Chapter 351-400

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Chapter 351
It was at that moment when Gerald finally arrived.

In his hand was his own bracelet which he had bought the day before.

Though Giya had said that breakfast was going to be on her, Gerald had given it some thought while he was on his way there. Since he was planning to leave the girls alone once the bracelet had been handed over to her anyway, he might as well treat them to one final breakfast.

He was prepared to pay the bill no matter what.

However, as he approached their table, he noticed that Yacob was also there. What more, it seemed that Yacob had just given Giya his own bracelet gift.

“Gerald! Over here!”

Giya had not wanted to look at Yacob so she had been staring at the staircase. The moment she saw him, she smiled and waved her hand to call Gerald over.

“Why’s that kid here too?”

The expression on Yacob’s face instantly soured the moment he saw Gerald.

It was a rare occasion for him to be able to spend time together with Giya and the other girls. However,
Yacob’s jealousy evaporated the moment he saw how Gerald was dressed.

However, it was still slightly troubling to him since Gerald was obviously getting closer to Giya.

“Of course he’s here! Giya specially invited Gerald here for breakfast today! You’re actually sitting in his seat now, Yacob!” replied Tammy.

“Hold on… What’s that in your hand, Gerald?”

“Well, it’s partly my fault that her bracelet fell out of my hands the day before so I got her a new one!”
replied Gerald bluntly.

“Gerald! Didn’t I say you didn’t have to compensate me? You’re spending way too much money for just a jade bracelet! I never blamed you in the first place!”

It was no secret to her that Gerald wasn’t too rich since she overheard conversations about him from
time to time.

It was too bad since he was the one who had helped her in the first place. However, now he had spent so much just because of her.

How could she possibly rest easy?

What more, Giya really hadn’t thought much about the bracelet since it wasn’t really worth much to her

She felt slightly anxious now.

“Hah! How much money would this kid even have to spend in the first place? You’re overthinking it,
Giya. He probably bought the gift for a few dollars at the night market!” said Yacob coldly.

“Hahaha! Don’t worry we’re aware of the possibility. How could Gerald ever afford to pay for a seven thousand and five hundred dollar bracelet?” Tammy laughed after saying that.

“Also, tell us the price of the jade bracelet already! We really can’t guess it!” she continued.

“Alright, alright. I’ll just tell you the price then. It’s not too much. It only cost around eighteen thousand dollars!”

While he was speaking, he kept peeking at Giya to see what her reaction was.

However, Giya’s expression remained indifferent.

All the other girls however, were stunned.

“Eight… Eighteen thousand dollars?!” shouted Tammy.

The other girls couldn’t say anything, their mouths wide open in shock.

Even a few other female students who were sitting close by constantly peeked at their table.

The bracelet itself already looked spectacular from every angle and felt like a rare gem.

The price reveal after was simply too outrageous and several girls in the shop ended up looking at Yacob with different expressions on their faces.

“My god, Yacob! You’re really willing to spend for Giya!” said one of the girls enviously.

After all, the man had spent eighteen thousand dollars just to buy a gift! How capable was he in order to afford that without going broke?

Were there any girls who could resist this kind of temptation in the world?

“Do you like it Giya?”

Despite knowing that Giya didn’t like him, even if she had a heart of stone, she’d definitely be moved by
his gift this time, right?

Giya didn’t bother to answer his question. Honestly she was starting to get fed up with him.

After getting ignored despite his good intentions, Yacob couldn’t help but feel slightly uncomfortable.

While all this was happening, Gerald was still standing where he initially was with his own jade bracelet in hand.

Chapter 352
“Heh. Hey, your name’s Gerald, right? Why don’t you take out the jade bracelet you bought for Giya and
show it to us too?”

In his mind, Yacob thought that Gerald was most definitely the reason why Giya had been ignoring him all this time.

Therefore, he was targeting Gerald now.

“Forget about mine! The jade bracelet which I bought is nowhere near as good as yours. You don’t have to look at it!” said Gerald truthfully.

After all, he had simply bought a jade bracelet which cost seven thousand and five hundred dollars for
Giya. It was nowhere near the absurd price of Yacob’s gift.

Besides, if he really wanted to mock Yacob, it’d be easier for Gerald to just slap the boy in the face.

However, Gerald didn’t want to get involved with him or Giya and her friends too much in the future so
he abstained for now.

Mila was sincere to him so he wanted to do the same.

Therefore, there was no reason for him to compete with Yacob. Nothing good would ever come of it nor would he gain anything.

“That’s right, Gerald! Don’t be shy, we won’t laugh at you. Show us already!” said Tammy.

Before he could even respond, Tammy had already walked up to Gerald. She grabbed the box from his hand and placed it atop the table.

All the girls were looking forward to it.

Imagine comparing an eighteen thousand dollar jade bracelet to one that just cost a few dollars!

The difference would be like heaven and hell.

Tammy opened the box in one swift movement.

Gerald simply lowered his head, knowing he was about to get ridiculed. After this, he would simply need to look for a reason to excuse himself and leave.

Everything would be settled and he wouldn’t owe Giya anything anymore.

He waited for the mocking to start.

He waited, and waited, and waited.

But it never came. Neither Tammy nor Yacob were mocking him at all.

Peeking up to see what was taking them so long, he saw Tammy staring at his jade bracelet, an extreme look of shock on her face.

“Gerald… this… this bracelet… You bought this jade bracelet?” stuttered Tammy when she finally
mustered the strength to speak.

The rest of the girls had still not recovered from the revelation, their mouths left wide open, speechless.

“F*ck! That’s the dragon jade bracelet! I saw this thing online and it sold for about thirty thousand dollars!”

“I’ve heard about it too! Could this just be a high grade imitation jade bracelet? I’d like to believe so but… The color. It just seems too realistic to just be an imitation!”

“What do you mean a high grade imitation? It’s really easy to authenticate it from a fake so imitating it
in the first place is impossible!”

“That’s true! Oh my god! Gerald’s jade bracelet is worth thirty-two thousand dollars!”

If the girls had not actually seen and held on to the actual product at that moment, they wouldn’t have
believed that statement even if it cost them their lives.

However, there it was. The dragon jade bracelet in their hands.

Gerald was stunned as well and he felt cold sweat begin to drip from his forehead.

F*ck! He had grabbed the wrong box this morning! Even though the two boxes were quite similar, Gerald had marked them with the numbers, seven and thirty-two, to differentiate them.

He made sure to check that he was holding on to the cheaper bracelet’s box before he left with it, so
what was the thirty-two thousand dollar dragon jade bracelet doing here?

D*mn it!

Gerald’s heart was beating frantically.

Everyone else was still shocked speechless!

Even the surrounding female student customers had gotten off their seats and gathered around their table by this point.

“Let me see that!” said Giya as she gingerly took the jade bracelet from Tammy’s hands.

After carefully examining it, Giya looked at Gerald with a look of disbelief on her face. “…It’s the real deal. It’s absolutely authentic. Gerald, did you buy this?”

Gerald had no idea how to answer her.

While all this was happening, Yacob’s face had grown to be as red as a tomato. His cheeks were flushed with both surprise and anger. He felt as if he had just been slapped hard on the face!

“H-heh! And here I thought that you were an honest guy. You’re just another one of those pretentious folk, aren’t you? Saying that your own bracelet wasn’t as expensive as mine… You’re doing this on purpose to mock me, aren’t you?”

Even Yacob’s taunts were said in a slightly quivering voice. He couldn’t help but feel extremely anxious
at how he utterly lost face today.

“I… didn’t… mean it… I really thought that mine was cheaper than yours… Who could have guessed that it was actually more expensive?”

Those words were true as Gerald had not wanted to compare his bracelet to Yacob’s in the first place.

At that moment, Gerald suddenly recalled that he hadn’t touched the two jade bracelets at all since he had brought them back to the dormitory. Someone must have either accidentally, or deliberately switched them around. He would ask Harper and the boys about it when he got back.

Hearing Gerald’s honest reply, Yacob felt like he had received a punch in the gut this time. He was
beyond embarrassed at this point.

“Hurry up and answer us Gerald! Did you buy this jade bracelet?”

All the girls were looking at Gerald expectantly. Their eyes were sprinkled with both admiration and excitement at the same time.

Chapter 353
“This jade bracelet… was originally my grandmother’s. Since I have nothing else to compensate Giya with, I’m giving this to her instead…” lied Gerald.

“Oh my god! Gerald, don’t you know the value of this bracelet? Are you sure you aren’t going to regret it if you give it to Giya now? I’m telling you seriously that it’s still not too late for you to regret it now!” said Tammy as she felt the weight on her chest slowly lift.

God d*mn! She was almost scared to death just now. If Gerald had actually bought the jade dragon bracelet that cost thirty-two thousand dollars, then he could possibly be a low key rich heir!

Unlike most other girls, Tammy hadn’t felt any contempt toward Gerald.

However, it would have been beyond surprising and unbelievable if a pauper like Gerald suddenly turned out to be a heir richer than all of them there could ever be.

Fortunately, that wasn’t the case.

“I didn’t know the value of the dragon jade bracelet before this but I do now. I don’t regret anything. Do accept it, Giya,” replied Gerald as he gently pushed the box with the bracelet in it back to Giya.

Since such an embarrassing thing had already happened, Gerald could only play along with his lie. After
all, he couldn’t possibly take back what he had already given out.

As for Giya, she simply stared at Gerald with her eyes wide open.

The bracelet was precious. It could even be the most valuable and precious item in Gerald’s family. But
here he was, just giving it to her.

Giya was touched beyond words.

As for Yacob, steam was erupting from his ears.

He had lost face severely today since he had been caught completely off guard!

What more, it was even more embarrassing since it all happened in the presence of his personal goddess! He felt that he was only going to further bring shame to himself if he continued staying there.

After glaring daggers at Gerald, Yacob got up and huffed before leaving angrily.

Gerald himself wanted to leave.

After all, his main goal to hand Giya the bracelet had been completed. He didn’t even want to stay for
breakfast anymore.

He felt that the longer he stayed, the more awkward the situation would become.

Therefore, he came up with a random excuse to leave before turning around and descending the stairs quickly.

“Hold on, Gerald!”

Giya chased after him, running down the stairs with the bracelet in hand.

After peeking shyly at Gerald, she returned the bracelet to him before saying, “What do you mean by this? This is unacceptable. Why are you giving me the jade bracelet that your grandmother left behind for you? I can’t even begin comparing the value of this to my old bracelet!”

“Huh? I don’t mean anything at all. Just think of it as compensation for the bracelet I broke!”

It would be too embarrassing for him to explain that he had bought a much cheaper bracelet for her. He didn’t even want to think about asking Giya if she could exchange the dragon jade bracelet for the hetian one instead.

“You can’t just expect me to treat it as a mere compensation! This is the most valuable and precious item in your family. Your grandmother left this behind for you! It should only be given to the future daughter-in-law of the Crawford family! You can’t just give a girl something like this and call it a

compensation! Do you even know what Tammy and the others were saying the moment you left just
now?” said Giya as her cheeks began to blush.

Giya was an extremely good-natured goddess and she had been pursued by countless boys before this.
However, very few of them were able to touch Giya’s heart.

Of course, she wasn’t interested in Gerald just because he had given her the dragon jade bracelet. She
simply felt touched.

Yet at the same time, an indescribable feeling for Gerald had begun to sprout deep down in her heart.

She simply felt that he was a very honest and sincere person toward everyone around him. It was rare to find such a boy now.

He studied well and worked hard as well.

She finally understood that it was the feeling of admiration…

Her chain of thoughts were broken when Gerald asked, “What did Tammy and the others say?”

“I… don’t know,” said Giya as she looked to the side for a moment before looking back at Gerald. “Either way, this is simply too valuable! I refuse to accept it!”

“I insist that you do. After all, we’ll be graduating soon and once school starts again, very few people will continue to stay in the university. I’m afraid that I may not have the opportunity to compensate you
again in the future!” replied Gerald with a bitter smile on his face.


His words really amused Giya. “By any chance, are you the type of person who doesn’t like owing others favors, Gerald?”

“I am!” said Gerald before nodding.

“Well, alright. I’ll hold on to this jade bracelet for the moment. I’ll return it to you when you’re about to get married in the future then!” replied Giya with a huge smile on her face.


Not thinking too hard about it, Gerald thought that the matter had finally been resolved the moment Giya accepted the jade bracelet. Therefore, he found no reason to stay any longer.

“Hey! Hey, Gerald!”

Chapter 354
Giya ran after him again. “You know, it’s going to be difficult for you to notify me when you’re actually getting married. Why don’t we exchange contact information to ease that process?”

“That… Well, alright. Let me add you on WeChat. I’ll definitely let you know when it happens!”

Gerald didn’t know what else to say.

He couldn’t just refuse and turn around to leave. He just wasn’t that kind of person. After all, Giya would
definitely lose face if he had left without accepting her offer.

So he simply went along and added Giya on his WeChat account.

Of course, Gerald wasn’t that narcissistic to believe that such a beautiful goddess would ever like him.

Even after adding her on WeChat, he felt that they wouldn’t be talking much with each other anyway.

He tried his best not to think too much about it.

Once the exchange was done, Giya took the bracelet with her as she walked upstairs again. At the time,
several of the girls were still doubtful about Gerald’s claims.

“Giya! Giya, he didn’t want to take it back?” asked the girls with smiles on their faces as they saw her
slowly return to their table.

“Hahaha! See, I guessed correctly! Gerald’s absolutely in love with you, Giya! He’s given you the most precious and valuable thing in his family! That alone is enough to explain everything!” said Tammy confidently.

“That’s right! The rest of you probably hadn’t noticed earlier, but Gerald had been looking at Giya as though he was afraid that she would reject his gift!”

“Hey, hey! All of you should know that this kind of jade bracelet is usually given to a family’s future
daughter-in-law! Hahaha! That kid’s really smart!”

The girls continued talking among themselves in glee.

“Alright girls, settle down. Gerald’s not how you guys are imagining him to be like at all. He’s not a cunning or scheming person. I honestly hope that you girls will stop picking on him all the time in the future!” said Giya with a slightly forced smile on her face.

“Oh? Being protective and defensive of Gerald? Giya, don’t tell me you’ve…” said Tammy as she acted
out a look of surprise while looking at Giya.

“If you spout any more nonsense, then I’m buying three trays of buns later to stuff them up your foul

The girls simply laughed at that and continued chatting.

Gerald on the other hand, couldn’t go back to the library. When he arrived there, it was already full.

Seeing nowhere else to go, he sighed before returning to his dormitory to study instead.

He was planning to go out for lunch with Harper and the rest at noon anyway.

Unexpectedly, he received a WeChat message from Giya not too long after.

“Say, Gerald, which cafeteria are you going to be eating at for lunch?” she asked.

“I’m probably leaving the decision to my roommates. We’ll be eating out together. Why?” replied
Gerald, slightly surprised by the message.

“Oh! You’re eating out with them? I was initially planning to invite you over to lunch. After all, you’ve
already helped me twice!”

“Twice?” Gerald scratched the back of his head, confused.

“Yes! You carried me to the infirmary the other day, and today, you helped me get rid of that annoying Yacob! Hahaha! He must be feeling extremely embarrassed right now. Hopefully he’ll leave me alone now and I can finally have some peace!”

“Well, he’s not a bad person. I do think that he likes you very much.”

“??? What are you implying? Does that mean I have to be his girl? Are you giving us your blessings?”

“No, I didn’t mean it that way!”

“Well, it would be useless even if you did. I’m unwilling to be with someone that I have no feelings for anyway! By the way, I’ll be at the library later at noon to study. I’ll reserve a seat for you. Why don’t you come over and study together later? We can be study companions!”

Gerald stared at his phone’s screen. He was unsure of how to reply.

At the very least, he was certain that she wasn’t interested in him.

However, he couldn’t help but feel slightly awkward every time he was around her. He was honestly afraid that he would end up falling for her.

After thinking about it for some time, he felt that it would be better if he stopped doing such things.

Therefore he decided not to reply at all.

He then went downstairs to eat with Harper and the others.

However, he didn’t go to the library once his lunch was over. He simply stayed in his dormitory to study.

The afternoon passed by quickly.

Around evening, Giya sent him another message.

“Why didn’t you come? I reserved a good seat for you and I’ve been waiting since half past one for you to come. Are you busy with something else?”

Chapter 355
“Sorry, there were just too many people in the library earlier for my comfort! I just studied in my dormitory!” replied Gerald.

“Oh, I see! Well, from now on, we can go to the library earlier. Whoever comes first can reserve a seat for the other, alright?”

“Actually there’s something I have to attend to now, I’ll get back to you later!”

Gerald threw his cell phone aside after replying to her message.

He was indeed, trying to avoid her. In fact, ever since things had gotten better with Mila, Gerald had been deliberately trying to keep his distance from other girls.

After all, once the current exams were over, Gerald and the other students from his department would still have to stay back in school for another three months to deal with their thesis and dissertations.

Those from Giya’s and most other departments would have left to get their internships during that time.

He would never see her again.

Gerald also knew for a fact that he could never fit in well in Giya’s circle of friends.

With that reasoning in mind, his muddled thoughts became clear and he didn’t spend time worrying
about it any longer.

After that, two days just came and went without much of a hitch.

During those two days, Giya would always send him a message in the morning and the afternoon, saying that she had already reserved a seat for him in the library and that she was waiting for him to come study with her.

Every time she asked, Gerald simply made up an excuse to turn her down.

Aside from that, she had also been inviting him for meals to express her gratitude. Since she knew that he would be uncomfortable if Tammy and the other girls were around, there was even a time when she asked if he wanted to eat with just the two of them together.

However, Gerald simply turned those invitations down as well with more of his excuses.

After that, Giya stopped asking him out. In the next three days, he didn’t hear from her at all.

It almost seemed as though she had disappeared.

Gerald didn’t think too much about it. He simply focused on studying and doing his own revision every day. He would also spend his time chatting with Mila about her recent developments.

Everything was back to normal.

Late one afternoon, Gerald was returning to school after meeting up with Zack. He stopped by the milk tea shop in front of the school as he was planning to get Harper and the other boys some drinks.


Out of the blue, a female voice called out to him.

When he turned around, he saw that it was Tammy. It seemed as though she was waiting in line to buy milk tea as well. Though she looked slightly surprised to see him there, she also had a very bitter expression on her face.

In the past, she would always laugh and tease him whenever she saw him.

However, the only look she was giving him now, was one filled with hatred.

Gerald didn’t mind that. His milk tea was ready at that moment. He smiled at Tammy before saying, “I’ll pay for this beautiful girl’s drink as well!”

“Alright!” replied the seller with a smile on his face.

“There’s no need for that! Who needs you to pay for me! Why are you so nosy?!” shouted Tammy in
response as she glared at Gerald.

“I… Tammy, what did I do?” asked Gerald, confused.

“So you don’t even know what you’ve done, huh. Don’t you realize how many times you’ve already rejected Giya’s invitations?” growled Tammy angrily as she frowned.

Gerald coughed. He knew this was coming.

“Do you know that Giya would wake twenty minutes earlier every day just so that she could go to the library and reserve a seat for you? When we asked her why, she told us that you would be joining us at the library to study together in the future. But you never came. You just kept making dumb excuses!”

“Even during her afternoon study invitations, she would always bring fruits along saying that she had already notified you about studying together. But of course you didn’t go!”

“You did it to Giya for two days in a row! Don’t even talk about the times Giya tried inviting you out for meals. She was so afraid that you just weren’t used to eating out, that she even ordered and booked some food for you from the cafeteria! She just wanted to have lunch with you and she didn’t even allow us to join her since she was afraid that we would tease you too much. Even then, you still refused to
accept her invitation!”

Chapter 356
“Why are you hiding? Why can’t you be more like a man? I can tell that Giya is into you even though we don’t know why, but you have truly hurt her!” Tammy said.

Gerald immediately felt guilty after listening to her, because Giya had indeed invited him multiple times, but he had always rejected her offer.

Gerald thought that Giya was just being nice, but he never knew that she had always been serious about it and had bought food, waiting for him at the canteen.

Gerald felt very guilty toward her.

“Do you know what Giya said about you?”


“Giya thinks that you’re a nice and honest guy. She also thinks that you’re quite cute, and she would really love to be friends with you. However, who knew that you were just a jerk! Giya is in trouble and you’re here buying drinks for pretty girls! You don’t even care one bit about Giya at all. She was so wrong about you!” Tammy immediately felt better after releasing her emotions at Gerald.

Gerald was shocked. “Giya is in trouble?”

“It’s not Giya, it’s her mom. Her mom has fallen very ill. It was that day when she asked you for lunch at the canteen. She brought some home-cooked food and waited for you there, yet how dare you call it off again! She then received a call from home saying that her mom had fainted and she immediately left
after taking leave!”

“All of us could tell that you never saw Giya as a friend before! If so, why did you give her such a
precious jade bracelet?!” Tammy glared at Gerald.

Then, as her drink was ready, she paid and left Gerald alone there, dumbfounded.

Gerald felt really guilty and heartbroken, not because he was in love with her or something, but it was because Giya actually saw him as a friend, but he had not really cared about her at all. Even when she was going through a tough time with her family, she had waited for him at the canteen, and yet, during these three days, Gerald had not even bothered contacting her at all.

Gerald opened up his social media and saw Giya’s post about her mother which said ‘Hope you’ll get well soon, mom. Everything will get better! Daddy and I will look for the best doctor in the world for you!’.

That post was three days ago, and Gerald had not even asked if she was doing okay!

Gerald felt really bad, but at the same time, he did not know what to do either.

Tammy had not gone far yet, and Gerald immediately gave chase to catch up to her.

“What do you want?” Tammy asked coldly.

