8. Falling

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I was awaken by subtle shaking. Looking up, Calums eyebrows were knitted together and his jaw was clenched. His grip on my waist only got stronger and stronger as he shook. I quickly felt his head and it was burning.
"Calum" I whispered, trying to take his hands off my waist. He didn't move, only shifted slightly, almost straight on his back with me half way on his lap.
"Calum" I said louder, shaking him harder this time. Still nothing.
"CALUM" I yelled, sitting up and placing a hand on his chest. Suddenly, he shot up and nearly hit me. His eyes were glazed and there was sweat dripping down his head. He looked to me and opened his mouth slightly, before turning quickly away. Shit. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, grabbing a trash can. Running back to my room, he looked like he was on the verge of either passing out or throwing up. Rushing in front of him, he took the bucket and turned away from me, throwing up more than I've ever heard or seen from anyone drunk before. I sat next to him and rubbed his back, grabbing my phone in preparation to either leave or call an ambulance. He stopped and put his head in his hands, groaning. I went to the bathroom, grabbing the ibuprofen and a damp wash cloth for his head. Walking back quickly, his face was paler and he was dripping with sweat, looking at the ground. His legs were spread apart as he sat on the edge of the bed with his head still in his hands. I walked to him and stood between his legs.
"Calum look at me" he threw his head back and I held it by his chin. His eyes were closed and his breathing was neutral. I put the wash cloth on his head gently and put the ibuprofen in his hand.
"Open your mouth." He opened his mouth slightly and his gums were slightly pale but thankfully still a slight shade of pink. I looked at the cut above his eye and it was swelling and pinkish red around it.
"I think the cut is infected, how did you get it?" He opened his eyes slightly and his brown ones met my dark green ones.
"I got in a fight" he answered, sitting up and lifting his head slightly. His face was getting more color but was still pale.
"I'll be right back, hold this on your head and take the pill" I placed his hand on the wash cloth and stepped away from his legs before jogging down the stairs to the kitchen. I went through the medicine cabinet and found the small tube of antibiotics. Last summer, my mom had gotten an infected cut from cliff diving with my dad and now we always keep antibiotics in hand. Grabbing the tube and a Gatorade from the fridge, I jogged back up the stairs. Calum was still in the same position but he had swallowed the ibuprofen. I stood back in between his legs, passing him the Gatorade.
"Tilt your head back so I can put this on" I showed him the antibiotic and he nodded, tilting his head back. I opened the tube and took some onto my finger. I applied it gently to the cut. He winced at my touch, but his eyes met mine and relaxed. It was complete silence other than our breathing.
"What did you get in a fight about?" I whispered, coming closer to his face to analyze the cut.
"Nothing." He said, sounding confused with his answer.
"Seriously, why?" I spotted out a peice of glass and frowned. "And what were you hit with?"
"I don't know, maybe a beer bottle" I nodded, looking at the piece of glass.
"This is going to hurt." He squinted his eyes slightly, as I used my finger tips to touch the glass. Without hesitation, I pulled it out, causing him to jump and grab my wrist in his hands. He paused then pulled away quickly. I held the glass in front of me and raised an eyebrow.
"You weren't fighting over nothing Calum." He just stared back at me, with nothing to say. I backed up and put the glass in the trash can and began to clean up, putting the antibiotics in a drawer along with the ibuprofen.
"How are you now?"
"I'm ok. But exhausted" I nodded and pulled the covers back down, so he could get in and walked to the opposite side of the bed where I was before. He got in silently, facing towards me. Getting in next to him, I left plenty of space in between us. Laying on my back, my mine wondered. What does all of this mean. Is he even going to remember any of this? I felt my eyes getting heavier and i felt myself slipping away. Just as I fell asleep I heard Calum whisper.
"It was over you"

I woke up slowly to the sound of my moms ringtone going off on my phone. I moaned and declined it. Calum's arms were wrapped around me and I was laying on his side, half way on his chest. I sighed and checked my phone. 12:30?! I've never slept in this late before so I was shocked. I slowly turned to face him, with his arms still wrapped around my waist. I expected him to be sleeping but he was just staring back at me. "Good morning" he whispered, his voice deep and raspy.
"Actually good afternoon. We have to get up" he made a pouty face and shook his head. His messy hair, moved slightly as he shook his head. I look to the cut which was no long red, but just a slight shade of pink.
"Yes we do. And don't tell me your head doesn't kill right now. Come on" I started to get up but he just pulled me back down. I actually didn't want to get up either but I had to get up. "Nope!" I pulled away and untangled myself from his arms. I immediately felt cold without his presence.
"Fine" he dragged out his sigh dramatically and got out of bed. He started to get up and he was moving slightly slow.
"You ok?" He nodded and pushed himself up, stretching out. I couldn't help but stare. He was standing a foot away with only his boxers on. He must've noticed because he snickered and grabbed his shirt and threw it on. I made my way down to the kitchen with him right behind. "Oh my god it's bright" he covered his eyes and looked down at me.
"Well yeah" I said sarcastically before closing the blinds and grabbing the Advil from the cupboard. "Here" I handed him the small pill and he swallowed it without hesitation. We sat sat on the couch in silence watching Disney Junior that neither of us even bothered to change. Paw Patrol came on and I groaned. He gave me a questioning look. "I hate this show!!!!!! It's not fair!!! They ALWAYS a pick the police one and the recycling pup!!!! Never Sky, NEVER!!! THATS FAVORITISM" I shook me head. That show pisses me off so much, I could rant about it for hours.
"Ok, want me to change it?" He was laughing but I still kept a straight face. He reached for the remote but I swatted his hand.
"No!!! Sofia the First is on next!!" I yelled, as I snatched the remote.
"So you like that not Paw Patrol?"
"Yes!!!! Sofia the First is the best!!!! I love it!" He bursted out laughing but I just grinned. I realized how ridiculous that sounded so I started laughing with him. "So where is your mom?" I questioned.
"In New York for a work conference. How about you?" Something clicked and I had an ah hah moment.
"Wait my mom is to. Is your moms name Joy?" He nodded and I realized why my mom became nicer mentioning Calum. "Don't are moms work together?"
"Yeah, I know. My mom always talks about Lauren's daughter Gwen and how nice she seems to be"
"Really?" He nodded and that shut me up. I watched stupid Paw Patrol in silence. Hate that show

Calum P.O.V.
I couldn't keep my mind off of last night. I really fucked up. But now I'm here next to the girl I'm falling for watching Paw Patrol. Wait what? Well I guess I am falling for her.. Not just because of last night.. It's everything about her. Her smile, laugh, personality, and everything in between. She's perfect. But too perfect to ever even bother with me.. I'm a mess. I still feel horrible for dragging her into the middle of all of my crap. I glanced to her and saw she had a disgusted face on, muttering something about them being dogist instead of racist. I kept listening as my eyes filled up with tears from my held back laughter. The fact that she cares about these things is adorable. Sofia the First turned on and she shot up. "I was a girl in the village doing all right but then I became a princess overnight! Now I gotta figure out how to do it right, so much to learn and see! Up in the castle with my new family, in a school that's just for royalty! A whim enchanted world is waiting for me, I'm so excited to be.. SOFIA THE FIRST!!!! I'm finding out what being royals all about, Sofia. It's gonna be my time, and I'm so excited to be, SOFIA THE FIRST!!!" She was jumping around and finished it off with exaggerated jazz hands. I bursted out into full out hysterics. "Need to get that out of my system!" She fell back down into the couch and giggled with me. "Shut up!" I was struggling to even catch my breath. I held my hands up in surrender and she leaned back. Damn... I was falling too hard.

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