6 : back to normal

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Steve looked at Yasmine, confused. "How did you..."

Yasmine looked at the blonde woman.

"Where is he?"

"Sub-level five, East Wing." Sam and Steve rushed out of the room, and Yasmine followed. "Yasmine, I think it would be safer if you went with Sharon."

She assumed that was the blonde woman who was in the room with them. "I doubt that..." Yas muttered as they reached the hallway to the room Bucky was being interrogated in.

There were unconscious or dead bodies all over the floor, they heard a voice from the last room.

"Help me..." Steve went up to the man on the floor

"Help." Steve wasn't buying it.

"Get up." He demanded before slamming him into a wall. "Who are you? What do you want?" Sam, what's about to enter the room, but then someone attacked him.

"To see an empire fall."

Sam ducked before an all to familiar metal arm hit the wall, leaving a dent.

Bucky grabbed Sam by the jaw and flung him again the container he was once held in. Steve let the man who was questioning Bucky go and turned to Yasmine. "Stay out there!" She understood why people wouldn't want her to get into a fight, but she knew how to fight the same as they did.

Bucky kicked Steve to the ground, then went to punch him, but Steve kept blocking him. The last thing Yas heard was Steve groaning before he was pushed down the elevator shaft by Bucky.

"Bucky! What are you doing?!" Yasmine yelled to him, but he just walked off. Yasmine was going to go after him, but she saw Sam on the floor and went to go check on him.

"Are you okay?" She knelt down, and he slowly gained conscious again "Yeah-". Sam saw that other guy walking out and called after him.


He got up and ran after him, Yasmine behind him.

Sam and Yasmine made their way up the stairs, not too far behind the man. They exited the building and searched for him, but there were a lot of people exiting the building at the same time, which made him blend it.

"Damn it."

Yasmine then noticed a jacket on the floor, the same one that guy was wearing. "Sam..." She looked at Sam, and then they started looking for Steve and Bucky.

There were around the other side of the building, and they found Steve pulling Bucky out of a lake.

"Jeez, what happened?" Sam ran up to Steve and helped him pull Bucky out of the water.

"Is he okay?" Yasmine asked as she frowned. "He just passed out. Now, we need to get him somewhere secure."


Sam, Steve, and Yasmine took Bucky to an empty and old warehouse.

"So Yasmine, what's your deal.Why were you with Bucky?"

Sam asked, They were just waiting for Bucky to wake up. "You ask too many questions, Sam." Steve said.

"It's a serious question. It's not every day you see a 10 year old running from the police."

Yasmine groaned. "First of all, I'm 11. And, I was at HYDRA with Bucky... I was taken there since I was 6."

She said from the corner of the warehouse she was sitting in. "Bucky was my trainer, also I-" The three of them heard groaning from Bucky.

"He's up!"

The two ran to Bucky while Yasmine stayed outside, only watching from the doorway.

Bucky's metal arm was retrained just in case he was planning to attack again.


"Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve asked sternly.

"Where's Yasmine?" Bucky sighed.

"Answer my question first."

Bucky looked up. "Your mom's name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes." Bucky chuckled. "Can't read that in a museum." Steve smiled.

"Just like that, we're supposed to be cool?" Sam looked at Steve.

"What did I do?"


Bucky hung his head. "Oh, God, I knew this would happen. Everything HYDRA put inside of me is still there."

Yasmine didn't know about the brainwashing part of Bucky's missions... He had told her about the memory wiping, but luckily, they didn't wipe him after he started training her.

"All he needed to do was say the goddamn words." Bucky looked back up.

"Who was he?"

"I don't know."

Yasmine slowly walked into the room, locking eyes for a second with Bucky.

"People are dead. The bombing, the setup... The doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. I need you to do better than I don't know." Steve crossed his arms.

Bucky, though, for a second, trying to think of anything. "He wanted to know about Siberia, where I and Yasmine were kept. He wanted to know exactly where." He tilted his head.

"Why would he need to know that?"

Yasmine walked out of the room and wandered around. She looked through a crack opened in the warehouse and saw helicopters around the area.

She saw a dim ceiling light in one of the corners and went towards it. Yas held her hand up to in and let her powers let loose throughout her fingertips into light, but she lit it up a bit too much. It exposed.

"Whoops..." she made her way back to the men.

"So..." Yasmine walked back into the room, Bucky's arm was now free. She noticed that and ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"Hey, kid." Bucky smiled "Хватит ввязываться в подобное дерьмо!" She said, her words slightly muffled as her face was completely pressed up against him.

Bucky laughed.

"I'm sorry..." Steve and Sam looked super confused. "Was that Russian?" Bucky nodded. "She's from Kazakhstan." Yasmine finally let got of him.

"Did you um..." she looked up at Bucky.

"No, actually, I didn't." She was referring to her powers.

"What?" Sam furrowed his eyebrows.

Yasmine pointed a finger to the ceiling and then showed off her powers, shooting a bolt of electricity at it.

"Oh, alright, cool, the child has powers." Sam said in a sarcastic way.

"You know, I was wondering what had shocked me when we first met... now I know." Steve shook his head and smiled.

"I think it's time we get going."

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