“I just want to know which hospital is Giya’s mother in and what disease does she have?” Gerald asked.

“Only now do you bother to ask? What a jerk!” Tammy scolded him.

“She’s in the Provincial People’s Hospital. It’s a very rare and troublesome sickness. Many doctors could not diagnose it either!” Tammy said curtly, and then, she left.

Gerald was still contemplating whether or not he should visit them. If he went, he would not know what to say to them, and he could not help them either.

Suddenly, Gerald remembered something. Now that he had control of the Military Emergency Base, he
might be able to help Giya’s mother.

The Military Emergency Base was where they kept all the weapons, medical equipment, and even confidential information. According to Mr. Kendall, these were the worlds’ most powerful sources, and maybe, the medical information that they held might be able to help Giya.

Gerald immediately gave a call to Drake.

Chapter 357
“Yes, Mr. Crawford. I’m at the military base. What is your command?”

Drake and Tyson had become Gerald’s bodyguards, but they didn’t need to follow him around for 24
hours, and hence, he had put them in charge of the military base.

“Can the resources at the military base help diagnose unknown diseases?” Gerald asked.

“Of course. The medical department in the military base includes the best doctors in all fields. They can
cure most diseases! What do you need, Mr. Crawford?”

“There’s a patient whose daughter’s name is Giya in the Provincial People’s Hospital. She’s a student at
Mayberry University. Please look it up and send the best doctors over!”

“Understood, Mr. Crawford!”

Gerald then hung up the phone. That was all he could do to help. He was not hoping that Giya would thank him since he was not supposed to expose himself anyway.

After that, he went back to his own hostel to study.

Meanwhile, at the Provincial People’s Hospital. “Doctor, please help my wife! No matter how much it costs, I’ll be willing to pay!” A middle-aged man was begging the doctor at the Provincial People’s Hospital desperately. Beside the man was a young and pretty lady with her eyes filled with tears. These two were none other than Giya and her father, Walton Quarrington.

“Mr. Quarrington, we have informed the worlds’ best doctors over to help, but honestly speaking, none of us have seen a disease like this before. Please be rest assured that we will try our best!” The doctor said.

Walton fell backward, but luckily, Giya was there to hold him. He then sat on the chair to rest.

“Dad, should we make a call to Yanken? They should be able to help!” Giya was heartbroken to see her
father like that.

Walton shook his head. “No. We don’t have anything to do with your grandparents anymore. There is no reason for them to help us! I just hope that this isn’t your mother’s destiny… She has been suffering for most of her life with me!” Walton cried as he said this, and Giya cried with him too.

“Mr. Qarrington, Giya, we are here to visit Mrs. Quarrington!” A few people came up.

It was Giya’s roommates and a guy named Yakob Lincoln.

They had brought along many things. Tammy had gone back to the hostel and come along with them as well.

“Nice to meet all of you, Giya’s friends! Thank you all so much.” Walton forced a smile to greet them.

“Thanks for coming, guys!” Giya was touched.

“Anything for you, Giya. How’s Mrs. Quarrington doing?” Tammy asked worriedly.

“The doctors have brought in some specialists this morning, but they still couldn’t figure out what was wrong!” Giya said as she shook her head and cried.

“Maybe I can get my dad to bring some doctors over to have a look? He's overseas now and knows some
pretty well-known doctors,” Yakob said.

Both Walton and Giya were hopeful again, and Walton immediately thanked him. “That would be really helpful, Yakob! Thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome, Mr. Quarrington. After all, Giya is my classmate!” Yakob smiled.

Yakob immediately gave his father a call. Deep down, he knew that his father’s connections were not as good as Mr. Quarrington’s. He was not sure if his father could even be of any help at all, but he had to try.

Chapter 358
Yakob’s father immediately promised him when he heard about the situation. He only had this one son, and he had to help him.

Yakob’s father immediately contacted the doctors he knew from overseas as well as local Traditional
Chinese Medicine doctors.

Yakob then went back happily and said, “Mr. Quarrington, my dad has already arranged a few doctors to
drop by tomorrow!”

Walton replied, “Thank you so much, Yakob! We will cover all the fees, and the Quarringtons will owe you one big favor!”

“Thank you so much, Yakob!” Giya said.

Yakob nodded and said, “You’re welcome!”

Meanwhile, overseas.

“Hey! It’s me, Mr. Lincoln. May I know if Specialist Dorian is in? Yes, tomorrow… oh, he’s not free? Okay, it’s alright, thank you!” Andy Lincoln was not very happy after being rejected.

He would be very embarrassed if he could not fulfill what his son had promised to other people.

He immediately contacted a few other specialists. Most of them had some time to spare, but it was quite tough to get them to fly over within two days. Especially since Mr. Lincoln was not a very big character, most of them would not rush over to Weston because of him.

Since he could not get any specialists from overseas, he contacted some doctors within the country, but all of them rejected him as well. All of them would only be free three days later.

Andy thought that three days should be fine.

He wanted to contact his son, but Yakob was on the phone. He then forgot about it, and in the blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

The next day, after the specialist conference had ended, the doctors and specialists still could not figure out the disease. Walton was covered in sweat already.

Suddenly, two doctors rushed over excitedly.

“There's good news, doctor!” One of the doctors shouted excitedly.

The head doctor frowned and glared at them, signaling that Mr. Quarrington was still there.

“This is good news for Mr. Quarrington! There’s a group of specialists outside waiting to see Mrs.
Quarrington. There are at least ten of them from all around the globe!”

“A few of them are even famous specialists like Dr. Eden from M Country and Dr. Zachary. They’ve all come!”

“What?!” The head doctor and specialist were all shocked.

Giya and Walton were very surprised as well.

Tammy, Yakob, and the others were around as well.

Tammy and the others looked at Yakob in shock. They were all amazed by him. They never thought that Yakob could bring in any famous specialist since they were all very clear about Yakob’s family status.
Even though his family was doing not too badly, it was not as great as the Quarringtons.

They all thought that if Mr. Quarrington himself could not do anything any longer, how could Yakob do anything?

Yet, Yakob’s father had managed to bring in so many specialists! Was he still the Yakob Lincoln everyone

What was going on?!

Chapter 359
After hearing about the situation, the specialists went into the ward. The head doctor did not dare to stop them.

All of these specialists were the greatest of their time. They only came out three and a half hours later.

The specialist told the hospital that the patient had recovered from the disease, and she just had to rest well.

“Please stay for the interview, doctors!” The head doctor immediately asked them to stay.

The specialist did not bother about him and walked out of the hospital.

“They were telling the truth, doctor! The patient has indeed gotten better!” One of the doctors in
charge said excitedly.

Walton and Giya were very touched.

“Thank you so much, Yakob! I’ll have to thank your father personally when he comes back!” Walton said.

“Anything for you, Mr. Walton!” Yakob felt incredible in front of them, but at the same time, he was really confused.

Had his father really called those specialists over?

Yakob could not believe it. He immediately called his father from the washroom.

“Dad, did you call in those specialists?”

“What specialists?”

“The very famous Dr. Eden and Dr. Zachary. Did you call them?”

“Don’t be crazy! How could I possibly know those doctors?! I only called some ordinary specialists within the country. Don’t get too excited, son!”

Yakob instantly felt disappointed. He truly thought that those were the doctors his dad had contacted.

However, if it was not his dad, who could have called those doctors? Yakob was really curious.

“Yakob! We’ve been waiting for you. Mr. Quarrington asked Giya to bring us for dinner later!” Tammy
and the others said happily.

Now that Giya was feeling better, Tammy and the others were happy for her!

“Sure! I didn’t really do anything though. Just called some doctors!” Yakob said.

Since everyone thought that it was Yakob who had helped the Quarringtons, Giya’s attitude toward him
was better.

Yakob could never tell them the truth. After all, this was the best time to get Giya to fall for him.

Everyone was talking happily outside the ward.

Meanwhile, in the ward, Giya did not want to wake her mother up and his father called her to the side.

“Giya. I noticed that you’re not very fond of Yakob, but I think he likes you! Since you all are graduating and the Lincolns are doing better... They even helped us…”

“Dad! What are you talking about?!” Giya shouted.

“I’m just saying that you should treat Yakob better! He has helped us with a lot of trouble!” Walton said.

Giya thought about what had just happened, and she was confused. “But dad, don’t you think it’s weird?”

“What is?”

Giya said, “You know the Lincolns. And let’s be honest, those specialists that saved mum seemed really professional. They saved mum but did not ask for anything in return. They didn’t even communicate with us! The thing is, they didn’t look like they knew who Yakob was! It was as if they came here with a specific mission, not invited personally to cure mum!”
Walton nodded his head. “You’re right. It does indeed feel strange, but only Yakob called his father to
bring in specialists to help us. Nobody else was here to help us, don’t even mention Yanken. It’s impossible that they would send help!”

“Didn’t Yakob call his dad to verify it earlier on? Maybe it was his father’s connections overseas. Don’t think too much about it, Giya!” Walton persuaded Giya.

Giya then went out with Yakob and the others.

“Giya, I saw Gerald before coming to the hospital!” Tammy said as they were eating.

Giya was stunned when she heard Gerald’s name. Her face changed, but it was mostly an expression of disappointment. “Oh.”

Chapter 360
Giya spoke gently.

Giya had been touched when Gerald had helped her and even given her something very precious to him.

She had then developed feelings for Gerald.

She had always thought about him whenever she was free. She found him really cute, but she knew that Gerald probably hated her.

She honestly wanted to be friends with him, but what Gerald had done to her made her truly disappointed.

“What’s so great about that poor peasant anyway?!” Yakob said angrily.

Everyone stopped talking about him after that, but Giya felt really upset. What was so bad about her? No guys had ever rejected Giya like that except Gerald.

When Gerald found out that Giya’s mother had recovered, he was instantly relieved, and his life
continued as usual.

That same evening, Gerald brought some books over to return to the library. He saw a girl outside the library who seemed to be waiting for somebody.

Gerald was stunned. That girl was Giya!

Giya raised her head and saw Gerald.

“Hey, Giya! You came to study?” Gerald asked her awkwardly.

“Nope. I came to return some books!” Giya said.

Gerald felt genuinely guilty about what had happened previously.

“Have you eaten? I could treat you to a meal at the canteen. I’ve just heard about what happened to Mrs. Quarrington today. How’s she doing?” Gerald asked

“She’s doing better now, thanks for asking. Also, I’ve already eaten. Thanks for the offer, but I’m meeting with my friends!” Giya nodded politely.

“By the way, Gerald, regarding the bracelet you gave me previously. I thought of keeping it for you, but I’m not good at keeping stuff, and it would not be nice if people knew. I should return it to you. As for my bracelet that you broke, it’s fine. You don’t have to pay!” Giya took a bracelet out from her bag and handed it to Gerald.

At the same time, a Porsche Seven series stopped next to them.

Yakob rolled down the window and peered out, a pair of sunglasses perched on his face. “Hey, Giya!
Sorry for being three minutes late! Where should we go for dinner tonight? You should pick a place!”

“Any western restaurant will do, Yakob. I’m fine with anything. You’ve been accompanying me at the hospital for days and even saved my mom. I know I have already treated you to lunch this afternoon, but dinner is on me too! I have to treat you individually!” Giya walked toward the co-pilot seat smiling.

Giya continued, “There’s a nice movie showing at the theater tonight as well! Shall we go for a movie?”

“Sure!” Yakob said happily.

Then, Yakob glared at Gerald proudly and drove off.

Gerald was stunned. Even though he was not in love with Giya, he did not feel good. Especially when he knew that the credit for sending those specialists was stolen by Yakob.

Giya was very grateful for Yakob and hence, they had gotten closer.

Should he tell the truth?

But still, what was the point in telling the truth? So that Giya would be grateful toward him and grow feelings for him again? The bracelet incident had ended, and Yakob had feelings for Giya, while Gerald already had Mila. Everything should stay that way.

Meanwhile, Giya left the school with Yakob.

“Giya, which restaurant would you like to go to? I know a place near the cinema, but the choice is still up to you…” Yakob was excited. He had been even more fired up when Giya had texted him to pick her up.

“Just stop in front…” Giya looked away from the back mirror and said disappointedly.

“Here? There’s no restaurant here, though?”

“I don’t want to go to a restaurant! Stop the car. I would like to go home!”

Chapter 361
Giya did not know what was wrong with herself either. It was strange seeing Gerald being like that.

'How could Gerald not be attracted to a girl like me?!' Giya still couldn't accept the fact.

Giya had purposely texted Yakob to pick her up just to show Gerald she was not that easy to get!

Girls were like that. As long as they were interested in you, they would try their best to get your attention.

However, Gerald didn't understand things like that.

When Giya had given him back the bracelet, she was hoping that Gerald would stop her, but he hadn’t. He had even taken back the bracelet, and when Giya was being picked up by another guy, he did not say anything either.

Giya was really pissed off by Gerald. How could she still possibly want to have dinner with Yakob?! Hence, she really wanted to get out of the car.

Yakob was dumbfounded as he watched Giya get out of his car and call a taxi. He thought that it was something he said that had made her angry!

Meanwhile, Gerald had already gone back to his own hostel. He saw Harper smoking at the balcony as he scratched his head, seemingly rather upset, and Benjamin was accompanying him.

“What’s wrong, Harper?” Gerald walked toward them.

“Oh, you’re back! Look, the thing is, exams are coming, and Hayley’s mum is coming to Mayberry. They
are even expecting me to go back with them! Hayley told her mum about us, and her mum insists on
seeing me!”

Gerald smiled. “Isn’t it a good thing to see your girlfriend’s parents? You should celebrate!”

“How’s that a good thing?! I know what Hayley meant when she said her mum is coming over! She
wants me to arrange a place for her mum, and if her mum is happy, she might still compliment me a
little. But if her mum isn’t happy, we might just end up breaking up after graduation!” Harper was very
troubled with this matter.

Nowadays, being in a relationship could be tough. People always said that mother-in-laws were the most troublesome creatures to please, and it could be very true.

Even though Harper’s family was quite wealthy, it was quite tough to find anywhere good to go in

Gerald did not really know how to help him either since Mayberry Commercial Street had been sold, and Wayfair Mountain Entertainment was not his anymore!

Maybe he could help him just like how he helped Benjamin the last time he came to visit.

“What are your plans, Harper?” Gerald asked.

“I’ve thought about it with Benjamin just now. Both of you could come along with me to pick Hayley’s mum up. I’ve arranged a nice hotel, and I know that the Yorknorth Mountain is holding an event tomorrow night. I’ll be bringing them there!” Harper said.

Gerald nodded his head.

Gerald did not know about the event that would be going on tomorrow because after all, it was organized by the village themselves and Zack did not have to report to him about things like that.

“Alright, then. Let me know if you have any other requests, I’ll try my best!” Gerald said.

Chapter 362
Harper felt instantly relieved, and he gave a pat on Gerald’s shoulder.

Hayley’s mother would be arriving the next morning. Gerald, Benjamin, and Harper met up with Hayley
and her roommates outside of the school early in the morning the next day.

Harper did mention that it would be weird and awkward if it was just him and Hayley that would be
picking up Hayley’s mother, but if there were a group of them, it would seem more exciting and fun.

Gerald was mildly shocked when he saw the other girls. One of them was Alice, the other one who was staring at him was Jacelyn, and there was another girl whom he had never seen before.

“Hey, Harper and Gerald! There’s someone I would like to introduce to you guys. This is my high school classmate, May. May’s mum is coming over with my mum, and May will be joining us!” Hayley said.

May was very pretty. She sure knew how to dress herself up even though she was not a natural beauty like Alice, but when compared to Jacelyn, she was definitely much prettier.

“Nice to meet you, May! I think we’ve met before once.” Harper said.

May gently nodded her head and asked. “How are we going to pick both Hayley and my mum up later?”

“We’ll call an Uber!” Harper replied.

“What? An Uber? You don’t have a car? I thought Hayley’s boyfriend would be like mine too. The minimum requirement is to have a car!” May said scornfully.

Even though May and Hayley were childhood friends, it was clear that they did not really interact much in school just by how Harper had mentioned that they had only met once before.

It was simply that they did not have a choice since their mothers were coming to town together, and they had to go pick them up together. It was normal for girls to compare what they had with each other especially when they came from a small city to study in a big city.

In fact, Hayley's roommates were really pretty, and that made May even more jealous. She became very harsh with her words.

“Harper hasn't bought a car yet. Your boyfriend already did?” Hayley was not very happy, but she asked
her anyway.

May and Hayley both came from a higher-class family, hence, there was nothing much for them to compare on the financial side, and Hayley had always been better in her studies as compared to May. But now that they were in university, there were more things to compare.

“Yeah, he did. Just an Audi A4L though. At first, he wanted to get a 7 Series Porsche because all of his friends were driving it, but I told him an A4L was good enough. He only compromised because he loves me very much!” May crossed her arms as she glanced toward Alice and the others, looking very satisfied.

Jacelyn and the others did not really give a d*mn though.

Hayley nodded her head. “Wow! Your boyfriend’s friends are doing quite well!”

“Of course! Pretty different from Harper’s friends… let’s not discuss this any further!” May said.

Just as she finished talking, she looked into the school compound and was surprised!

“My boyfriend and his friends are here!”

Chapter 363
A white color Audi A4L stopped in front of them and rolled down the window, and a fashionable young man got out of the car.

“Jayce! You’re finally here! Where are your friends?”

“I asked them to go and book a hotel first. After picking up Mrs. Leny, we could bring her to the hotel to freshen up and have lunch there. After that, we’ll go out to play!”

As Jayce was talking, he noticed Alice and Jacelyn standing behind Hayley.

“Hey, pretty! I bet you girls are Hayley’s friends, right? How are you guys going?” Jayce asked.

“We were just talking about it just now. Harper doesn’t have a car, so they were planning to pick up
Hayley’s mum with an Uber.” May said.

“How about you girls follow me since my car can still fit in three more passengers. Care to join us, girls?”
Jayce only asked because he found Alice and Jacelyn really pretty, and he wanted to please them.

However, before Hayley and the others could say anything, May immediately rejected his offer. “Excuse me, but where will my mum be sitting if the car is full? And don’t forget that my other two roommates will be joining us as well!” May was jealous when she saw how Jayce looked at Alice and the others.

“It’s fine, May. We’ll take the Uber!” Hayley did not want to cause any trouble.

“Alright, then! We’ll head over first, so it’ll be fine if you guys are slightly late. Then, we’ll all head to the
hotel that Jayce has booked, and we can have lunch over there. Since there are quite a number of us, I
say we should split the bill. Is that okay?” May said.

“Sure!” Hayley nodded.

May waited for her two roommates to arrive before they left.

Meanwhile, Gerald and the rest waited until their Uber arrived and then headed to the station.

“Look at her! She’s so proud just because her boyfriend is driving an Audi A4L. She doesn’t know that all
we need is a phone call from Alice and Silas would be here at any minute!” Jacelyn huffed.

“Jacelyn, what are you talking about?! I’ve not been in contact with Silas for so long!” Alice glanced at
Gerald as she replied.

“I heard that Mayberry Commercial Group was sold shortly after Silas’ father came. It’s such a shame
that a big company like that is gone in no time! However, if Silas were here, I’m pretty sure it would shut this Jayce and May up!” Jacelyn said.

Whatever Jacelyn had said was one of the reasons why Alice was ignoring Gerald.

Everyone knew that Mayberry Commercial Group belonged to Mr. Crawford. Even though she was not sure if Gerald was truly Mr. Crawford, she really wanted him.

Except, after what had happened with Mayberry Commercial Group, Alice did not really believe that Gerald was Mr. Crawford, hence, she was never really committed to it.

Still, Alice cared about her impression a lot when she was around Gerald. She was never really in touch with Silas anymore, but after what Jacelyn had said, she was afraid that Gerald might get the wrong idea.

No matter what it was, Gerald was still rich. It was just that he did not really care much about anything, and he did not speak much either.

They all reached the station at about ten o’clock in the morning.

“Hey, Mrs. Ians! I heard from May that Hayley has a boyfriend too, right? I’m sorry I didn’t get to ask this on the train just now. Anyway, what does his family do? Is he rich?”

Two good-looking housewives walked out of the train station. They were both in their early forties but still looked as though they were thirty years old.

“I’m not sure either. Hayley didn’t tell me much, and that is why I’m here! But I believe it can’t be too bad. After all, Hayley’s grades have been really good!” Hayley’s mother said.

May’s mother was not very happy. Even though May was as pretty as Hayley, Hayley was really good with her studies and had a great personality.

Hayley was, in fact, much more decent than her own daughter, which meant that her boyfriend must be as good as her too.

Chapter 364
May’s mother knew that it was incomparable.

“You’re right! Hayley’s boyfriend must be better than May’s! My daughter could never be compared with yours!” May’s mother said.

May and Hayley had been waiting outside the exit.

“How was the trip, mum? Anyway, let me introduce you to my boyfriend, Jayce Warren!”

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Leny. I’m Jayce Warren, you can call me Jayce. Please let me help you with your luggage!” Jayce immediately picked up the luggage.

“Is this your car, Jayce?” May’s mother was surprised when she saw the car key in Jayce’s hand.

“Yeah. I just bought it last month!” Jayce smiled.

May’s mother glanced toward Hayley’s mother.

“Mum, let’s go. We’re going to the hotel together!” Hayley smiled.

“There’s a driver? Is this Harper’s driver?” Hayley’s mother had been quite amazed when she saw May’s
boyfriend pick her up in an Audi A4L.

Hayley’s mother looked at her future son-in-law’s ride. Even though it was just two Volkswagen
Magotans, it looked as though he had a driver, and she thought that it was not that bad.

She truly thought that they were both Harper’s drivers, but Harper did not look like a rich guy.

