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Felix walked around the parking lot, the weather getting windy since night has fallen so he walked faster, looking for a certain car.

Just when he found the car he realized he doesn't have the keys so he sat down on the floor, the dirty parking lot floor, dropping Hyunjin's work stuff besides him, his back on the driver's side front door for some reasons.

He bought his knees to his chest and crossed his arms on them before putting his face inside the hole, his forehead on his arm. He exhaled out and closed his eyes.

The parking lot wasn't quiet, there were drunks and if Felix raises his head and look straight ahead he will see someone having a threesome, glass beers broken while some were empty.

He sat like that for 20 minutes, almost falling asleep but as the time grew longer, the bitter he felt and he shouldn't be feeling this way.

This shouldn't be happening.

He was merely just making jokes about the sugar daddy or sexual things he said, all jokes.

It shouldn't turn into feelings. It shouldn't bump his heart like crazy to the point he can't even listen to the music when Hyunjin is in front of him only.

He shouldn't be seeing him right now either with his head now raised.

"You sure have a strong wind to pass." Hyunjin spoke, looking down at the raven.

Just because you guys grew close at home...you guys aren't close. He means nothing.

"Let's go. I'm tired, you had your fun." Felix got up, dusted his ass before walking to the front passenger side door.

"You sound quite bitter."

"I am."



Just shut up! Shut the damn up! This is bad, now I'm so needy for all kinds of attention, I don't want to go on saying you like me because you treat me like everyone else. I don't want to be everyone else..

Without realizing it, or he did but had enough, yelled the frustration out. Hyunjin wasn't taken aback though, he's just worried.

"What's wrong?" Hyunjin tried getting closer, his hand moving on it's own.

"Why are you getting closer, you're being weird.." Felix backed off.

"What do you mean? We are always this close at your house." Stupid brain..

"Why are you backing off?" Hyunjin grabbed Felix's wrist, pulling him close.

"I'm not, I don't want anything to do with you." Felix tried pushing himself away from him but the hold won't budge.

"Felix, are you still interested? I'll be fine with it, take all my money if you desire it." Hyunjin's sudden few words shocked Felix, confusing the man himself. He looked at Hyunjin, saw nothing but another man looking dead serious.

"Are you sick?" Felix stopped fighting to take the other's hold off his wrist.

"You asked so many times, why are you asking that? Didn't you want this?" No..

"I don't want to do anything with the label sugar daddy." Felix shook his head, losing all interest in what he used to be interested in.

He tried walking to his door again but only his arm that's held won't move at all.

"I could give you the luxury, all these cars and the money I make, you can do as you desire." Felix's feet moved forward, he was dragged closer to Hyunjin, his palms now on the turtleneck shirt, feeling the fabric on Hyunjin's chest.

In between where his palms touched was his forehead, on Hyunjin's chest, he shook his head when he slowly realizes he's never wanted any of these, never desired it as he did before.

"I don't want your money, why are you trying to bargain on this. You never cared." Why is he?

Felix hates this, he can see and feel himself becoming a different person. He's not even cussing the man out, being so loud!

"I dislike you Felix." Hyunjin lifted Felix's head by his chin, leaning in with their lips just another lean away.

"I really disliked you Felix, you're so messy and unorganized." Felix's eyes won't stop moving around, checking all over the older's face but the older's gaze really held his stare. He listened.

"I would complain to Chan so much and tried to come up with ways I could make you quit." Hyunjin really was just letting it all out.

Felix was started to feel really low on this, almost about to pull away until hyunjin spoke again.

"I never did though, I was surprised when your mom invited me inside, we all became so close. The more I came over the more I wished I wasn't your friend, nor your boss." Hyunjin leaned back, admiring the face in front of him.

"You talked about me being your sugar daddy so much I would've jumped at you if I had no respect for you, I started to see you differently and slowly started liking you so much." Hyunjin caressed the younger's arm, rubbing it up and down.

"I started getting protective and jealous each time you grew closer to Jisung, I didn't do anything about it though." Hyunjin showed a bitter smile when he looked back to how close the two has gotten.

"So I understand how Minho feels." Hyunjin looked Felix in the eyes.

He smiled sadly.

"So, I don't care. If you want to use me for all my money, do it." Felix shook his head, looking down because his neck was starting to ache.

"I don't want you for your money." Hyunjin nodded, the hand that was caressing Felix's arm slid up and around the youngers neck.

At the hold around his neck, Felix looked up again and at the same time he was being leaned in by the throat, his mouth opening from the tightness and just then he feels lips on his before a tongue slipped inside his mouth.

His throat felt tight, his lips felt warm and safe and he felt the need to give in to everything at this very moment.

Felix's hand held onto the the wrist of the hand that's gripping his neck, trying to stand on his toes.

They ended up getting hot, very hot where a make out session started. They didn't know they were so hungry for this, for each other.

Feeling the shoten of breath and need of oxygen they pulled back, breathing heavily.

Hyunjin wasn't getting enough but he also wanted to keep the younger alive and safe so he put both of their foreheads together, breathing in more calmly now.

"This doesn't excuse leaving me alone at a damn bar's parking lot for 20 minutes because of some beautiful hot woman with that revealing red dress!" Felix huffed the last breath, suddenly pissed.

(Please tell me, doesn't this seem fast?💀)

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