part 21

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                        Draco's pov

We get to the bridge and see Adien Yelling at Harry.

"Where is she!?"

"I'm sorry ok. This guy just showed up and took her from me."


"She's not your girlfriend!"

They turn around and see me and Dumbledore.

"Potter who is this."

"Someone who shouldn't have seen me."

Harry points his wand at himself and disappeared.

"I don't belive I properly introduced myself. I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy."

"Harry told me about you. Last he said was you were in a coma. I thought he got rid of you."

"Draco I said don't speak! Now Adien if you don't mind I'd appreciate it if you let Harry go from you control and give Y/N back."

"Sorry old man. But, Harry was never under my control. He came to me worried. Said this Draco guy was gonna hurt her. So, I told him to bring me Y/N. But, he failed. Some guy saved her."

"I never hurt Y/N!"

"DRACO NOT NOW!! Who has Y/N now?"

"Said his name was Jackson."

"Draco we have to go back to Hogwarts now!."

"Who's Jackson?"

"No one of importance. But, he would have taken her back."

"Fine let's go."

Dumbledore brings us back into his office.

"I'm assuming she's in the dinning hall. Go cheak on her."

I run out and into the dinning hall. I see Y/N sitting at our table with Ron, some other guy, and Hermione.

"Y/N are you ok?"


She turned to look at me and then Kissed me.

"I'm so much better now that you're here. Oh this is Jackson. He saved me."

"Thanks man."

"Anytime. I just saw a girl who clearly needed help."

"Well anytime you need anything I'm there. Thanks again for saving my girlfriend."

He nodded at me and then got up and left.

"Thank goodness he's finally gone."

"What are you talking about. He saved you Y/N."

"Yeah but, I still don't trust him. There's something off about him."

"Y/N he saved your life. Who knows what Harry or Adien could have done to you. You should be thanking him."

"And I did. But, now he thinks he can just be our friend. Just because he saved me doesn't mean I should be his friend."

"Y/N you should go lay down. You've been though a lot. No wonder you don't trust him. Draco can you take her to her room."

"I don't need to lay down. I know I'm right. Plus he's to good with a wand. There's no way this is his first year."

"Come on Y/N. Hermione's right. Let's go lay down."

"Fine but, I'm not crazy. There is somthing off about him."

"I don't think your crazy. If you don't trust him right now then I won't force you to be around him."

"Good. Now I'm tired."

"Let's go beautiful."

We get to my room and Y/N runs straight into my bed. She really is tired. Before I even get over there I see she's asleep. I chuckle a little and then plant I kiss on her forehead. I then climb into bed next to her and spoon her in close to me before I fall asleep.

Jackson's POV

"Did it work sir? Do they trust you?"

"They do. Thanks for you help Adien. But, you are no longer needed."

I walk up to Adien and snap his neck. Which kills him.

Ugh this skin is awful.

I mumble a little to myself and then turn back to normal.

"Voldamort there you are. It's time to pick out our new death eaters."

"Oh I can't wait."


I wake up wrapped in Draco's arms. I sneak out of his grip and sneak downstairs. I was trying to be a good girlfriend and not wake him. But, I also needed to go find Jackson. I need him to think I trust him. I need to get close to him to find out the truth. There is somthing about him and I can't quite explain it. I feel a connection to him. Like I know him.

I get out and start running in the hallway. Suddenly I bump into someone.

"Wow watch where you're going. Are you alright?"

"Jackson! Yeah I'm fine. I was looking for you actually."

"Oh why were you looking for me?"

"I just wanted to thank you again for saving me."

"Y/N I told you it was no big deal. I'm honestly just glad he didn't hurt you. He didn't hurt you did he?"

Yes a lot actually.

"Nope he didn't. I'm ok."

"I'm glad. Do you want to take a walk outside with me?"

This is the perfect opportunity to gain his trust.

"Yeah sure."

"So how do you know the famous Harry Potter? Why did he take you?"

"He's my brother. He's hated me since I came to hogwarts. Mostly because I'm dating Draco. Harry has never liked Draco. Never really found out why. But, I guess one day Harry decided he was done with it. He took me and said he was gonna bring me to Adien my ex boyfriend."

"Why did he want to bring you to your ex?"

"My ex wasn't the greatest guy. But, Harry wanted to prove to me that my ex is somehow better then Draco. I don't fully understand it all."

"I'm sorry it sounds like you've been through alot. Has you brother always been like this?"

"Well we use to get a long great. But, now I'm starting to think that was all because I did what he wanted. I never had a say."

"Aw I'm so sorry Y/N. Do you need a hug?"

"Actually yeah. A hug would be great."

Jackson gave me a hug and we just stayed there for a moment. I know I said I didn't trust him. But, maybe I was wrong about him. Maybe he was ok after all.

"I know I'm not necessarily your friend but, I'm always here if you have to talk."

"Thanks. And you are my friend Jackson. Anyways I should go back to Draco. Thanks for the chat."

"Anytime Y/N."

He flashes me a smile before turning around and walking a way. I start running back to my room when Dumbledore stops me.

"Y/N we need to talk now."

"Why what happend?"

"Your ex boyfriend Adien was found dead 30 minutes ago."

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