“Are you guys coming or not? Can you guys hurry up? I have two more drives!” One of the drivers
became irritated.

“Um…” Hayley and May’s mothers were both stunned.

“This is just an Uber, mum!” Hayley did not look very comfortable.

Harper was also slightly embarrassed, and he lowered his head.

“What? I thought it was Harper’s family driver. I never thought it was just an Uber…”

May’s mother looked rather happy as she looked outside the car window.

“Mum, just get in the car. Harper, get in the front, please!” Hayley knew that it would be even more
awkward if they continued to stay there.

“Why let him sit in front. Ask him to get in the car at the back!” Hayley’s mother glared at Harper.

They finally left the station.

“I screwed up so hard! This is all finished!” Harper scratched his head in despair as he got in the other

Gerald patted him on his shoulder and said, “Don’t be too upset. The one you’d be marrying is Hayley, not Hayley’s mum. Benjamin and I are always here for you, don’t worry!”

“Sigh, okay. No matter what is it, you have to help me today, Gerald!” Harper was all out of ideas.

Gerald did not say anything else, he merely nodded his head.

Soon, they had all reached the hotel. After knowing that it was Jayce who had booked the hotel, May’s
mother was extremely happy.

Hayley’s mother, on the other hand, was extremely disappointed.

“Yakob! You guys must have been waiting for a while now. Mrs. Leny is here together with May’s roommates.” They went into a luxurious dining room, and Jayce began to introduce the people present.

“Mrs. Leny, these are all my friends. This is Yakob, our head of the dormitory. His family owns a
company, and he takes care of us really well!”

“Hi, nice to meet all of you!” May’s mother was very happy when she found out that he was in touch
with so many wealthy people.

Yakob introduced himself to May’s mother first and then greeted Hayley and the others.

Yakob was shocked when he saw Gerald there. “Gerald?”

Gerald was surprised as well. This was such a coincidence. “We meet again, Yakob!”

Chapter 365
Gerald did not expect that the person Jayce kept bragging about was actually Yakob.

But then again, there were only a few students that drove a 7 Series Porsche in their school, and one of them was Yakob.

Yakob was not very happy when he saw Gerald.

At first, Gerald had embarrassed him in front of many girls at the breakfast place, and then, Yakob had found out that Gerald was quite close with his goddess, Giya.

Including the incident that had happened yesterday where Giya had said she was going to have dinner and a movie date with Yakob in front of Gerald, but after they had left him, Giya had gotten out of the car immediately like a different person.

Yakob did not feel right last night, and he had come to the conclusion that Giya might have been using him.

Yakob had not been feeling good about it ever since then, and he wanted to take this chance to relax, but he never thought that he would see Gerald here!

Yakob smiled faintly as he offered Gerald and the others a seat.

“You should rest for a bit, Yakob. Let Jayce do all the work! We have given you enough trouble for the
day. It’s quite embarrassing to make you work even more!”

“Am I right, Mrs. Ians? Look at Jayce’s friends. They are so well-put and humble. I believe they are very close to Jayce! Don’t you worry about the fees, okay? Jayce and May can do the deed!” May’s mother was complimenting Yakob and talking to Hayley’s mother at the same time.

However, Hayley’s mother had not spoken a single word. She was upset right from the start.

Both Hayley and May’s family were doing equally fine back in their city. In fact, Hayley was doing even slightly better than May. Hence, Hayley’s mother had come here very proudly.

She thought that her future son-in-law would bring his own personal driver to pick her up, and May’s
mother would be very jealous of her future son-in-law.

However, everything did not go as she had planned. Hayley’s mother really wanted to dig a hole and hide herself.

Harper could not even be compared to Jayce, and even their social circle was completely different.

Yakob was already such a big deal, while Harper’s friends on the other hand were Benjamin and Gerald.
Benjamin looked decent with his glasses and all, but Gerald literally looked like a joke!

Hayley’s mother was extremely disappointed.

Suddenly, Yakob spoke up, “Don’t worry about the money, Mrs. Ians and Mrs. Leny. We’ll handle it, and as long as both of you are happy, I don’t mind paying for everything!”

Yakob had to act like a gentleman because after all, there were two pretty girls around.

“Oh no, this isn’t right, Yakob! Even if Jayce were to pay for everything, Harper would not be happy about it. Am I right, Harper?” May’s mother looked at Harper.

“Yeah. We should split the bill!” Harper nodded his head.

“Splitting the bill sounds good. I would love to try Mayberry’s best dishes!” May’s mother immediately ordered a few signature dishes and then asked Hayley’s mother to order as well.

Hayley’s mother ordered more dishes than May’s mother.

Everything on the table was nearly 5000 dollars, and Harper began to get worried about it.

Gerald knew about his situation and thus, he quietly transferred 2000 dollars into Harper’s account and
told him not to worry about it.

Just when he had transferred that money to Harper, he realized that Alice and Jacelyn had been watching him, and they were both looking at him in shock.

Alice and Jacelyn had been observing him quietly all this while.

Chapter 366
Before they had seen the amount of money in his bank account, they kind of knew that he was not an ordinary person, and just as they had guessed it, he was indeed extremely rich!

They had never had evidence until now. They saw him transferring that money over to Harper, but they still could not tell how much money was left in his account because there were too many numbers!

“Girls, what would the both of you like to have? Would you like some wine? I ordered this just for the
ladies, and don’t worry, I can send you girls back later!” Yakob looked at Alice and Jacelyn.

He believed that they knew he was great. However, Alice and Jacelyn immediately rejected his offer.
“It’s fine. We’re good!”

Alice immediately looked at Gerald and said, “Gerald, what would you like to have? Let me get it for you!”

Yakob was confused and stunned.

Why were all his Goddess’ treating Gerald so nicely?!

Yakob had never seen Gerald as competition, but now, it seemed as though Gerald would be his biggest enemy!

Yakob actually wanted to embarrass Gerald at the gathering, but Gerald did not talk much, and if he ever tried to push a conversation on him, he would just smile and shake his head.

It was almost like punching a bag of cotton.

After lunch was over, Hayley was planning to call an Uber to bring her mother to the place she would be staying at.

Yakob jumped up and said, “You don’t have to get an Uber. We all drove here, just let us know where
Mrs. Leny is staying and we can drive you all there. Let’s go to the carpark together!”

“You girls can ride in my car! My car is big and comfortable!” Yakob invited Alice and Jacelyn.

The girls did not say a single word.

As they reached the car park, Yakob took out his car key and unlocked his car.

He then got into the car and started the engine.

Just as he was about to drive off, one of his friends said, “Yakob, you should be careful. The car beside you is too close!”

“So what? It’s just a Phideon!”

Yakob wanted to go slow at first, but after what his friend had said, he felt the need to go faster.


Yakob felt the impact. The rear of his car collided with the car next to him, and it was quite a bad crash!

“F*ck!” Yakob hit his steering wheel in frustration and got out of his car.

“What do we do now, Yakob?” Jayce was nervous, but Yakob did not care.

“Why the f*ck are you scared? Just call the owner, and we’ll pay him a few thousand!”

“No, Yakob. Look at the car, I don’t think it’s a Phideon. I think it’s a Phaeton!”

“What?!” Yakob became nervous as well. A Phideon usually only cost around 4000 dollars, but a
Phaeton could easily go up to 20000 dollars!

And that car was indeed a Phaeton that had been discontinued!

Chapter 367
“What now?!” Yakob was extremely scared.

He had taken a quick glance at the Volkswagen just now and had not taken too much notice of it since the better Volkswagens usually only cost around 5000 dollars. However, they had totally forgotten about the very underrated Phaeton!

“Oh, no! How much money would you even have to pay for compensation? The Phaeton has gone out of shape!” Even May’s mother was worried about it.

“Yakob, why don’t you call the owner immediately and talk things out? Otherwise, you could just ask
Mr. Lincoln to settle it for you?” Yakob’s friend suggested.

“F*ck it, man. I did knock him, but so what? Who asked him to park so close to me? It is just a 20000 dollar Phaeton. Do you think I can’t afford it?! I only bought this 7 Series just to go with my internship!” Yakob was furious.

Still, he called the owner to settle this matter.

After a while, a man wearing glasses came out with a woman. They looked like a couple.

“You knocked my car!” The man said.

Deep down, Yakob was thinking that this guy did not look fierce at all. In fact, he looked like he had not seen much of the world, and Yakob felt rather relieved.

He believed that this man was from a small village and had gotten lucky, consequently buying a fancy car just to show off.

If the other party was an adult, he might have been slightly more respectful, but he was not.

“Are you f*cking blind or what?! Didn’t you see my car there?! Why did you park your car so close to mine? You tell me, how are we going to settle this?”

Yakob rolled up his sleeves and walked toward the man while Jayce and another friend went up to him as well.

The girl beside him immediately said, “You guys were clearly the ones that knocked into our car. You have to fix it!”

“That’s right! You guys have got to fix my car!” The guy said.

“What do you mean? Your car was blocking mine, so why the f*ck should I fix your d*mn car?!”

Yakob kicked the man in his stomach and pointed right at his nose. “Don’t you know who I am? Give me
your f*cking address, little guy!” Yakob threatened them.

The man immediately held onto his stomach and did not say a single word anymore.

“Wow! Yakob, you’re so cool!” May’s mother was impressed.

“It’s normal. Yakob’s family is rich and powerful!” Jayce said proudly.

Yacob kicked the man again. “Now get the f*ck off. Don’t ever let me see you again, or I’ll beat you to death!”

The man’s girlfriend helped him back to the hotel.

“Very impressive, Yakob!” His friend was amazed.

“It’s only because his car was more expensive than mine, otherwise, I would have made him pay for my car!” Yakob was satisfied. He was ready to send Alice and the others to the hotel first and then bring his car to the service center.

Just then, a group of men suddenly came and surrounded Yakob.

The one standing in front looked at the man with the spectacles and asked. “Who beat you up, Four- Eyed?”

“That’s him!” Four-Eyed pointed at Yakob.

Yakob was not usually afraid of people like this, but when he took a closer look at the guy in front, he got scared.

Yakob swallowed as he asked, “Aren’t you Timothy Shen? We’ve met before previously!”

Timothy Shen!

Everyone present was stunned when they heard the name.

Timothy Shen was the son of Weiner Shen, and they owned quite a number of entertainment facilities in Mayberry.

Weiner Shen was considered Mayberry’s biggest mob.

The Weiner Group was definitely more fierce as compared to the Rye Group since the Rye Group had its own considerations, but Weiner Group had none.

Chapter 368
They would screw you up as long as they were not happy with you!

They really did not care who you were!

As for Timothy’s name, everyone had heard about him. He studied at Mayberry University and was super fierce. Someone had gotten on his nerves a while ago, and he had brought a group of people to that person’s house and messed him up.

Yakob was totally incomparable to Timothy, and he was scared.

“What the f*ck is wrong with you? You knocked Four-Eyed’s car and you even beat him up?! You’re really out of your f*cking mind, bro. Don’t think you can get away just like that. Explain yourself or you’re not going anywhere today!” Timothy sneered.

Yakob was trembling. He immediately slapped himself and explained, “It was just a misunderstanding, Timothy. Everything was just a misunderstanding!”

“Misunderstanding? Okay, since this is one of my uncle’s hotels, follow me to one of the rooms, and we can sort out this misunderstanding there!” After what Timothy had said, two strong men went over to Yakob and caught him by his shoulder.

“Four-Eyed, did anyone else touch you?” Timothy asked.

“No, just him!”

Timothy then left with Yakob, who was already very scared for his life.

“This Timothy doesn’t seem like a good person at all! Who is he?” May’s mother asked fearfully.

“Of course he isn’t a good person! His father is even more fierce. Two years ago, Timothy even forced an
actress to go out with him!” Clearly, Jayce was aware of what kind of person Timothy was.

“Should we call the police then, Jayce?” Yakob’s friend was worried.

“Are you nuts? We can’t do anything about it now. I’m pretty sure Yakob’s father will find out in no time!” Jayce lit up a cigarette.

Gerald had watched the entire scene, and he thought that Yakob truly deserved it.

Gerald did not care to bother about saving him at all after what had happened. Thus, he said, “Mrs. Ians,
Mrs. Leny, since it’s something that we are not able to help with, let’s just get you all settled down at the hotel first!”

“Alright!” May and Hayley’s mothers agreed.

They all then left for the hotel.

There were not many plans on Harper’s side for the afternoon except for the visit to Yorknoth

Meanwhile, Jayce drove May’s mother around Mayberry.

Hayley’s mother was extremely jealous of it, and she felt rather dissatisfied with Harper!

Finally, it was five o’clock in the evening, and May’s mother had gotten back.

There would be an event going on at Yorknorth Village, and many superstars would be there too.

May and her mother wanted to pay a visit, so Jayce had already gotten them the tickets. They had even gotten VIP tickets. The VIP tickets meant that they did not have to pay any extra money after getting inside.

Meanwhile, Harper had only gotten ordinary tickets.

“You’re such a good boy, Jayce! Look at you, you got us the VIP tickets! Why didn’t you get another VIP ticket for Mrs. Ians too! Now Harper has to pay for everything inside!”

“Ah! I almost forgot about it. I thought Harper would have known to get the VIP tickets!” Jayce smiled as
he shook his head.

“What’s so great about it anyway. Didn’t Yakob just get brought away by a bunch of gangsters and he didn’t even dare to say a single word!” Hayley’s mother was extremely upset, but she still fought back.

“Well, indeed, Jayce isn’t as good, but he’s still better than other people’s daughter’s boyfriend! Look at the friends he brought! They are just here for free food!” Clearly, those words were for Gerald and Benjamin.

Gerald merely smiled speechlessly. They had nothing else to say.

They were finally there at Yorknorth Mountain, and the place for selling entrance tickets had been set.

“Jayce, I thought you had friends waiting here? Are you sure he’s coming?” May asked.

“Of course! He’s my high school classmate. These tickets were given to me by him! He’s like the second owner of this place! Look, he’s right there!” Jayce pointed.

Gerald looked toward the direction and was shocked.

Chapter 369
Who was that person?

That person was Hayward.

He was still afraid that he might bump into Hayward on the way here. If he saw Hayward, Lilian and Sharon had to be around too.

Gerald did not really want to see either of them, but he saw him, and surprisingly enough, Hayward and Jayce were high school classmates.

“Hey, Jayce! I’ve been waiting!” Hayward greeted them proudly. He was very confident because after all,
he was the host of the entire event for now.

“Yeah. There was a pretty bad jam outside. Anyhow, let me introduce you to my girlfriend, May, and
that is May’s mother, Mrs. Leny. Those over there are May’s friends. We all came together!” Jayce said.

Together with Hayward were a few other young men and women which also included Sharon and Lilian. Hayward also introduced his friends to Jayce.

“This is Hayward, and his family owns three houses here!” Jayce said enviously.

After the introduction, May and her mother were stunned. They knew that Yorknorth Mountain was going to be developed into a big recreational center. They were even planning to broaden the tourist area and build more properties here! This place would be a very popular spot in the future, and this Hayward owned three properties here! It was enough to keep him sustained his entire life.

May’s mother was very impressed.

“That’s quite exaggerated. After all, Mr. Crawford was the one who decided to invest in this land! He’s the hero of this story.” Hayward said respectfully.

“Mr. Crawford? Who is this Mr. Crawford? I heard that he sold the entire company, and now, he’s building a new recreational place?” May said.

Ever since she had gotten together with Jayce, she had been reading news about the rich and wealthy.

This topic successfully caught the attention of both Alice and Jacelyn.

They had both seen the news before, and there were all kinds of speculations on the internet.

“Who is this Mr. Crawford, May? Is he truly that great?” May’s mother was excited.

“Well, he used to be. However, his company has been dismissed, so not so much anymore!” May said.

Hayward was slightly speechless at this. “Don’t listen to the rumors online. Just think about the money this guy, Mr. Crawford, has invested. He bought the entire mountain for about six million, and he will be putting in more money in the future!”

Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

“Hence, when people talked about Mr. Crawford’s rumor online, we could only shake our heads!” Lilian
folded her arms and smiled.

“That’s so cool!” May was shocked.

Alice looked at Gerald in surprise, and it made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

Alice was grateful that she had never gotten on Gerald’s nerves, otherwise, she would never stand a
single chance.

“Wow, Jayce! I never thought you would know someone like Hayward! You have many connections!” May’s mother smiled.

“Alright! Let’s get in the sightseeing car for now. How many of us are here? I think we’ll need a bigger car!” Hayward said.

He then looked toward Harper’s side and was surprised to see Gerald. “D*mn, Gerald?!”

Lilian and Sharon were shocked to see him as well. The last time they had seen him was when they had all gotten arrested because of the fight between Hayward and Murphy, and Gerald had been bailed out.

Chapter 370
They were all very curious as to who this Gerald was.

Sharon and Lilian were really hoping that he was not some great person.

“Gerald, you’re here!” They both toned down a lot when greeting Gerald.

“Hayward, you know him?” Jayce asked.

“Yeah. But that’s a story for next time. Let me go get us a sightseeing car first!” Hayward said.

Harper was driving at first while Jayce was sitting right next to him.

“Harper is surprisingly good at driving this kind of car even though he has never driven before!” May’s
mother taunted him.

“Just like his personality. Very dependable!” One of the girls said.

Jayce was not very happy when he heard those words.

“Are you stupid or what, dude! You should be turning to the left side. It’s way more fun on the left side!”
Jayce scolded him out of jealousy, and Harper just kept quiet.

“Drive faster, dude! Just let me do it if you can’t! F*cking stupid!” Jayce continued humiliating him.

Harper had had enough to take in for the day. He became really angry at this time and stepped on the accelerator really hard.

He almost knocked into a little girl holding onto a balloon as she chased her little dog!

“Harper! Watch out!” Hayley shouted.

Alas, it was too late for Harper to stop the car. He turned the car to the side, and the car went out of control.

The sightseeing car scratched a car that was parked right at the roadside, and the sightseeing car was knocked out of shape.

The car hit a big rock before finally screeching to a halt.

“Aah!” The passersby shouted, including the girls in the car.

Harper knew he was in big trouble.

One of the passersby shouted, “Look at this dude, man! He knocked into seven Ferraris in one shot!”

Harper and the group were shocked and scared. They were all dumbfounded when they looked at the cars that had been knocked by Harper.

All of it was a Ferrari, and the average cost of each car was 400000 dollars. The worst part was that all of the cars had been heavily damaged, and some of the headlights were even falling off.

“Oh, my goodness! This young man is crazy! Seven Ferraris, dude! That’s going to cost at least a few
hundred thousand!”

There were more and more people surrounding them.

Not only was Hayley and her mother shocked, but even May’s mother was also worried.

This was worse than the incident in the afternoon where Yakob had only knocked one car! Harper, on the other hand, had messed up seven cars!

“Move aside! Move aside now!”

Chapter 371
At this time, Hayward drove Lilian and the others in his more luxurious sightseeing car as he headed over.

He saw a lot of people surrounding the place. After that, he saw that it was Jayce and the others. Therefore, he knew that something was wrong, and he hurriedly squeezed in through the crowd of people.

As soon as he saw what had happened, Hayward could not help but feel that his mind was completely blown!

D*mn it!

“Who did this?” Hayward’s face was pale as he asked them the question.

“Hayward! It’s him! He was the one who was driving the car!” Jayce hurriedly pointed at Harper.

At this time, after regaining their senses, May and the others also stood on Jayce’s side immediately.

That’s right. Who would not be afraid of getting involved and forced to share the responsibility instead?

After all, these damages would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

As for Harper, it was true that he had gotten into trouble in a fit of anger. However, it was Jayce who had provoked him. Still, there was nothing that he could do now except bear the consequences of his actions.

After all, he was the one who had hit those cars.

“Oh! You! You… you… I am truly convinced right now. How could my daughter possibly have a boyfriend
like you?!” Hayley’s mother felt very aggrieved, and she immediately shed a few drops of tears.

Lilian spoke lightly at this time, “Don’t worry about it too much now. Well, do you have any contacts or connections? You should contact someone now. Perhaps you should call someone from your hometown to come here as soon as possible?”

May’s mother spoke up, “How could he possibly have any contacts or connections?! If Jayce was the one who caused the trouble, he might be able to alleviate and solve the problem, then. After all, Jayce has a wide network of contacts, and this is his buddy, Hayward’s territory! I don’t think Harper will be able to solve this problem. Moreover, Hayward is not familiar with him either. So, Hayward can’t possibly offend the owners of these luxury cars just because of him!”

Harper could not even say anything to refute that. May’s mother was a mature person, and she was very

This sentence alone naturally pushed the blame off Jayce and Hayward. She was clearly telling them not to poke their noses into this matter so that they would not be provoking anyone unnecessarily!

At this time, another girl asked, “Hey! Don’t you have any friends in Mayberry City?”

Harper’s face flushed red as he said, “Of course! Gerald and Benjamin are my friends!”

One of May’s roommates asked speechlessly, “Oh! We are not talking about those kinds of friends. We meant if you have any rich or influential friends?”

Hayward frowned as he spoke up at this time. “Okay, don’t talk about it anymore. It does not matter if he has any friends or not. After all, this kid has already gotten into a big disaster this time!”

“Huh? What big disaster?” Everyone asked in surprise.

Hayward he took a deep breath and asked, “Do you know who these cars belong to?”


Hayward replied, slightly frightened, “These are the cars of seven rich heirs, such as Aiden, Yoel, Zade, and the others!”

“Hayward, do you mean Aiden from the Baker family, Yoel from the Holden family, Zade from the Zavier family in Harbour City, and the others? Isn’t that just too much of a coincidence?” Sharon had been following Hayward around and had seen a lot of the world these days. Therefore, she could not help but ask in surprise.

