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It shouldn't be awkward, I mean, should it?

Right now the two men are downstairs, standing in the middle of a couch and coffee table, looking towards each other.

"I really don't mind you know, I could go home too it's already so late--"

"Nonsense, you're not a guest, even, you're my son's friend. Felix, why are you being so difficult!" Ms. Lee came from a corner with a blanket and pillow.

"Maaa, he even said he won't sleep here, can't he not come in my room?" Felix complained, puffed his cheeks and slump his ass on the couch with his arms folded on his chest.

So, why's he being difficult?

Let's see, he doesn't want his "friend" to share his bed because appeartly the guest room is dusted and the door has not been cracked open in years!

"Don't mind him, come follow, he'll hand you his shorts and maybe a bigger shirt he may have? Unless guys do actually sleep naked.." Ms. Lee laughed at the last sentence, her voice becoming quieter as she went downstairs.

How uncomfortable can it get for a boss to be at his employees house only to have the employee arguing with his mom about where he should sleep.

"You seem to really have a problem with me." Hyunjin sat down on the couch, kind of close.

Felix put his feet on the couch, his back against the armrest to be not so close.

"You are a problem."

Then it was just silent, Hyunjin didn't want to go too far, he just looked around the house, really liking the design.

He and Felix's mom had talked, actually, talking about designs and colors. A full on conversation he could never seem to have with Felix.

Could that be why he dislikes me so?

Before he could say anything, however, Ms. Lee came up and yelled, reminding them now for appeartly the 20th time to come downstairs. They went.

Hyunjin was kind of surprised honestly, Felix complained about him sleeping on his bed so much made him think his bed was small only to it be a king size.

There are a lot of broken things in one basket and some not broken ones too, confused about that as well.

Felix's room is very dim, it does have a lot of stuff in it not a lot to the point you'll step on something though, but a lot of stuff.

"Felix takes his own blanket and pillows to himself even while he's sleeping, so I had to get extras, you boys be comfortable and Felix, don't make me come in here by causing a scene!" And out the mom went.

"Sharing isn't caring?" Hyunjin asked after Ms. Lee left, Felix looked at him like he's weird.

"I don't like sharing." Was what he said before swinging the door as he left to the bathroom, to take a shower as he took his clothes with him, reminding himself not to forget anything.

Hyunjin just stood there until he saw a pile of short and a shirt on a desk, assuming it was for him he took that, locked the door and changed, unlocking the door when he was done and just sat on the younger's bed, scrolling through his phone for work related stuff.

Felix took a while, supposedly taking his time but Hyunjin didn't mind he took the time with Felix away to getting a better look at his room. It wasn't really all that bad.

Apart from the room being dim and full of game stuff, his blanket is quite pretty. A lot of colors are on it and it has a nice feeling to it, quite comfy.

Before he could look around more for his own interest, the door opened and coming in was a messy wet haired raven, almost soaked in his clothes.

Hyunjin covered his lips, his lips being caved inside his mouth to stop himself from smiling or laughing.

"What are you looking at?" Felix asked, looking and sounding pissed.

"You look like you rain through a rainstorm than taking a shower." Hyunjin leaned back with both of his palms on either side,his own blanket, making a 'ha' sound even after trying not to laugh. Looks more amused though.

"I forgot the towel.." Felix said through gritted teeth, feeling cold and shivery, walking to his chair where stood his towel and dried himself.

Now, Felix is pretty tired, a lot had happened and he was gonna just go ahead and sleep under his blanket when his mom called him to come help prepare dinner.

Groaning, he crawling up the stairs and began with clearing the table, Hyunjin wondering if he even exists in Felixs' eyes.

However, he ends up helping too and actually cooked as well. His food was complimented, even by Felix! Obviously not on purpose, man had food in his mouth and his brain just had a, "such good food?! Hell yeah, time to compliment out loud," kind of moment.

Hyunjin enjoyed the compliment, they ate well, had a conversation flowing, cleaned up, washed the dishes and cleaned the table neatly, went back downstairs, got ready for bed (Ms. Lee gave Hyunjin his own toothbrush).

Felix had already finished and Hyunjin was cleaning him self, he was wondering how awkward it would be when he has to sleep with his employee, Chan's cousin.

When he was dried and clean he opened the slightly closed door to the bedroom and was about to go under his blanket when he realized something..

Felix has already slept, and has burrito rolled both of the blankets.
(I'm possessing you): Compliment yourself for me, please!<3

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