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Felix walks forward to the large office doors of Hyunjin and was about to barg in (haven't learned his lesson) when suddenly voices were heard inside.

It's not the first time that he's heard voices inside the office but these voices sound more friendly-ish?

Shaking his head of the headache that was coming due to the long thought of who it might be, Felix knocked on the door and just barg in. He tried to go in like a good worker of the company but damn he can't change that fast.

As he walked in, with the bottom of his back a young-oldish handsome looking man was leaning against the guest arm-chair, arms folded and feets crossed one another, playing with a different foot of a man's. The guy besides him is a little shorter, expression bright and charming. His head is leaned on the taller guy's left shoulder as one of his foot was playing along with one of the man's crossed foot.

Hyunjin standing still but comfortably with hands in his pants, a disgusted looked looking towards the guy leaning against the arm-chair's amused one.

At the sound of someon/something and the door clicking open, all three looked to the door that stood frozen a raven head that didn't know whether he should go in or get the heck out because everyone is staring at him.

*AHEM* Came from Hyunjin who made a hand movement/gesture as if to tell the younger to come in.

At the sudden sound from Hyunjin, the two woke up from the staring and just then the other moved his head from the other's shoulder, beamed and threw himself onto Felix as the younger had just started walking in. At the sudden hug, Felix tried to balance the two but they fell together to the ground making a *THUD* sound.

The two oldest got worried and were about to rush in when suddenly they heard two different kinds of laughter coming from the two now crackheads that fell from the hug, giggling.

The two oldest stayed at their same spot as the brunette got up and pulled Felix up with him and at that he took the opportunity and shook Felix's hand, lips wide in a smile.

"Hi! I'm Han Jisung, you can call me either of those!" Awed by the brunette, Felix shook his hand in return and smiled back excitedly

"I'm Lee Felix, nice to meet you!" At the fast introduction, the two had forgotten about their surroundings, something drawing them in that made them get close so fast. Being lost in this moment, they chatted for the past hour about everything they didn't know of each other. Learning a lot about each other.

Meanwhile, before the last hour the two oldest had gotten back to their conversations and talking as much, if not less.

During older's conversation, slowly it turned heated. Something was just going off between the two for some reasons. Right facial expression and hands so willingly wanting to grasped the palm.

But it didn't stop, the two had gotten more tense with the conversation, challenging, that at some point something was needed.

"Yeah? How's it like working for your father's company?" Hyunjin smiled, being dangerous as he leaned on his desk, arms crossed

"Oh, that's where we're going? Jagi, will you please order an air fryer big enough for this son of a--" One hand in his pocket, a guy by the name Minho turned halfway towards a brunette who's still bubbled up in an on-going conversation with Felix.

The two holding hands tightly as they shared more of what they haven't with each other. The scene had made the two oldest stare, once again, at the two.

Hyunjin looked at Minho who hasn't taken his eyes off a certain guy, eyes telling a whole story.

"Didn't think fairies can dust your eyes." Empathizing on the 'your.'  At the sudden different voice, Minho looked to Hyunjin and stared confused at him and just as it hit him he smiled small as he thought of someone.

"He has gotten me crazy for him." Minho said with an exhale, head dropping back as he eyed the open ceiling.

"Damn, he still has the effect on you? Aren't you guys married for like, what is it--"

"5 years."


"I'm not getting cheesy with you." Minho shook his head and walked off

"HEY! I just wanted answers" Hyunjin dramatically raised his voice at the older, following him.

At the loud voice, the two youngest had snap out of their comfortable bubble of bluffs and convos and looked up to the guys coming towards them, hands still held but they're sitting on the couch now.

Smoothly sitting down next to his husband Minho slip his arm around Jisung's slim waist and hopped the guy on his lap, Jisung clinging to him.

Looking up at Hyunjin and the cute couple, Felix sat still on the couch as Hyunjin sat next to him.

"Couldn't you have sat someplace else?" Felix nudged Hyunjin's elbow who nudged back, acting like he didn't just thanked him yesterday.

"It's my office-" Looking at the couple, he continued..

"A certain someone won't even let me close nor give me answers." Hyunjin rolled his eyes but bought them back when he felt a stare from Minho.

*Ahem* Felix said in his throat and too looked at the couple and then at Hyunjin.

"What answers?"

Felix looked back and to minho and then back to Hyunjin, trying to figure out what Hyunjin was asking about.

"Oh! These two have been married for 5 years--"

"Six" Jisung corrected.

"Huh? That dum---handsome looking guy said it's your guys fifth."

Jisung shook his head and suddenly rised his upper body, palms now on Minho's shoulder while sitting on his lap, looking to Felix. (He was sitting sitting on Minho's lap, facing him but now he changed his position, still sitting on Minho's lap but now facing Felix).

"Oh shoot, my name is LEE Jisung, sorry! Been a while since I introduced myself and I forgot."

The two giggled at that when suddenly Jisung was pulled close to a chest, face close to Minho's. He can feel both breaths, Minho's and his own.

Minho didn't even have to ask for Jisung to get it; forgetting his new last name! Though it's not new but ya get it!

His eyes opened big and staring in a way as if he's apologizing into his husband's eyes, hands tighting on the shoulders.

Felix stared wide eyed and even used his hands to not blink at the moment he's seeing. Hyunjin, on the other hand is looking away in disguested. He doesn't need to see his friends going into another honeymoon phase infront of him.
"And you know I was so confused! You would think he was just picking out random people off of places just because he didn't want to marry anyone else, especially from his parents choice of woman." Han continued off with how the two met, hands going all over the place, however, still on Minho's lap. (Position is like how you'd sit in a chair, that's the position he's in on Know's lap).

"I'll make sure to remind myself to buy a pepper spray." Felix nodded to himself making the room freeze.

"You dumbass, they've met before that point. Anyway, it's not like you'll be pulled from the public."

"I care about my own safety you crow. Also, it had happened." Felix tch-ed at the man and flipped his imaginary hair 'in his face'

Before Hyunjin could ask Felix went back to the topic of the couple, giving his full attention but making sure he doesn't forget the paper spray.

"...let me tell you, if we were in an older generation you would've seen blood EVERYWHERE!"

"Jagi, don't exaggerate"

"I'm not! Even Hyunjin agrees with me!" Looking at Hyunjin, the older nodded his head really fast, siding with Jisung.

Felix was amused, despite Hyunjin being his boss and someone he dislikes, he's  seeing a side of him he hasn't seen. It's funny and cute.

"And then.."

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