part 16

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                           Draco's POV

I'm pacing back and forth around the common room. Usually it's me that checks on her. I am always the first to know how she's doing. What's taking them so long?

"Draco you need to calm down. Hermione's got this. Just give her time."

"Hermione doesn't know her like I do. She doesn't understand how hard it was for her to show Harry the scars. I do understand. I know how hard it is to open up, I know how hard it is to show weakness, and I know what's she's going though."

"Ron's right Darco. You gotta breath. I'm sure Hermione's got this."

"You know what I can't wait any longer. I'm going up there."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"I don't care what you think Ron. Y/N needs my help."

"Fine don't listen to me. But, you arn't gonna get very far. The doors locked."

"How do you know its locked?"

"Because I heard what Y/N said to Hermione."

"What'd she say?"

"Well Hermione asked if she could come in. Y/N then said and I quote "Yeah. Just lock the door behind you. I don't want Draco to come in." Y/N clearly needs space from you."

"You're lying she didn't say that."

"I'm not lying Draco. We're trying to be your friend. I'm not gonna go make up rumors about your girlfriend."

"I'm gonna go up there anyways."

"Go ahead."

I walk upstairs and try to open the door. Just as Ron said it was locked. I put my ear to the door. And all I hear is the TV. I softly knock and Hermione opens it.

"How's she doing?"

"She good. She actually fell asleep."

I look behind Hermione and see Y/N sleeping.

"Did Y/N say she didn't want me to come cheak on her?"

"Not exactly. She just didn't want you to see her upset. She doesn't think you'll understand. Why haven't you told her about your family?"

"I couldn't. She was in so much pain already. I couldn't have her taking in my pain too."

"Draco she deserves to know."

"I know she does. I'm just not ready yet."

"You take your time. But, she is a great listener. I really do think you two are great for each other. You understand each other."

"Thanks Hermione. And I'm sorry for hurting you. I shouldn't have told Ron and Harry your secrets."

"That's for apologizing that means alot. I'm gonna go back down. Did you want to stay with Y/N?"

"Yeah I will. Thanks again Hermione."

"I'm always here for Y/N."

Hermione leaves. I go lay In bed next to Y/N and she rolls over and hugs me.

"Is Draco Malfoy going soft?" Y/N askes in her sleepy voice.

"I'm not going soft. I'm working on being nicer to her for you not me."

"Yeah sure you are."

Y/N kisses me quickly before she speaks again.

"How are we supposed have Hermione and Ron convince Harry to let me stay now?"

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