23. Forever

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Can you grab me pickles please?" I asked Calum as he went out of the car to the rest stop. We were on our way to the farm that a family friend has. I don't really like farms, but he fought me to come. He came back with a jar of pickles five minutes later.
"Thanks" I said, kissing his cheek as he got in. They ride was pretty long, at least and hour and a half. But me and Calum spent it talking and singing along to the radio. When we arrived, it was nearly 7. When we pulled up, we were greeted by a man named Jackson and his wife, Emily. Jackson and Calum unloaded all of the bags into the guest room as I talked with Emily.
"So, how's Cal these days?" She asked, taking a seat on the couch.
"He's good." I sat next to her and made myself comfortable.
"You know, he never shuts up about you. Everything he would talk about led to you somehow. Your basically his whole life. And I'm happy for that." I smiled and blushed a little.
"I am too." She smiled too and pushed back her brunette hair.
"He's changed too. Ever since he met you, he's been calling family, checking up and coming to events, or dance recitals for the little ones... A year ago he didn't care and never would've. We were all worried about him. But then you came around and now his a new person.. And I thank you for that." Before I could respond, she gave me a big hug that I wasn't expecting. Minutes later as we got to know each other, the back door opened up to reveal three muddy kids. There were two girls, one older and one younger, along with an older boy.
"Oh, guys come here. This is Gwen, Calum's girlfriend." She said, waving them over. The little girl jumped into my lap, immediately playing with my hair.
"Hi! My names Emma, I love your hair!" She said really fast, pointing to my still pink tipped hair.
"Why thank you Emma." I smiled at her as she started to braid it.
"Well now you know Emma. This is Trevor and Aleisha." She said pointing to the older kids standing there awkwardly. They just waved at me and said hi before disappearing off to their rooms. Minutes later, me and Emma were playing with Barbies as she still sat in my lap. Without me noticing much, Calum and Jackson walked in, watching us play silently.
"Oh no! But I can't do that! I'll ruin my new shoes! That would be a shame!" I said in a high voice, causing Emma to burst out in giggles along with Calum and Jackson.
"Where did Emily go?" Jackson asked curiously.
"Something about feeding pigs I think." I said, turning to them.
"Ok, wanna see the cows?" He offered, pointing outside.
"Yes!" Emma said, getting up and pulling me with her. I stood up laughing and picked her up. I made my way outside with Calum close behind. By the time we got there, Emma was crashing.
"You tired Emma?" I asked her, as she was still wrapped around my waist. She nodded and yawned. Jackson stepped up to take her back.
"No! I want Gwen to put me to bed daddy." She said, shaking her head to him.
"Ok. Is that ok Gwen?" I nodded and made my way back to the house. I made my way up the stairs and into the pink room that Emma pointed to. I placed her down carefully on her my little pony bed set. She went under the covers and hugged me. I gave her a quick kiss on the head before turning.
"Can you sing me a song?" She asked, sitting up from bed. I was a little shocked at the question but I agreed and sat on the edge of the bed.
"What do you want me to sing?" She thought a second before answering.
"Photograph by Ed Sheeran. Calum would always sing it to me." I smiled and nodded.
She smiled as I began to sing quietly.
"Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes. But it's the only thing that I know. When I gets hard, I know it gets hard sometimes. It is the only thing that makes us feel alive. We keep this love in a photograph. We make these memories for ourselves. Where our eyes are never closing, hearts are never broken. Times forever frozen still." She was starting to doze off as I sang on.
"So you can keep me, inside the pocket of your ripped jeans. Holding me closer till our eyes meet. You won't ever be alone. Wait for me to come home." I turned to see that she was sound asleep.
"Goodnight Em." I whispered, before walking out and quietly closing the door behind me. I turned around to see Calum dressed in a completely new outfit, smiling bright.
"You never told me you could sing!" I shrugged and smiled.
"I used to post covers on YouTube.. Nothing big. Why did you change?" I motioned to his outfit and he smiled again.
"We're going to the barn."

"What are we doing at the barn?" I asked, walking beside Calum hand in hand. We were walking through the field, supposedly leading to the farm.
"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to show you it." He said plainly, swinging our hands back and forth. Minutes later, lights came into view. I looked to Calum who was just smiling and looking straight ahead. Suddenly the barn came into view, and it was beautiful. It was decorated with Christmas lights up and down, lighting up. As we got closer, there was a sign above the door that said "C+G" that made me smiled even more. As we went in, it was even more beautiful. There was a bed set up at one wall and the whole barn was like a room.
"Cal... This is.. Beautiful.." I said, looking up at him.
"I knew you'd love this." He smiled and kissed me on the head.
"Look at this." He pointed to a mini collage of pictures on the wall and I looked at them, turning away from him. They were all cute pictures of us during my favorite moments. I turned back to Calum who was just standing a few feet behind me.
"Gwen.." He looked down at his shoes and back at me.
"Yeah?" I asked, looking him in the eyes. He looked up to me and met my eyes.
"I love you." I laughed, nodding.
"Yeah I know. I love you too." He took a deep breath and looked at me.
"So much. I love you more than anything or anyone I ever have in my whole life. You make me feel like I'm the luckiest guy in the world. And without you I'm not the same. I'm a mess.. And I never want to be a mess again... What I'm saying is that I can't live without you Gwen. I can't. And I can't let you go. Every morning that I wake up next to you, is my favorite moments in the whole world. It's when I realize that your mine. And I need you. I need your giggles and singing, your weird fetishes, everything about you. I just need you. More than you know." I felt my eyes watering as I was on the verge of crying. Suddenly he got down one knee. The tears started coming fast as soon as I realized what was happening.
"Gwen. I want this to be forever. And spend my life with you, forever. And if this isn't the way to say I love you more than life itself, I don't know what is." I couldn't believe what was happening. Then he pulled out the ring.
"Guenith O'Connel. Will you marry me?" At the moment everything fell into place. And I blurted out the only thing that was on my mind.
"Yes!" I screamed, running into his arms. He stood up and swing me around in his arms. I stood up and saw that he was crying too. I wiped a tear from his cheek and hugged him.
"I love you." I said, kissing him on the lips. He kissed back and then stepped back. I felt the tears coming again as he took the ring out of the box and slid it onto my ring finger. It fit perfectly. And it was perfect. Everything about the moment was perfect.
"Its beautiful." I said, admiring it in the light.
"You know what I get to say now?" He asked, smiling wide.
"What?" I asked, smiling.
"You're my fiancé" I nodded as he scooped me into his arms.
"Holy shit. We're getting married." The realization hit me straight in the face.
"Yep." Calum said, hugging me to his chest. At that moment I felt like everything was complete, and nothing could change it. It's just me and him with nothing in between. In sickness and in health. It felt like a movie. But I perfect one, and I get to marry the love of my life.

AUTHORS NOTE: AHHHHHH there getting marrieddddd!!!! I'm very happy. That proposal though. I WISH. But I know that ain't happening. Oh whale. Ok, I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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