part 17

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                      Hermione's POV

"Guys wait!"


"I know what I'm doing can hurt Y/N. I know that she needs to understand more or it could be dangerous. But, she's not safe here."

"She's safer here then there."

"No she's not. Voldamort knows where she's at here. He doesn't know where we live."

"He can easily track her. If Voldamort finds out that Y/N didn't come to hogwarts and you did then he'll know she's alone. What would you do to yourself then?"

"Voldamort isn't the smartest guy Ron. He's not gonna do that. Now I know what I'm doing is right. But, go ahead tell Y/N what me and Ginny did. Because I can still tell her about Draco and you."

"I'm not worried. She'll understand. She knows Draco has had previous girlfriends."

"We'll see won't we. I'm sure her past will come back and haunt her."

"What past."

"Let's just say she's had a previous boyfriend who wasn't the best to her."

"What does that have to do with me and Draco?"

"You'll see with in time."

Harry turns around and goes to sit back on the couch with Ginny.

"You can go back. I'll be in my room."

I ran up to my room and I immediately fall on my bed and cry.

Draco's POV

Y/N is laying on my lap sleeping. I'm playing with her hair while I'm on my phone.

Ron comes running in the room. He has a worried look on his face. I speak before he can.

"Quiet Y/N's sleeping. Where's Hermione."

"She's in her room. I think she's crying. We tried but, it didn't work. Harry said if we tell Y/N what happened between him and Ginny then he'll tell her what happened between you and Hermione."

"Why would that effect Y/N? She knows I've had previous girlfriends."

"Yes and that doesn't bother her. But, if she knew it was Hermione then."

He paused for a second.

"Then what??"

"Then her past would come back and haunt her."

"What past?"

"I don't know. But, I think Hermione does."

"Why do you think she knows?"

"Well after Harry said that Hermione's face went pale. She then ran upstairs with same tears falling down."

"I'm gonna go talk to her."

"What about Y/N?"

"I'll move her to her bed."

I pick Y/N up and quietly take her up to my room. I lay her on the bed and plant a kiss on her forehead before I leave.

"Ok let's go Ron."

Me and Ron make our way to griffindor. Before Ron can even say anything I say the password.

"How did you know?"

"How else do you think I broke in your room?"

"Fair enough."

I get in and see Harry and Ginny having a make out sesh on the couch.

"What the hell did you do to her?"

"What are you going on about now? I haven't talked to Y/N since I was in your dorm."

"Not Y/N. Hermione."

"She tried to blackmail me. I just showed her it wouldn't work."

"I can't belive you Potter. She was your friend. First you go after you own sister then your friends. I'm glad your parents died when they did. I wouldn't want them to have to suffer like Y/N has."

I turn to go up to Hermione's room when I feel a pair of hands on my shoulder.


"I didn't expect to. I knew I would."

Harry goes to throw a punch but I duck. He uses his other hand and punches me right in the crotch. I'm not gonna sit back and let him go at me. I throw a few punches back and he blocks a few of them.

I'm so glad Y/N tought me this move. I grab Harry's arm and twist it. I then flip him right onto the table. He turns around and immediately punches me in the face causing me to back up. He picks my up and throws me into the wall causing my nose and mouth to bleed. Also giving me a headache. Before I have a second to take control again he picks me up once more. This time throwing me down on the table causing it to break. He continues to hit me until I black out.


I wake up in Dracos bed. But, he's nowhere to be seen. I go downstairs and see Pansy in the common room.

"Where's Draco?"

"I don't know. He left with Ron about an hour ago."

"Was Hermione with them?"

"Nope it was just Draco and Ron. Draco didn't look to happy either."

"Wait Draco can't leave. He's still supposed to be locked in here."

"What ever bugged him must have been big then."

"He's gonna get in so much trouble."

And of course right when I say that Dumbledore comes in.

"Thank goodness you're ok."

"What are you talking about?"

"There was a fight. Harry said that some guy braged into the griffindor house and started controling Draco. Draco hurt Harry really bad. But Harry knocked him out."

"No guy braged in there. Harry just did that because he was mad."

"Y/N stop with you opinions. Look if someone is in the building then we need to get everyone together. You girls go to the dinning hall."

"What about Draco and Harry?"

"Harry is in the dinning hall. Draco is safe in the hospital wing. He hasn't woken up yet."

"Please let me go be with Draco."

"Y/N I can't do that. You need to be safe in the Dinning hall with everyone else."

"You said the hospital wing was safe. So, let me be safe with Draco."

"You Potter's are so determined to get your own way. Fine, Pansy go straight to the dinning hall. Y/N come with me."

Dumbledore takes me straight to Draco. Once I'm in Dumbledore leaves. Draco has band-aids all over his face. He also has a breathing tube in. I put my hand on his.

"I'm here love. I'm right here." I said as I held his hand.

"Y/N I'm afraid I have bad news."

"Not more bad news."

"Draco hit his head pretty hard. When he wakes up he's not gonna be aloud to leave for about a week. We need to make sure he's ok and his brain is functioning good."

Why is it that the two people who don't get freewill and are used to being trapped. End up being trapped in a place that was supposed to set us free?

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