Hayward closed his eyes as he nodded and said, “Yes, it’s them!”

“What should we do?” Benjamin was also panicking at this time.

These young masters were even more powerful compared to that Timothy.

May’s mother opened her eyes wide in panic and said, “Harper, I think you should just hurry up and kneel in front of these cars. Perhaps those young masters will spare you that way. You cannot possibly afford to offend them. After all, these young men are not as simple as the person Yacob offended just now!”

May’s mother continued, “Furthermore, Harper, since you were the one who drove and hit the car, you should just confess by yourself later. Don’t mention the fact that we were all also sitting in the sightseeing car with you! We cannot afford to offend them!”
At this time...

“Look! Aiden, Yoel, and the others are here!”

Chapter 372
Someone yelled out loud. After that, the crowd of people opened their mouths in shock.

Yoel brought a group of people who looked like rich heirs over with him.

“D*mn it! Who did this?” Yoel asked coldly as he threw his sunglasses away.

Aiden and the others also gathered around the group of people at this time.

“Sorry! I was the one who hit your cars!” Harper bowed slightly because he was also frightened at this

“So tell me. What are we going to do about this? Men! Come and call the car shop to send someone over here to estimate the damage now! Also, none of you who were with him are allowed to leave today!”

Yoel barked out his instructions.

At this time, some bodyguards dressed in black were already making a phone call as soon as they heard his words. A group of men immediately came over to surround May and everyone else as well.

“Oh! It’s all over. This time, Harper not only hit someone else’s car, but he has obviously offended Yoel too! He has even implicated us in this matter and Yoel is not letting us go either!”

“Yes! He really does not know what is good for him! Why did he even try to stop the sightseeing car from crashing?! Perhaps the damage would not even cost that much! Now, he not only hit all the rich heirs’ cars, but he has also dragged us into this matter with him!”

“That’s right! The most important thing is that we are really wasting these rich heirs’ time now!”

May’s roommates chimed in immediately.

When May and Jayce heard Yoel’s words, they realized that none of them would be able to leave. It seemed as though everyone who had been sitting in Harper’s car would also be in trouble.

They were extremely nervous, and they looked at Hayward to ask for his help.

Hayward immediately understood what they were trying to tell him. So, he immediately walked toward Yoel, Aiden, and the others before he said respectfully, “Sirs, I am Hayward from Yorknorth Mountain. I had a short encounter with Aiden before this.”

Yoel looked at Aiden, and Aiden whispered something to Yoel immediately.

Yoel nodded before he smiled and said, “Well, Hayward. What do you want to say?”

“Well, Yoel, some of my friends here were sitting in this car as well. Could you give me some face? This matter had nothing to do with them!”

“F*ck! What kind of face should I give you? Get lost! If you were in the car too, I might forgive you and let you off because you are from Yorknorth Mountain. However, if it is none of your business, don’t try to be so pretentious in front of me!” Yoel was not giving face to anyone at all!

Hayward’s face flushed red at this time after getting scolded so harshly.

Hayward did not even dare to take a deep breath, and he could only hide in anguish with Lilian and the others.

When Jayce and the others saw that even Hayward was not able to save them, they began to panic.

This was especially so for May’s mother who wished that she could just slap Harper.

At this time, a sudden voice made the crowded scene fall silent immediately.

“I think we should stop wasting everyone’s time. Just forget it!”

Everyone cast their eyes in the direction of the boy who was the source of the sound.

D*mn it! Forget it?!

Was he sick of living?

That’s right! He was too full of himself, right? Who did he think he is?

Everyone was shocked.

Yes. The boy was naturally none other than Gerald.

As soon as he made this remark, even Lilian and Sharon, who thought highly of him, could not help but stare at Gerald as they shook their heads slightly.

May’s mother scolded him directly, “Gerald, what nonsense are you talking about?!”

As for Gerald, he was originally waiting for the owners of the cars to come so that he could offer to pay them for the damages himself.

But then, he had found out that the cars belonged to Yoel and the others.

Gerald felt entangled.

If he did not step up to help Harper when they came over, Harper would definitely suffer miserably in their hands.

If he stepped up to help him, his identity would be exposed directly.

However, in the current situation, it seemed as though it would be impossible for him to keep a low profile and choose not to help Harper.

Alas, if his identity were to be exposed, so be it. There was no other way!

Thus, Gerald stepped forward…

Chapter 373
”Mr. Craw… I mean, Gerald?!”

Yoel and Aiden were all taken aback.

No one thought that Mr. Crawford would also be here.

Yoel almost yelled out loud and revealed his identity.

Therefore, this group of rich heirs also moved toward Gerald excitedly.


The people who were all waiting to watch a good show were all startled.

“Um… this is not a big problem anyway. All of you originally came here to be happy and have fun. Besides, none of you are short of money to repair your cars anyway. So, just forget about it. Just continue having fun and enjoying yourselves, then.” Gerald could only smile helplessly. Since this matter had already come to this state, there was nothing else he could do.

“Yes! Yes! Gerald, you are right. We are all here to enjoy and have fun anyway. Why should we be so angry over this small matter, then? Hahaha! Gerald, in that case, we will let this matter go! Let’s go in and have a drink together later, okay?” Yoel touched his belly before he laughed.

“Okay! I will come and find you for a drink later!” Gerald also patted Aiden’s and the other boys’
shoulders with a smile on his face.

“Goodbye, Gerald!”

“Goodbye, Gerald!”


The rest of the rich heirs did not dare to joke around with Gerald, and they simply bowed respectfully to say goodbye.

This made the people standing on the sidelines feel even more shocked.

F*ck! What was happening?!

Many people were still in shock, and they did not come to their senses even after Yoel and the other rich heirs had already left.

This was even more so for May, Jayce, May’s mother, and the others.

To be honest, no one had taken Gerald to heart at all from the very beginning. They thought he was just a pathetic jerk who had come along on this trip to eat and drink for free. However, they really did not expect him to actually be acquainted and connected to so many rich heirs!

He only had to say a few words, and those rich heirs had left immediately!

Moreover, those people seemed to be afraid of him.

May and the others were even more surprised.

At this time, even Hayley’s mother was looking at Gerald with a look of admiration on her face. She was also subconsciously standing closer to Gerald at this time.

It seemed as though she was trying to tell everyone else that this young man was her daughter’s boyfriend’s good buddy! Hmph! He was not May nor anyone’s good friend!

Sharon and Lilian were even more surprised at this time.

It seemed as though their speculations had been confirmed.

The two girls suddenly turned pale.

It seemed as though everything that had happened the last time was not purely accidental. It was true that Gerald was indeed extraordinary!

Moreover, it seemed as though he was even more powerful as compared to Hayward.

Those rich heirs did not even bother to give Hayward any face at all, but they were all so respectful and polite toward Gerald.

Furthermore, these girls were very attentive and meticulous. They could clearly see that some of the rich heirs had even bowed to Gerald when they were saying goodbye to him!


The atmosphere became very awkward at this time.

Gerald smiled awkwardly before he said, “Okay! Everything is fine now! Let’s continue playing then!”

After he was done speaking, Gerald continued walking forward with Harper and the others.

“F*ck! Who is this young man?”

“I don’t know, but he looks pretty awesome!”

“So many rich heirs were giving him face too! I guess he must be a very powerful and influential person!”

A group of people started discussing this matter amongst themselves.

One of May’s good friends suddenly came over and asked Gerald shyly at this time, “Gerald, you… do you want to drink some milk tea? I will go and buy it for you…”

“Thank you, but I’m not thirsty!” Gerald replied.

Lilian glanced at the girl before she handed her cup of untouched milk tea over to Gerald. “Hehe! Who
do you think you are? Did you think that Gerald will drink any milk tea that any random girls buy for

“Gerald, look at you! Your lips are a little dry. How could you possibly not be thirsty? You are just too careless, and you don’t know how to love yourself at all!” Lilian continued hurriedly.

On the surface, she was snubbing the girl, but in actual fact, she was just putting on an act in front of Gerald.

Since she had had a misunderstanding with Gerald before this, Lilian felt that she had to resolve it!

Gerald did not know what else to say.

Fortunately, at this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

It was a phone call from Zack.

“Sorry! You guys can continue playing first. I have to answer a call. I will come and find you later!”

Chapter 374
Gerald found an excuse to slip away and went over to the lakeside.

“Mr. Crawford, I would like to ask for your instructions. I’ve already made an initial investment plan for the investment in your hometown, Serene County, that Mr. Harrison talked about. There is an investment plan for six billion dollars, and there is another plan for eight billion dollars. The investment plan for eight billion dollars will also drive a part of the township economy, and it will involve a wider range of areas. What is your decision, then?” Zack asked as soon as the call was connected.

“Then, let’s decide on the eight billion dollar plan. After all, the reason why I agreed to Mr. Harrison’s
proposal was to drive the construction and growth of the entire urban and rural economy anyway!”

“Okay, I understand, Mr. Crawford! I will begin the layout of the plan immediately!”

After he was done speaking, Gerald hung up the phone immediately.

He turned around and prepared to go back.

Gerald was stunned as soon as he turned around.

This was because he did not know when Alice had come and stood behind him.

At this time, Alice was staring at him in a dumbfounded manner. It was obvious that she had already
heard Gerald’s conversation just now.

“Gerald… you!” Alice was breathing rapidly at this time.

When Gerald had been interacting with the group of rich heirs just now, Alice had already suspected that her guess might be right.

At that time, she did not say anything at all.

Instead, she had been paying close attention to Gerald.

After that, she saw Gerald acting suspiciously when he came here to answer the phone call.

So, Alice had followed him here quietly.

If Alice had not heard everything clearly because of the quiet surroundings, it would have been hard for her to believe that everything in front of her was real!

Gerald was a rich heir, and she was almost certain that he was Mr. Crawford!

He had spoken about eight billion dollars without even blinking his eyes!

Alice trembled uncontrollably.

The guy that Naomi had tried to matchmake her with from the very beginning so that they could become a couple, the person that she had despised and looked down on from the beginning, was actually an incredible God!

“You heard… everything?” Gerald asked awkwardly.

Alice blushed as she nodded. “Yes! I heard everything!”

“You are Mr. Crawford. The Mr. Crawford who owns countless properties and assets?!” Alice asked in

“I… No, I’m not. I don’t have a lot of money. You’ve got it all wrong. Eh! Harper is calling me!”

Gerald quickly reacted. If he admitted it too readily, his effort to maintain a low profile during this period would all be wasted!

He wanted to leave as soon as he could!

Alice blocked Gerald’s way as she stood in front of him. “Gerald, I have already heard everything. Why
are you so unwilling to admit it?”

“Why can’t you tell me the truth? Can you just tell me the truth?” Alice asked as she grabbed Gerald’s
shoulders with bloodshot eyes.

Gerald was speechless. “You’ve really got it wrong! I’m just a pauper!”

After that, he broke free from Alice’s grasp as he tried to run back to the others.

However, after taking a few steps, Gerald was startled when he turned his head around.

Alice was actually walking toward the lake, step by step!

D*mn it!

“What are you doing?!” Gerald was really at a loss for words. This scene was exactly what had happened
with Xavia!

He ran forward before he grabbed hold of Alice.

“Let go of me! Just let me die! I treated you so horribly in the past. You will never like me again. Just let
me die!” Alice was really filled with regrets at this time, and she really did not want to live anymore.

Fortunately, Gerald had already brought her back to the shore.

Alice cried as she clung onto Gerald’s arm tightly. “Gerald, you still like me, right? I know that you liked
me from the very beginning when we first met. Isn’t that right?”

Gerald could only tell her the truth. “Well, yes. Although you looked down on me from the very beginning, Xavia had just hurt me and broken my heart at that time. When I saw how beautiful you were, I really liked you. I felt that no matter how much you despised me and looked down on me, I was still very happy and excited to be able to see you. However, those feelings are already long gone. The only person in my heart right now is Mila. I really have to thank you!”

At that time, he had truly liked Alice for quite a while, and Gerald admitted it.

Alice did not feel good at all when she heard Gerald’s words.

She had once had a very sincere relationship waiting right in front of her…

Chapter 375
Gerald finally got rid of Alice. The crowd of people continued having fun and enjoying themselves.

As for Gerald, he could not tolerate everyone’s questions and inquiries anymore. Hence, he could only
come up with a reason to excuse himself in advance.

Anyway, he had already achieved his goal. Hayley’s mother was staring at Harper as though he was a
very precious person now.

Gerald then took a cab before he went back to the school directly.

“Sir, stop!” As soon as he arrived at the university gate, Gerald saw the scene before him, and he asked
the driver to stop the car immediately.

It was almost night time now, and there were a few luxury cars parked at the roadside near the school gate.

They were several boys who looked like ruffians who were surrounding a girl who was trying to go back into the school. They were obviously trying to block her way, and they did not want to let her go.

The girl looked very angry, and she even slapped one of the boys across his face.

They got more aggravated and violent at this time, and they looked as though they really wanted to hit her now.

The driver also looked at the situation over there, and he could not help but shake his head with a wry smile on his face. “Oh! Nowadays, some of the rich heirs only depend on the wealth and power of their families to do whatever they want. They are all lawless young people. Young man, if you know what is good for yourself, you should just stay out of this matter. There are some people that we simply cannot afford to offend!”

Gerald handed fifteen dollars over to the cab driver. After telling the cab driver that he did not need the change, he pushed the car door open before he stepped out of the car.

He started walking toward the girl who was being surrounded at this time.

The cab driver could not help but glance at Gerald’s back with a little sympathy. “Oh, young lad! I wish you good luck!”

After that, the cab driver stepped on the accelerator and drove away immediately.

“Miss Giya, please do not make things difficult for us. Our boss said that we have to invite you over there to have a drink with him today. There is nothing wrong with accompanying him for a drink, right?” Several young ruffians opened their arms as they surrounded Giya.

There were people passing by at this time, but no one dared to interfere in this matter.

Giya cursed coldly, “Go away! I do not know who your boss is! Why should I drink with him?”

“Haha! Miss Giya, our boss is Timothy Shen! You must have heard of him before. Speaking of it, Mr. Shen and you are really fated! Mr. Shen saw you once before at a business exchange meeting. He could not forget about you since then, but he did not manage to get your contact information. As a result, both of you really seem to be fated today. A young kid actually had your picture on his cell phone. When we asked him about you, we found out your whereabouts immediately. Mr. Shen has already set up a
table for you. If you refuse to give him face, we will all be done for!” The ruffians said as they continued

Giya ground her teeth and said angrily, “Get lost! I already told you that I will not go with you! If you
continue acting like this, I will call the police!”

“Cough! Cough! Since Miss Giya is being so difficult, you are also putting us in a tough spot. We can only invite you to come with us by force, then. Don’t worry. After you meet Mr. Shen, you will definitely fall in love with our capable boss! Hahaha!”

“Brothers! Drag Miss Giya into the car!”

After the leader of the ruffians was done speaking, two or three other men came up directly before they
grabbed Giya’s arms and started pulling her toward the car.

“What are you trying to do?! Let go of me! Help!” Giya shouted in panic.

She seemed to have heard of Timothy Shen before. It seemed as though he was related to some very powerful gang-related organization.

He was a hedonistic person who was always loafing around, and he had done things that were as disgusting as could be.

Giya did not know how or why he had set his sights on her, but she could already imagine what the consequences would be if she were to be dragged away!

She was struggling desperately at this time.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, there were several loud and explosive noises in succession!

After that, three of four ruffians were already bleeding from their heads.

The person who had rushed over was naturally none other than Gerald.

After he saw that the girl who was being harassed was Giya, he had gotten out of the car and searched for two thick and strong branches from the side of the road. He did not even care if someone would get hurt badly.

He started hitting them in their heads as soon as he came over.

Chapter 376
There were about five ruffians in total.

In the blink of an eye, Gerald had already knocked four of them out.

“F*ck! Who are you?!” The leader of the pack panicked, and he immediately asked in surprise. “I’ll kill you!”

Gerald did not say anything, but he simply rushed forward to hit him.

It seemed as though the ruffian was already used to fighting. He picked up a brick from the side of the road as he fought with Gerald.

In the end, he could not defeat Gerald who was in a rage, and he could only flee in embarrassment.

“Gerald, you… you… are you alright?” Giya was also terrified at this time.

“I’m fine!” Gerald replied as he wiped the blood off from the corner of his mouth.

Giya suddenly burst out nervously, “Ah! Your head is bleeding!”

Gerald was bleeding slightly from his head because he had been caught off guard just now, and the other party had launched a sneak attack on him.

“It’s just a small wound. Why did they come here to pester you?”

Gerald wiped the blood off his face. Today was the first time that he had ever fought like this.

Fortunately, he still had some strength in him. Moreover, Gerald was simply fighting without worrying about anything at all.

“I don’t know. I was just coming back to school today. They called me first to harass me, and then, they came to school to block my way. They were trying to force me to go and have dinner with that Timothy Shen, but I do not know him at all! I don’t know who gave him my contact information!”

When Giya looked at Gerald who had fought because of her, she could not help but feel very touched, and her eyes flushed red.

‘It must be that b*stard, Yacob!, Gerald cursed in his heart.

Of course Gerald knew about the cause of this matter today. Yacob had been taken away by Timothy earlier in the afternoon. Gerald did not know how the latter had taught the former a lesson, however, Gerald knew that since Timothy had set his eyes on Giya, this must have something to do with Yacob!

Although Gerald had been avoiding Giya, he still regarded her as his friend.

This was especially so after finding out about what Giya had done for him but yet, he had stood her up so many times. Gerald had always felt a little guilty toward Giya.

This was the reason why Gerald did not hesitate to defend her and fight hard for her when he saw that she was in trouble today.

When Gerald saw that Giya was already fine, he wanted to go back to his dormitory to dress up his own wound.

However, Giya refused to let him go and insisted on going to the infirmary with him.

Along the way, Giya held onto Gerald’s hand tightly.

He did not know what Giya was thinking about.

She had been very worried and nervous about Gerald a while ago, but before Gerald could say anything,
Giya suddenly released Gerald’s hand. She even asked him to go on his own.

Gerald was taken aback. “What’s wrong?”

Giya replied, “It’s okay. I was just thinking about why I was so worried about you, and why I am still treating you so well now. After all, it does not seem like you treat me as your friend at all based on the way you treated me before this!”

Giya was suddenly very upset and filled with grievances. She then said, “You know, there were so many times when I personally prepared food for you at home and brought it to the library with me. I wanted us to be able to eat together at the cafeteria! I wanted to study with you too! However, it seems as though you have been avoiding me. Even when my mother fell ill, you did not even have a single word of concern! It was only then that I realized that I was overthinking it when I thought I was important to you. I thought that you would… treat me as a good friend, and I was even thinking… Forget it! It was all my own wishful thinking!”

“You should not have saved me today. I was already very sad because of you, but now, I have to feel grateful toward you again. What do you want from me?!” Giya asked as she stomped her feet in frustration.

Gerald replied, “I just don’t want you to get hurt. I truly regard you as my friend!”

Giya was also a very rare kind of girl. She was not materialistic and she was also very kind and beautiful. Moreover, she had always treated him very well. Thus, of course Gerald regarded her as a friend.

“Okay, let me ask you something…” Giya said as she moved closer to Gerald, staring at him closely.

Chapter 377
”What is it?”

“Tell me! Why were you avoiding me the other day? Tell me the truth! Is it possible that you already
have a girlfriend?” Giya asked tentatively.

However, Giya already knew that Gerald came from a poor family background. It was just like what Tammy had said. This man was so boring, so how could he possibly have a girlfriend?!

“Well, yes! I have a girlfriend!” Gerald replied as he nodded.

It seemed as though Giya had also misunderstood them. Although Gerald was not narcissistic enough to think that someone like Giya would like him, he had indeed been avoiding her because of his own girlfriend!

Giya could not help but feel a little hurt for some reason. “What?! Are you lying to me?”

“I am not lying to you. I really do have a girlfriend. Her name is Mila, and she is from the Broadcasting and Hosting Department. We have already been a couple for more than two months now. She went to the Hong Kong Television Station to study two days ago!” Gerald replied as he smiled.

“Oh! So, that’s it! That’s the reason why you have been avoiding me. It turns out that you actually have a girlfriend. Not bad. This shows that you really like your girlfriend a lot!” Giya replied.

“Yes. I like her very much, and she cares about me too!”

“Oh! Then you should go to the infirmary on your own! I will not accompany you anymore. Otherwise, your girlfriend will misunderstand us if she sees us together. Besides, I will also tell my dad about how you beat some people up for me. I will ask him to help settle this matter too. Goodbye!” Giya waved her hand before she turned around and left.

Gerald did not know why there was a sudden change in Giya’s attitude from the start to the end.

However, it did not matter to him. Anyway, since he was already almost at the infirmary, Gerald decided to go in and get his wound bandaged.

After his wounds had been dressed, he called Drake and Tyson and asked them to deal with the so- called Shen family.

Gerald had already become smarter after learning from his past mistakes. Now, as long as someone offended him, no matter how small things were, Gerald liked to take the initiative to deal with the matter immediately.

This way, he would be able to save himself a lot of trouble.

After his wound had been bandaged, Gerald prepared to go back to his dormitory to lie down and sleep.

“Gerald!” At this time, someone pushed the door of the infirmary open.

It was Giya, and she came in with a bag of fruits in her hand.

“For you!” Giya said angrily.

In fact, Giya could not understand her own mental state at the moment.


No matter how you looked at it, Giya did not need to treat Gerald like this at all.

However, feelings were sometimes incomprehensible and unpredictable.

Giya did not know when she had begun having strange feelings for Gerald.

Anyway, she just wanted to see him, get to know him better, and just be by his side.

