15. Talk.

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"How is he?" Calum said. I woke up slowly to the sound of him talking to who I assumed was Luke in the hall way. I got up and pulled down the shirt Calum let me have of his. I listened closely and quietly as I made my way to his closed door.
"He what?!" He yelled and there was a couple mumbles before he continued quietly.
"Well can I come over to talk to him?"
"That's not a good idea.." Was all I hear fx
"What do you mean?! He's one of my best friends!!! What about if I bring her with me?" Oh shit. I don't want to talk to Michael.. At least not today.
"Ok, ok. We'll be there in 20. Bye Luke." Just then he ended the phone call as I walked out of the room.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" He gave me a concerned look but I just shook my head and hugged him.
"How is he?" I whispered as I looked up to him.
"Uh, nothing to worry about" he looked away and I knew he was lying.
"Cal, it's fine. Tell me" he took a deep breath and continued.
"He's been out all night drinking every night and bringing a new girl back too.." He looked worried so I hugged him tighter.
"Do you think he'll be better when we talk to him?" Claim slightly shrugged and kissed the top of my head. "Let's get ready" he nodded and dropped his hands from around my waist and made his way back to his room. I was so confused... Why's Michael so messed up about me?? We don't even really know each other... We've only talked twice and they were both arguments. There has to be something else, but I don't know what it is.. I sighed and went to the bathroom and threw on some shorts that I had from the other night and a ATL shirt. My makeup was tolerable so I made my way downstairs where Calum was waiting.
"Let's go" I said as I grabbed his hand. we walked quickly to the car and I drove rather quickly to Luke's house. I pulled up slowly to their little condo and shut the car off. I looked at Calum and he looked worried. I grabbed his hand and squeezed.
"It's ok Cal. We'll figure this out. I promise." He smirks slightly and got out of the car. I followed him slowly before the door opened up. Out walked a short blonde girl with messy hair with heels in her hands. She look a mess.
"Uh.. Hi... Michaels waiting for you guys in the kitchen" I supposed that she's one of the many girls Michael had over then.
"Ok, thanks" and with that I pushed past her and into the house. Me and Calum exchanged a look before walking to the kitchen.
"YOU DONT GET IT. HE CANT HAVE HER. NOT HER." Michael raged, as we made our way around the corner. I stopped and Calum did too as I listened for a second.
"They love each other, what can I say Michael. This isn't going to change... I'm sorry. We're all worried about you and-" Luke stopped the second he saw us. Michaels back was turned towards me and Luke looked like he was crying. The second Luke stopped, Michael turned and saw me.
"Oh great" he muttered before seeing Calum.
"Hi to you too" I rolled my eyes and sat next to Luke at the table. That's when he saw Calum.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" He yelled, getting up from his seat. I shot up and stepped in front of him.
"He's with me. And he's staying." His angered face softened the slightest bit before he sat down and clenched his fists.
"Ok. Talk." I let out by breath and pulled the seat next to me and patted it for Calum to sit. He sat slowly, biting his lip.
"So.. What's up with you?" I asked slowly. Michael looked away from Calum and gave me a blank stare.
"Nothing." I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Come on Michael. Why are you being like this?" He looked away and shook his head.
"Look, if you're going to give me a lecture on how I should stop, just leave now."
"I don't think so." Suddenly he got up.
"Well bye then see you love birds later or something" he turned and started storm off. What's his problem?! I don't even get it. I got up and was about to run after him when I felt a hand grab me. I turned to see Luke with a worried face, shaking his head.
"Don't do it. He'll get mad sand hurt you... But he'll punish himself later." I shook his hand off lightly and nodded.
"It's ok." And with that, I ran after him. The second I walked outside I was drenched in rain, and mud was on my legs. I groaned and looked around. Before I knew it I saw a tall body with a red head, facing towards the street. And jogged over and stopped behind him.
"What the hell do you want Luke? Want me to go back and apologize?" He said bitterly, making me jump.
"Uh.. It's me" I saw him take a deep breath before turning to face me.
"So what do you want?" He looked down at me, crossing his arms in from of his chest.
"I want to know why you're acting like this... Just all of a sudden. I guess I understand that you liked me but... Why are you acting like this to everyone and.... to me?"
"You think I'm acting? Well I'm not. And this is how I am." He clenched his jaw and looked away for a second.
"You know that's exactly what Calum said. But it was an act. And he's such a good person and I know you are too Michael.. And it'll be easier." The way he flinched a little means that I just totally said the wrong thing or the totally right thing.
"That's what you think! But Calum knew she assent supposed to be in the front seat!!!! He killed her. It sounds bad but it's true." What? What would he even go there?!
"Michael! You know that's not true. Why would you say that?!" I yelled, pushing my wet hair back.
"Cause it's true! He's a monster! He killed his own sister Gwen!" He rose his voice and was closer to me and towering over me.
"Shut up!!! That's not true! Stop being an asshole!" I yelled back.
"Make me!" We were both screaming at each other's faces. I felt so mad. Why would he even say that Calum killed her?! He doesn't know anything. So he wants me to shut him up? Ok then. I raised my hand and had no second thoughts before slapping him straight across the face. He didn't even move. My hand hurt from hitting him yet he was just standing there. But his face was burning red.
"What the fuck!?" He screamed. The rain was now heavier than ever and was defending.
"Just slapping you put of it" I muttered. Just then, he stormed off back to the house. I Elena after him and grabbed his shoulder.
"I didn't say I was done taking to you, did I?!" I yelled. I was almost positive the guys were able to hear us from here.
"Well I am!" He yelled back, turning back.
"What's your problem with me Michael?! I want the truth!" I was now screaming at him again, wiping the rain and mascara that was running down my face.
"Because.. You should know" he looked away to the street and laughed angrily.
"I honestly don't! And what's so funny about this!?" He shot me a confused look but went back to an angry one.
"The funny part is that you don't even remember me!" He screamed at me, close to my face. I blankly stared at me. What was he taking about. I seriously don't remember him. Or do I? I've kept a secret from everyone I know. No one knows exempt my parents. It happened before I moved to New Jersey... When I lived in California. No one knows.... But Michael is going to now.
"Michael...I don't remember you cause.." I said softly. "I had dementia."

AUTHORS NOTE: I'm sooooooooooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated AGAIN but I promise that I'll try to keep updating at LEAST once a week!!! Hope you guys liked this chapter! Sorry if you don't know what dementia is but Google knows everythinggggggg (And it'll be in the next chapter)

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