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"You've been staring so much your eyes might be gone in the next second." Despite the 'threat' at Jisung Felix has a full-on smile on his face that he can't seem to control.

"It's starting to get creepy seeing you all that smiley." The doorbell rang as a customer came in.

"What are you here for, Christopher?" Felix, said the name weirdly, rolled his eyes at the comment from the familiar newcomer.

"You know I don't go by my English name." Chan greeted Jisung who greeted him back.

"Did you just ignore my question?" Felix gasped, pft-ing out a laugh at Chan's disgusted reaction.

"Thank you, Jisung. I really need this!" Chan screamed after that, he had carelessly almost chucked the whole hot coffee down his throat. I mean, he did but almost all of it!

"You look like a zombie, nothing new." Chan caught the napkin thrown at him. At the comment, Chan sighed with exhaustion.

"Don't remind me, your boyfriend had fired the two assistants again and even reported to the reporters he won't be hiring anyone his lover wishes him not to." Felix was shocked at the new information! Chan stared the heck out of him, in his opinion work and personal life should be separated. 

"Don't look at me, I didn't tell him to fire no damn one!" Felix went back to his business, nonetheless what he replied with, he felt quite happy and whole with what Chan said. Especially that 'boyfriend' of his thinking of him.

"You're enjoying this." Jisung looked to the man who talked to him, cheekily smiling because it was true. Jisung has gotten snacks from somewhere, got a high stool chair, and ate as he leaned on the counter with his arm.

To keep Chan quiet he handed the bag of snacks to Chan who took some and went to sit down on a table before coming back to the cashier when he realized something.

"A reminder I forgot to deliver, Hyunjin said to not bother with the brownies today." Felix came back after finishing a customer's order, having Jisung fill his spot.

"Why?" Chan took that little time to think about it.

"The news flash and everyone being at his neck made the company busier."

"I'll deliver them. You're free so drive me after my shift." Felix is confused.

"Can't do that. He's meeting with Minho this evening, even if he comes running to you he won't escape this one time." And Felix does stay at the Café until late, is it that useless, or should he wait?

"Don't even think about staying up." Felix glared at Chan and his mom's attitude, going back to work. 

Chan said that, despite knowing the younger often had stayed awake until morning, knew Felix would have not slept at all. After learning that his best friend and his cousin had started dating, he later learned about this huge crush Felix started to develop on Hyunjin and how it had affected him mentally.

Felix never had deep crushes when both were still younger, he was more of a flirting guy and would still take it far but he didn't let it affect him, the feelings, because both knew it would have been a much greater deal. 

"And here you go." Chan looked at the brunette's hand that held a big fancy cup full of ice cream and some snacks, he gasped in anticipation and grabbed the fancy cup so fast and carefully before taking a good spoonful of it. Chan thanked Jisung with a half hug, asking with his mouth a little full how he knew about it being his favorite snack of all. Lucky guess maybe?

Jisung pointed to the guy behind him, Felix. Aww, Chan was going to thank Felix when the younger looked at him but instead, Chan was staring at the middle finger given by Felix along with an "innocent" smile. Chan went back to the table and minded his own business before he left that late night.

"Do you think we could save ourselves if we were held at gunpoint?" Felix looked around the café before asking, it was empty with only the two behind.

"Felix, don't ask that it'll come true!" Jisung slapped the younger's arm. This is also the reason Jisung is glad to have Felix. He won't be alone since they always leave together, and stay together. Felix is fun and has an interesting humor.

"You won't have to worry about that." The two younger's looked to the door, one ran to it and the other stayed in his seat with a smile that was hard to surpass as he suddenly felt shy.

"How was work, jagiya?" The married couple chatted by the door while locking it and closing the curtains on the window door.

"Chan said you'll be busy." Felix stayed behind the counter, his body feeling lonely suddenly.

"I wanted to come to you myself." Hyunjin walked around to the counter before Felix did too but a little faster, hugging their bodies together as their lips meet as well.

One of them smiles, feeling good to get out of the stressful work environment and all of those people to be close to the person he'd rather spend the rest of his days with. 

"What are you smiling about?" Despite asking, Felix himself couldn't stop smiling as both rocked their body back and forth with their toes, to their heels, toes, and back to their heel keeping in synced.

"I missed you," Hyunjin whispered it on the younger's lips.

"Young love." Jisung looked to his husband because of the way he said it, like he was disgusted.

"Jagi." The call sounded like a scold.

"Yes." The man looked at him like a toddler in happiness with the attention he was getting like he didn't just pretend to look disgusted at the love being public in front of them.

After that cute moment, they packed up from the café and went to the married couple's house. They plan on staying till the morning so they went on a late shopping spree and to the grocery store before heading to the house.

Everyone was at least holding something when they waited at the door, some bags were put on the floor to open the door before all were in the house and stored.

Felix looked around, he was at first amazed at the outside view of the house but the inside was much more beautiful!

"Oh yeah, you did tell me you guys adopted cats?" 

"Three of them, because of this guy." Jisung pointed at Minho, and just in time, petted one of the cats while he fed him.

"Do you also want to adopt one?" Felix jumped at the sudden question, he was zoned out watching the cat get pet he didn't even feel Hyunjin near him.

"Don't joke around, almost gave me a heart attack." Hyunjin laid his chin on the younger's shoulder with a pout.

"'Am not though." 


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