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Everything had happened so fast yet so slow. One minute a nightmare that he had gotten, came true, and next thing he knew there was blood everywhere. A few seconds into reality has yet to feel real.

The room we're in is a little stuffy, there are people close to Felix who are trying to be supportive but also to keep their distance. The younger is in a chair, his entire body in fear, he doesn't know if he's still in the nightmare or if he's the nightmare.

The police tried to get him to talk but each time that happens Felix screams and in rage, he's not aware of his surroundings. 

"How did it go?" A woman officer asked the guy who came back.

"I was able to get a hold of a contact, he sounded really worried." The other nodded in understanding, from that reaction, he must have known the raven.

The expected arrival was supposed to be 20 minutes yet it took at least 13 and a bunch of noises, concerned voices, and call outs.

The visitors were stopped at some point to follow an officer to the room Felix was in, both males were heartbroken at the sight they were seeing.

Felix looks so fragile, he looks like a shaky chick that can be swept away by the picked-up wind.

Chan was the first one to react, running to the younger, kneeling on the floor as he tried to reassure Felix that everything was fine.

Felix is so shaken up he can't even cry, he can't hug back, or feel like he's safe. His entire body feels so icky and disgusting. 

Chan feels so hopeless, the last time this happened they were too late and that fucker had messed Felix up. He was able to slowly heal as he stayed with his mom officially, and ended up using humor as a way to cope with reality.

"Felix, please look at me.." Chan couldn't get the younger to feel at ease.

Feeling a bunch of emotions as his head is scribbled with so many unnecessary thoughts and ideas, he slowly felt a presence at the door like it was calling his name. It was okay, he thought as he breathed, taking the smallest step in his head as he directed his eyes to the light within all the darkness.

Something to understand, for every bit of willingness he took to look towards the light the more he was seeing the no face and scary killing eyes creeping up to look at him. There were none but it was everywhere, his brain could not stop it from seeing it nor did he give up on the light that was calling him so softly, in familiarity.


Chan felt Felix's stable, now, moving hand that he was holding, feeling the rise and so he got up. Slowly he helped Felix to stand and just like that he stared at the door, at the person who had lost control of their body. He too couldn't move, seeing Felix like that was breaking everything in him.

Then he saw the raven, his black messy hair and his puddle of freckles on his face...Felix was starting to cry. He was weakening at the sight of his boyfriend, Hyunjin felt his feet, his energy bursting as he ran through the door and crushed the younger into himself, tightening his body with Felix.

And then, Felix cried. He sobbed so hard he was losing his voice, he whimpered it out but the loud rage of crying never eased, he was so scared. He was so afraid, so lonely, and alone in the nightmare.  

Everyone was emotional seeing all of this, they have seen similar incidents like this and all, but it is always the greatest feeling when the victim has someone, their lover, they can easily open up to, finally feel safe and free with.

Chan felt more at ease, he wasn't too hopeless. He understood now why Felix had become Hyunjin's first priority. The two will be two broken glasses in different trashes if they were to lose each other, if they never took the chance.

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