33. Baby Hood

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I woke up cold without the presence of Calum's warm body holding me. I rubbed my eyes and groaned as the light shined into my eyes. My phone vibrated and it was a text from Calum;
Get dressed before you come out birthday girl :-)
It was obviously Luke. I rolled my eyes and threw on Calum's nirvana shirt and a pair of leggings which surprisingly still fit. My hair was in natural waves, reaching just below my shoulders. I miss my long hair. I looked at myself in the mirror and nodded. My stomach was just a little noticeable since Calum is still huge compared to me. I mean, it's pretty huge now. Her due date is March 23 and that happens to be the same day me and Calum met. I don't really like having a day all about me.. It's great I guess but I don't like attention that much. BUT, I'm gong to be 19! One more step closer to not being a teenager. I looked to the clock to see 12 and I sighed. I walked to the door and heard some shuffling. I threw it open and heard a loud thump and "OW". I looked to see Calum on the floor.
"Oh no! I'm-"
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! SLASH BABY SHOWER!!!!" Everyone screamed. Everyone consisted of; my mom, dad, Luke, Ashton, Kayla, Michael, Calum, and a few friends from school.
"Thank you guys!" I said, looking around the room. It was covered with decorations of "Happy Birthday" signs and "Baby Shower" banners along with baby bottles and birthday cakes. I walked around to give hugs. When I reached Luke I smirked and hugged him.
"Calum doesn't put a smiley face with a nose." I whispered, and laughed. He frowned and sighed.
"At least I tried!" I nodded and walked away, laughing. I walked to the table and grabbed a few pretzels as a few girls from school talked.
"Game time!" Kayla screamed, making me jump. All of the guys hollered. This will be interesting.

"What the fuck!? How do you do this?!" Michael yelled, as he struggled to change the baby dummies diaper. I laughed at the four boys looking completely lost. I had finished minutes ago and now am watching their attempts. Ashton's is backwards, Luke's is inside out, Michael has both of the legs in one hole, and Calum is wrapping it with tape.
"Done!" Calum yelled, holding the baby up in the air. There was duck tape wrapped around the whole diaper.
"Dude! That's not how you do it!" Michael complained, soon finishing with a very tight, but correct diaper. They finally finished and I couldn't help by laughed. It's 6 now, and we just finished cake.
"Well then. Great job guys! Great effort! But anyways, next game!" Kayla laughed, bringing a bag out. She dropped it open and at least thirty, filled baby bottles rolled out.
"So, these water bottles are filled with apple Juice and who ever finishes first, gets to..... Have a picture of Baby Hood!" Hehehehe. Baby Hood. That's so adorable! Ugh. I'm fangirling again. She tossed one to each of us and passed one to me. I took of the cap and prepared to chug it down.
"It looks like a nipple!" Michael yelled.
"Michael!" Kayla yelled at him, slapping his arm.
"Sorry." I laughed and sat back down next to Luke.
"Ok. Are you guys ready?" Kayla asked. Everyone nodded and said yes.
"Ok. One..... Two... Three.... Go!" I shoved it into my mouth a sipped. It's way harder than I thought. It's like an exercise for your mouth.
"Done!" All of the boys yelled in sync. I looked to my bottle and I wasn't even half way there. They stuck their tongues out at me and I rolled my eyes. I tried, but ended up just chewing on it. They looked at me funny and I let go.
"What? It's squishy and addicting." With that, most of the people started chewing on it along with me. It looked ridiculous if it was any ordinary day. I let go again and looked around at the presents against the wall. My mom insisted that we waited for later, so we are opening them with the boys and my parents later.
"Now. I have a little game for Calum and Gwen." Everyone tossed the to the side as we listen to her. "So we have 20 questions for each of you and you're going to answer them in separate rooms and then off of them and see how well you know each other." I nodded and smiled to Callum who was smiling back at me. Kayla passed me the paper and pen, shooing me to the bedroom. I walked off and closed the door behind me. I read through the questions without answering them.
1. What did you do when you found out your having a baby?
2. Did you want a boy or girl?
3. Who do you want to be in the delivery room?
4. What is the baby's name going to be?
5. What do you look forward to after having the baby?
6. What are you going to miss?
7. Worst thing about having a pregnant wife or being pregnant?
The list went on like that. I answered quickly and there was a knock at the door.
"I'm ready!" I yelled, walking outside. Calum was waiting in one of the two chairs placed in the center of the room. I sat next to him as we started.
"Gwen will start and say what Calum's answer is, without looking." I nodded and looked to Calum.
"So first question. What did you do when you found out your having a baby?" I smiled and thought about the day I told him.
"Well, I still remember this like it was yesterday. First, he was shocked and though I was kidding, but then he realized quote on quote, "there is a tiny living being living in my stomach"." I heard a few chuckles around the room. "But other than that, there was no one who could wipe the smile off of his face." I smiled wider, looking at Calum who was smiling too.
"Calum?" Kayla asked. He shook his head and smiled.
"She couldn't have explained it better." There were a few awes around the room and I blushed a little.
"So number two; did you want a boy or a girl?" Calum thought for a second and looked to Kayla to me.
"I think you've always wanted a girl, but don't want to admit it." I shrugged and then admittedly nodded.
"Well, I think you've always wanted a boy. So you can teach him soccer, how to play the bass, and all that dude stuff. Not how to tie ballet shoes and bake cupcakes." I laughed and Calum nodded. The next question was bad cause we both didn't know.
