11. Dinner

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I cautiously made my way to the front door of Calum's house, getting even more nervous with every step. I glanced down at my baby blue cocktail dress and sighed before knocking on the door. It opened immediately to reveal who I assumed was Calum's mother.
"Hello Gwen! It's so nice to see you!" Her smile was bright and radiated with warmth as I smiled shyly and nodded.
"You too.. Joy" she then stepped back to let me in and with slight hesitation I did. Even though I had been in his house before, I acted like a normal guest as she showed me to the dining room. Calum was sitting there with a plaid shirt and his skinny jeans. His eyes raked my body head to toe, as I shifted slightly in my position, making him stop. His brown eyes met mine  for a split second but then looked quickly away. "Hi" I said as I took my seat across from him.
"Hey." He looked back at me. He looked very... Distracted. It wasn't long until I heard another knock on the door. Joy rushed to it with another welcoming smile on her face.
"Lauren!" I raised my eyebrows, clearly confused. What? I had no idea my mom was coming. When she entered the room I smiled politely and sat back. The food smelt delicious, with the chicken and veggies with seasoning. And there were other things I don't even recognize. After a mini conversation between moms, we started to eat. The food tasted exactly like it smelt. It was amazing. "Wow. This is amazing Joy" I smiled to her and she smiled back.
"Thank you Gwen" I nodded and continued eating. After a while my mom finally spoke up. "So Calum.. Gwen tells me you guys had to kiss. Tell me about that." I nearly choked on my broccoli and sent her a death glare but she just smiled. Calum wasn't paying attention at all. He was just staring off into space. What's wrong with him? He clearly hadn't heard her so I kicked his leg from under the table. He snapped out of it and gave me a questioning look. I motioned to my mom and he turned to her.
"Sorry, what was that again?" He asked, kicking me back under the table. She repeated herself and he gave me a weird look.
"It was very different. Not in a bad way. It was... Special. Definitely special" I felt butterflies in my stomach as I looked down at my plate. I felt his eyes on me and I blushed even harder. "Something unforgettable" my mom nodded and continued her conversation with Joy. After a while they ended up in the kitchen leaving me and Calum alone. I still felt his eyes on me as I looked around. "Can we talk?" He spoke suddenly. I looked at him, surprised and nodded. He got up and led me up the stair case to his room. What was he doing??? He closed the door behind me and I turned to him uncomfortably. He just casually walked over to his bed and patted next to him. I sighed and sat there, in silence.
"So. What's up?" I asked, turning to face him. I watched his face carefully as he thought. He had paused but then spoke. 
"Well. I was thinking over the last days.... Well more about you. And I was thinking that I really want to learn more about you.. If you don't mind" Calum wanting to learn about me? That's a first. I thought quickly and started with easy things.
"Okay.. Well here are a few things. My favorite color is blue, I'm 5'3, I'm 17, I'm a major Disney geek, I love to sing write and sing, and my real name is Guenith. How's that?" He watched me as carefully as I did to him and shook his head. 
"No, I mean somewhere else. What about tomorrow? They're having a party at my bud Ashton's house. But you don't have to come. I'm just putting it out there." He suddenly turned a little red and looked down at his hands. He looked adorable getting all girly and nervous. I put my hand on his and smiled.
"I'd love too"

Calum P.O.V.

M; A little birdy told me Gwen was over for dinner 
C; Yeah
M: You know she'll choose me after she knows what you did
C: What the hell is your problem man!? Can't you just let me be happy with this one girl!
M: No. Not this one.
C: Whatever you don't even know her. Good luck with that 
M: Well then....
C: what?
I waited for his response for a couple seconds before a few letters popped up.
M: It's on.

AUTHORS NOTE: why do people read this it's ratchet i haven't edited in a year and i'm cringing help 11/10

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