19. Mud

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~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~
I decided to spend the day away from Calum. Mali really shook me up for some reason.... And I'm a little scared. Calum was texting me nonstop, checking up on me even though my mom is home. But at the same time, I don't feel like talking to her since she didn't even mention Michael to me ever before. So here I am flopped on my bed, having a Pretty Little Liars marathon on Netflix, and texting Calum. After the first season there was a quiet knock on my door.
"Go away!" I yelled, but despite that my mom appeared in front of me.
"Gwen, you're going to Michaels house. He'll be here any second to pick you up. No arguments, you need to talk." She said in monotone.
"No! You can't force me to go to a guys house when I don't even remember him and your mom didn't tell you about him!" I yelled again.
"Guenith O'Connel, you cannot talk to your mother in that manner. Now get up and get ready. I already told everyone your busy since they called." I narrowed my eyes at her and rolled my eyes.
"Who called? And what did you say " She thought for a second.
"I told them that you'll be at Michael Clifford's house for the day. And I think her name was...... Mali-Koa?" Oh shit.
"Oh my god... Ok, I'll be ready. Can you leave?" She nodded and walked out. I ran to my phone and texted Calum.
Q: Cal, don't listen to Mali. My mom is forcing me to hang out with Michael.
There was no response and I panicked. After a few minutes of pacing my phone vibrated again.
C: Have fun with Michael
My heart literally skipped a beat. He never would let me be with him alone. He's mad at me.
Q: Calum! You can't believe her. Don't do it. Please.. For me. For us.
I threw on my ATL shirt, ripped skinny jeans, and converse. I ran down the stairs and to the kitchen were my mom was waiting impatiently.
"Bye." I bitterly said before getting out as fast as I could. I opened the door to see the same familiar red haired Michael, leaning against a silver Honda, grinning at me. I slowly walked towards him in uncertainty. He opened his arms wide, expecting a hug. But I just stopped and shook my head.
"GWEN!" My mom snapped from the window. I snapped my head back and sent her a hard look before I walked up to Michael and hugged him quickly. I pushed away from his chest but he wouldn't let go of me. I pushed my self away by putting my hand on his chest.
"Feisty" he smirked and opened the passenger door for me.
"Shut up." He laughed as I plopped my self down in the seat. He waved to my mom and got into the drivers seat, starting the car. As we started to drive, I kept checking my phone constantly. Michael noticed quickly.
"Worried about your boyfriend?" He raised his eyebrows but kept his eyes on the road.
"Yeah. Cause he doesn't want me being alone with the guy I'm alone with right now." I took a deep breath and put my head back on the seat.
"It's not like I'm going to rape you."
"He doesn't know that." I shrugged, causing him to burst out laughing.
"Ok, ok. But we're here" I hadn't even realized that we arrived to a small lake. It was truly beautiful with the light of the sun reflecting off of it.
"Wow... This is beautiful." I was speechless.
"That's exactly what you said the first time.... Now let's go." Be jumped out of the car and to my side of the car. He opened it and smiled.
"M'lady" I rolled my eyes and got out, slapping his shoulder. I followed him to a small picnic blanket with a basket laid on top.
"Is this a reenactment or something?" I sat down next to him slowly.
"Yep. This was our place.. Where we met, where we kissed, and where I asked you out." He Leaned back and look around at the scenery.
"Oh.." We fell into an awkward silence until I noticed a rope hanging from one of the trees. I've always wanted to do that.. Swing from the rope and jump into the water like in the movies.
"Do you see what I see?" Michael turned to me and grinned, nodding.
"Let's go!!" He jumped up, pulling me with him. I laughed and ran over to the side of the water. I realized that he was already undressing and I mentally cursed my self. I have to be practically naked. Shit. I slowly took off my jeans, and tossed them to the side. I took a deep breath and took it all off until I was only left in my underwear and bra. Which were pretty lacy which made me a little uncomfortable. I turned to see Michael staring at me with wide eyes.
"Stop it!" I yelled, throwing my shirt at him.
He caught it and shook his head, making his way towards me. I then turned away and ran to the rope. I stared at it for a couple seconds in confusion.
"Here, let me show you." Michael pulled the rope and placed his hand in the middle and put both of his feet around the tie at the end of the rope. I backed up and be grabbed it, ran back and jumped into the same position and went flying into the water. He head popped out of the water seconds later, as he waved me to come in. I nodded and grabbed the rope repeating his movements perfectly. I screamed as I made my way to the water. I couldn't even feel the floor, which creeped me out. I popped up from the water looking around in the water. Suddenly I felt something hit against my leg and wrap around it. I screamed and practically jumped onto Michaels back.
"Get it off!!!!!" I screamed, shaking my leg. He reached for it and unwrapped the thing around my leg. He bursted out laughing the second he saw what it was.
"It's seaweed Gwen!" He was hysterical. I was still on his back, not touching the ground.
"Well I didn't know that! I'm not touching the ground anymore." He started laughing even harder after that.
"Ok, ok. I'll carry you out if I really need to." Before I could protest and say I'm fine, he turned around and slung me over his shoulder like a kid. I gasped and hit my arms against his back as he walked out of the water. I could only imagine what I looked like. A practically naked girl being thrown over a red haired tall boy, hitting his back like a little kid throwing a tantrum. I tried to stay serious but I found my self laughing at the scenario. He put me down infront of him and I found my self standing there like an idiot, smiling. All of a sudden the bush shook that was pretty far away. I snapped out of my daze in time to hear the sound of a car engine starting up. One name shot through my mind and it scared me.... Calum.
"We have to go. Now." I ran to my stuff and threw his to him. I was speed walking towards the car, while putting in my shirt when Michael grabbed my hand, turning me towards him.
"What's wrong?" He seemed worried and a little confused.
"Let's just say I have a feeling that my boyfriend just saw me in the arms of another guy." I sped up and nearly slipped on the muddy ground. He unlocked the car as I reached the passenger door. I got in quickly and he did too. It was complete silence as we drove to my house. I was still in my underwear but I didn't feel like fighting with my jeans. The car started to go slow and I looked up to see that we were passing Calum's house. I looked at his driveway and saw his car sitting perfectly. I was relieved until I looked down a little bit. And all hope of him not seeing us went away. It's easy to tell if a car was in fresh mud... And my heart dropped. His wheels were muddy.

AUTHORS NOTE: I know, I suck at cliffhangers but oh wellll. It took me awhile to write this chapter cause I couldn't plan it out correctly in my head but I finally did!! There was a problem with the numbering of the chapters, sorry about that. But, I hope you guys liked this!

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