"Well then. Question 4; what's the baby's name going to be?" Kayla asked, raising her eyebrows at us.
"We don't want to tell until she's hear. I say that for both of us... At least I think." I laughed at the end and Calum agreed. After what felt like a million questions, we were finally on the last one.
"So, the last question. What was your first thought about each other when you first met? I would enjoy a story if possible." I nodded and smiled.
"Well, the first time I saw Calum was in the school cafeteria. Everyone was quiet and he girls were literally drooling over him. Then, in 6th period, I was seated next to him. I remember wondering why he was staring at me.. And of course, being Calum, he annoyed the shit out of me by tapping his pencil as he smirked. I wanted to slap him." I heard a few laughs and continued. "And so I snapped his pencil in half, causing the room to silence. And then the first thing he ever said it me was "Impressive."" I smiled and everyone nodded.
"Calum?" Kayla asked. Calum smiled and started.
"Well, I remember this very vividly so I'd like to include every detail." Kayla nodded for him to go on.
"I was leaning against my locker as I talked to Michael and the rest of the boys as everyone unpacked their backpacks. It was just a normal day. I watched as a whole group of slutty girls walked pass in their tight skirts and high heels. They played with their hair and smiled and winked at me like usual. I was just going to look away in disgust before I saw her. Her slightly pink cheeks and prices of her hair that she kept blowing away from her face. Her green eyes looked around nervously. I wanted to walk up and talk to her, but then I saw that she was with Kayla who I know wouldn't let me ruin her first day. I watched as she walked by slowly. She pointed to the locker next to mine and Kayla nodded. Then they turned a corner out of my sight. All of the guys were calling dibs as I just stood there. The next time I saw her was at lunch. I walked in and the room silenced. I stuck my hand inside my back pocket and walked in the direction of Kayla's table. I glanced at all of the girls but my eyes stayed on Gwen. She was staring back at me. Her eyes were filled with curiosity and wonder, along with a little fire. As I passed the table, her eyes were still on me unlike the other girls that would look away. I remember thinking that I needed to know about her, or just know her. I sat at my table and watched as she got up from the table and walked to the garbage can straight in the middle of the cafeteria. I watched silently as she walked to it and threw her lunch away without hesitation. She reminded me of myself. With so much pride in her walk that says "don't touch me, don't talks to me, don't mess with me". And then 6th period came. I was dozing out until I heard books drop rather loudly at the empty desk next to me. I looked next to me and saw the one and only Gwen staring back at me. You see, I had asked the front office about her like the creepy person I am and only fond out her name, we're she moved from, and that she is very lovely. Gwen stared at me for a second and I just looked around the room aimlessly. Then she asked me about the work and I answered shortly as I stared at her. I tapped my pencil against my table out of what I guess was nervousness. After awhile, I looked to Gwen and saw the irritation written across her face. I them tapped harder just to see what would happen. And that's when she just snapped it in half like it was nothing. To be honest, I was very impressed. And I told her that. Later that day, I saw boys looking her up and down and whistling even though she just ignores them and kept walking. I glared at all of them as I walked to the next class. I hated how they looked at her. Then I realized... That I wanted her to be mine."   Everyone awed and I got up and hugged Calum.
"And now your mine." He said into my hair making me smile even more.

~~~2 weeks later~~~
"How don't you like waddling?!" Luke argued as we finished our mini race that he let me win. I rolled my eyes and shrugged.
"Try having a big watermelon attached to your stomach for 8 months. I don't think you'll like waddling very much." I laughed, sitting down on the couch. Calum walked in from the kitchen.
"Pizza will be here in 20." He said, sitting down next to me.
"Well, I'm getting a snack." I got up but he tried to pull me down.
"No! I got it." I shook my head and walked to the kitchen. I looked through the cabinets and finally found GoldFish. I turned around and took a step, being met by a wet floor. I looked down in confusion and realized what was happening now. Holy. Shit.
"CALUM!" I yelled. I waddled out to the living room and he turned to me.
"Yes my lady?" He asked, smiling.
"MY WATER BROKE!" I yelled, panicking to grab the hospital bag.
"Oh shit!" I got up from the couch along with Luke. I turned away from them and grabbed the bag. Calum took the bag away from me and we sped to the elevator, locking the door behind us. When I reached the car, I felt a pain in my stomach. I laid back and groaned.
"What's happening?!" Calum panicked.
"Contractions." I said, as the pain decreased.
"I'll make it feel better!" Like said, as he sped to the hospital.
"What?" I asked, a little annoyed.
"A song!" He said excitedly. I rolled my eyes and nodded.
"We're off to have a baby! The wonderful baby of Hoods! We're off to have a baby! The wonderful baby of Hoods!" I laughed slightly until the pain came again. I closed my eyes and squeezed Calum's hand. Before I knew it, we were at the hospital.

"1.... 2.... 3... PUSH!" The doctor yelled. I pushed with all of my might. After screaming and crying, there was a feeling of relief. Then a sound I'll never forget. The sound of my baby girl cry.

AUTHORS NOTE: Baby Hood is finally here! Yayyyyy!!!!! I'll have a picture of her in the next chapter. But I really hope you guys liked this one!! Oh and also, I would love to hear feedback or suggestions since this is my first Fanfic, I would love to have some future references to make my next ones even better! Love you guys, byeeeee!💕

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