Chapter 158-161

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Chapter 158
A few rich young men waved at Dickson when they arrived. They all seemed to know each other.

“Wow, so many friends are here. Come, Elena. Let me introduce them to you!” Dickson said.

The youths in question were playing around while eating and drinking, all having a blast.

Gerald was exhausted, not in the mood to meet new people anymore. He really needed a place to rest, then find out where Aiden and the others went.

“You guys have fun. I’ll be heading to the washroom. You guys don’t have to look for me!” Gerald told
them and left by himself.

“Is he really just heading to the washroom, or he is embarrassed to let anyone know that he’s from a
poor family?”

“I know, right! Doesn’t he know what social setting this is? And he’s probably regretting now!”

Everyone was talking about him.

Elena wanted to follow Gerald, but she knew she had troubled him way too much today. She didn’t want
to bother him anymore.

“Who was that person? He just went off without saying anything?”

One of the young men was unhappy.

“Don’t bother. Just a stupid peasant!” Amber replied.

Meanwhile, Gerald was already on the other side of the beach. He loved the feeling of walking by himself.

After grabbing a glass of wine from a waiter holding a tray, he lay on a chair and slowly sipped the drink.

Finally, his ears were free!

His phone rang. It was Zack.

“Mr. Crawford, how did the party go?”

Gerald had mentioned the party previously, and he knew all about it.

“It’s alright!” Gerald smiled bitterly.

“That’s good to hear. I hope Yoel has been treating you well… there are things I shouldn’t tell you, but I’ll just let you know anyways. The person that organized the party, Yoel Holden, has a profound connection with your sister. He organized this gathering all because of you!”

“Huh? What does it have to do with me?” Gerald was confused. If the party was because of him, then
why did he get the ticket from Elena?

And what did the son of the richest man of the county have to do with his sister?

“Hmm. Holden’s family only sprung up because of the support that Ms. Jessica gave. Yoel’s mother was your sister’s godmother. Understand it now?”

Gerald would have never known that such a history existed. It seemed he was the only one clueless
about his sister’s developments.

“I’m only telling you all these things because this family can be quite pretentious, just like how they tried to get close to your sister after learning about her actual identity. They acted as if they helped her during her poor days and when she had become successful, they pretended that they wouldn’t try to get any advantage out of it. Your sister was touched by their actions hence the support she’s giving to them!

“But then again, they have been really loyal to Ms. Crawford too!”

“I believe this Yoel Holden is pulling the same trick to get your attention, and since you’ve told me about the party, I’ll be really guilty if I didn’t tell you all of this!”

“Okay. Thanks a lot, Zack!”

“You’re welcome, Mr. Crawford. It is my pleasure!”

Gerald hung up the phone after that conversation.

Through the call, he had gained some information that made him feel differently about some things.

Zack was not very fond of the Holdens, and he implied that their family was using dirty tricks too. What were they up to?

It was Gerald’s first time being in a situation like this, and he did not want to ignore what Zack said
either because that would make him feel guilty.

Gerald drank as all these thoughts flooded his mind.

“Hey, look! That guy has been watching us for quite some time now. He must be having dirty thoughts because we are in bikinis!”

“Huh? No way?! Why on earth would there be people like that?”

Suddenly, Gerald noticed a bunch of pretty girls wearing bikinis staring at him coldly while murmuring to themselves.

Chapter 159
The bikini-clad girls were playing volleyball by the beachside while Gerald lay down by the chair. He was too tired, and he was not even sure where he was looking, but the girls got the wrong idea.

They thought he was staring at them with dirty thoughts.

At first, those girls thought it would be acceptable to be slightly exposed to the guys since they were out here to have fun, but the man staring at them was way too undesirable. He even daydreamed while watching them!

The girls thought they knew very well what was going on, and they felt disgusted.

“Look! He’s so disgusting, and he’s getting excited while looking at us!”

“He must be looking at Crystal. Her outfit is more daring than her usual ones today. Even that rich young man over, there was even trying to get a picture of her. Once he heard that she’s very close with Yoel Holden, though, he immediately backed off!”

