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The exciting, nerve wracking first day of a new school had been going by excruciatingly slow. I had spent at least two hours signing my textbooks out, getting my list of supplies, and managing to break two lockers. Not to mention that I had to track down at least one person to help me arrive to every one of my classes so far, which was pretty pathetic. It was lunch already, so I paced myself to the locker, grabbed my lunch, and made my way to where Kayla said she would be, which just so happened to be the dead center of the fully pack and obnoxiously loud cafeteria. I felt everyone's eyes following me and the quick whispers that felt as if they can with every step I took closer to Kayla's table, where I ended up nearly passing. Kayla had thankfully already cleared a spot for me as I approached and smiled at her politely. I slumped down, before quickly eating my lunch, and barely talking to Kayla or the pretty girls who glanced to me curiously with bright eyes that held the same curiosity as Kaylas. It was pretty quiet, before I watched Kayla shake her head slowly.
"Damn, that's one lucky girl to get..... That" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I followed her gaze to what she was talking about, or more like who. Interesting. Standing there was the what I assumed, was the bad boy of Kirsten High. He wore a black beanie, ripped black skinny jeans, and a ripped up Nirvana shirt, the kind you know wasn't meant to be ripped but someone got scissor happy kind of ripped.  My eyes wandered to the dark ink that etched on his skin, the tattoos peaking my interest. I had to say, without a doubt, he was quiet the looker. Glancing up to his face, my heart nearly leaped. His dark eyes were piercing into my green ones with intensity that radiated from the look. Yet his face showed no emotion whatsoever, not even a smirk. The second our eyes locked together he looked away, and continued walking as if nothing happened. The way he walked held dominance, like he owned this whole place. The second he swooshed by the table, all of the girls were practically drooling over him. "Who was that?" I asked, glancing to Kayla. She patted her hand on my back and shook her head again. "That my friend, was Calum fucking Hood."

Throughout the day I've learned the 411 on Calum and his little lady friends. He's the average and stereotypical definition of a player. Apparently he parties almost every Friday and Saturday, raves like nobody's business, and is a causal smoker. And to add on, he's slept with multiple girls, also typical. Kayla told me she once saw him and a girl in a bed and she walked out the next morning with what she described as the "hungover and just fucked a random guy" hair and makeup. She warned me over and over as we talked to be careful with him, that he's very edgy and unpredictable. I just nodded along. I'm not going to fall for him anyways.

The image of Calum flashed through my mind as I made my way to English. Taking another breath, my feet wandered into the classroom before stopping, taking in the class. There was, the one and only Calum. Sitting in the middle row, looking, well more like glaring, at me with those taunting eyes I saw before. "Ah, Guenith O'Connel, is it?" my attention snapped back to the foreign teacher as he stared at me with raised eyebrows.
"Yes, but it's just Gwen" I smiled and followed him to his desk, where he handed me a textbook and a book. Of course it was Romeo and Juliet. I lightly thanked him, before he started scanning the room for a seat. I spotted one out quickly, but I didn't like where it was at all.
"Oh! Ok, Gwen. You'll be sitting next to Calum. You may take your seat, Calum here is going to catch you up in what we're doing this month." Isn't that wonderful.
"Thank you Mr. Q" I said politely before sliding quietly into my seat. I was sitting at the edge of my chair, the farthest away from Calum. Looking over to him, and at myself, I almost laughed. What was I even scared of?! It was just a boy. Taking a deep breath my attention wandered to him. Suck it up Gwen! I thought to myself before speaking. "So, what are we doing the month?" He was still staring at me with raised eyebrows before reaching for his copy of Romeo and Juliet.
"We're on page 10 in this, and on pages 100-160 in the textbook" he muttered before tapping a pencil on his desk. As the teacher started talking, I sneaked glances at Calum. His brown eyes were scanning the room, as he brushed through his hair with his hand. No matter how hard my brain tried to focus it couldn't pay attention due to his continuos pencil tapping. I hated when people did that. It was SO annoying. I wanted to just take the pencil out of his hand and snap it. It would be a bad impression so I just clenched my jaw and tried to pay attention. He must've saw the irritation in my face, by the was he smirked.Then he started tapping even louder. Thankfully the teacher had just given us work to do in class. I snatched my notebook and textbook from the corner of my desk and started to work. I've always had a short temper when it came to people distracting me. The whole time I couldn't pay attention due to the fact he was staring at me and tapping obnoxiously. It must've only been loud to me because no one said anything only glanced to him casually. Loosing it, i slammed my pencil down and snatched his out of his hand, snapping it in half whiteout hesitation or struggle. Multiple faces turned to me in curiosity and some in confusion. Calum was smirking, well more like grinning at me with his eyebrows raised.
"Impressive" he snickered before pulling another pencil out. He laughed, almost snorted. So he does have emotions. I rolled my eyes,
"I'm glad I've impressed you" He turned back to his work as did I. We worked till the end of the period in silence.

AUTHORS NOTE: this one was a little less cringy {2017}

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