Perhaps it was when Gerald had given her the jade bracelet. That jade bracelet was his family heirloom, and he had given it to her without any hesitation at all. Wasn’t that equivalent to an indirect confession of his feelings for her?

Wasn’t a confession an indirect promotion of feelings and affections?

Whether it was a stranger or a friend…

As long as the other party confesses, the relationship between the two parties would change very quickly.

If the other party did not hate the other person too much, the relationship between both parties would involuntarily become some kind of ambiguous feelings.

This was obviously what Giya was feeling now.

She was very grateful toward Gerald, and she was also very curious about him. After Gerald’s
confession, Giya could not help but imagine what it would feel like to be together with Gerald.

She felt that Gerald would probably be very good to her in every possible way.

However, this kind of expectation was completely opposed to reality. It made Giya, who was a very competitive girl, want to fulfill her own expectations.

Of course, the premise of this whole process was that this person had already gotten the girl interested.

That was why Giya had gotten into Yacob’s car yesterday—just to annoy Gerald.

There was also the sad little scene just now when Giya had found out that Gerald already had a girlfriend.

Even so, Giya went to buy some fruits back for Gerald!

“Oh! You went to buy fruits for me?”

Chapter 378
Gerald took the bag of fruits.

“I only bought it for you because you endured a beating for me. Don’t overthink it!” Giya replied as she looked at Gerald. “I do not want your girlfriend to overthink things if she finds out about this!”

“Haha! It’s okay! I did not think too much!” Gerald replied as he smiled.

“By the way, Gerald. Since you said that both of us are friends, let me ask you something. What do you think of Yacob?”

Gerald had already walked out of the infirmary at this time, and Giya was talking to him as both of them walked.


Hahaha. Gerald knew that this person was not a good person because it seemed as though he was one person on the surface, but another person behind her back.

What was more, he was even willing to betray Giya.

At this time, Gerald only shook his head slightly before he said, “I don’t think that he is a very good person. Giya, as your friend, I would advise you to keep your distance from him in the future.”

“Why?” Giya asked angrily.

“Because he really does not deserve someone like you!”

“Why? I feel that Yacob really treats me very well! At least he will not make me upset or ignore me, letting me wait for him on my own! As long as I say the word, he will definitely appear right in front of me! I also believe that Yacob will be willing to do anything for me. So, why is he not good?” Giya retorted.

“Just trust me. I believe that even this matter with Timothy that you’ve gotten entangled in this time has something to do with Yacob. You’d better be careful!” Gerald did not want to say too much about Yacob’s matter today. After all, he did not see it with his own two eyes, so he did not know for certain.

However, he knew for sure that Yacob was not a good person. That was for certain.

However, Giya became very angry. “What do you mean by that? Do you mean that no one is actually really good for me? Do you mean that I will never be able to find a guy who is sincerely good to me? Is that what you mean?”

“That’s not what I mean!”

“I think that is exactly what you mean! Don’t worry! I will find a man who is really good to me soon. After that, I will bring him in front of you to show you that you are not the only one who is willing…”
Giya had wanted to say that he was not the only one who was willing to do anything for her without any hesitation at all!

However, she suddenly recalled that Gerald already had a girlfriend. So, what was the point of saying all these things to him?!

As for Gerald, he did not know what else to say.

Hence, he could only say, “Then, I wish for you to be able to find a man who truly loves you as soon as

“Thank you!” After that, Giya took a deep breath before she turned around to leave.

“I can’t finish all of these fruits by myself. Would you like to take some back with you to your dormitory
to eat?”

“No need! If you cannot finish eating it, give it to me!” After she was done speaking, Giya grabbed the
bag of fruits from Gerald before throwing it into the trash can directly next to them.

“Also, as a friend, I also hope that you will not give your most precious and valuable possession to other girls so casually in the future. This is because you will cause the other girl to misunderstand you very easily. Of course, I will not misunderstand you, but other girls you meet in the future might inevitably misunderstand you!”

After saying that, Giya left immediately.

As for Gerald, he finally understood everything.

It turned out that Giya had been talking about the jade bracelet. Well, if he would have known that this would happen, he would not have lied in the first place.

Gerald returned to his dormitory and lay down on his bed to rest.

They would be having their exams tomorrow. As for the future, who would be able to tell what was going to happen?

Gerald was about to sleep when he suddenly received a few WeChat messages on his cell phone.

[Are you sleeping? I still want to talk to you. I can’t sleep!]

[I feel as though I was a little too much today. I should not have thrown the fruits into the trash can like that!]

[But I was really angry at that time!]

[Gerald, are you there?]


Chapter 379
[Should we have a meal together at noon after our exams tomorrow? Okay? I will be waiting for you!]

Giya sent a series of text messages to Gerald.

Gerald naturally saw all of her messages.

After thinking about it, he replied: [Thanks, but I will not be going. I have to rush home as soon as our exams are over!]

Due to the scattered examination schedule, Gerald had already sat for some of his exams before this. There were only two more subjects for the so-called final exams tomorrow morning.

Additionally, he did not want to have too many interactions with Giya anymore.

He replied to her directly before he turned off his cell phone so that he could rest earlier.

The next day, Gerald completed his exams for all of his subjects.

After that, he packed his luggage and put his blanket into another snakeskin bag.

Zack had initially planned to send a special car over to take Gerald to Serene County.

After all, the project in Serene County had already begun progressing ever since the phone call yesterday.

Zack and Michael who stayed behind were naturally busy and had to get things done back and forth.

However, Gerald did not want to be so high profile.

After all, the first thing that he would have to do after going back to Serene County would be to visit Mr. and Mrs. Winters.

As for the investment matters, Zack and Michael could deal with it themselves.

Moreover, since they had three months of summer vacation, Gerald wanted to settle down to read a book or learn something.

Once his summer vacation was over, he would have to begin his internship.

He would truly be very busy then. Hence, he should just relax when he could now!

After turning on his cell phone, he received another message from Giya on WeChat.

Gerald replied: [I have already returned to my hometown. Goodbye!]

[Oh! Alright, then! I will not disturb you anymore!]

Gerald did not reply, and Giya did not continue talking anymore.

Anyway, Gerald thought that he would not see her again in the future anymore, right?

As he sat in the bus, Gerald felt that he rarely had the opportunity to look at the scenery outside the window quietly.

He could not help but feel a little melancholic.

As he thought about it, it had just been a few months ago when Gerald had taken the bus, and he only had two hundred dollars on him. At that time, he was thinking about how he was going to deal with his tuition fee and his life in the future. Moreover, it would be Xavia’s birthday soon. How was he going to save up enough money to buy her a birthday present?

He could still remember that it had been raining heavily when he took the bus to school that day, and he had been sitting in the bus by himself. Xavia did not forget to call him to tell him that she had already arrived at school and was waiting to have dinner with him.

She said that she had brought some delicious food with her from home.

At that time, Xavia was still a pretty good girl.

But this time around, he was going back by bus, and so many things had already happened.

He had found out that he was a rich heir—the exceptionally rich kind!

As for Xavia, she had also changed completely, and both of them had also broken up.

However, one thing remained the same. When he had been going back to school a few months ago, he had been thinking about how he was going to spend his money.

Now that he was going home, he was still thinking about how he was going to spend his money!


Gerald continued staring out the window in a trance.


At this time, a female voice suddenly rang next to him.

This person had obviously recognized Gerald.

Gerald turned his head to look around and saw a beautiful woman who was about twenty-five to twenty-six years old sitting on the seat next to the bus aisle.

She was wearing light makeup on her face, and she was also very beautiful.

“Miss Lewis?” Gerald really did not expect to see a familiar face on the bus.

Moreover, this person was his high school English teacher.

Her name was Montana Lewis, and she had been a substitute English teacher in high school. She had taught Gerald for two years and was very young and beautiful. She had just graduated from university at that time, but she could teach in high school because of her family connections.

There was a reason why Gerald had such a deep impression of her.

It was because Miss Lewis had the characteristics of all the young and modern girls.

For example, she would always be dressed in a very revealing manner. Back then, she would wear a miniskirt and crop top which revealed her belly button while teaching her students.

Everyone also knew that she had found a particularly rich boyfriend because of her beauty. Her boyfriend had even bought her an Audi A6! That was very impressive!

Chapter 380
Of course, her most notable feature was her love for the rich and her disdain for the poor.

She was almost the same as Cassandra, his current teacher.

Rich students were like their close friends and buddies.

If you had no money or power, you could just go and die wherever you wanted to.

Sometimes, her words were also very cruel and heartbreaking. That was the reason why Gerald had a very deep impression of her.

“Oh my God! This is such a coincidence. This is the first time that I’m taking a bus since I was young, but to think I would run into you now!”

Montana replied as she smiled wryly.

It seemed as though she was afraid people would misunderstand her and think that she took the bus often.

“Montana, who is he? Is he one of your students?” A handsome young man in a suit asked as he sat next
to Montana.

“Yes. I’ve told you about it before. I used to have a very poor student in my class. He would always bring
two steamed buns and a bag of pickles to school every day. Moreover, he would only eat one meal a
day! Do you remember?”

“Oh! Yes, I remember!”

“That’s right! This is him. Speaking of which, I have not seen him for almost three years now! He got into a pretty good university. He went to study at Mayberry University! Oh! There was a boy named James Laurie in our class at that time. In fact, everything about that kid was very good. Unfortunately, he did not manage to get into a good university. He should have been admitted into Mayberry University, but he did not. Instead, some people who should not have gotten into the university got admitted.
Seriously!” Montana said in dissatisfaction.

“Nevertheless, Gerald, I haven’t seen you in two to three years. It seems as though your temperament has already improved quite a lot. You no longer have the inferiority complex that you used to have before. It seems as though the big city has done you some good!” Montana said lightly.

Gerald replied, “Thank you, Miss Lewis. You are also much more beautiful compared to before!”

To be honest, he had a very bad impression of Montana.

However, it did not matter, because no matter what it was, she was still his teacher after all. There was no reason for him to hold a feud against her.

“Hehehe! You’ve also learned how to sweet-talk. To be honest, you should be more pragmatic and honest. Don’t learn to say these things like other people do. Moreover, even when you compliment me, I don’t feel like it’s a compliment when it is coming from your mouth!” Montana insulted him directly.

If someone rich praised you, that meant that you were impressive, but when a poor person praised you, you would not feel any sense of accomplishment at all.

This was simple.

Gerald could not help but think this to himself.

Anyhow, he decided to change the topic. “Miss Lewis, where did the both of you go?”

“Hehehe! We traveled abroad. Otherwise, why else do you think we are coming back by bus? Seriously. Anyway, you would not understand even if I told you!” Montana replied as she held the arm of the man in the suit affectionately.

Gerald simply nodded.

When he saw that Montana was no longer looking at him, he stopped talking as well. After that, he turned his head around before he continued looking out the window.

The bus arrived at Serene County shortly after.

The passengers got out of the bus, one after the other.

Gerald also carried his own luggage down before he got ready to hail a cab to go home.

Montana and her boyfriend were sharing the same luggage, and it seemed as though neither one of
them wanted to carry the luggage. “Well, isn’t Gerald here anyway? We can just ask him to carry our luggage to the exit of the station, then. How can your driver be late at a time like this? You shouldn’t let him off just like that!”

It seemed as though they felt that they would lose face if they were to carry it.

When Montana saw Gerald, she hurriedly waved at him.

“Gerald, come here and help us lift this luggage! I cannot lift it!”

Montana did not wait for Gerald to speak and she simply pushed her luggage in front of him.

‘Can’t lift it? If you can’t lift it, you can just wait to die then!’ Gerald could not help but curse in his heart. However, as he thought about it, he would not lose anything even if he helped his teacher carry her luggage.

Therefore, he carried his own luggage in one hand as he carried the other two parties’ luggage in his
other hand. After that, he walked behind them as they walked out of the station.

“Dear, do you think that your family can get the investment for the Serene County financing this time? If you can get it, you will really be rich! Hahaha! At that time, Serene County will also become a city in the future! I am so excited!” Montana gushed as she held onto her boyfriend’s arm with one hand.

Her boyfriend replied proudly, “Haha. That will not be an issue. My dad’s company is considered to have the highest potential in the whole Serene County!”

“Eh? Why are there so many cars parked outside the station? These are all private cars in the county. It
seems as though these leaders are all here to pick someone up, right?”

“Yes! Isn’t that Sir Herring Jenkins? He is here as well?”

Chapter 381
“Sir Herring Jenkins is the head of the county. Who on earth could make him wait at the bus station?”

Montana could not mask her surprise.

Was it that rich dude from the city?

No way. Why would someone as rich as him come here by bus?

“Wait here; I’ll go say hi!”

Montana’s boyfriend straightened his suit and tidied up his hair.

He was ready to go over.

“But Jonathan, will this work? Will Mr. Jenkins pay any attention to you?”

Montana couldn’t help but worry.

“I guess so. After all, he knows my dad too, and I’ve had dinner with him twice.”

Jonathan reassured Montana and headed over to the other side.

Montana, however, didn’t dare go with him. The other side was filled with big shots, and several heads
of the Ministry of Education were also present.

As a fellow staff member, of course, Montana didn’t possess the courage to approach them.

As for Jonathan, he went and came back quickly.

While there, he looked very proud, thinking that he had a chance to stand out among the crowd if he just greeted everyone.

But when he came back, he was dejected and his face the color of an eggplant.

“Huh? What happened, Jonathan? Did the mayor ignore you? Ugh, I told you so didn’t I? better not go over where all the big shots are!”

“Mmhmm, it seems like the mayor and the others are indeed waiting for someone’s arrival, someone important. I heard them talking about a Mr. Crawford, the one about to bring a massive change to the entire Serene Town! He’s a big boss, but something isn’t right. If it really is Mr. Crawford, why would he come here by bus?”

Jonathan was confused.

“Hmm, the mayor probably did not tell you the truth. Let’s go now. The few heads from the Ministry of Education are also there,” said Montana in a hurry.

Jonathan simply nodded.

He hoped that Mr. Crawford could speed up his journey as well.

Gerald had been following from behind and heard them mentioning his name. Could they have come here to pick him up, he thought to himself.

But he had already told Zack Lyle not to turn his arrival into some grand event. He simply wanted to return home and get his own stuff sorted out, and he wanted to stay out of it.

Right now, though, it was a bad time for Gerald to go over and ask them.

He pretended that nothing happened.

His hands were full of Montana and Jonathan’s luggage. Her driver stopped in front of them as soon as they exited the Station.

“The heat is killing me! Jon, get the luggage inside, and let’s leave!”

Montana rudely snapped at the driver.

After putting their luggage inside, Jonathan and Montana got into the car, and the driver drove away.

Gerald was left alone at the station with his luggage on the side, looking like an idiot.

He might be just a servant, but the least they could do was to greet him, right?

Inside the car, Jonathan looked at the rear-view mirror and saw Gerald, now standing stupidly at their pickup spot. He felt a little sorry for him.

“Montana, I forgot to greet that classmate of yours. We should’ve at least asked where he was heading and perhaps give him a lift, right?”

“Forget about him. We’re not giving him a lift. He’s just pathetic, and we’re not going to risk soiling our car because of him!”

“Alright then.”

Cursing Montana under his breath, Gerald decided to call home and prepared to leave.

On the way back, he remembered to give Mr. Winters a call.

He wanted to tell them not to make him any food as he would take away something on the way back.

The phone back home rang for quite a while, yet no one picked up.

He called three times until someone finally picked up the phone. A faint, weak voice came on the other side of the line.

“Hello? May I know who you are looking for?”

“Mrs. Winters, it’s Gerald here. May I know where Mr. Winters is?”

“Oh, Gerald? You’re back for your break, huh?”

Mrs. Winters sounded a little surprised.

Back when they were kids, Jessica and Gerald were both raised by Mr. and Mrs. Winters.

It was why the siblings had an incredibly deep affection for the old couple, treating them as their own grandparents.

In the past few years, Jessica was the first to rise to the top. Since Gerald still had to support his poor self, he could not provide Mr. and Mrs.Winters a comfortable life. The only thing he could do was give them financial aid discreetly.

So basically, Mr. Winters and his family still retained their original lives.

After Jessica received news that Gerald was about to have a break, the first thing she thought of was helping Mr. Winters and his family settle down.

Gerald would never forget about him.

Chapter 382
“Ahem, Mr. Winters was hospitalized this afternoon. I’d just come back to pack some clothes when I
heard the phone ringing.”

“What? Hospitalized? Which hospital?”

Hearing Mrs. Winters’s gloomy tone, Gerald’s heart thumped in his chest. He hastily asked for the hospital’s location.

Mrs. Winters told him the address.

It happened to be at a hospital in the same county.

Mrs. Winters also happened to arrive at the same time after hitching a ride on one of the county’s bread

Gerald assisted her down from the truck before rushing to the emergency room in one of the hospital’s

Mr. Winters had apparently suffered from cardiovascular problems and passed out while having his lunch.

The incident gave her a big scare, and she immediately called for an ambulance. Now, the doctors were still doing all they could to save his life.

“Why are we the only ones paying for his hospital bills? Big brother, he’s our dad... your dad, so you’ll have to chip in too.”

In the emergency room doorway, a woman with textured, caterpillar-like eyebrows was speaking to a couple.

Opposite her were also several couples with young children.

Upon closer inspection, Gerald realized they were Mr. Winters’s two sons and daughters.

Those young children were his grandkids.

After hearing of the incident, they had apparently rushed to the hospital as well.

“My brothers and sisters, what you said wasn’t exactly accurate. You’ve all been living with dad the longest, and I’ve always been out, busy with business; as for the bills, I’m only asking you to settle in advance. Never have I mentioned once that I’ll make you pay for it all, so calm down! At the end of the day, the four of us will split the bill equally!”

The eldest of the bunch had always been out managing his business. He crossed his arms, taking a drag from a cigarette.

“Why should the four of us pay an equal share of the bill? Both of you brothers are the eldest of the family, so it only makes sense that you foot a little more. Sister and I should pay the lesser part. Besides, my daughter just graduated from university this year, and she’s getting an internship soon. I’ll need some money for that!”

The third sister was disgruntled.

Gerald understood that they were somehow fighting over the medical bills.

And when Mrs. Hayward heard the fight brewing among the siblings, she was so angry she almost fainted.

“Can you guys stop arguing for once?! If none of you are going to pay, I’ll pay for it, even if it costs me a kidney. Are you happy now?”

Mrs. Winters stomped her foot in exasperation and frustration.

“Calm down, mom. Didn’t you use up most of your savings to help your grandson start his own business?” quizzed the second eldest son.

“How much are the medical bills?”

Gerald finally spoke up.

“Huh? Gerald is back?”

Only then did the crowd notice Gerald.

“Hmph! Why did you even bother asking? It’s not like you’ve got the money anyway!” a young lady
named Queeny Winters snapped coldly. She was the same age as Gerald.

During their childhood, Mr. Winters had always been more fond of Gerald compared to Queeny. As a result, she was dissatisfied. What grandparents would care more for a poor kid rather than their own granddaughter?

“Stop pretending to be something you’re not and start showing us what you can do,” interjected Clifton
Winters, the other youngster who had just set up his own enterprise.

Like Queeny, he despised Gerald all the same.

His hate stemmed from Gerald getting good grades since he was a kid, and his grandparents had often compared him to Gerald. As time went by, his jealousy slowly turned into hatred.

As for Gerald, he knew that Queeny and Clifton disliked him since the beginning.

Yet, he did not say anything.

It was then that a nurse approached them.

“May I know when the surgery fee will be paid? The total is 20,000 dollars, and I suppose all of you can
afford it, right?”

The nurse droned on with a tone of indifference.

“Listen to me, brother. Settle it now. I’ll give you the money later,” said the eldest brother.

“And why should I listen to you?”


Soon, the jabs against each other that had supposedly mellowed down boiled up into a heated quarrel all over again.

The second daughter-in-law and the third sister had joined the quarrel. They even brought up past issues, saying something about how the second-daughter-in-law owed money to the third sister.

Then, the entire scene turned chaotic.

Everything was a royal mess.

The nurse didn’t even try hiding the scowl that had grown across her face.

“I’ll pay,” Gerald whispered to the nurse as he shook his head in helplessness.


Chapter 383
The nurse led Gerald downstairs to pay at the counter, though she felt somewhat skeptical about him.

What then could be the reason for her doubts?

It was all because of the way Gerald dressed. He didn’t look like one that would have much money on him.

The medical bill came up to 20,000 dollars, almost impossible for the average family to fork out, let alone someone like him.

Gerald proved her wrong, though. He paid the 20,000 dollars for the surgical fee and even settled the accommodation as well.

It was a whopping 30,000 dollars in total!

He paid for everything without even batting an eyelid.

The nurse was stunned, unable to move.

Gerald paid no attention to her and walked back to the hallway.

They were still fighting.

“Everyone, stop fighting, I’ve settled the bills,” said Gerald.


Only then did the fight die down.

The siblings were stupefied when they heard that.

“You paid for everything? Gerald, it was 20,000 dollars! Where did you get the money from?” asked the eldest brother in astonishment.

“Well, not just 20,000 dollars, but this handsome lad paid 30,000 dollars, including the hospital bills!”

Unbeknownst to Gerald, the nurse had followed him all the way here.

“30,000 dollars?!”

The crowd became even more surprised.

In a worse state were Queenie and Clifton were even more embarrassed, considering how they kept mocking Gerald before this. Now, he had really forked out the money. They felt as if they had been slapped on the face, one hard slap after another.

“The money wasn’t stolen, right?” Clifton asked with a twisted face.

“Yeah, I remember an online news site reporting how someone lost their money! Gerald, did you happen to find that money and not return it?”

“It must have been it! Beware, someone might just call the police on you. That 30,000 dollars might just
land you a death sentence!” Clifton warned viciously.

