6. Not so Romeo

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Gwen P.O.V.
I laid in my bed, tossing and turning. My mind just wouldn't shut up, no matter how hard I tried. Anything and everything was racing a million miles an hour through my head. School, mom, home, my dad, moving, but one thing in particular was bugging me... Calum. Why did he push me out so much? He just snaps, and repairs himself for maybe one second and then snaps again, at almost anything. I wanted to know why more than anything, but I know he would never tell me. Since at the moment he thinks of me as a bitchy slut, I don't think he wants to talk. But the thing about him was that he could do the most hurtful things and then just love you the next day. My mind started to slow down as the clock struck 12. All of a sudden, my phone dinged. Who the hell was texting me at 12? I picked it up and read the text.
Unknown Number:
I'm sorry..

Calum wasn't at school the next day.. Or the day after. It was the day of our second rehearsal, and I had already gotten a few people to play extras in it. I was worried that he would ditch, again. I really needed to get most of the scenes done before Sunday, so we didn't get rushed. I pulled up slowly to the park with Kayla in he backseat and Luke next to me. "Ok, I'm going to text Calum to see where he is. You guys can go map out where each scene should be if you want." I pulled out my phone and looked at them.
"Sure!" They said in unison before getting out. I looked at my phone and searched through the numbers, trying to find his. I finally found it and sent a message.
G: Where are you???? We're waiting at the park for you. Come here.
Within seconds i got a response.
C: None of your business. I'm busy btw, go find another Romeo.
G: Well I'm sorry to tell you that I can't. Now tell me where you are or come here. I'll make a scene.
C: Test me
Under his last text there was a map, pinning where he was. I rolled my eyes and texted Kayla explaining that I was picking him up. I started up the car and started my ride. The place was literally in the middle of nowhere. It was down a creepy quiet alley, with stray cats running up and down it. I was starting to think he was playing with me until I saw a sign reading "Lauren's Grill and Bar" Are you kidding me, he's at a fucking bar. I pulled my car over slowly and got out, throwing my leather jacket on and making my way to the bar. "ID please" a deep voice asked, the second I arrived.
"Uh, it's not with me. I'm just looking for a friend" He gave me a weird look and shook his head.
"Do you know how many people use that? No way, ID or you're out" I bit my lip and thought of an idea.
"Ok.. Im looking for my boyfriend.. It's our anniversary and he said to come here.. And... I-I" I started and forced myself to tear up. I saw the guards face soften a little bit and I relaxed in the inside a little.
"It's ok, just go get him and get out, ok?" I nodded and speed walked away. I glanced around the crowd and didn't see him anywhere. I sighed and made my way towards the bar, rubbing my eyes and smearing my makeup to appear as I was crying. I approached the bar slowly, as a familiar beanie came into view. I walked behind him and tapped his shoulder. He turned, with a beer in his hand.
"Why are you here?" He asked squinting his eyes with slurred words.
"Because we have to film a movie today, and I need my Romeo. So come on, or I swear I'll have someone help me drag you out."
"Go ahead" he muttered before taking another sip of his beer. I made my way to the front, turning on the waterfalls. I was sobbing by the time I reached the security guard again. "What's wrong?" He asked, turning to me.
"He-he.. He's really drunk and I'm worried because he's been gone for almost three days... And-and his my mom is a Wr-wr-eck. B-but he won't leave." I sobbed and sobbed until he answered.
"Ok, I'll have my friend Ashton here, help you" he nugged to a boy next to him. He turned around I was shocked. He had fluffy hair and hazel and green eyes. He looked way too sweet to be a security guard, but I just nodded and sniffled, leading him to where Calum was. "Hey, I'm gonna have to escort you out to this young ladies car now. We can do this the easy way or the hard way" he put his hand on Calum's back and I sucked in a breath mentally. Calum shot his head back and was about to yell at him, when all of a sudden his face softened.
"What the hell are you doing here Ash?!" He yelled, at him.
"Uh, mate. I work here and you're girlfriend came in crying and said you wouldn't leave, and that you're moms worried. You what the hell are you doing here?" Calum turned to me with a hard look and I returned it with a triumphant grin.
"I'm taking a break." Me and ashton rolled our eyes at the same time, and he took a step closer.
"Sorry, but as your friend and security guard, I need you to go with her" he pointed to me and I nodded.
"Yeah whatever" he took a shot and got up, and sped to the exit.
"Thanks" I said to Ashton, giving him a weak smile.
"No problem, darling" I smiled for real and ran out the door, after Calum.

