "Hey."

The two turned around. "So that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell it was doing." he referred to the beeper.

Nat sighed. "What do we got?" The group walked towards the beeper. "Whatever signal it was sending finally crapped out." Bruce got up from his lab chair.

"I thought we bypassed the battery?" Steve asked.

"We did. It's still plugged in. It just stopped." Rhodey crossed his arms.

"Reboot it. Send the signal again." Steve said plainly.

"We don't even know what this is.." Bruce pointed at it.

"Fury did. Just do it, please..." Natasha sighed as she continued. "You tell me the second you get a signal. I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing." She looked at Steve.

Nat was about to turn around and walk out, but someone stopped her.

"Where's Fury?" The new person in the room asked.


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