part 32

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                              Y/N'S POV

"I can't kill my own daughter."

"I'm sorry your what now?"

"I'm not surprised you didn't know. But yes Y/N I am your father. You see Lily was dating both me and James at the same time. When she found out she was pregnant she panicked. Because she didn't know who the father was. Once she had you both and found out it was twins. She did a DNA test. The result was James and Lily Potter for Harry. But you got Tom Riddle and Lily Potter. She tried hiding you from me. Even James knew. I had to kill them both to get you back. But, when I went to grab you they had a spell on you. I couldn't touch you. Thats what left your scar. Because I tried to grab you. I never intended on hurting you."

"How do you know I won't go telling Dumbledore about you?"

"Because if you do I'll kill Draco and Pansy. I have them both wrapped around my little finger. Pansy more then I expected. But, I don't mind it."

"She doesn't deserve you!" Hermione shouted.

"Oh Hermione you better keep your mouth shut. I am Ron's best friend now that Harrys out of the way."

"Fine We won't say anything. We will keep things normal."

"Except you won't. Y/N you need to break up with Draco. You're to close and get too much alone time. I can't risk anything slipping."

I fell down to my knees and started crying. Hermione came down next to me and starting hugging me.

"You can't do that to her."

"I just did. You better have it ended by the end of the week."

"That's in 3 days."

"Your lucky I gave you that much time. Don't let anything slip."

He then turned and walked away.

"Why did I have to come to the library? I should have just stayed as clueless as everyone else. I'm so stupid!"

"Y/N we'll get though this. Don't worry."

"But how? How can I go back and enjoy the last 3 days with him? How can I pretend everything is ok?"

"Because I'm here to help you. Let's go back and enjoy it ok. We will come up with a plan to stop him."

"I hope your right."

We walk back to the common room. Before I walk in I turn to Hermione.

"Do I look okay? Does it look like I've been crying?"

"You look fine. Now big smiles. We got this."

We walk in and see Jackson sitting next to Pansy with his arm around her. She looks so clueless. It hurts that I have to lie to them all.

"There you are darling. What took you so long?"

"Just a really interesting book that's all."

"What was the book about?" Pansy asked.

"Just I story about relationships all being lies." I said with my eyes going dark. Hermione nudged me telling me to smile.

"That's dark. Why are you reading that? Is our relationship ok?"

"Yeah it's fine. I was reading it because a friend asked for advice."


"It doesn't matter!" I yelled.

Shit! Blink back tears, blink back tears.

"Y/N are you sure your ok? You look like your gonna cry." Pansy asked.

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