part 14

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"Darling I love you."

I don't know If Draco said that trying to make me break or if he meant it. But, what I do know is it's not right for me to not say it back. But, honestly I don't think I can. Yes I love him. But, what if he leaves me like everyone else did? Everytime I tell someone I love them they leave. I know my parents didn't want to leave me they were killed. So, with them it was different. I was obviously to young to speak but, growing up all I could think about was how I knew deep down I did love them. Then there was Harry. Everytime he left to go to hogwarts I would tell him I loved him and to be careful. And now I can't even speak to him because he hates me and I hate him. Then there was Dudley's friend. Also my ex boyfriend. Dudley dared his friend to ask me out. I was stupid enough to fall for his plan. Obviously since I wasn't aloud out of the house he would come over and we'd watch movies at home. After a couple months of us dating I decided to tell him how I felt. I told him I loved him. He started laughing and said.


"Thanks hun but, I don't love you. No one could ever love a witch."

He knew. My only secret and Dudley told.

That's when Dudley walked in.

"Do you think I'd let my friend date you without him knowing the truth? I mean let's be honest he never wanted to in the first place. It was all a dare. I can't belive you thought someone would love a girl who could never leave, was a maid, and a witch How stupid are you?"

*End of flashback*

I promised myself that day I would never fall in love again. And now here we are.

"Y/N are you ok?"

"Draco I'm sorry. But, I just can't right now. I can't say it back."

"Hey no need to apologize. I didn't realize how much pressure I was putting on you. I'm not gonna expect you to say it back."

How is he so sweet? I can't keep at this any longer. I lean in and give Draco a quick kiss.

"You won love."

"You might have to show me I won again. I think I blinked the first time."

I laugh a little and then kiss him again. This time he put his hand behind my head making sure I don't back away. The kiss was so soft and passionate that I didn't plan on backing away. This time he backed away.

"I'm glad you're here Y/N."

"I am too."

That's when I remember what Harry said. He's gonna try to make sure I don't come back. I need to do what I can to stop him. And I think I can only do that with Ron and Hermione's help.


"Yes darling?"

"I know the original plan was to get Ron and Hermione together so they would fall apart from Harry. But, I think we need to keep them close to Harry. Now I know how insane that sounds but, we need their help to convince Harry that I should still come back to hogwarts next year."

"And why would they help us? They hate us as much as Harry does."

"Yeah but, if we keep sitting up private dates for them then they will start to be nice to us. Ron doesn't want Harry to know they are dating. And we kind of ruined that. But, I have an idea to fix our mess."

I tell him the plan. (Sorry you guys have to wait. It will be no fun if I told you.)

"This is why I love you. Your so smart when it comes to planning."

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