10 : one call

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King T'Challa, Yasmine finally found out his name- had called some reinforcements and people to take Zemo away

finally, more names..

T'Challa walked over to Yasmine and knelt down to get level. "You're friends, do you know where they are?" he asked, his voice was very calming, she could trust him. She thought for a second and then turned around.

"There in there..." she pointed.

Soon Steve came out with Bucky limping over his shoulders and... oh my gosh his arm?! Yas ran over to the two.

"Wh-what happened, ты идиот, твоя рука!" She cried out, Bucky only sighed.

"It's okay..." Bucky tried reassuring the girl.

She only shook her head "This always happens...you idiot." She muttered as she wiped the tears from her cheek, she didn't even realize she started crying. "I don't know if you will agree but, I think I have a safe place fire you to stay." T'Challa walked over to the three and looked at Bucky.

"Are you sure, I mean after everything that happened I..."

Bucky nervously laughed, T'Challa smiled as he took his helmet off. "Take it as a sorry, for trying to kill you and all."  Yasmine smiled ear to ear as she looked up at Bucky and Steve.



"Это место огромно!!"

Yasmine jumped up in down in her seat on the jet as her surroundings changed from just a plain old forest to a huge kingdom. "What did she say?" Steve asked, looking at Bucky for an answer. "Oh— sorry I said, This place is huge!!" She giggled, fixing her own mistake.

"Welcome to Wakanda."


Yasmine and Bucky where able to get some actual clean clothes for once, it was nothing special, Yas just wore and oversized tee shirt and a pair of black shorts.

"You sure about this?"

Steve walked up to Bucky... Yasmine hung her head low as she was lost in thought, Bucky had agreed to go back under the ice, for his own and everyone else's sake. Yas got up from the table she was sitting on and ran up to hug Bucky.

"Please don't stay in there for too long!" She squeezed her eyes shut as she clung onto the man. Bucky smiled softly.

"You keep leaving me... next time you have to promise to stay!"

These words hurt Bucky, it's not every day you hear a little girl plead for someone not to leave her again. He kept his tone normal though to not worry her any more. She opened her eyes and looked back up as him.

Bucky raised and eyebrow. "Fine, since we're making promises now, you promise me that you'll show more me cool tricks with your powers when I'm back." Yasmine smirked and then nodded.

"Fine deal, I promise"

"I also promise."

"It's ready." One of the doctors said, Yas finally let got of Bucky as he got up from the table. He gave Yasmine and Steve another glance before the container started to close. Yasmine turned her head and frowned as she heard the air hiss and the the container freeze over. Steve looked down at Yasmine and patted her back.

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