4. Good

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I slummed down into my seat for English as I read the board. We had a substitute so it said to work with the person next to you for a project due on Monday. And it was Tuesday. The materials were all on our desks, ready for use. I read the directions carefully, as every word got worse and worse. Apparently we had to finish Romeo and Juliet and based off of that, we have to meet with our partners outside of school and recreate it with the video cameras on our tables. I wanted to die, already. I turned to Calum, who was doodling something on his notebook.
"So, obviously we have to work with each other.. So, first thing I think we should figure out is where and when we are going to meet up. We obviously we need to work allot this week, almost everyday. So where? A park, parking lot, cafe, house?" He seemed to be paying no attention, as he just shrugged one shoulder and continued doodling. He really knew how to piss me off. I set my pencil down and moved a little closer so the teacher wouldn't here. "Listen Calum. I know what your trying to do. You're trying to make me snap, but I'm sorry to say that you're not going to. I don't give a shit if you keep sending people to make me nervous, or angry. But I just want you to just drop it for a second, ok? Just to get through this project and not completely fail." I pulled back as I saw him snap back from his own little world.
"You think this is an act? This is just how I am. And if you can't work with this go begging to Mr.Q to change you're partner. He'll listen to you. Oh and by the way don't tell me what to drop." Suddenly a flash of something went across his face. It was almost like pain or some kind of regret, but then he quickly recovered back to the grim face he kept before.
"Ok then, it's decided. The dinosaur park tomorrow, Thursday, and Sunday. Right after school and at 12 on Sunday." The teacher had walked past us and flashed me a smile based off of our 'progress'. "And don't think you can just bail, cause baby, I can make you're life a living hell too." I smiled and got out of my seat, as the bell rang for the last period. As I sat through 7th period, for some reason the look on Calum's face flashed through my mind, almost haunting it. He was so confusing, seeming taunting and grinning in the lunch line, then acting like a total douche in English. It confused me allot but it also made me curious.

"So, I decided to start something new. A question of the day. Today is one for the ladies. Good boys or bad boys? Honestly I don't even know myself so just leave a comment below. So thanks for watching!" I sat my guitar down before uploading my new cover of "I miss you" by Blink. I exited out as I heard the sound of my door opening. My mom walked in curiously and smiled at the sight of me.
"Hey sweetie. How was school?" I gave her a weak smile and shrugged.
"It was pretty good.. Oh yeah! We are doing a project out of school for English. I've planned to work on it tomorrow, Thursday, and Sunday at the dinosaur park."
"Oh honey, that's great! Just make sure you gat you're homework done for other classes too. Oh, and who's your partner?"
"Calum Hood" her face filled with worry immediately.
"Oh no. That boy is up to no good. I was talking to Joanne and she said he was kicked out of his last year. And he has a very bad temper!" Joanne is our new neighbor. She's became one of my moms closest friends out side of her job,
"I know, I know. I've noticed. But anyway it's a public place, it's not like he can murder me.. Plus it's not going to be anything but a movie" she let out her breath a little and leaned back.
"I just want you to be careful, I don't want you being hurt.. Boys can be stupid at your age." Tell me about it. I nodded and she sat down on my bed getting comfortable. "What movie are you doing?" "0
"Romeo and-" I stopped in mid sentence when I realized something. WE had to be Romeo and Juliet and that WE have to kiss and be crazy in love. "Oh god.. Mom!!! I have to KISS him!!!!" I yelled and threw may hands up.
"Calm down, I'm sure it's not gong to mean anything.. Everyone else has to do it too." She had a point.
"Yeah but he's Calum. He's done bad stuff that Kayla told me about. Who knows what he'll do after the kiss." My mom looked conflicted about it then sighed and looked to me.
"But honey, your a strong girl. Stronger than most of those girls, emotionally and physically. If he tries to get to know you, he'll know not to mess around or try to annoy you. And plus, he may not even be that bad of a guy... You can't just judge him that fast. Maybe he'll surprise you." Maybe she's right. But I doubt it...
"Ok... Thanks Mom." I got up and changed quickly into   some shorts as she scrolled through her phone quickly. She yawned involuntarily and I sat next to her on my bed.
"I'm going to head to bed you should too." Ever since my dad left for the army, my mom has been working her butt off. She says she enjoys it but I sometimes feel like it's a distraction for her. She speaks to him only the phone every other night and sometimes they can even Skype. Me and my dad were very close when I was younger and when he left for the army, I was devastated. We were two peas in a pod, a dad and daughter duo. But my mom and I are closer, although me and my dad will always have something special.
"Alright, I love you, goodnight." She yawned again and brought me into a hug. Kissing me on the head, she walked out of my room closing the door behind her.

~~~~Next Day~~~~

Before I knew it, I was in English already. I found myself staring at Calum constantly. My moms words floated through my head, nagging me. Maybe she's right... But what if she isn't. I couldn't stop my eyes from looking his way. I don't know why.. Maybe it was the fact that I have to actually kiss him in the next two hours. Or maybe it was just because I was bored. Mr. Q then gave us the last five minutes of class to discuss our movies with our partners. I turned slightly towards Calum and he looked back at me. "So, today at the park?" I raised my eyebrows, as I wondered what his mood was going to be like today.
"Uh, yeah." He said, looking me in the eyes. "Good." I said, nodding my head. He nodded his head and repeated me,

AUTHORS NOTE: Trying to make my chapters longer.. I hope this is good.

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