After all, he owned an entire enterprise, and it wasn’t surprising that he knew such things.

It was also precisely these words that scared Mrs. Winters.

“Gerald, where did you get that much money from anyway?”

“Oh, I just won the lottery, so there’s nothing to worry about, Mrs. Winters!” replied Gerald, smiling
Although there was no reason for him to conceal his identity, he simply didn’t know what to tell Mrs.

Instead, he panicked and ended up lying.

Queenie and Clifton’s eyes opened wide the moment they heard that.

Especially Queenie.

“How much did you win?” she asked in an anxious hurry.

Mr. Winters’s eldest sons, the adults, thought that it was quite bold that a young girl like Queenie would ask such direct questions. She simply couldn’t suppress her suspicions.

Mr. Winters had always said Gerald was a nice young man, and he intended for them both to be betrothed.

But who would like a poor guy like Gerald?

So, Queenie rejected him.

When she heard Gerald say that he had won the lottery, she felt a jolt run through her body.

Holy sh*t! If he really did become a wealthy man, would that mean she missed her shot?

“Quick, tell me, Gerald. How much did you win?”

Queenie jumped to her feet.

Gerald simply laughed, while showing five fingers,

“Huh? Half a million?” Queenie stared in shock.

On the other hand, Mrs. Winters was delighted by the news.

“What? You really won half a million dollars?!”

“Don’t worry about it, auntie. Just relax. I’ve already paid for uncle’s medical bills.”

Gerald helped Mrs. Winters sit down.

On the other hand, Queenie felt super anxious, as though a swarm of ants was crawling all over her heart.

What could she do now?

From Gerald’s tone alone, he seemed to have won a lot more than just half a million.

Could it be five million?


The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became. Thanks to Gerald getting ridiculed a while ago, he had chosen to conceal the specific value and make them guess instead.

For the next two days, Gerald didn’t go anywhere, staying by Mr. Winters’ side all the time in the hospital. The good news was that his condition was not serious, and he only needed to stay in the hospital for a while.

During lunchtime, he first waited for Mr. and Mrs. Winters to finish their meals.

When his belly started grumbling, he headed to the hospital’s cafeteria to get himself something to eat.

“Aren’t you, Gerald? You’re back!”

While he was queueing up for food, he felt a sudden tap on his shoulder.

When he looked back, he saw a beautiful girl, all made up and wearing a ponytail.

But even with the makeup on, Gerald still recognized her.

Chapter 384
“You’re Morgana Lopez?”

Gerald was a little surprised.

Of course, he knew her. She was from the same class in high school and even representative of the English class. Her name was Morgana Lopez.

During their high school years, she was pretty yet looked normal at the same time.

But he hadn’t seen her for three to four years, and all dolled up, she looked really hot and beautiful.

The metamorphosis was pretty evident.

In fact, he was mentally prepared to bump into high school classmates long before he returned to his hometown.

After all, the ones that should be working had already gone to work.

“I saw your picture taken by Montana Lewis in our English class representatives’ group today. You were
carrying a duffel bag, so I knew you were back. I didn’t expect to meet you here… what a coincidence!”

Morgana straightened her hair.

Even after graduation, it was common for some teachers to leave behind their contacts to stay in touch with class representatives.

F*ck! Gerald was stunned.

Since when did Montana take a picture of him, and how on earth did he not come to know?

His guess was that she must have taken the picture after she got off the bus.

After all, she did yell at him to bring over her luggage while she was holding her phone at that time, so he guessed it must have been then.

F*ck. That b*tch…

As rude as it may seem, Gerald still cursed in his heart.

“By the way, why are you in the hospital? Someone you know got admitted?”

Morgana had a quick chat with Gerald. Last time, they did not talk quite as much, but now, it seemed she had grown wiser after mingling within society.

“Yeah, my uncle got admitted here. How about you? Seeing someone?” Gerald asked.

“Oh, I’ve got lots of patients here. Say hello to your uncle later for me. I sincerely hope it all goes well for

Morgana smiled.

“Oh, I understand now. You must be a doctor here, right?” Gerald asked.

“Yeah, I’m here under probation, and in a short while, I’ll become a full-time doctor here!” Morgana said
with a touch of pride.

“That’s great!”

Morgana’s family seemed to have some connections with the hospital, but that wasn’t unorthodox.

Finding connections was a pretty common thing to do when students were nearing their graduation.

Those with connections would rely on them, and those without connections would need to rely on miracles.

It was nothing surprising.

It was time for Gerald to make his order.

“You don’t have to order anything. Let me treat you to lunch today. Miss, two servings for us, please!”

Morgana hollered to the canteen lady, and she soon filled up both of their plates with delicious food.

The meal was sumptuous and mouth-watering.

“Well, we were classmates in high school, and we haven’t seen each other for quite some time now, so you won’t mind me buying you lunch, right?”

Morgana covered her mouth a little, chucking.

“Now, why would I? Thank you so much for the food! It looks absolutely fantastic!”

The two then took their seats.

Morgana started off the conversation by introducing herself and what she’d been doing for the past two years. It might have seemed like some innocent catching up, but what she really wanted was to show off a little bit. Nonetheless, she was still more comfortable to get along with than the other classmates.

Gerald merely listened, occasionally inserting praises with a few words.

At that time, a young male doctor in a white lab coat walked towards Morgana.

“Who’s this?”

“Oh, this is a friend from high school. I ran into him here, so I treated him to lunch! Hey Gerald, let me introduce my boyfriend to you. This is Gabriel Lyons. He’s the one I told you about, and his dad is the hospital’s vice president.”

Morgana smiled.

“Ahh! A high school classmate of yours. Wouldn’t it be better to get him a proper restaurant meal than in our cafeteria? You both can catch up properly then,” said Gabriel, smiling.

“Ahem. I still have to work this afternoon, so how would I find any time for that? Besides, you don’t mind the cafeteria food, right, Gerald?”

“Of course, I don’t! The food here is pretty good,” Gerald nodded as he shoved two big mouthfuls of
potatoes down his throat.

To Gerald, it was actually alright that things turned out this way.

For the remainder of the meal, he listened to Gabriel and Montana ramble on.

“Right, didn’t you have a few more high school classmates coming here tonight? I think it’s Cameron
Laver and the others. They’re back for their break, and it looks like you have to be on duty tonight,” said

“Really? Then I guess I have to reschedule my shift for a later time. Cameron and his group were my best buddies during high school, and now that they’re here on break, I’ve to treat them as well. Even if I have to take a day off. I haven’t seen them for four years now… Oh, by the way, did you book the
restaurant?” Morgana asked.

“Yep, I booked Johnsbury Bistro for tonight!”

“Nah... that restaurant is too ordinary. How about Buntingford Grand Hotel?” After all, we haven’t seen each ever since we left high school, that’s four years now. You’re not going to make me look too shabby in front of them, are you?”

“Alright, then. That’s changed. By the way, when are you going to get the other directors for a meal to settle this? You know that your director is the hospital’s chief, and there’s nothing my father can do about it.”

Gabriel laughed bitterly.

“Urgh, why did you bring up the matter? I’ve just lost my appetite! I can’t swallow another bite of this!”

Morgana slammed her fork onto the table in anger.

From what he had heard, Gerald guessed that Morgana had to be in some sort of trouble…

Chapter 385
“Hmph! Why did he make the other intern a permanent doctor and not me? It’s just as I’ve said before. He isn’t giving face to your father at all! Doesn’t he know we are both seeing each other? He made the other intern a full-time doctor and ignored me instead!”

Morgana was so enraged that her fork almost slammed into the table again.

Gabriel tried to console her.

Gerald listened as he ate, and he could almost understand what happened.

The gist of it was that Morgana Lopez’s entry into the hospital as an intern clinician had been arranged by Gabriel’s father, the hospital’s vice president.

Of course, Morgana was really good at her job, where she was very professional and was very proficient with her skills. Many hospital staff and patients had unanimously commended her.

Gabriel’s father, however, seemed to be at odds with the director.

In the end, Morgana became the victim of the conflict between the two.

She suspected it would be a little more than challenging to become a permanent doctor her, and if her
probation didn’t end well, the only obvious choice was to leave the hospital.

Her spot had been given to another intern from the director’s side, but that one seemed to perform way
worse than Morgana.

It was apparent that the director deliberately wanted to embarrass Gabriel’s father.

Now, things had become quite upsetting for them.

It was highly possible that things wouldn't work out in their favor.

Thus, it was the reason why Morgana wanted to have a night out with Cameron and the others.

Gerald knew who Cameron and his gang were since they were from the same class in high school.

Cameron’s dad worked in a hospital, and his mother in the health bureau.

In short, they were going to have a discussion on the matter later.

Gerald felt uncomfortable and awkward as he listened to their conversation.

He quickly finished his food.

“You’re done? Have you eaten enough? See, I’ve got a lot going on here, so don’t take this at heart, alright?”

Morgana asked the question blandly. It didn’t sound as warm as it did before.

These days, most people were only polite for the first few minutes. When that time was up, their real character would emerge from within.

“It’s okay, and by the way, Morgana, did you just say you were having a hard time at work? Don’t worry too much, and just relax. I believe everything will turn out just fine!”

Gerald couldn’t finish his lunch and just leave like that.

He could, however, give her a reassuring word or two.

Gerald even thought that if he could help her, he was more than willing to help out.

Although he could tell that Morgana didn’t really see much in him, the fact that she invited him for a meal, regardless of whether expensive or not, was what friendship was all about.

As a result, Gerald sought to help and return the favor.

“Thank you, Gerald. Right, tell me the room number to your uncle’s ward, and I’ll have Gabriel go over and say hello.”


Gerald told them the ward number.

Without interrupting Morgana and Gabriel, he walked out of the cafeteria to go look after Mr. Winters.

At the same time, he called Zack, seeing if he could pull some strings to help Morgana be a permanent doctor in this hospital.

It wasn’t a big deal anyway.

Not only did Gerald’s long-term investment plan include free-market industries, but it also included
many of Serene Town’s business establishments.

Hospitals and educational sectors were also part of that investment plan.

“By the way, Gerald, I wonder if you’re free tonight?”

Zack asked just as they were about to hang up the call.

“Why, what’s wrong?”

“Well… the head of Serene Town County knew you had returned for a few days. It was all my fault, I let
slip of it when I was drinking, and they even went to the station specifically just to greet you. Now,
they’ve set up a welcoming party for you, and they wanted to know if you would attend the party?”

“If it’s in the evening… Fine, I’ll go!”

That feeling in his gut was right, all along. They were indeed there at the station to pick him up.

Frankly, Gerald felt quite bad for leaving them disappointed.

As for the welcoming party, even if he didn’t feel like going, they would just keep pestering him anyway.

Chapter 386
So, he agreed to go.

In the afternoon, once Mr. Winters finally slept off, Gerald left for the party.

It would be held in Cape Grace Hotel, somewhere around Serene Town county.

Attracting investors had always been a top priority for the region, and this time, much thought had been put in to make it as grand as they could.

Even many business owners of Serene Town County would be attending.

Zack and Micheal arrived first since Gerald had to look after Mr. Winters.

Gerald stood at the entrance, ready to enter the hotel.

Beside him, a car pulled up at the parking space. A couple came out of the car, arm in arm.

The woman was dressed elegantly and formally, and the man had a suit on him.

“Oh my, we should’ve left earlier. Look at the time now!” complained the woman.

“Hmph, why is it always my fault? You were the one taking hour upon hour to put that makeup on! My
dad even called a couple of times to hurry us since Mr. Crawford will be arriving. It’ll be an embarrassment if we are late!” retorted the man.

The couple was none other than Montana and her husband, Jonathan.

“Stop squabbling, let’s get inside!” said Jonathan.

Suddenly, he glanced over his shoulder and saw that a boy had also entered the hotel. He pointed at him in surprise.

“Montana, look! Isn’t that one of your students? Is that Gerald?”

“Wait; what? Your eyes must be playing with y… f*ck, it is him!”

Montana was startled, and by the look of her face, she was seriously taken aback this time.

“Gerald! Stop right there!”

Just as Gerald was ready to enter the hotel, he heard someone calling out to him. He looked back, and by incredible coincidence, it was Montana.

“Ms. Lewis, what a coincidence!”

Gerald greeted with a smile.

Quite frankly, he wanted to kick Montana badly on the kneecaps twice.

“We’re surprised you asked us... do you even know what this place is? They’re planning a grand event,
so what are you doing here?” asked Montana, crossing her arms.

Without waiting for his reply, Montana looked as if she realized something.

“I see; you’re here to work, right? Wow, Gerald, I didn’t know you had quite the eye for the finer things!
Cape Grace Hotel will be quite busy tonight, so you must’ve smelled your opportunity, huh? Not bad!”

Montana smirked and nodded slowly.

“Okay, work well. I’ll remember to spare you a tip!”

Montana patted Gerald’s shoulder. She then grabbed Jonathan’s hand and went into the hotel.


“Just wait and see, I’m going to make you cry, you b*stards!” Gerald laughed and shook his head.

He took a step into the venue.

The dining hall was packed tonight.

Gerald held his hands behind his back, scouring the crowd for Zack and Michael.

Suddenly, he felt his face pelted by a small object.

F*ck! Who was that? That person must have been really bored, huh?

Gerald turned and saw Morgana sitting by a table, covering her mouth and giggling behind it.

Several young ladies sat next to her, and they all looked like they knew each other quite well.

They all looked at Gerald and laughed together.

“Stop standing there like a dummy. Get over here!” Montana shouted at Gerald.

Chapter 387
Gerald frowned, unhappy, but he walked over to their table anyway.

“Whoa, Madam Lewis, is this one of your students? He looks pretty good... hey, why isn’t he in a uniform?” said a woman next to Montana.

“Yeah, look, all the waiters here are in their uniforms, and he’s the only one not wearing it!”

“I guess he must be the handyman then. He’ll work wherever there’s work to be done, so he should be a temporary worker.”

Montana tried to find a reasonable explanation.

“Haha yeah, come here, little guy, come to my side. There’s an empty seat beside me. Come sit and have
a chat!”

“Yeah, little cutie, don’t be shy! It’s a rare chance to dine among so many rich and young CEO today, so you’ve got to appreciate your time here!”

In their late twenties, a few women saw how Gerald looked quite handsome and cute, and they tried to tease him.

Montana rolled her eyes.

“What are you staring at? Can’t you see that they’ve asked you to sit down?! Are you that dumb? Four years of college for nothing!”

In the end, Gerald could not resist the invitation.

He was feeling good tonight, so he chose to sit with them for a little while. He would then cross over to
Zack’s table once he spotted him.
Still, he was a little annoyed, mostly because Montana had been incessantly abusing him with insults.


For the sake of their teacher-student relationship, Gerald did everything that she asked had him to do,
yet he didn’t even get a single thank you.

Now, she had been mocking him ever since they stepped into the place.

Gerald was supposed to attend the welcoming party. Instead, he became the ladies’ laughing stock.

He preferred to remain low-profile, but it certainly didn’t mean he was easy to be made fun of.

Unperturbed, he sat down immediately.

“Hmph, you really are pathetic and gullible, aren’t you? I can’t believe you sat down after being told to do so!”

Once again, Montana rudely jeered at Gerald.

It made the women giggle in glee.

These ladies were the wealthy spouses of Serene Town’s business elite, their husbands’ moguls involved
in Mayberry’s top corporations.

Montana, on the other hand, was just a substitute teacher.

As a result, she endlessly flattered them on some occasions, hoping she could tag along too.

Seeing that everyone was so happy, she was even more eager.


Montana slapped the back of Gerald’s head.

“Why don’t you get up and pour some wine for Libby and the others? Think you’re some rich heir now?!”

Everyone at the table burst into fits of laughter.

Gerald remained silent, standing up and pouring everyone a glass of wine.

However, when it was Montana’s turn, Gerald deliberately shook the bottle, aggressively pouring its
contents without the slightest care.

Shaking his hands, he and spilled the wine directly on Montana’s abdomen.

Now, her dress was full of wine.

“Ugh! Holy sh*t! My skirt!” Montana screamed.

“Gerald, do you even know how to pour wine??? Do you want to die?! Any idea how much I paid for this dress?”

Montana was enraged.

The party was about to start in a second, and there was no way she could meet people in this state.

Yet, Gerald looked like a numbskull.

She thought Gerald was a brat who had never attended any such events, so he was naturally careless and clumsy.

But she was the one who made him do it anyway, so all she could do was hold her tongue and save her curses.

“I was wrong... this is my mistake. I should never have let you sit here from the beginning! If I didn’t, my skirt wouldn’t have gotten dirty!”

“Oh gosh, what are you standing there for? I’m heading to the toilet. Hurry up and get me some tissue!”

Since her boyfriend was at another table chatting with some elders, and it would be weirdly unattractive
just to go the get tissue by herself, she poked Gerald’s head instead.


Gerald smirked as he looked at Montana. He nodded and followed Montana to the toilet.

“F*ck! I told you to get me a box of tissue! What the f*ck am I going to do with just one piece?”

Montana was in a blurred rage.
The sink was universal, and both the men’s and women’s washrooms were located beside it.

At that moment, a girl came out of the washroom.

She happened to walk over to the sink to wash her hands.

Chapter 388
“Huh? Miss Lewis? Why are you here?”

The girl was surprised.

“Morgana, why are you here at Cape Grace? Didn’t you say you were hanging out tonight with the group
at Buntingford Grand Hotel?”

Morgana was surprised as well.

Morgana, the girl Montana chose as the class representative, and now a doctor at the county hospital!

“Forget about it. The hotel is closed for a few days, so we came to Cape Grace, but it seems they have
some kind of event today. Luckily, we booked early, or we wouldn’t have gotten a place!”

Morgana shrugged, grumbling away.

She seemed to have not noticed Gerald, who was just standing by her side.

“Miss Lewis, how could you have been so careless? You’ve got red wine all over your clothes!” asked

“Hmph! Don’t even ask. I’m here for a business event, and it was all because of that bastard Gerald! He got the wine all over me!”

Montana rolled her eyes at Gerald.

Only then did she notice Gerald who was standing close by.

“Why are you here, Gerald? Don’t tell me you’re here with Miss Lewis for the event?” asked Morgana in

“Huh, him? He’s just here as a handyman. There’s no way he would have been invited to this!” Montana
said, her mood obviously foul.

No matter how much she tried to clean her dress, the stain was present, but the event was about to start soon, and she quickly stormed out of the toilet in a fury.

“Cameron, guys! Look who we have here!”

As soon as Montana walked out of the toilet with Morgana, a few boys walked out of the hall’s lounge
on the first floor.

It happened to be Gabriel Lyons, Morgana’s boyfriend, Cameron, and the other classmates.

The truth was that Gerald hadn’t met Cameron and the others for years now. They didn’t even talk
much back then high school, let alone college.

When they saw Morgana, they hurriedly came over to greet her.

Gerald did not interject or take the initiative to greet them, merely standing beside and listening silently.

“Cameron, you were the most handsome in our class. I didn’t expect you to be still a heartthrob! So, what’s next? Any future plans?” Morgana asked Cameron.

Cameron was dressed in a tuxedo, his hair slicked to the back. He had good posture, and indeed, looked absolutely dashing. More importantly, he wasn’t the wealthiest kid in class back then, but his family had the most connections, and the teachers somewhat respected him.

“I’ve no idea; maybe my family will pull some strings for me?” Cameron laughed heartily.

Needless to say, everyone understood that his future career would be stable and secure.

The others were dripping green with envy for him.

“But Cameron, you can’t be the only one that gets a stable path. Morgana is now working in the
hospital, and you have to do whatever you can to help her!”

Of course, Montana had not forgotten her own class representative.

“Don’t worry about that. It won’t be a problem for me.”

“Oh right, Gerald was also a high school classmate of yours. Why do you guys not seem to know each

This time, Morgana’s boyfriend, Gabriel, suddenly pointed at Gerald.

“Huh, Gerald? F*ck!” he exclaimed with a smile.

Cameron and the others looked in Gerald’s direction, and sure enough, they realized that it was the same Gerald from high school!

“Yeah, I forgot to tell you guys that I met Gerald at noon today at noon, and he’s now a waiter at Cape Grace Hotel.”

As soon as Morgana saw that Gerald was let aside and ignored, she felt awkward and introduced him anyway.

“Ooh, that’s great, Gerald. Are you stationed in the kitchen or hall? If things don’t work out for you, I’ll find you some connections and promote you to be a supervisor or something?”

Cameron smiled and nodded.

“Is he your classmate from high school?”

Among the group of people, there was also a boy whom Gerald had never seen before, now looking at him and asking some weird questions.

Indeed, running into an old classmate who was a waiter during a class reunion, now that was newsworthy by itself.

“Yeah, he’s the famous broke guy from our class, haha!”

The other boy laughed.

The group introduced Gerald to that boy without hesitation, even bringing up his past.

“Mr. Crawford... so you’re here!”

Just then, a voice suddenly boomed from across the hall…

Chapter 389

When Gerald turned around, he saw a middle-aged man hurrying toward him.

They did not seem to recognize the man.

Could he have known Gerald personally?

Gerald stepped out of the crowd.

“Damn, Gerald. Why did you go for it? Didn’t you hear how he was calling for one, Mr. Gerald?”

“Haha, yeah! Aren’t you embarrassed?”

The few friends from high school followed Gerald as they laughed.

Even Morgana was laughing as she covered her mouth.

Montana rolled her eyes again and again at Gerald.

“I must have made him drunk... I’m speechless!”

Montana shook her head and sighed.

“Mr. Crawford, I’ve brought your car for you. It’s in Sector-C of the parking lot. Here are the keys, and the master instructed me to ask you to return early.”

“I got it, Mr. Lyle. If there’s nothing else, you should head back.”

