29. Ultrasounds

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I woke up sick to the stomach. I groaned and untangled myself from Calum's warm (And not to mention, naked) body and threw a shirt on, running to the bathroom. I gripped the sides of the toilet bowl and literally threw up my whole meal from the last day. And I did it rather loudly. Oops.

Calum P.O.V.
I woke up to the sound of loud puking. I felt for Gwen next to me but she was nowhere to be seen. I immediately threw on my boxers and went to the bathroom. I found her on her knees, griping the sides of the toilet. I immediately got down and held her hair back, and rubbed my hand on her back. After a couple seconds, she stopped and wiped her mouth.
"Sorry." She mumbled, sighing and leaning back. Her face was pale and I was worried.
"What's wrong?" I asked, standing up with her.
"Uh... Don't be mad at me for not telling you..... I'm mean.... Yeah. Im so sorry a head of time..." She looked down at her feet and then to me.
"Baby you're kinda scaring me.." She sighed and nodded.
"I'm pregnant." I froze where I stood. I looked to her stomach to her face and back again. Me. A dad? What... Woah.
"Like, there's a baby in you're stomach right now?" I asked, as a smile formed on my face.
"Yeah.... Don't be mad.." She looked down to her feet again.
"Mad? Oh my god this is amazing! I can't believe we're gonna start a family!" I picked her up and spun her in a circle. I put her down and bent down to her stomach. I put my hands on it and smiled.
"Hey little person. It's your daddy speaking and I just want to say that you're going to have an amazing life. I can't even d escribe how happy I am. I love you already." I lifted her shirt and peppered her stomach with kisses, causing her to giggle. I felt a little bump that caused me to smile even more.
"How long have you known?" I asked, standing up.
"Emma suspected that I was the morning after you proposed but I'm about a month along." I nodded and pulled her into a hug.
"Have you been to the doctors yet?" She looked up at me and shook her head.
"No, I wanted to wait until I told you." I nodded and kissed the top of her head.
"We have to go soon then" she shook her head.
"I don't want to leave yet. Cause before we know it there's going to be a mini me or you running around the house and we won't be able to do things like this." I guess she has a point. A baby is going to change my life by allot. I can't be out every night doing gigs and stuff.. But I guess it's worth seeing my two most favorite people in the world 24/7.
"Yeah, true. So what about snorkeling?" She looked up and her eyes were wide.

~~~~1 Week Later~~~~
"Babe we have to go and see our baby remember?" I woke up and nodded.
"Yep. Legoooo" I jumped up grabbing Gwen's hand. We made oh our way down the elevator hand in hand. When we got down I opened the door open and Gwen smiled and got in. The drive to the baby doctor was pretty quiet.
"Are you nervous?" Gwen asked as we took our seat in the waiting room. I shook my head and looked around the room at the other expecting women. Everyone was hand in hand with their husbands and rubbing their stomachs. This all reminds me of my first time seeing Lily in my moms stomach. She was so small and looked fragile. Gwen leaned her head against my shoulder and sighed. Minutes later, the nurse walked in.
"Mr and Mrs. Hood?" I gave Gwen a small smile before getting up and walking to the room. Gwen sat on the big chair in the center as I sat on the side.
"Hello my name is Quinn and I'll be your nurse. I'll be doing your ultra sound and then you'll be seeing Dr. Mullings in the next room." I nodded along with Gwen who was biting her lip nervously.
"Ok so I need you to pull up your shirt." Gwen followed and that was the first time I could see the little bump that had formed already.
"Ok this might be a little cold." I watched quietly as she applied the blue goopy stuff onto Gwen's stomach. Then she took out the mini camera. I watched the screen quietly as she looked around.
"Ah ha. Look right here." She pointed to a small circle and zoomed in. I slowly saw the head and hands that were probably fifty times smaller than mine. I suddenly felt emotional and happy. I can't believe that we made that... A tear slipped down my face and I swatted it away. I was too late cause I heard Gwen quietly laugh.
"Would you like to know the sex?" The nurse asked, turning to us. I looked to Gwen and she nodded excitedly.
"Yes please" she nodded and looked back to the screen.
"Congratulations on you're baby..... Girl!" Gwen gasped and then smiled to me. Oh boy. I'm going to live in a house of girls.
I smiled back to her and squeezed her hand. After taking a few pictures, she cleaned up and lead us to the next room.
"Dr, Mullings will be with you soon." I nodded and sat down next to Gwen at the desk.
"So we're having a girl." Gwen said, smiling at me.
"Yep. Now I get to have two amazing girls in my life." I saw her cheeks warm up to a light pink. After awhile of taking about baby names, the doctor came in.
"Good afternoon, my name is Dr. Mullings." He shook our hands before sitting down and opening a file labeled "Hood".
"Looks like you are 18 weeks along with an 100% healthy baby girl." I nodded for him to continue. He looked down at the folder again and took a deep breath before looking at us again.
"Mrs. Hood, am I correct that you had open heart surgery in result of a car accident?" Gwen nodded slowly.
"Um.. That particular surgery often weakens your heart. And giving birth is really tough on the heart as you know..." I felt numb as I thought about what he was saying.
"So what are you saying?" I asked bitterly.
"I'm saying that her heart isn't capable of giving birth... And that her heart will give out.. She's lucky to survive the first 48 hours at the most." I felt my heart drop the second he said that. I looked to Gwen and her face was as white as a ghost. I.... She...my mind wasn't working correctly as I felt my body go numb.
"I need to get some air." I let go of Gwen's hand and walked out of the room. Then I ran.

Gwens P.O.V.
"CALUM!?" I yelled down the halls, receiving a few stares. I busted through the doors to outside. I'm worried about him... His face was unreadable as he ran out the door from the office. I turned to the right and saw Calum pacing back and forth while brushing his hand through his hair. His face had a mix of anger and pain. I slowly walked up to him and put a hand on his arm. He flinched but then saw me. He face instantly softened.
"Cal.. You ok?" He shook his head vigorously.
"How can I be ok?! For Gods sake he just said your going to die if you have our baby!" He yelled causing me to take a step back. I never have seen him this upset before..
"I... I don't know what to say." I stuttered out, feeling tears coming to my eyes.
"It's ok.... You'll have a mini me.." I tried to make it seem better but I know it isn't.
"But it's not you Gwen! I don't want the baby if I can't have you!" He yelled, on the verge of tears. I looked down to my feet and sighed. All of a sudden he bursted into tears, pulling me into a hug.
"I'm sorry... I just can't loose you" he mumbled into my ear.
"It's ok.... It's ok..." I whispered as he cried into my shoulder. But even I know that it's everything but ok.

AUTHORS NOTE: IM SORRY GUYS But I had too.... Thank you guys sooooo much for 284 reads soooo close to 300! I love you guys and hope you liked this chapter!!

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