part 31

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                             Pansy's POV

Why are they trying to get us alone?

"So that was weird" He chuckles a bit.

"Yeah I don't know what's going on with those two."

"Must be couple stuff."

"They're probably to shy to kiss infront of us."

He laughs. "Yeah probably."

He moves his arm and then stands up.

"Do you want to go for a walk? I like taking late night walks. It helps clear my head."

"Yeah sure I'll come."

I grab my phone that was sitting next to me on the couch and I stick it in my pocket. Before I stand up he grabs my hand making me get up quicker. Then we both walk out holding hands. Once we're outside het let's go and puts his hand behind his neck.

"Sorry you were taking to long."

"It's ok."

You know I never really took him as the shy type. He seemed like really out going and stuff. Never did I see him being shy.

"So you really focus on your friends relationships. But, I never see you focused on yours. Why is that?"

"It's just easier focusing on theirs. They don't get mad at me for it. Plus before you come along I was the only one in the friend group that was single. So it made things kind of awkward for me. So I fixed it by just getting in their personal space. And they don't really seem to mind it."

"Being a third wheel is never fun."

"You've been a third wheel before."

"Well I'm sure everyone has at least once. But with me it was different. At my old school me and my best friend liked the same girl. We wasn't the type of guys to talk about that to each other so we didn't know we did. But one day we found out that she was dating both of us. Once it came down to choosing one she chose him. It hurt but, I got over it. They're both dead now... They umm died in a car accident."

"Oh I'm so sorry. Did you and your friend still talk?"

"No we stopped talking. I was angry at him for dating her. Even though she cheated on us both. But, he said he loved her and that he forgave her for it."

"I'm so sorry to hear that. That must be awful. I mean your best friend died and you never had the chance to say bye."

"He wasn't my friend anymore at the point. I was angry at him."

"Are you still angry with him?"

"Yeah I am."

"Maybe you'll move on soon. I'm sorry this happened to you."

Once we got to the black lake he went quiet. We sat under a tree by the water just kind of watching it. I laid my head on his shoulder. I was getting tired and cold but, I didn't want to say anything. He just laid his head on mine. He went to put his arm around me but he felt my goose bumps.

"Oh I didn't even think to have you grab a jacket. Here take mine."

He takes off his jacket and puts it around me.

"Thanks but now you'll get cold."

"No I won't."

He wraps his arm around me fully this time. We just sit there cuddling while watching the water. I soon drift off and fall asleep.

Jackson's POV

This wasn't the plan. I wasn't supposed to fall in love. I was just meant to watch Y/N and take her back at the end of the year. But, Pansy she's just great. She reminds me of Lily but at the same time she's nothing like her. I wish I could tell her the truth. Of who I really am. That the people I talked about was Y/N's mom and Harry's dad. But, I can't tell her. Because if I did she'll never love me. And right now I think she does. I mean she fell asleep on me. And she absolutely beautiful. She makes me feel like a teenager again and I love it.

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