“I know, right? This guy must have a death wish. He probably even has all of our pictures on his phone. He’ll bring them back to his hotel room and jerk off with it. Oh my goodness... that is so disgusting!”

“What do you think, Crystal?” All the pretty girls looked toward a girl with long hair, fair skin, and a hot body.

She was gorgeous and was probably the center of attention of the whole volleyball court.

Most men knew that she was very close to Yoel Holden, and they would not even dare to look at her.

This automatically made Gerald an outlaw.

Crystal brushed her hair with her fingers. “Hmm... I’ve seen all kinds of dirty men before. Sisters, let’s go
check his phone and if he really did sneak some photos of us. We shall beat him to death!”

“That’s right! If it was Yoel or Aiden, it would have been fine, but it’s a dirty little peasant! What humiliation!” the girls went on, as they stormed toward Gerald.

Gerald wanted to run, but it was too late.
“You! Were you staring at us the whole time while thinking about dirty stuff?” one of the girls shouted,
her large breasts bouncing as she walked.

“I...I wasn’t!” Gerald spoke the truth as he was innocent. He wasn’t even paying attention to them.

He did not even realize that there was such a pretty girl among them. If he had noticed her, he would have been long staring at her by now.

“Ya, right! Who are you trying to fool, huh? You’re already drooling all over the place. I’ve never seen such a disgusting person like you! Show us your phone!”

“Yes! Show us your phone, you disgusting pervert! You better listen before Yoel comes and screws you up!” the girls yelled at him.

Crystal was hugging her arms and looking very satisfied.

It was true that Yoel was popular, and he and Crystal were close, but until today their relationship was still not confirmed.

Crystal knew that things that were easily obtained weren't even worth a penny. It was why she’d always
kept her distance from Yoel no matter how hard he tried to win her heart.

She had fallen for him already since she knew Yoel was the son of the county’s richest man, a genuinely
wealthy heir.

Just like she planned, as long as she kept her distance from him, he would try even harder. This would give Crystal the upper hand since the girls always saw her as the leader.

“I told you, I did not take any pictures of you all!” Gerald smiled helplessly.

Even though these girls were pretty, they were not friendly at all, and who would not stare at a bunch of pretty girls in bikinis if they were just right in front of you!

It was getting awkward, and Gerald wanted to get away.

“Where do you think you’re going? Get him, sisters!”

The pretty girls surrounded Gerald to stop him from fleeing, pinning him to the ground while a few sat on top of him.

Chapter 160
The girls pinned him against the sandy beach.

“Don’t you dare offend me, you perverted peasant! You’re finished when Yoel gets here!” Crystal

A girl handed Crystal a bathrobe to cover up.

“Guys! There's some big news. A group of girls is ganging up on a guy over there!”

“Huh? What happened?”

“A pervert guy apparently staring at the bikini girls playing volleyball. They were unhappy that he was
staring, and they fought!”

“Let’s go check it out!”

People were coming over to the other side of the beach after hearing what happened.

Dickson, Amber, and Elena heard about it amid the barbeque and immediately went over.

“Elena and Amber, let’s go and have a look. I would really like to see which brother has fallen.”

Elena did not want to follow them at first, but she wanted to leave anyway, to check if Gerald had gone back to the hotel. She nodded and followed them.

When they reached the other end of the beach, a few girls were sitting on a guy, pinning him down as he struggled.

Dickson, Amber, and Elena were stunned.


Elena could not believe what she just saw. She almost thought she was dreaming. How could a fine young man like Gerald get beaten up by a bunch of girls?

Amber gulped.

“Hey, Dickson, Amber... isn’t he the guy you people brought over?” One of Dickson’s friends scowled.

“No, no, we don’t know him. Oh my goodness, he’s so disgusting!” shouted Amber. She wanted to cover
her face in embarrassment.

Being poor and ugly was not even a big problem, and now, he had become dirty and perverted while his girlfriend was still around. Amber could not take it anymore.