He was running down the alley, To the middle of nowhere. "What the hell do you think you're doing!!???" I screamed, down the alley. "RUNNING DUH" he yelled back. I watched him run for a second before I jogged to my car and got in, driving after him. Within seconds I was driving slowly next to him.
"So how long are you going to run for, before you tire out"
"A very long time, so I suggest you give up and find another Romeo" I could tell he was drunk, by the amount his words were slurring.
"Get in the fucking car Calum!" I sped ahead at turned sharply a head of him. I was blocking the alley way so he had nowhere to go, but in. "What the hell" he muttered before getting in the car. We drove silently to the park. Calum was leaning against the door heavily, and I started to get a little worried.
"How much did you drink?" He groaned and glanced at me.
"More than you ever" He said snidely, rolling his eyes then looking back out the window.
"Sure" I said back, finishing the ride in silence. As I got out, he stumbled behind me. Luke was shaking his head and walking towards him.
"What the hell mate? What happened to you?" He had a concerned look on his face.
"Nothing. Geez chill, can't I just relax for one fucking second? For god's sake" His words were starting to be better than before. Luke sighed and walked back to the bench were Kayla was waiting. Does everyone know Calum? I sighed and faced towards them.
"Ok, let's start with the scenes were Kayla and Luke are in. We'll save the ones with only me and Calum for Sunday" They all agreed as I grabbed the camera and kneeled down. They were doing great, but I kept glancing back at Calum, who was hunched over with his head in his hands. They must've noticed because Luke sent me a look that was saying "Don't worry about it". I just smiled and kept recording.

~~~~One hour later~~~~
We were finally finished and Calum was now in a better state. But he was still pale and still unstable. I had just dropped off Luke at his house and now was driving to Calum's with only him and I left in the car. He started to lean heavy and heavier onto the door. I pulled up to his driveway and turned to him. He didn't say anything but just pushed the door open and basically fell out. He caught himself and slammed the door shut before almost tripping over the curb, cursing loudly. I didn't even think he would make it to the front door without full out collapsing. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. I walked around it and wrapped Calum's arm around my shoulders. It was kind of ridiculous since he was so much taller than me.
"What the hell!"
"Calm down, it's me. You weren't' going to make it to the door the way you're walking." I expected him to say
"I'm fine, now get off", but he just kept walking. I didn't think I would last that long, the way he was leaning down on me. We reached the front door and he took out a key. He was struggling so I put my hand cautiously on top of his and took to key. He dropped his hand and let me open it. I pushed the door open to see a neat family-friendly home with decorations with music quotes and Marilynn Monroe pictures. "You're going to your room were is it?" He nudged his head to upstairs and I nodded. I had to practically drag him up the stairs and into his room which was next to a pink one with flowers and fairies painted on the walls and door. I smiled and opened his door. It was surprisingly neat, with almost peachy walls covered in posters. I walked towards his bed and sat him down there. He adjusted himself silently, as I put his key on the nightstand. I saw him dozing off already so I awkwardly coughed. "I'm going to go. Don't do anything stupid, text me if you need anything" As I finished his eyes fluttered shut. I found myself staring at him. He is beautiful, so peaceful and calm... I snapped out of it and straightened up. What was I thinking?! I shouldn't think like that.. I rushed out of his room and out of the house, locking the door behind me. Why him? He's always in my head and it's hard to keep him out. He's bad.... I can't fall for him. Who knows what would happen? He could totally crush me in a split second. After all, we aren't even alike and this doesn't add up.... Or does it?

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