Then, a boy next to Cameron stepped out and shook his head with a chuckle.

“F*ck... I think he mistook him!”

Gerald felt a little embarrassed.

“You’re hilarious, aren’t you? Your name sounds nothing like Crawford at all!”

The boys continued to ridicule Gerald.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough; let’s return to our table and continue with the drinking. Oh right, Miss Lewis, I’ll organize a student reunion when you’re free, and you have to attend. All right?”

Cameron didn’t bother ridiculing Gerald, replying to Morgana instead.

“Okay, no problem. Once you gather the students for a reunion, I’ll definitely be there!”

The group agreed as well. Paying no attention to Gerald, they returned to their tables.

Gerald followed Montana up the stairs.

“Aren’t you the least ashamed or embarrassed? Why did you show yourself when that guy called for Mr. Crawford? F*ck! I’m so ashamed of you!”

Montana reproached Gerald a few more times before they both returned to the event hall.

Perhaps he was used to it that he simply sat down on the empty seat next to Montana.

Just as Montana was about to start cursing, the emcee had already started the night’s event.

It seemed to have gone on for quite a bit.

She had to quieten down.

When she looked at the stage, a spinning raffle wheel had appeared out of nowhere.

Several names were written on different sections.

One of them was Mr. Crawford, but without the first name.

This was a welcoming party for Mr. Crawford, after all, and everyone already knew who “Mr. Crawford”

The event continued with a raffle, and in the middle, the prize of a Mercedes-Benz G500.

“Montana, you almost missed the good stuff. Look at that, whose name do you see on that wheel?”

The woman beside Montana grabbed her arm.

“Jonathan? F*ck! You’re in the raffle?”

Montana excitedly pulled her husband, Jonathan’s arm.

“Haha, yeah, they were drawing the names earlier, and I made it into the shortlist! It’s enough of an honor to have my name on the same list as Mr. Crawford. It doesn’t matter if I win the G500 or not.”

Jonathan was gratified.

“How could you say that?! That’s a Mercedes G500, worth almost half a million dollars! If we win that
car, can you imagine how awesome it would feel going out with it?”

“Right... by the way, is Mr. Crawford here? Which one of them is Mr. Crawford? Look at that table. It looks full of big shots!” exclaimed Montana excitedly.

“Gerald isn’t here yet, but the legendary Zack Lyle and Michael Zeke are both here. Mr. Lyle said that Gerald might come over later, anyways, since Mr. Crawford said he’ll come, he will come tonight.”

Jonathan was excited.

On the other hand, Gerald was looking at his phone. As expected, there were several missed calls from Zack.

Seeing Gerald was using his phone, Montana became dissatisfied again.

She was about to throw some insult when suddenly, the voice of the emcee filled the entire hall.

“Everyone, the raffle is starting now! Let’s spin the wheel and see who wins the top prize tonight, the G500!”

In the county, a G500 was a pretty big deal. It was pretty apparent that they had put in an immense effort into this event.

With a loud hurrah, the emcee spun the wheel.


Chapter 390
“Congratulations, Mr. Duffy, for winning a gold keyboard worth 15,000 dollars!”

The host spun the wheel again.


“Congratulations to…”


Three prizes were sent out subsequently.


“Congratulations, Mr. Jonathan Ladd! You’ve won an emerald jade bracelet worth 30,000 dollars!”


Montana was dizzy with excitement as she heard the emcee’s announcement.

The audience burst into applause too.

The prize alone was just a part of the raffle.

More importantly, Montana could go up the stage with Jonathan, the same stage which the other big shots stood on. Besides, there were a ton of reporters on the side.


What more could a woman ask for?

Montana was so elated that she even smacked Gerald on the cheek. She was just too excited, and the smack felt like it was no big deal!

“Who will be the one to go home with the grand prize?”

The voice of the emcee echoed loudly, and the crowd fell into a hush.

As the pointer dropped, the crowd’s eyes widened in anticipation.


Finally, the pointer stopped moving.

“Congratulations Mr. Crawford, on winning the Mercedes-Benz G500 prize worth 300,000 dollars! Let’s give him a huge round of applause!”

The host yelled in excitement.


The crowd screamed.

Of course, the winners for the other prizes were all by random, but as for the main prize, Mr. Crawford was set to win it even though he may not have appreciated it.

Everyone knew the ruffle’s set up.

“All right, may the winners please come up on stage! Also, Mr. Crawford, if you’ve arrived, please come up to the stage as well!”
The audience was suddenly quiet again.

Everyone’s eyes searched everywhere around the hall.

“Hurry up, hurry up Jeremy, you can share the stage with Mr. Crawford!”

Montana straightened her dress to hide the wine stains.

She hurriedly took Jonathan’s arm and stood up.

On the other hand, Gerald did not want to keep the others waiting any longer.

He decided he was not going to keep a low profile anymore. He stood up along with Montana and followed them towards the stage.

“F*ck, why are you following us?”

Montana only realized that Gerald was following behind her as she was reaching the stage.

“I’m here to claim my prize!” Gerald replied.

“F*ck off, no one said your name. That prize is not for you, that’s for Mr. Crawford, not Gerald, are you f*cking blind?”

Montana retorted anxiously.

“Oh my, Jonathan, you don’t even want to know what just happened earlier. I ran into my ex-students at the hall downstairs. Then, one of the student’s housekeepers came and called for Mr. Crawford, and this dumb*ss Gerald stood up, even I as a bystander could feel the embarrassed for him!”

“And now, he’s trying to get on the stage to receive the prize! If people start making fun of him and find
out he’s one of my students, we’ll be embarrassed!”

That was all that Montana was concerned about.

“Mr. Crawford, please come up the stage!”

This time, Zack Lyle took the stage as the guest of honor.

He looked respectfully at Gerald and called for him.


Gerald nodded and did not say much.

He walked up the stage.

Michael Zeke, who was seated at the VIP table below, as well as the other teams of Mayberry International Inc, all stood up and cheered for him.

“Mr. Crawford, congratulations!”

“Thank you all!”

Gerald smiled blandly.

“F*ck, so he really is Mr. Crawford!”

The entire crowd instantly fell into a pin-drop silence...

Chapter 391
Especially Montana, who had just been reprimanding Gerald all this while.

Her eyeballs were about to drop out of her eye sockets.


She was extremely aware about Gerald’s background. He was just a mere poor pauper with no money.

And who was Mr. Crawford?

He was the most reputable man from Mayberry, and even more so the man who was going to change the history of Serene County.

Montana would not believe that the two of them are the same person, even if she was beaten to death.

However, Zack Lyle and Michael Zeke knew who Mr. Crawford was.

So that meant Gerald’s identity was not a mistake.

F*ck, Montana’s was completely mind blown.

“Mr. Lyle, you guys must be mistaken right? You’re calling this poor b*stard Mr. Crawford?”

Montana could not help but blurted out in a straightforward manner.

Zack frowned slightly at the question. Looking at the wine stains on Montana’s dress, he turned to the organizers of the event with displeasure and said, “What’s going on here? How can a woman this unkempt dare to go on stage and be so rude towards Mr. Crawford?”

“I’m sorry Mr. Lyle and Mr. Crawford, we overlooked our part!”

The organizer’s staff immediately nodded as sweat trickled down his forehead.

He pointed at Montana and Jonathan, “You, and you! Get out of here!”

“Huh? Why? This guy is a fake, he’s just a poor student! You guys are mistaken, I’m her teacher! F*ck you Gerald! Say something, tell them you’re just a poor b*stard and they’ve got the wrong person!”

Several people dashed onto the stage to apprehend Montana and Jonathan.

Montana struggled to hold back a screech.

First, it would be too humiliating to be thrown out of the hall in front of others.

Second, how could Gerald be Mr. Crawford?! If it was true, Montana vowed she would jump off a building.

At that very moment, she just wanted Gerald to say something to clear the air.

Gerald was too much of a d*ck after all. Earlier when they were downstairs, why did he even dare to step forward when that person called out for Mr. Crawford?

Zack glanced at Gerald this time.

He wanted confirmation from Gerald.

If this woman was acquainted with Gerald, Zack would not dare to go overboard with things.

Gerald unexpectedly then spoke out.

“Well, she used to teach me, but I don’t know her that well!”

Gerald laughed, “But if you want me to admit it, fine. I’ll admit it, I’m a poor pimp, a poor student, and they’ve got the wrong person!”

“Hah! Did you hear that Mr. Lyle? Hahaha, he admitted it, he just admitted it himself!”

Montana yelled in exasperation.

She thought to herself that she might even be able to get appreciation from Mr. Lyle this way.

But Zack looked at Montana and sneered, “Someone, get these two out of here!”

There were already people waiting, and in a flash, they apprehended Montana and Jonathan and forced them out of the hall.

The atmosphere in the hall grew ever more sombre.

Gerald was annoyed with Montana. Ever since they had arrived at the bus station, Montana had treated him this way, and the feud between the two had begun.

In the past, Gerald could tolerate these kinds of treatments, such as Alice Bradford’s mocks and taunts.
He saved her face because she was a friend of Naomi Milton.

Hence, Gerald endured as much as he could.

But as for Montana, whose face was he going to save for? And why should he respect her?

With that, Gerald was a little more decisive this time.

This time, Gerald had won himself a Mercedes-Benz G500. The organizers thought that Mr. Crawford would think the prize would be a little too cheap since Gerald was asked to support this event after all.

But Gerald did not say anything.

To Gerald, the Mercedes was pretty good.

And now that he was back, he could not drive around with his own Lamborghini.

At first, he was thinking of borrowing a car from Zack to drive around the county, but it just so happened that he got himself a new car.

The event then continued as they made a toast and chatted about other topics.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

Mr. Winters was also discharged from the hospital.

Lately, Gerald had nothing much to do, so he was ready to go over to Zack’s side to help oversee
projects and others.

Plus, his sister had called him a few times too.

Chapter 392
After they had chatted over the phone, Gerald suddenly remembered his dad’s advice to visit his comrade from the army in Serene County. He had been back for more than a week and he had long forgotten about it.

Gerald had nothing else to do at present. He then bought some gifts and headed to the upper-class area of Serene County to visit Mr. Willie Jung.

The relationship between their families, as mentioned earlier, had drifted apart quite a bit after several incidents that went on in the later stage.

But his dad was a very sentimental man.

He did not believe that it happened, but the reality remains. As a person, how could one have no humane feelings at all?

Gerald remembered the cold treatment from the Jung Family when his dad brought him along to beg them so he could go to high school six years ago.

Gerald understood his dad’s feelings.

But this time round, he was alone, and he came here with a different identity!

He wondered if he would face the same treatment as before…

As he was deep in thought, he realized he arrived at their house, solely based on the directions from his memories.

He knocked on the door.

“Who is it?”

The door opened, and he was greeted by a middle-aged lady at the door.

Gerald knew the middle-aged woman, her name was Leia Tolbert, and Gerald referred to her as Aunt
Leia. She was Willie Jung’s wife, and she was quite the influential leader in a reputable bank.

“Hello Aunt Leia, do you remember me? My name is Gerald, and I’ve visited your house with my dad before!”

“Ooh, I remember! Aren’t you the son of Willie’s friend, Dylan Crawford? I haven’t seen you for years, you’ve grown up so much! Come on in!”

She glanced at the things Gerald brought to her house.

Leia was very polite and friendly towards Gerald.

To her, this was an all-too-familiar scene. Judging by Gerald’s appearance, she knew he was here to ask
for a favor.

She had already made plans on how she would refuse him later.

But it would be ill-mannered and rude to do it now.

They entered the living room.

Gerald saw a middle-aged man reading the newspaper on the sofa with his legs crossed.

He gave off a vibe as though he was an important director.

He was Willie Jung, whom Gerald referred to as Uncle Jung. He worked as a director in the Development Bureau.

They were a family of government officials.

“Hello, Uncle Jung!”

Gerald had no idea why after so many years, he was still quite constrained to meet them again.

“Oh, it’s Gerald Crawford, it’s been years since we’ve met. Right, I heard that your father left the country to make money to pay off his debts?”

Willie Jung put down the newspaper and quipped.

“Hmm, yeah something like that!”

Gerald chuckled.

“Didn’t you just graduate from college this year? What course did you study?”

Willie asked, blowing gently on his tea a few times.

“I studied literature, English language as well as codification!”

“Ahem, this major is pretty unpopular, but then again, jobs are pretty easy to arrange. By the way, have you found a job yet?”

Willie asked.

“Not yet Uncle Jung! I came this time to pay you a special visit, and my father specifically instructed me…”

“By the way, honey, don’t you have an appointment this afternoon?”

Leia interjected their conversation.

“Oh right, I have got an appointment! It’s a pretty urgent one. Gerald, how about you stay here for lunch?”

Willie smiled.

Gerald was not stupid. From what Willie and Leia said earlier, he knew that they thought he was here to beg them to pull some strings for him to get a job as soon as Gerald told them he was here to pay them a special visit.

They were putting on an act to try to get him out of their house.

It seems that they did not treat Gerald’s family as friends. If he were to go back and tell his dad about the incident, his dad would’ve probably given up on the friendship.

In the middle of the conversation, Gerald stood up and was about to leave.

Just then, a girl breezed down from the second floor of the house. She wore on headphones, and she was pretty cute.

“Mom, my classmates will be coming to our house for lunch later, is the cooking done? Do you need my help?”

The girl said with a smile.

Suddenly, she turned and saw Gerald, her gaze was fixed on him, “Mom, who is he?”

Chapter 393
The girl stared at Gerald, her eyes filled with curiosity.

To be honest, she was somewhat looking down at Gerald when she saw the ordinary clothes Gerald was wearing. His sense of fashion was a bit countryside-like.

When they heard of her question.

There was a minute of awkwardness between Willie and Leia.

Especially Leia.

It was just a second ago that Willie said he had an urgent matter to handle and he would be having a meeting soon. They were hoping Gerald would not stay for lunch.

And then her daughter jumped out of nowhere and popped this question.

This made things much more difficult for Willie and Leia.

If only their daughter had come out a little later, Gerald would have left by now!

“Oh, Leila, have you forgotten, he’s Uncle Dylan’s kid, didn’t you two meet when you were little?”

Leia said with an awkward tone.

“Ah I remember, he must be Gerald, right?”

The girl replied.

“You still remember me, I’m Gerald! It’s been years since I’ve seen you, and you’ve gotten much prettier!”

The girl’s name was Leila Jung. Gerald knew her.

That was because when he came to her house as a child, Leila would point at Gerald with a disgusted face, “Mom, ask him to leave our house this instant, he’s making our floor dirty!”

It was also a matter of pride. During their childhood, Gerald was afraid that Leila would mock him.

But things were much better now, Gerald replied with a hint of politeness.

“Thank you, Gerald, you’ve become much handsome too! You have to look after me if I’ve any trouble in the future!”

Leila generously extended her arms to shake hands with Gerald.

Leila showed courtesy too.

To Gerald, it was considered to be the warmest words Gerald had ever heard from her since coming to the Jung family.

“Okay, that won’t be a problem at all, you can look for me if ever you need anything in the future!”
Gerald replied, smiling widely.

She withdrew her hand while smiling gingerly, but deep inside, she thought differently.

‘Huh, look for you if I need any help? Who do you think you are, I can’t believe you got carried away just because I was being polite towards you!’

Leila was from a family of government officials. Her father may have a lot of connections, but she too had her own.

Once she had graduated, she would set up her own business. She did not require anyone’s help!

Not to mention, how can Gerald help her?

“Gerald, why don’t you stay for lunch? It just so happens that Leila’s friends are coming over, maybe you should join along. Ah, I must’ve been so busy that I almost forgot, I’ve to prepare the meal!”

Leia said awkwardly.

Earlier on, she was trying to get Gerald out of her house, but her daughter ruined her plans. It would not look good on her part.

If she did not ask him to stay for lunch, it might ruin a good impression of her.

“Yeah, you should stay, it’s good to meet more people!”

Willie Jung added nonchalantly.

Only Leila was looking a little displeased.

She only intended to invite her classmates over for lunch, but it was extremely awkward for a shabby- looking dude who looked like he was from the countryside to join in for lunch.

But since it was her parents who had invited him, it was better for her to not say anything.

Her attitude towards Gerald grew much colder immediately.
Soon after, Leila’s classmates all arrived.

There were around seven or eight of them, men and women.

After chatting for a while, Leia had finished preparing the dishes.

Willie hurriedly greeted Leila’s classmates and showed them to their seats.

“Douglas, come sit next to me, you must drink with me today!”

Willie politely pulled Douglas’ arm and insisted on letting him sit next to him.

Douglas was a good-looking boy. Based on their earlier conversations, Gerald got to know that he seemed to be quite a higher-class leader.

He was quite a capable person.

Yet, looking at Douglas, he seemed to have some interest in Leila.

Willie could not help but try to make Douglas develop a close relationship with his daughter. He was especially fond and friendlier towards Douglas.

“Leila is lucky to have become good friends with you, it’s truly an honor for our Jung family! Look at Douglas, he’s so talented and capable. Who knows which lucky lady is going to be with him in the future! That lady is for sure not our Leila, I mean look at her, she’s still like a child, and she’s so far behind you!”

Willed joked.

“Mr. Jung, you must be joking! Leila is so beautiful, and she can be anyone’s girlfriend. That’s a blessing! Besides, Leila told us that you were in the army, could it be that you’ve betrothed Leila to your comrade’s son? Haha!”

Chapter 394
Douglas forced out a peal of laughter.

“That doesn’t count!” At that moment, Leia smiled as she served the dishes in front of them. Then, she turned to Douglas, “This is Gerald, the boy whom Leila’s father had made a promise to while her dad was drunk. As you can see, Gerald is now well-groomed, and Leila is no match to him, don’t you think so too, Gerald?”

Leia asked Gerald who was sitting at the very edge of the table.

“Yes, yes!”

Of course, Gerald had caught on what Leia’s words meant. He was also afraid that the crowd would draw the topic to himself, so he hurriedly nodded his head.

This, however, made Douglas a little scruple.

Honestly speaking, he had liked Leila for quite some time now, but he had not confessed his feelings to her. The two of them had always been in an ambiguous relationship.

But then, Mrs. Jung said that the boy whom Leila was initially betrothed to was also here.

Here comes the drama.

Everyone else was also looking at both Douglas and Gerald.

They were trying to compare the two.

Douglas immediately stood up and laughed, “Whew, if it wasn’t for Mrs. Jung’s introduction, we wouldn’t have known that you almost became our goddess Leila’s husband! Come, we haven’t formally gotten to know each other yet. Nice to meet you, Gerald, I’m Douglas Lindt, I’m currently working for
the government, eh…”

Douglas pretended to be surprised as he stood up and shook Gerald’s hand.

As he introduced himself, he shook his wrist, displaying the dazzling golden-strapped watch on his hand and continued speaking modestly.

“My job was arranged by my family, so you can say that I’ve got the upper-hand or some sort! I don’t have many capabilities myself after all!”

“Haha, Douglas, you don’t have to be this modest. If you don’t have the capabilities, who else would? Let’s take Gerald as an example, if you let him have your position, he wouldn’t be able to do much! Let’s not go over about those small matters shall we? Come come, let’s have a toast!”

Willie smiled and patted Douglas’ shoulder lightly.

They then proceeded to chat about some personal matters. The others just listened to the two as they talked and occasionally made a joke or two.

Leila was pleased. She rested her rosy cheeks on her hands as her eyes were fixated on Douglas.

She was proud of him.

She had an expensive taste in men, and the average joe was not up to her league.

Gerald sat on the chaperone’s seat, and from time to time, he stood up and poured drinks for everyone.

“Thanks, Gerald!”

A pretty girl who was sitting next to Gerald smiled at him.

“You’re welcome!” Gerald replied.

“You don’t have to keep pouring us drinks, they will pour it themselves if they want, hehe. Do you rarely eat out with others?”

The girl looked at Gerald curiously and asked.

The girl was extremely elegant. In short, she was very pretty and stylish, just like Leila.

Because they were not drinking, the girls sat a little off to the side.

And through their chat just now, Gerald got to know the girl’s name.

Her name was Cindy.

“Yeah, not that often!”

Gerald indeed had only attended just a few occasions.

The main reason was that this occasion was different from the ones in the past, after all, the main, most respectable person in this event was Willie Jung.

Leia then served a plate of food and was about to put the plate in front of Douglas.

But Douglas wasn’t paying attention to her, and with a swing of his hand, he accidentally swatted Leia,
knocking the plate of food out of her hands.


Leia screamed.

Douglas immediately stood up and apologized to Leia.

“It’s alright child, I was afraid of burning you with the hot food. I’ll clean up this mess, please carry on with your drinks with Mr. Jung, I’ll prepare another plate of food for you!”

Leia smiled at him.

She hurriedly cleaned the floor.

Then, Gerald saw that their wine glasses were half full. He got up and poured them some wine.

God knows if Douglas did it intentionally or not, as soon as Gerald poured wine into his glass, Douglas’
hand shook and the wine glass slipped out of his hand. The wine glass shattered on the ground.


Douglas was shocked.

Leia rushed out of the kitchen to see what was happening.

“Do you know how to pour wine? What the hell did you do? Why did you drop the wine glass?”

Leia pointed her fingers at Gerald as she scolded him. She was outraged.

On the other hand, Wille glanced at Gerald with icy cold eyes. He despised Gerald for his rudeness…

Chapter 395
Because of what had happened, they gave Gerald a good scolding.

It made Gerald quite embarrassed.

F*cking hell, it was Douglas who did not hold the glass properly, and they were all coming after him?

But Gerald understood.


It was down right obvious that the unfair treatment was because Douglas held some special status and Gerald was just a nobody.