“Amber, it’s probably his first time seeing girls in bikinis, and he went out of his mind! Hahaha!” Dickson started laughing loudly after seeing that Elena’s face had bunched up. He thought she was embarrassed and disappointed, and that made him feel even better.

“I don’t even know how you got in here, pervert. Now speak! Did you take pictures?” Crystal hugged herself while she stepped on Gerald’s head.


What a disgrace!

Gerald was so pissed off the last time he promised himself that a situation like this wouldn’t happen the second time. That said, the last time he was ganged by a bunch of girls, it was because of Elena and the others.

He promised himself there would be no third time!

Just when Gerald was going to beat up someone.

“Look! The Luxurious Cruise is here. Yoel is here!” someone shouted.

Everyone turned and looked toward the sea.

A luxury yacht pulled up by the Mayberry Beach harbor. A fat young man in a bathrobe and sunglasses stood standing on the deck. By his side were all manner of girls in bikinis. They were all around him, feeding him with wine.

On the corner of the deck were also many rich young men. It was Aiden and the rest. Since they were all subordinates of Jessica, they shared a close relationship.




Everyone was shouting the name of the wealthy young man.

Chapter 161
Yoel Holden was the son of County’s State wealthiest man. He was also the leader of the rich youths
around the whole Gangnam district.

Not only that, many young women were fond of him, all hoping they would have a perfect encounter with him one day. Yoel might just fall for their beauty one day, they thought.

But these were all pipe dreams as Yoel Holden wasn’t someone they could so easily snuggle up to.

The cruise ship blared its horn as it docked by the port.

The cabin doors were opened, and down came Yoel with women on his left and right. He wasn’t exactly good looking, nor was he tall, even slightly fat, but the pretty girls kept on shouting, “He’s hot!”

Amber was the loudest on their side, hoping to capture Yoel’s attention.

Dickson, on the other hand, stared at him in jealousy. He was dying to be him and wished he could become like that someday.

Even if he could not turn out like him, turning out as Aiden wasn’t so bad. Being Yoel’s best friend, most
men would undoubtedly share Dickson’s desires as well.

Yoel took off his Armani sunglasses that were worth a couple of grand and threw it on the beach as if it was a piece of trash.

He then walked toward Crystal, noticing how extraordinarily sexy and pretty she was today. “Crystal, you look wonderful today!” Yoel smiled gently.

Even though his eyes were two tiny slits, many girls were still very fond of him! “Yoel, you’re hot today as well!” they cooed.

Crystal brushed her hair and went back to being a dainty princess. She only wanted Yoel to notice her, hence the super exposed outfit.

Since the internship was approaching and Yoel had been after her for three years, it was hard to say if he would still do so after it was over. Thus, she had to confirm her relationship with Yoel as soon as possible.

An intelligent woman should always know the right timing.

“Come here, Crystal. I would like you to meet a significant guest of the day!”

“Huh? Important guest?” Crystal was shocked. All these years being around with Yoel, she had never heard him mentioning important guests. She had never thought anyone would be important enough to be too important in his eyes.

Yoel nodded, looking around the audience of wealthy young men and women. “Everyone… what a happy and joyous occasion. It’s nice to meet all of you! I would like to introduce someone very
important to all of you!”

“You all probably know how my family got a part in County’s State? It was all because of my dearest godsister’s help and now, my godsister’s blood-related brother. Gerald is here today!”

Yoel attempted to make a big entrance for his godbrother, Gerald, as a surprise!

Of course, all these were just for impressing Gerald and a more promising future for their family.

“What? Who is Gerald? What does he do? My dad has mentioned him multiple times!”

“How could you not know who Gerald is? You must have heard of Mayberry Commercial Street right? It’s one of Gerald’s properties. It’s not his family business, but it’s listed under his own property, get it?”

“What the fuck? The whole Commercial Street belongs to him?”

Everyone turned completely speechless.

Because it would also mean that Yoel’s father's entire net worth was worth no more than a piece of
Gerald’s property.

The Invincible Rich Man (Gerald Crawford)Where stories live. Discover now