22. Move

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**6 weeks later**
I shot up from bed and ran to the bathroom. I suddenly felt the urge to throw up. I was at Kayla's house since we wanted a sleepover before we finished the last day of moving into my apartment. I gripped the sides of the sides of the toilet bowl, pushing back my shorter and normal brown hair, that I had cut last week. I took a deep breath and sat on the floor.
"Gwen?" I heard Kayla's light voice ask, as she walked into the bathroom with a worried expression.
"Are you ok?" Almost on qui, I threw up straight into the toilet bowl. She held up my hair as I did. I finally stopped and sat against the wall.
"I'm ok. It's probably just nothing." I wiped my face as I realized I was sweating.
"No you're not. I'm calling Calum." I widened my eyes and shook my head. He's going to be worried sick if I am.
"No!" I yelled, getting up when she did. She just nodded and walked back to her room, dialing his number. As the phone rung, I suddenly felt the urge to cry. A few tears fell down my face and Kayla looked at me like I was going crazy.
"Hey Cal. Gwen is sick..." There was a few mumbles on the other side. "Yeah.. She said she's fine, but she threw up with sweating and shaking." I few other mumbles came on the other end as she felt my head for a fever.
"No she doesn't..... Ok.. See you soon." I groaned and flopped onto the bed.
"He's coming." She started packing my stuff for me as I sighed. Minutes later there was a car beeping out side of her house. I have Kayla a quick hug before heading out the door. When I got out, Calum was waiting in front of the car. The second he saw me, he jogged over and took me into a hug while kissing me on the head.
"You ok?" He looked down at me worried and I nodded.
"You didn't have to come.." I trailed off, as we made our way to his car.
"Come on. I'm your boyfriend, I take care of you no matter what" I nodded and slid into the car. It was pretty silent during the 10 minute drive to the apartment.
"We got some graduation presents sent over last night." I nodded as we pulled up. I had totally forgot that Ashton and Luke had slept over, to help carry the furniture in. Calum grabbed my bag from the back and took my hand as we went through the elevator. The door was already open to reveal Luke and Ashton flipped over each other, watching tv. The second they heard us come in, they tackled me in a bear hug.
"Guys, leave her alone. She's sick." They let go and nodded.
"We know. Is it that special time of the month?" Luke asked curiously but I just slapped his arm and shook my head. I haven't even realized that I missed my period. I just shook the thought off and laughed. I always forget which month is which so I didn't worry about it.
"We need to get the mattress up stairs today. Do you think we can do it?" Ashton asked, motioning to Calum, him, and Luke.
"Don't forget about me!" I said, waving my hands in the air.
"Uh, no babe. You're sick and you need to rest. Plus we are going to the farm on Wednesday, remember?" I nodded and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"Fine." I rolled my eyes dramatically and made my way to my bedroom, or our bedroom. I flopped onto the bed and looked around at the cute couple pictures that decorated a wall. I smiled at them and got up to run to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and lifted up my shirt, just to check myself out. Ugh. I gained weight. I sighed and went to the scale. After a few seconds my weight popped up. My mouth dropped open the second I read it. 137.9. Last month I was 122.9, I gained 15 pounds. I guess it's true when people say you gain weight when you move. I sighed and stepped off before seeing a bright sticky note on the wall. It read;
I love you, so stop. You're already perfect!
I smiled and walked out to the bedroom. I realized that Calum had placed the gifts on the drawer from graduation, so I decided to look through them. I ended up with allot of congratulation cards, gift cards, and a cute picture of me and Calum with our diplomas. I placed them all on the drawer and laid back down. I felt a paper under neath me and I realized that I missed a card. I opened it to see another congratulations card. But my heart stopped as I read the message. It said;
You're not good at watching your back... I know where you live and tell you're boyfriend to watch out.
I gasped and ran out to the lounge where Calum was laying down. I jumped on the couch next to him and shoved the card into his hand.
"Shit... Who is it from?" He looked at me with worried eyes.
"I don't know.." I said, getting up and pacing around the room. He stood up and turned me to him.
"It's ok. We'll lock the doors and it'll be alright. I promise." He pulled me into a hug and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.
"You know what would be alright too?" I asked, looking up at him. He raised his eyebrows and I smiled.
"Chinese food." I had been really craving it for some reason, even though I usually don't love it.
"Sure, I'll order."
"And this is why I love you. Thanks" I gave him a quick kiss before finishing the documentary that Luke was watching on penguins.

I slid into bed next to Calum, still worrying about the note. And he could tell.
"Baby, it's ok" he pulled me to his chest and I sighed.
"Ok.." I snuggled into his chest, as I fell asleep with him.

I shot up from bed to the sound of a loud crash coming from the kitchen. I turned to see that Calum wasn't next to me. I stood up and ran to the door. I stopped for a second and felt a wave of dizziness go over me. I took a deep breath and turned around the corner. Who I saw was the last thing I would've thought of. Michael. I hadn't seen him in what felt like years. After graduation he disappeared completely. Some people said he turned into a crack bead, or drug dealer, some say he moved to a different country. But for some reason I always knew he was there. There was a cut in the middle of his forehead and he had a broken beer bottle in his hand. I searched the room frantically for Calum. I finally found him, and he was next to the couch, with a very visible bruise on his jaw. Michael was about to attack when I didn't think and jumped in front of him.
"Stop!" I screamed, smacking the beer bottle out of his raised hand.
"Move Gwen." He whispered to me in a tone that sent shivers down my spine.
"No." I said, flatly. Suddenly, he practically threw me onto the floor, going straight for Calum. I was still on the floor as I heard groans and the sound of punches being thrown. I haven't even realized my nose was bleeding until I saw it drip onto the floor. I must've hit my nose into the ground. I got up from the ground and turned to see a bloody Calum standing above Michael. I suddenly felt dizzy again and laid back down on the floor, holding my nose.
"Get out. NOW." Calum yelled, pointing to the door. Michael got up and stormed out, with a pretty bad gash. The second the door slammed shut, Calum was at my side, hugging me to his chest despite my bloody nose. The moment he realized, he looked hurt.
"I'm so sorry Gwen.. Does it hurt?" He asked, pulling my hand away from it. I shook my head but he just raised his eyebrows for me to tell the truth. I nodded and against my will, I bursted out in tears. He held me to his chest and rocked back and forth.
"It's ok... It's ok... He's gone, we're ok. And I'm ok." Despite his efforts, the tears wouldn't stop coming. Calum cooed, as I shook uncontrollably.
"You're safe.. I promise."

AUTHORS NOTE: I'm sorry Michael girls.... I had too. BUT you guys are going to loveeee the next chapter!!!! (Hopefully) I actually have a plan for the rest of the book for once! So I hope you guys liked this chapter!!

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