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The last thing Felix remembered of his boss was that he was working still at the office but that was morning. From his experience of working there for quite some time, there was barely break and because it's a successful business, a lot was happening!

Looking at the text from Chan, the last thing sent from him was a phone number. It is very late and very much possible that he's sleeping, waking up a person who works too much isn't very ideal.

What if he has insomnia?

Despite it being a wonder of a question, Felix just has to try and talk to him about it, he doesn't even have to feel bad that he woke someone up. Not that he will feel bad for them, just some people.

There's one thing though, Felix doesn't know if Hyunjin has insomnia..

"OH DANG IT!" Slamming the phone on his desk he went to his video games section and flooded himself in the varies games and boredom of the night before he was tired enough to finally sleep.

The night was slowly turning into morning as the younger slept soundly in a dream that didn't even feel like he's in a dream.

His body will sure be sore for falling asleep in his chair, too lost in everything else than his own surroundings that he didn't even remember to go to his bed.

Thanks to Mrs.Lee Felix was able to crawl his ass to sleep on his bed, under his blanket with his head on the pillow after his mom came to check up on him, slapping his ass awake.

Despite it being morning, she knows very well that he barely slept but since he had been working hard and on his games for too long she let him sleep in as she got herself ready in her own room after a shower, getting food ready and leaving to work. Not forgetting to write a sticky note somewhere she knows the boy will go to.

Half of an hour had passed in the quiet house, the boy still sound asleep but would turn and shift around trying to lay in different positions. You'd think an alien is possessing his body.


More shifting were made by Felix as he slowly got his hearings back.


Felix slide his head under his pillow, groaning.


Was someone jumping around? Loud noises were coming from upstairs and can be felt on vibrate downstairs.

Waking up with bad emotions and awful feeling, not getting a lot of sleep was not doing it for him.

The noise upstairs were unstoppably, finally slipping in and out of Felix's ears making him jerk awake and look at the ceiling.

The hell I'm trying to find, bird nests?

Felix got off his bad "tch"-ing and slowly walking up the stairs and just as he remembered something he slowly went downstairs to get a bat from under his bedroom and walked upstairs once again.

Moving his raven hair out of his face with his whole palm, Felix tried to keep a steady breath as he looked up the stairs slowly as he steps.

"You look stupid, dumbass."


As fast as he yelled out his screams his neck snapped up to the ceiling and saw a certain someone with his chin on his palm, his arm keeping its balance with the elbow on the top rail attacked to the baluster.

"CHAN WHAT THE FUCK!" Felix screamed again, raising his hand with the bat at Chan but before he could even do anything Chan looked at him in a way, as if telling him does he even know what he's doing while his eyes point towards the raised hand with the bat and back at the younger.

So instead, Felix rolled the bat down the stairs and crawl up the stairs, chasing after Chan with his hands ready to punch a someone. Chan ran for his life.

The whole afternoon was chaotic with those two. They, however, calmed after quite some time and spent the time together before Chan ran away to escape from a little freckle chick.

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