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Felix was about to hit Hyunjin, out of embarrassment, but the guy had his palm open. What for?

"What?.." The hand Felix raised was backed up, staring at the palm in front of him and now he regrets not putting his hand on it for it went back to holding the steering wheel, and the car began moving once again.

Felix just sat still with his head to the window. His thoughts roamed about the still palm and first kiss.. FIRST KISS!

"Have I caught your attention?" Hyunjin knew Felix was deeply staring at him, for some reason, the entire stare could be felt.

"Good." And suddenly the car stopped, without thinking/knowing, Felix's eyes followed Hyunjin. The older got out of the driver's seat, walked to Felix's side, and opened his door, his hand out once again.

"Hold my hand this time?" Yes!

"Shit, though-" Felix looked around, not knowing he just ignored Hyunjin's hand once again.

"Am I getting kidnapped!" The guy looked in horror back at the blond who just looked confused, a bit like he would burst out laughing, still confused at the sudden reaction.

"Nah- hell no." Felix harshly got up in an attempt to run away, maybe, instead, he hit his head on the roof of the car, groaning with both of his hands grasping the part he hit.

"I won't kidnap you, not now at least." Felix was gently pulled out of his seat and was standing right next to Hyunjin, warming Felix up with both of his palms rubbing against the raven's arms.

Hyunjin looked back to the car and went to get something, a small blanket, big enough to cover all of Felix with warmth before locking the car.

"It'll get cold later so keep this on, is your head still hurting?" Hyunjin was taller than Felix, even if a bit, he could look directly at the top of Felix's head.

Hyunjin looked back down at Felix, his insides feeling quite something when he saw how Felix was observing him, especially his lips.

"You can get all of that later, come." Felix blushed at the soft whisper, making him unable to get a word out, the whisper in his ear stayed and remained that way until their final destination on foot, Hyunjin guided Felix with their hands interlocked.

"Try not to slip, I still offer to carry you, you know," Hyunjin smirked at Felix before turning back to the front, he didn't want to be the one slipping instead.

While Hyunjin really wanted Felix to say something, the younger never did. He thinks' It's weird as well, Felix is completely different than the guy back in his office, he's not as loud or messy- well, still messy but still quite different.

Hyunjin did, however, feel his hand being squeezed. Felix has taken a step closer and interlocked their hands better, keeping the lower part of his face in the blanket covered around his body, you can't tell if it's the cold or his face is red from a blush.

Knowing Felix was warming up to him, Hyunjin didn't say anything and guided them for a while longer. There weren't many talks or anything but it did get them to be side by side with their arms interlocking.

How did Hyunjin pull that off? Let's just assume he made a fool of himself, falling on "purpose," and told Felix that might happen to him and that he should stay close and he did. At least the destination has come into view.

Suddenly being halted, with Hyunjins' hands on Felix's shoulder, Felix looked up at the guy looking down at him.

"I did say I am not kidnapping you, it might look as if in a bit but just follow my lead..okay?"

"I'm getting kidnapped!?" Felix looked around but his face was cupped with one hand and back to staring at Hyunjin.

"You're not..just stay close." Hyunjin looked a little off, Felix stared at him but that was making it worse for the other.

"You're blushing.." Felix whispered, for some reason, Hyunjin was just able to hear him all the time.

"Am not." Hyunjin looked down at the icy floor.

Before Felix continued, the blond took his hand and walked him to this little cottage. Felix didn't know though, he was blindfolded before they had preceded.

"Thought I was not getting kidnapped?" Felix walked really carefully, but it wasn't doing any good so Hyunjin had him hop on his back and they walked...carefully, the floor was still icy.

"I would have been much harsher." Hyunjin looked up behind him, Felix had hidden his face onto the others' back.

"Do you like harshness?" The blond smirked, Felix was not replying, nor was he denying it but it was waking something in him.

"Oh!" Felix was surprised again, horrifying him once again.

"Don't be naughty, what were you thinking of? I hopped you higher because you were falling."

"You did that on purpose!" Felix slapped his shoulder, blushing in embarrassment, he wants out of here now.

"I was simply not letting you slip out of my hands." Felix raised his chin onto the other's shoulder, despite not seeing anything he felt like he could hear more clearly this way.

"That's the second time you've said that....something like that." Feeling the younger's breath on his ear made the blond let out an exhale, leaning in with a smile.

"It's not and won't be the last." Felix nodded, his stomach having a little party. Maybe it was on purpose, maybe his arms were doing it themselves and he didn't know but Felix wrapped his arms around the others' shoulders. Getting closer, more skin to skin even if they're separated by clothes.

"OH SHIT!" Felix screamed when his body was armed and turned, he was in a different position, held by a different part of the other's body.

"Sorry." Hyunjin huffed but held the other a little tighter, Felix crawled himself in the other's chest.

"There are stairs so just stay this way, I don't want to have you injured." And Hyunjin walked up about 5 steps before on flat ground. The doors were opened and closed, Felix stayed in the bridal style until he was set down on something.

"I'll get something warm, you can get those blindfolds off." Hyunjin left for two minutes and he was back, Felix was awed by the sight above him.

Hyunjin closed the door he came in from, two cups of hot coca that he put down on the table in front of the younger, pillows, and two other big blankets followed down.

"It's so beautiful." And he means it from the way Felix says it and how his eyes are sparkling.

Hyunjin wants to let it out, how the sight in front of him is far more beautiful than the Galaxy above them, the radiating colors and stars dancing.

He didn't say anything yet, instead, he sat down next to Felix whose eyes couldn't look away from the memorizing sky above them.

Getting the blankets and pillows by their side, Hyunjin covered them in each blanket and stared at Felix until the younger moved his eyes to the others.

It felt like the older wanted to say something, ask for something and his eyes moved towards the place he wanted to touch, he didn't word them though.

Felix understood though, he's still self-conscious but maybe it's not all he thinks? So he nodded and Hyunjin took that, slowly he raised his hand and his fingertips took their time on the icy skin of the younger.

"You're really staring." Felix didn't know where to look, or how to feel at all about the way the attention is intensely on him.

"I want to print your freckle face in my mind, file it, and forever keep it safe with me." His hand was gentle, warming up Felix's face.

"You are special to me, I don't want to take steps I will regret. I don't want to miss you and have no way of connecting with you."
(A/N - everything after '****' were A/N's)

Not being perfect is all it takes 'cause we're perfect. <3

                               - Skz Comflex

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