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The elevator doors are still separated, a foot from a young man named Seungmin is on the lines of where the doors would open and close, not letting the doors to close for a while longer.

Startled, the two guys snapped their head to where the voice came from. Eyes wide and agape, Seungmin was the first to bow despite the urge to roll his eyes.

"Why would you do that! Fucking scared the guns in me!" Felix yelled after calming down and realizing that he got played.

"You don't have no guns on you, also! Just because I'm not Hyunjin doesn't mean you can run your mouth like that." Chan crossed his arms, pressed on his chest, sighing and pinching his nose when he started scolding Felix.

"Who's hyun---"

"Didn't think you could mimic his voice that well"


"Well, I'm not just working under his ass."

"You just said not to run your mouth.." Felix mumbled to himself since he kept getting interrupted, pinning his back to the wall right from the elevator door.

Usually Felix would be loud and ask a lot of questions but since he's in a different place/location, few feets away from his cousin and the person who interviewed him and are talking among themselves.

Bored with whatever the heck the two might be talking about, Felix looked around. They're just in the entrance but the building, it's lights and overall design looks so dazzling and sparkling clean. They must pay a fortune to clean it this well!

"Psst! Felix, you coming, bro?" Suddenly waking up from his daze, Felix looked up and inside the elevator to see Chan doing a hand movement as if asking him to come inside and so he quickly stood up, rubbed his back and anywhere else to clean off "dust" before walking in.

"You're lucky I came by to check up on you, you wouldn't even gonna get hired!" Chan scolded Felix again, honestly not even suprised.

"WHAT?! Man, I'm sure I did great though!" Unbelieve! Exactly what Felix is thinking, he definitely did great. Right?

"Of course....talking about non-business related and assuming things about the CEO when you should've done your research. Not respecting privacy and being so loud!" Seungmin pointed out all the cons of Felix's action for the start of it, before cooling himself by breathing slowly as he pressed a button and looks away from the other when the elevator rises.

"You should've just answered my question! And if you hated hearing me talk about my own personal likes you could've interrupted m--"

"You think I didn't?! You shush me each time I even bother to open my mouth!" Seungmin scoffs as he glares at Felix.

"Why is he here again?" Now the glare is at Chan who had quietly hid himself in the corner of the elevator, not wanting to be in another of Felix's mess.

Caught in his state, he signs and explains how he wanted a job so he personally told the boss about Felix. The interview was not necessary, really but it happened anyway.


"You take him, I'm not dealing with this. And here!" Seungmin taps the files onto chan's palm as he kicked the boys out, stepping back in and going to his own work.

"Who made him so messy, jeez. Doesn't fit him," Felix tsk as he shook his head.

"Seriously?" Chan asked, losing his sanity as he stared at Felix, as if he asking 'you have, somehow, NO IDEA that you caused that mess?'

Interrupting Felix before he becomes a mess himself, he hurries Felix to follow him as he drags both of their asses to the large office doors that's just straight up.

"Why does he have such a long ass hall?" Felix asked out loud while looking back and forth to where he's heading to.

Not answering, Chan just walks. To be honest, he too have wondered.

The fast steps the two were taking slowed down as they came closer to the door, Felix intended to just open the door and barge in for he has gotten impatient already but Chan held his wrist fast, giving him a look just as a mom would to her child when they're infront of others, knowing she can't scold them.

Knocking three times, the two walked in after a little of waiting when they heard nothing. As kind as Chan seems to be right now, he would be acting the same as Felix sometimes when he comes alone but since, despite it being just Felix, he's his nice self because, one, he doesn't want no more problems and, two, he wants to be a good example to his troublesome cousin.

Closing the large door close, the two look around the neat large office as Chan called a man name Hyunjin, who for some reasons doesn't seem to be in his office.

"Must be hooking up with some chicks." Felix goes to the couches that have be angled around to make a square. A coffee table and other things around it to make it feel roomy and comfortable.

On the coffee table stood a kettle and fancy cups that he helped himself with to some tea.

Sipping the tea like a gentleman, Felix changed his voice as he crossed his legs, leaning his back on the couch as he looked at Chan who's just confused as fuck, watching Felix as he looked around the large office.

"Is he, perhaps, also into gentleman's--" A crooked eyebrow is raised at Chan,

"Or better yet, dicks?" Felix smirked to which turned into a frown, then to a disguested look as he grabbed a water bottle that was also on the coffee table, drinking it all. Chan isn't even suprised and face palmed himself  as he walked to the desk, putting the file down.

"Shut your---"

"EEWW! What kind of chicken's piss is this?!" Felix pointed aggressively at the cup, a mess that he made from spilling the remaining tea.


Before Chan could even argue, both of their heads snap to a wall that literally cracked open and slid to the other side as a man in shiny, beautiful black suit with neat clean dress shoes come out of the wall.

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