5. Romeo

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I found myself biting my nails in anxiousness as I drove to the park. I pulled up and grabbed the bag of supplies from the passenger seat and hesitantly got out. I was shocked to see the familiar brown eyes that awaited me. Calum was sitting on a bench, with an arm up, watching me quietly. I sat down awkwardly and put the bag between us. "Hi" I said, pushing my hair out of my face.
"Hi" he smiled and responded, before opening the bag.
"So, last night I was thinking about the book and I realized that you have to die well, we have to die and that... We have to kiss. But, we can stage kiss if that's better."
"We'll see when it happens." I glanced at him and he was watching me intently with a smirk on his face. I continued, ignoring the look.
"Ok, so I recreated the words but they still have the same exact meanings. But since we are in modern day, I wanted to make it more understandable for people our age." He nodded, as he grabbed a script from my hand. I had worked so hard on them so I didn't want him screwing it up. "Ok... So today I was thinking that we should just rehearse the parts with only Romeo and Juliet, since we don't have any other people yet." He flipped through the packet, deep in thought. I didn't really need to look anything over since I have a pretty good memory, and after all I rewrote it. So I just watched him, as he mumbled the lines to himself.
"Ok. I'm ready." He said, facing me again.
"Ok.. So let's start on Act 1, Scene 5, on the fifth page. Is that good?" I raised my eyebrows and he slowly nodded. "Ok, Romeo and Juliet take one! Action!" I yelled before smirking at myself. I took a deep breath and fell into silence as I imagined the situation as Juliet. Calum clears his throught and turned to me.
"Your hand is like a holy place that my hand is unworthy to visit. If you're offended by the touch of my hand, my two lips are standing here like blushing pilgrims, ready to make things better with a kiss." He grabbed my hand, and I jumped a little in surprise. I calmed myself and continued.
"Good pilgrim, you don't give your hand enough credit. By holding my hand you show polite devotion. After all, pilgrims touch the hands of statues of saints. Holding one palm against another is like a kiss"
"Don't saints and pilgrims have lips too?"
"Yes, pilgrim-they have lips that they're supposed to pray with."
"Well then, saint, let lips do what hands do. I'm praying for you to kiss me. Please grant my prayer so my faith doesn't turn to despair." I swallowed and continued as the scene approached.
"Saints don't move, even when they grant prayers."
"Then don't move as I act out my prayer" he leaned forward and I did to, not expecting what he was planning. He lifted his hands and I saw he was going for a stage kiss. He held my face in his hands as he kissed the sides of his thumbs with his lips, millimeters away from mine. They grazed over each other for a split second before he pulled away. "I have to go." He snapped, before grabbing his script and getting up. I was flustered, at his sudden mood change. It made me mad and a little hurt.
"Bye." I said bitterly, as I grabbed the bag and started my walk back to my car. I was about to unlock it when I heard footsteps behind me.
"I lost my phone. Can I use yours phone to call it?" He still had a harsh tone but I rolled my eyes and handed him it. He dialed a few numbers and pressed call. After a few seconds the sound of an IPhone ringtone buzzed through the air. Coming from his pocket.
"Glad you found it." I snatched my phone out of his hand and unlocked my car, facing away from him.
"Shit" I heard him mutter behind me, as i opened my door.
"My moms at work.. Nobody's home" he groaned and put his phone down. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Get in. But you owe me"

He got in the car smoothly, before I put my keys in. All Time Lows "Something's Gotta Give" was on. I couldn't help but tap the steering wheel as I drove. I saw Calum's foot tapping to the drums and I grinned at the road. "So you like All Time Low?"
"Yeah.. Why the hell do you wanna know?" Well that went south real fast.
"Geez, just asking a question. No need to get mad Calum"
"Just stop talking to me. You're bad enough just being with me." I rolled my eyes and looked away.
"I didn't know that was a crime. You know I usually don't do this either. So just bare with me-" I was cut off by him sharply,
"Just shut up. You're not like me and don't even think you understand me. You're just a new girl trying to get in someone's pants. Just stop"
"Excuse me? If you're going to jump to conclusions like that, I guess it's ok that I do too. Well at first I thought you were a jack ass, walking around like you owned the school. And that you didn't give a fuck what anyone was going to say and give them a nice punch in the face if they did. But you know what??? I didn't fully believe it and here I am now, going against my super stiction and driving him home. And I asked him a simpler question and he claims I'm a desperate slut, truly acting like the jackass I thought he was in the first place. But hey? That doesn't matter. Does it?" He turned to me, his face red with anger.
"You know what doesn't matter?! This fucking project. I don't want to be stuck with you. This stuck up bitch who thinks she's all that with her comebacks and bullshit. Pull over. NOW."
"Yeah funny, I was about to say the same thing. And by the way I'll be talking to Mr. Q for you tomorrow." And pulled the car over and stopped.
"Yeah, whatever." He muttered before getting out of the door and slamming it shut.
"Are you going to be a jerk forever?" I screamed and he snapped his head back.
"Are you ever stop being and annoying bitch with a million questions?"
"Jackass" I screamed at him before moving slowly away.
"Bitch!" He yelled, before walking into a house I assumed was his. I rolled my eyes and sped away.

Calum P.O.V.
"Bitch" I yelled before speed walking to my house and slamming the door closed behind me. Why did I have to be like this? All I do is push people out. I want too but I can't. I can't bear the risk of me letting my walls down the slightest bit and having someone rip them down and destroying me in the process. Plus I could hurt her and break her heart. I don't trust my self. I've learned that the hard way, and I'm not letting that happen ever again. But I felt horrible the second I closed the door. I felt bad for calling her all of those names and yelling at her for no reason. God dammit. Why do I have to be so... Bad? Gwen was right, I am a jackass but I've been built through experiences and memories. Memories that I can't erase.

AUTHORS NOTE: this is the longest chapter so far and I'm very proud and hope you enjoyed it!!!

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