22. Plan

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I woke up slowly with the familiar muscular arms wrapped around my waist, with a head snuggled into the crook of my neck. I had missed this so much.
"Good Morning" he whispered in a raspy voice, sending goosebumps throughout my body like the night before. Wait what? I looked under he cover and realized that I was naked. I suddenly felt self conscious and shot up, scrunching up the covers over my bare chest.
"Why are we naked???" I asked, realizing that Calum was too. He just shrugged and pulled me down by the stomach. He peppered my face with kisses, causing me to giggle.
"What did we do?" I asked, turning towards him.
"Well, from what I remember.. We drank, allot. And then we came here and I just remember kissing. That's it." I nodded but let my mind wonder. Did we..... Do it? I mean, my hair was damp and none of us remember so that's the only thing I could think of. And to add on, it smells like it. I shook the thought out of my mind and sighed.
"I'm taking a shower. I'll be back." I slowly sat up, and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"May I join you?" Calum asked, smirking at me.
"Uh, no." I laughed and got up, facing away from him. I looked down to see my dress from last night along with his shirt and boxers.
"Nice babe." Calum snickered. I rolled my eyes and picked up his shirt and boxers and threw them on, holding the boxers up. I ran the water hot, as I stood under it. A coupled minutes later, the door opened and closed quietly. Seconds later hands wrapped around my waist, with a kiss on my neck.
"Cal.." I trailed off, turning around to face him. Before I could say anything he crashed his lips onto mine, pushing me against the shower wall with the water coming directly down on our heads. (YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS HERE) I wrapped the towel around me, making my way back to the room. Calum was standing at his drawer, shirtless and still dripping water.
"You know what?" He spoke up, turning to me.
"What?" I asked, standing across from him.
"Let's move in with each other." He had the widest smile on his face, and I smiled back.
"You know.. Get a cute apartment. Away from our parents so we can have parties or have showers together all the time." I felt butterflies in my stomach as he blushed a little.
"Ok, let's do it." His eyes lit up like a little kid on Christmas and he ran up and hugged me the tightest I've ever been hugged. It hurt my boobs. He let go and kissed me before jumping up and down.
"Ok, now give me a shirt you idiot." He stopped and laughed before tossing me his army shirt and a pair of grey soccer shorts. I smiled and made my way to the side of his bed and grabbing my bra that was on his side for some reason. I searched on the ground for my underwear until I found it under a pillow. I gaged the second I saw what was on it.
"Calum! Ewwwww.. Is this what I think is???" I held it I front of my face in disgust and he made a disgusted face with me and nodded. I dropped them in the garbage can and shivered in disgust.
"Can I have some boxers?" He nodded bs threw me a pair of plaid ones. I threw them on quickly with my bra and outfit.
"You ready for the plan?" I sighed and nodded as we made our way downstairs. Here goes nothing.

I snuggled up next to Michael as Calum "washed the dishes". We were watching SpongeBob when the door opened, revealing the one and only, Mali-Koa. She walked through the door and her eyes immediately landed on me and Michael.
"I knew it!" She screamed, pointing at both of us. I pushed away from him and widened my eyes as Calum waked in.
"You see?! She's cheating on you! The little bitch is cheating!" Calum played on a good show as his eyes watered and he looked me with a hurt expression. I was about to say something when she stepped in front of Calum and raised her hand.
"Don't even talk to him you you fucking slutty whore!" She screamed. Calum face flustered to a intense red as he stepped I from of her.
"Don't you DARE call my girlfriend a whore! For gods sake, you're the whore! Lying to me just to break us up! Jesus Christ Mali" she looked shocked and Michael turned to me as soon as he said girlfriend.
"We'll she's just going to ruin you!! And I'll be the only one there to comfort you just like before!" She screamed again.
"Get out." Calum said flatly. She looked confused and furrowed her eyebrows.
"W-what?" She softened her voice to sound innocent.
"I said get out. You've done enough damage to me and Gwen. Leave now or we will." Mali took a step back and looked like she was going to cry. She nodded slowly and ran out of the house, slamming the door behind her.
"What do you me or we will?" Michael asked, narrowing his eyes at me. I looked to Calum desperately but he just raised his eyebrows.
"We're getting an apartment... Together." I watched as a flash of sadness went through his face. He scoffed and looked between us.
"Of course you are." He stood up and looked between me and Calum in disgust.
"You guys are sick." He said bitterly.
"What?" I asked, taking a step near Calum so he wouldn't snap.
"Always using me to solve your own fucking problems cause you can't fix them on your own. No matter if it hurts me. I'm so done." He muttered the end and walked next to Calum.
"You two better watch your backs. Especially you, Hood." He pointed to both of us before following Mali's footsteps, storming out of the house. Right when we get rid of Mali, another enemy comes. And I think this one is stronger than ever.

AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry for the short chapter but I'm very happy that Mali's gone!!!! Don't worry I'm probably going to update tomorrow. And don't give up cause things are about to go DOWNNNNN! Ok, I hope you guys liked this chapter!!!

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