9. This Is Why

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Guen P.O.V.
It was 12 before I knew it and Calum was free to go from my mini hospital. "Mr. Hood you are now cleared to be admitted from this household" I walked back to the living room and smiled to him. We had been having such a good time that I didn't really want him to leave.. But it was his choice. He nodded and started getting up which I was dreading. I walked to the door and heard him behind me. "Thank you Gwen. So much" I wasn't expecting a sober thank you so I smiled proudly.
"No problem" he started to open the door and stopped.
"I'll see you tomorrow at the park right?" I smiled and nodded. He turned his back away from me and suddenly hugged me. I gasped but then wrapped my arms around him and hugged back. We just stood there for a couple seconds, saying nothing. Until he pulled away and smiled genuinely before walking out, leaving me completely and utterly, confused.

I woke up to a very cold bed in the absence of Calum's arms wrapped around me. I sighed and got out, realizing I had only 30 minutes. I threw on a green flowy dress that was tight around my waist and chest, and put natural makeup on before running out of the house. It felt nice for the house to be completely quiet, but also weird. I had a very loud concert on the way to the park were I met up with Kayla and Luke. "OMG! You look AMAZING!" Kayla screamed, the second she saw me.
"Thanks" I blushed slightly when I saw that Luke's mouth was wide open. I wasn't expecting this reaction considering that I barely even saw what I looked like. It was pretty cold so I sorta ruined my outfit by putting on my leather jacket. Oh well. Luke was in the middle of telling me a story of how he fell in love with penguins when I heard a awkward cough infront of me. I looked up and gasped. Calum was standing in front of me, smirking in a dark suit, minus the dress pants. Instead he was wearing his ripped jeans again. I could tell he kept putting on the antibiotic since the cut was barely noticeable, at least to me. But other than that, I couldn't help but stare. He was hot. I was sitting there staring like an idiot before Luke spoke up.
"Hey man. Way to clean up. Let begin shall we?" I snapped my attention back to Luke and nodded before taking off my jacket. Calum's expression changing from a look of admiration to a stupid grin plastered across his face. I felt my cheeks flaming as I walked closer to him.
"You look..... Amazing" my cheeks were them on fire.
"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself Mr. Hood" I smiled, trying to cover my extreme blushing. I had a feeling he saw right through it since he laughed lightly and nodded towards Luke.
"Let's go" I nodded to Luke reassuringly, as he reached the camera.
"Romeo and Juliet take 1, ACTION!" With that, I let go of my worries and let my true feeling come through but as Juliet. I resited my lines smoothly and clearly and so did Calum, the whole time. We had finished every scene but now it was time for the kissing scene. I delivered my lines and held my breath.
"Your hand is like a holy place that my hand is unworthy to visit. If you're offended by the touch of my hand, my two lips are standing here like blushing pilgrims, ready to make things better with a kiss." He grabbed my hand, but this time it felt kind of.. Normal.
"Good pilgrim, you don't give your hand enough credit. By holding my hand you show polite devotion. After all, pilgrims touch the hands of statues of saints. Holding one palm against another is like a kiss"
"Don't saints and pilgrims have lips too?"
"Yes, pilgrim-they have lips that they're supposed to pray with."
"Well then, saint, let lips do what hands do. I'm praying for you to kiss me. Please grant my prayer so my faith doesn't turn to despair." I swallowed and continued as the scene approached.
"Saints don't move, even when they grant prayers."
"Then don't move as I act out my prayer" he pushed and stared into my eyes putting his hand on the side of my face. I suddenly felt everything falling into place, the second his lips crushed onto mine. It felt so right, the fireworks exploding through out my chest as my heart shuttered. I kissed back and so did he, again and again. I pulled away slowly and smirked, while looking back up at him. Now I know. This is why. Why I care, why I'm curious, and why I'm addicted. This is why... I want him.

It's Monday.. And also our movie presentation day. I tapped my pencil on my desk nervously as I saw Calum enter the class. We haven't talked since the kiss, so I didn't know what to expect.. Or who. He slid down into his seat and said nothing. I noticed that he had a nervous look on his face too. My curiosity was nagging me so I turned to him. "You nervous?" He glanced back and shrugged a little before turning to the StarBoard which was coming to life. Suddenly Kayla and Luke popped up on the screen for the first scene. I sucked in a breath and squeezed my seat. It was getting closer and closer to the kissing scene when all of a sudden I felt a hand wrap around mine and squeeze. I looked to Calum but he just was acting natural like he wasn't doing anything at all. I squeezed back and relaxed a bit. The second our lips touched on the screen, I could feel the Sparks all over again as if they were flying off the screen. I had a feeling everyone in the room felt it too, the way their mouths were gaping open. I glanced back to Calum and he was staring back at me. I could feel the awkwardness so I just lightly smiled and looked away. When the movie finished there was an applause followed by a long and quiet stare at me and Calum. I realized what they were staring at and I pulled my hand away from his and smiled it off. That's when Mr. Q spoke up, "you know you didn't have to kiss. But I liked it. Makes it more like the book itself" Wait what?! Wow. After all that, we didn't even have to kiss. I just nodded and looked to Calum who was nodding with a confused look with me. Just then, the bell rang and I let out my breath that I didn't realize I had been holding. I was making my way to the door when I felt someone grab my arm. I turned to see Calum with a straight face. "Can we talk?" I nodded as we made our way to my locker.
"So what is it?" I raised my eyebrows as I put in my combination.
"Well I just wanted to make sure this thing we have, that, you have to just shush about it and don't really tell anyone." He hesitated before continuing, "For now". He looked away and put his stuff into his locker. I laughed and took my lunch out.
"Do you think I'm like that? Trust me, I'm not telling anyone as long as you don't" he nodded and I did too. Part of me was hurting but I just ignored it as we walked into the cafeteria in silence.
"Well don't think I don't want this but you don't need this. You just don't know it yet." What does he mean I don't need this? He's so confusing..
"We'll see Cal. I want this too but you can try to bribe me another day, it's not going to work."
"Please, I bribe you everyday" We reached the door and he held it open.
"Such a gentleman... That doesn't bribe me" I slapped his arm and he bursted out laughing. I rolled my eyes and realized that everyone had their eyes on us. I saw emotions of jealously, disgust, and anger across their faces.
"See, they already know something's up" he whispered in my ear, leaning closer.
"Not my fault Romeo" I laughed and walked to my table with him still next to me. I heard a couple snickers and whistles.
"See ya later" he whispered getting closer to my ear causing goosebumps to run through my body, before heading to his table and sitting. The second he turned his back two hands yanked me down to my seat. "SPILL!"

AUTHORS NOTE: I litterally haven't edited this whole story since last year, and I didn't even realize how much my writing has changed ah

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