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So much for yesterday.

Felix is in a sour mood ever since yesterday and nothing seems to be going his way. Literally, because he's been tripping over and falling down anything he goes past.

At first he was bothered and frustrated, but now he's just numb and dull. Getting ready and fixing himself up. His mother was really worried though, she thought something took his soul or something and was terrified for her son.

Don't worry a mother, that woman had gone insane full on of worry and would check every, not EVERY, place where her baby was possibly "sick."

She'd often mention his "friend" and if they had a quarrel, maybe a fight but Felix would just try to calm her down, telling her he's fine, just not answer her questions.

Chan came over later, was confused on the raven's slump mood but the worry was off when he saw the food on the table. So much for someone who won't finish it, don't mind me!

However, when they got in the car he asked about it and Felix didn't bother answering. He even didn't bother mentioning about the night that he was ignored, well left on seen.


During the drive they were getting closer to a red light when the yellow lit, "He left me on seen" Felix just talked out of nowhere causing Chan to press on the brake so quickly and turn to him after stopping at the red light only to see a chick biting his lips, looking down.


"Hyunjin left me on read," Felix answered too upset about it to care he's repeating himself. Chan was confused as heck, Felix, his cousin FELIX is upset that the "bastard" friend of Chan left him on seen?

"Why are you even upset by that?"

"He fucking had the audacity to leave me on read...just after thanking him!" Felix roared out his frustration, really upset by it.

"That's so fucking embarrassing!" He continued.

Chan glance at the traffic light before giving his all attention to the rode as the light turn green, driving to work once again.

"We're already here, what will you do about that since you'll be stuck with him?" Despite knowing the answer he still asked.

"You have to ask?" Felix stared at Chan and man just looks done once again.

During the whole ride he didn't even bothered talking and parked his car when he made it, both getting out and to their floor, back to work they went.

Felix went to the boss's office, opening the door to no one but a clean office with tons of more files on the table reminding him of yesterday.

Just just closed the door, walked to the files and took his pack down to the square position couches and did the files, putting the ones he had no idea of in its own pile.

A pen was in his hand and his whole focus was on the open file on the table, below him. Trying so hard to understand just what in red apples does not make them sour!

He's already had four files of that he didn't understand and didn't want to make it a five and there's no answer on Google or anything he has to use his brain.

"You're welcome." A whisper just right next to his left ear, going down his spine where it just made him shiver, his reflects were turned on and before he knew it Felix picked a file from a pile and swing his hand around but it hit no one.

He turned around and there took Hyunjin leaning on his office table, hands in his pocket. "Were you going to swing that at me?"

"Shit, where'd you come from?" Felix held the pile, rubbing the ear he was whispered in because he can still feel his breath and hear the words.

"From my mother's womb," he shrugged. Felix just stared at him.

"Didn't think you'd have jokes." Felix picked the pile of files that he was done with and walked to the boss's table but the boss wasn't moving anytime soon so he walked around him and to the chair side to put the files down on the same spot he always did.

"You didn't acknowledge my response to your thank you." Hyunjin said as he stood in his same place, no words were heard afterward so he looked behind him where stood the raven rechecking his paper. First time seeing this.

He turned around fully when the guy looks troubled by one file at the very bottom of the paper and went behind him, checking from behind his shoulder and just as he caught the mistake he pointed it out, his arm touching the side of his hip and somehow Felix could feel the warmth giving out.

Just as Hyunjin helped him, Felix got the other files to talk about the things he didn't understand for future purposes. During that afternoon they'll go to meetings and do other work in the building that needs to be ran over and make phone calls. Just a busy day like any other.

Hyunjin was to be left alone for one work that only the bosses and no assistance were to come along, so Felix had to go home early.

This time he had waited for Chan to finish up his own work so they could go home together, the entire time debating on something with his phone, his whole focus on it and nothing on the outside world.

"Ready to go?" Chan came, his hand on Felix's shoulder after asking causing the younger to jump in shock and his face showed horror(?).

He quickly put his phone away and chase after Chan out the door until they got home. A new notification had ringed on a blonde's phone though, and just before he was going to put it on mute--

New Message From Felix....
Thank you

Thank you for coming this far! <3

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