“It’s not Gerald’s fault, I was the one who didn’t hold the glass properly. By the way, Gerald, you’re not working yet, are you?”

Douglas smiled as he asked Gerald.

“No.” Gerald shook his head.

“That’s not good, didn’t you find anyone to pull some strings for you? Why didn’t you find any?”

Douglas looked surprised.

“Connections are hard to maintain nowadays unless you’ve strong ones. Just like Leila’s current job, I wasted a huge deal of effort just to find it for her!”

Willie said bluntly.

He immediately disclosed that piece of information.

“I’m good, thanks!” Gerald replied.

“Hmm, I don’t think that will be good, let me help you out. Right, Yorick, wasn’t your dad looking for two young security guards for his factory? I think Gerald should sign up for that, I mean look at him, he looks like a loyal person and I think he will do a pretty good job!”

Douglas pointed at him.


Everyone at the table burst into laughter when they heard that.

Leila rolled her eyes at Gerald. “How can Gerald be a security guard when he’s a graduate from Mayberry University?”

“I know right, my friends will laugh if I tell them about this!”

“I don’t think he’ll be able to look for a girlfriend after that!”

Several girls laughed.

Only Cindy was silent at the table.

“Hmph, our family’s business is quite strict when it comes to choosing security guards, we want someone capable, not trash!”

Upon hearing the group of girls, Yorick thought that asking Gerald to work for their family was quite condescending, and they were mocking his family’s enterprise. He immediately retorted.

“Yeah, you shouldn’t think of that just because Yorick’s family enterprise is the nearest here. Honestly, it doesn’t matter whether he’s a college student or not. In today’s society, university graduates are
everywhere, and most workplaces don’t distinguish between the rich and the poor. What’s wrong with being a security guard?”

“Being a security guard is also a popular profession required in many places!”

Douglas said with a serious face.

“Well said Douglas, I didn’t expect you to have so many insights and be so matured at such a young age! You guys shouldn’t laugh, because what Douglas had said makes sense, so you guys should learn more from him!”

Willie added.

The crowd nodded their heads with stifled laughter.

Gerald did not enjoy the meal. He was getting picked on the entire time. He wanted to lash out at them, but it would be humiliating for him to do so.

Deep inside, he told himself to forget about it. He was just here to grant his father’s wish.

Although they looked down on father.

His father is a peculiar person who likes to reminisce about the past.

It did not matter to him even if you disliked him.

He simply forced a smile as he swallowed the food.

After finishing the meal, Willie had an idea. “Right, how about you guys hang out in the karaoke bar for the rest of the afternoon? Don’t stay out too long and come home early, so that your family will be at ease!”

“Got it, dad!”

“Don’t worry Mr. Jung, I’m here, so I’ll keep an eye on them!”

Douglas reassured with a smile.

“Hmm, that’s why I’m so relieved that you’re here, Douglas!”

Willie smiled and nodded his head.

Douglas looked at Gerald again. “Right, Gerald, we’ll head to the karaoke bar later, you should come
along too! Are you free this afternoon?”

“No, I won’t be joining, you guys should go ahead and have fun!”

Is he being serious? Of course, Gerald will not go! Although Leila was quite pretty, he felt like he was not in the right circle while being with them.

“Don’t overthink, Gerald. After having a meal together, of course, we have to go out and have some fun together! Unless the reason is that you don’t like us, do you, Gerald?”

Douglas said.

There was a hint of displeasure on his face.

The real reason why he asked Gerald to hang out with them was that he intended to use him to relieve boredom.

Was that not how people are? Once they become capable, they would pick on the weaker ones to make fun of.

When Willie saw the displeasure in Douglas’ face, he added on.

“Gerald, I suggest you’d better go with them. Can’t you read what’s going on? Douglas is quite an
important person, and what about you? Now that he has invited you to come along, why won’t you just accept his kind offer!”

“All right, I’ll go.”

Gerald was unable to brush them off.

Especially the girl next to her. Cindy kept looking at him, hoping that he would come along to have some fun together.

And Willie’s persistence.

Gerald thought that he would just go with them, maybe he would just ignore their petty remarks.


A short while later, the group of them were waiting downstairs.

Douglas and Yorick had their cars ready.

The two men drove the group in their cars.

Chapter 396
Finally, it was Gerald’s turn to get into the car.

But there was no space.

“Oh, f*ck! Just look. Both of our two cars are already full. We cannot possibly ask you to sit with the girls, right? It wouldn’t be convenient!”

Douglas laughed and said after rolling down the car window.

He had been deliberately mocking Gerald ever since he heard that he had a marriage contract with Leila and deliberately making things difficult for Gerald to embarrass him.

Gerald also knew that the reason Douglas had invited him to the karaoke bar with them was probably for this very reason too.

“What’s wrong with sitting next to a girl? I will move in a little. Gerald, come and sit next to me!”

Cindy said as she waved at Gerald.

Douglas felt a little unhappy at this, but he did not dare to say anything because Cindy was also a beautiful goddess too.

“Thank you!”

Gerald smiled and nodded slightly before he sat next to Cindy.

Soon, everyone arrived at a room inside a karaoke bar.

Douglas also invited another group of friends to join them.

The group also had both guys and girls, and the room suddenly became very lively.

Those who were drinking, drank, and those who were singing, sang. Everyone was very happy.

“Yorick comes to this karaoke bar very often. He is also very familiar with the female manager here.
Hahaha! So, today everyone can just order whatever you like. Yorick and I will treat all of you!”

Douglas said as he laughed.

“Thank you, Douglas!”

“I love you, Douglas! Ahh!”

“Wait, Douglas belongs to Leila! How can I say I love him?”

A girl patted her head as she exclaimed.

That made everyone laugh out loud again.

Yorick also brimmed happily. He really gained a lot of face today.

Leila also blushed as she lowered her head.

To be honest, Leila was really very satisfied with how Douglas carried himself. On the other hand, Gerald was sitting at the corner, who didn’t dare say anything. The difference between both of them was really contrasting, like heaven and earth.

Leila could only shake her head helplessly as she looked at Gerald.

Suddenly, someone pushed the room door open. A woman in a red dress strutted into the room.

On first impressions, one could tell that this woman had the expertise of handling such social gatherings.

She was holding a bottle of red wine and smiled as she said, “Douglas and Yorick, I know that the both of
you are here today so I came here to specially give you a bottle of red wine. Have fun today!”

“And since Yorick comes here so often, I’ll give all of you a ten percent discount on the overall bill today! Have fun!”

“Ahh? Why is it only a ten percent discount? Yorick, aren’t you very familiar with this sister in the red dress? Why is she only giving you a ten percent discount?”

Several boys joked and booed.

Yorick’s face blackened immediately. He felt as though he had already lost face.

“No! You have to at least give me a twenty percent discount!”

Yorick replied, with an unpleasant look plastered across his face.

“That will not work, sir. I still have to do business!” The woman in the red dress covered her mouth before she chuckled.

“Hmph! Okay, fine. But Miss Hanna, please come and enjoy a drink with us too!”

When the boys saw that the woman dressed in red was very sexy and beautiful, they asked her to accompany them to drink.

“Sorry, but I have another important customer to attend to today. I really cannot drink with you!”

Miss Hanna waved her hand before she went out.

The atmosphere suddenly became very awkward.

Several boys looked at Yorick, one after the other.

“Yorick, what’s going on here? Why isn’t Miss Hanna giving you any face at all?”

“F*ck! How could you say that you are familiar with her? She is only giving you a ten percent discount. I thought that the both of you had a good relationship but she completely ignored you!”

A few boys voiced out bitterly after Miss Hanna left the room.

This made Yorick feel as though he had been insulted with pins and needles.

He felt extremely uncomfortable.

Yes! Miss Hanna did not give him any face at all just now.

When he came before this, she was still very polite to him and that was the reason why Yorick thought that he was already very familiar with her.

However, now that he had already bragged about it to everyone, she did not give him any respect when he needed it. It was no use bragging at all.

“Hmph! You don’t believe me? Okay then! I will go and bring her over here to drink with us now. Just wait for me.”

Yorick yanked open the room door angrily and stormed out. It seemed as though he had gone looking for Miss Hanna.

Gerald could only shake his head as he smiled wryly, observing the situation from the side.

Was keeping one’s face really that important sometimes?

Was it worth being so angry and causing a scene just because of such a trivial matter?

Moreover, Gerald could tell that Miss Hanna was generally the kind of person who was courteous and polite to everyone. It was only normal for people to think that they were familiar with her when she was just doing her business.

It was not good for a person not to have any self-knowledge.


A short while later.

One of the girls who went to the bathroom earlier suddenly ran into the room with a panicked expression on her face:

“Douglas! Go out and take a look! Yorick is getting beaten up!”

Chapter 397
”What? He got beaten up?”

“F*ck! He got into trouble!”

The boys and girls in the room suddenly grew very nervous.

Even Douglas became anxious.

But he did not panic. He simply replied calmly, “Why are you so anxious? Come, let’s go out and take a look. I want to see who’s the prick that actually dares to touch my buddy!”

Douglas then waved his hand and a crowd of boys and girls followed closely behind him.

A few of the boys even grabbed a few bottles of beer with them. It seemed as though they were going to start a fight today!

Gerald had already expected Yorick to get easily agitated.

But he really did not expect him to get beaten up.

Everyone had already headed out now. It would not be good for Gerald to continue sitting and drinking in the room by himself. Hence, he decided to just follow everyone out.

Let’s talk about Yorick. A group of people were surrounding him in the center of the karaoke bar.

He was curled up on the ground and blood was oozing out of his forehead.

About a dozen bodyguards from the karaoke bar had just beaten him up.

As for Hanna, she was just glaring coldly at Yorick with a sinister smile on her face.

“You pathetic brat! Don’t you know how to appreciate it when I was still giving you face? You actually dare to pull my hair? You must be sick of living. Don’t you know whose territory this is? Aren’t you afraid that Big Dolph will hack you to death? F*ck!”

Hanna sneered.

Upon the words, ‘Big Dolph’, the faces of several people standing on the sidelines turned pale

They could not help but look at Yorick, who was lying on the ground, with sympathy.

Earlier on, Yorick had called out to Hanna, who had just entered another room. He angrily pestered her to come and drink with them. Of course, Hanna ignored him completely.

In fact, there were not many people in this karaoke bar who had the ability to convince Hanna to give them a toast and drink with them.

However, Yorick refused to tolerate it. Towards the end, he even pulled Hanna’s hair.

In the end, things turned out like this.

Someone from the other room witnessed this young man barging into his room and pulling Hanna’s hair.

With just a flick of his wrist, seven or eight strong men rushed forward immediately.

They even brought out some sticks and bashed Yorick to the ground.

They taught him a good lesson.

It was also the same time that the girl who went to the bathroom witnessed the entire event unfold. She dashed back to the room to report this incident to everyone else.

“Miss Hanna, just let my subordinates handle this matter. The guests at my table are still waiting for you
to drink with them!”

A rather lax young boy was standing next to Miss Hanna.

He had a scornful look on his face but he looked like someone rich.

“I know, Mr. Lourdes, but can you let me vent my anger first? Look at him! He pulled my hair just now!”

Miss Hanna replied as she smiled cynically.

“Hahaha. No problem. If that’s the case, drag him into my room then. Since he dared to cause trouble for you in front of my room, then he is not giving me face either! Damn it! I really have to teach this damn kid a lesson today for being so obnoxious!”

As soon as Louie raised his hand, several bodyguards immediately acted on his order. They grabbed Yorick before they started dragging him into Louie’s room.

After entering the room.

“Stop! If you know what is good for you, then let my buddy go!”

Suddenly, someone shouted out loud.

It was Douglas, who had one hand in his pocket as he led a large number of people over here with him.

He was very aggressive.

And he looked impressive.

“Damn. This is getting interesting. There are still people who are coming here to seek revenge on his behalf. I really want to see who it is who is so brave and courageous.”

Louie had a nonchalant look on his face. He then entered his room before asking his bodyguards to open the door to let them in.

Douglas felt even more unfazed now because he thought that the kid was afraid of him.

So the group of people swarmed into the room.

However, as soon as they saw the man waiting inside the room, not only Douglas, but many others behind Douglas who were holding beer bottles in their hands were all shocked.

“Mr. Lourdes, it’s you? Mr. Zorro, Mr. Hank, and Mr. Saul…you…you are all here?”

Douglas’s eyes immediately widened and all of his arrogance was instantly extinguished.

As for the few girls, they initially thought that they would be able to enjoy a good show with Douglas. The moment they saw Douglas losing his spirit, they were all very embarrassed.

This was especially so for Leila who was standing next to Douglas.

Chapter 398
”Louie, who is this young brat? A friend of yours?” asked a man with a dragon tattoo.

“I don’t know him, but f*ck! He actually knows who I am!”

Louie replied with a laugh.

“Douglas, who is he?” asked Leila as she quietly nudged Douglas’s arm.

“He is Louie Lourdes. The mine in Serene County belongs to their family. He’s the richest man there, and their family is considered one of Mayberry City’s top-ranking families. His father is also the leader of
Serene County’s underground triads. Big Dolph works for him. They are definitely a bunch of ruthless people.”

“The few around him are also famous members of triads.”

Since Douglas knew many people, he hurriedly explained the situation to them.

After listening to his explanation, Leila and the others became even more afraid.

They had heard of Louie’s name before.

They knew about his great influence and power. In fact, how could they not panic when they heard Big
Dolph’s name?

“Wow! Buddy! What are you doing here with people holding beer bottles in their hands? Trying to scare me to death?” Louie said, crossing his legs as he lazily slouched on the chair.

“Cough! Erm… Mr. Lourdes, this is all just a misunderstanding. It is all a big misunderstanding. Everyone drank a little too much today. My friend over here has offended you too. I hope that you will show grace

and let him go. I am Douglas Lindt, and my father is Gary Lindt. Please give us some face. Mr. Hank, Mr.
Saul, my dad even brought me along to drink with you guys...”

Douglas hurriedly pleaded as he introduced himself.

“Oh, oh! I know who he is... But Douglas, no one has ever dared to confront me with beer bottles in
their hands. What do you think I should do about this?” Louie replied with a smile.

His eyes swept across the faces of Leila and the other girls who were standing next to Douglas.

He couldn’t help thinking that all these girls must be of the highest quality.

“That will not do. Look, Mr. Lourdes, why don’t I finish a bottle now? Please take it as my sincerest apology!”

“Yes, Mr. Lourdes! We will down a bottle of beer now!” echoed several boys, one after the other.

“Well, if that is the case, then each of you will have to empty a bottle each. As soon as that happens, this
matter will be over.”

Louie looked at the scared girl laughing his head off.

“There is but a condition. It’s not going to work for sure if you just finish the beer. You will drink white wine instead. I want each of you to finish a bottle of white wine each, and the issue will be resolved. This includes all of you girls who walked into this room.”

“What? White wine?!”

Douglas was dumbfounded.

“Why? Are you not humoring me this round?” he asked Louie with a cold expression on his face.

As soon as his voice fell out, a bodyguard had already walked in with a box of white wine.

Douglas gritted his teeth in frustration. He had no choice but to take the lead and set the example.

He pinched his nose, gulping down the entire bottle as though it were plain water.

The other boys followed suit, and each soon finished their own bottles.

“Clap! Clap! Clap!”

Louie applauded in admiration. He looked at Leila and the other girls. “Beautiful girls, don’t you know you have to drink too? If you refuse, you won’t be stepping out of this room today!”

“As for you guys, you can get lost!” snapped Louie said as he pointed at Douglas.

“Mr. Lourdes, this is my girlfriend. Will you allow me to take her with me? I beg you, please? Can you
give me face?”

“No! There is no need for me to give you face. If you don’t choose to leave now, you might just be unable to leave after this.”

As soon as Louie said these words, a few boys quickly left the room in fear.

As for Douglas, he could only stay silent with gritted teeth. He sincerely didn’t know what else to say.
After all, Louie was known to be very ruthless.

He could only walk out of the room with his head hung low.

As for Leila, Cindy, and the other girls, they were naturally stopped by the bodyguards.

Leila was so frightened that she was about to burst into tears.

“You are Mr. Lourdes, right? Why don’t you give me some face and let them go?”

Chapter 399

A moment of silence broke out in the room. Everyone was staring at the young man who just spoke.

Give you face?

Who are you? Why would I give you face?

The person who just spoke was none other than Gerald.

He had been outside the room, watching in excitement when he saw Douglas getting embarrassed and humiliated.

It had nothing to do with him, after all.

Now, Louie obviously had eyes for Leila, Cindy, and the rest of the girls.

He didn’t have many reasons to worry about Leila.

After all, even though Leila was somewhat polite to him on the surface, Gerald knew very well that this girl actually despised and looked down on him.

There was no need for him to brag or show off in front of her.

However, Cindy was also here, and Gerald would feel bad if he really did not care about her.

She had treated him well since the beginning, never once despising him in any way. She was also the kind that held no preconceived judgments or prejudice in her heart.

Perhaps, it might not have meant anything to Cindy, but Gerald was still very grateful nonetheless. Thus, he decided to take a stand for her sake.

“Gerald, what nonsense are you talking about? Why don’t you just get lost? There are some things about the underground that you will never understand.”

Leila reprimanded Gerald with a cold hard look on her face.

She couldn’t accept it. Leila grew up in a small town, and she was very well-informed. She naturally understood the situation about to unfold tonight.

be that as it may, Leila’s mind was made up. What was the big deal anyway? At most, she would have to finish up an entire bottle of white wine like Douglas did, then run out of the room quickly. Louie wouldn’t dare be too rambunctious, would he?

Unexpectedly, Gerald stepped up and pretended to be a hero. She was annoyed now, really wanting to give him a tight slap or two across his face.

“Give you face? What right do you have?” Louie asked with a deep frown. The rest of the men in the
room also stared at Gerald.

Gerald put his hands in his pockets, grinning lightly.

“This girl over here is my friend. So, I will settle this issue on her behalf. Mr. Lourdes, if you really want
to drink, why don’t you let me make a call so that I can get some people here to accompany you?”

Naturally, Gerald wanted to pay no attention to a puny roach the likes of him. He looked at Cindy.

Louie gawked at Gerald and sneered. “Young brat! Did you know that there are grave consequences for pretending to be the hero? Based on your words, it seems you’re getting some people to deal with me too. Hahaha! Why don’t you take a look at your pathetic face right now? Ask yourself. Are you worthy?”

“Nothing to worry about, Gerald. You should leave now,” said Cindy, her tone worried and anxious.

Gerald gave Cindy a reassuring look.

“It’s okay, don’t worry,” he promised with a smile.

Gerald then looked at Louie.

“So, what about it, Mr. Lourdes? Why don’t you tell me if you dare or not? My people will be coming over here later. Perhaps they’ll have a good drink with you?”

“Okay. Fine! It's the first time I’m challenged before so many of Serene County’s reputable folk. It seems I’ll have to experience it for myself today, but allow me to put in all the ugly words first. I may not be so forgiving later. Know what happens to those who dare offend me? I believe you will find out very quickly if you just ask around,” retorted Louie in the most condescending way as though Gerald was a joke.

Gerald simply asked Cindy, Leila, and the rest of the girls to leave now.

Cindy looked at Gerald with worry on her face. She felt suffocated but wanted to stay back and accompany him anyway.

As for Leila, she simply stared blankly at Gerald, as though he was really an idiot. After that, she dragged Cindy away forcibly.

Louie did not stop them. It was because he knew that there had to be a sequel to this. When the time
came to look for those girls, it wouldn’t be as simple as making them drink a bottle of white wine.

Gerald made a phone call after that.

Of course, the call was to Drake and Tyson.

“Call. Call as many people as you can! Hahaha!”

When the call was done, he looked at Louie with a smile on his face.

For several reasons, Gerald had no choice but to keep a low profile in front of acquaintances. This was
the case when he was at Willie’s house today. It was all because he was an elder.

Gerald was no prodigal son of a millionaire, so he usually tolerated whatever that could be tolerated.

As a matter of fact, it would be elementary for Gerald to give their family a slap in their face if he wanted to.

However, things were different with Louie this time, just like when he dealt with William Rye from Rye
Group. It would be problematic, but Gerald wasn’t afraid.

Very soon.

The sound of cars screeching to a halt could be heard, where a larger number of luxury cars pulled up at the entrance of the karaoke bar.

Bodyguards, dressed in black, stepped out of the cars in unison. They were all led by Drake and Tyson,
Gerald’s current base manager, and personal bodyguards.

Wherever Gerald was, so would they, providing him with on the clock security support.

“Mr. Crawford is inside. Go in now, double-time!”

Chapter 400
A group of men rushed into the karaoke bar after Drake and Tyson waved their hands.

At the same time, in the room.

Louie was fiddling with the wine glass in his hand as he looked at his watch and said: “Young lad, it has already been five minutes now. There hasn’t been a single phone call. Are you kidding me?”

He laughed as he spoke.

The next moment, the room door was kicked upon with a loud bang.

A group of men swamped into the room.

The bodyguards of the group immediately tried to stop the men.

However, before they could even do anything, the bodyguards had already been kicked to the ground by the men dressed in black.

Their action and movements were all very swift and violent, like a predator attacking its prey!

“Who are you guys?”

Louie was taken aback.

When he saw the skills of these people and the tough yet mysterious aura surrounding them, Louie knew that these men were not from any ordinary backgrounds.

“Mr. Crawford, is it him?”

Drake and Tyson walked over to Gerald and whispered in a low voice.

“Yes. Teach him a lesson!”

Gerald replied as he nodded lightly.

“F*ck! How dare you? Do you know whose territory this is?”

The middle-aged man called Mr. Dee cried out in a hostile manner.

Although his expression was fierce, his forehead was already beaded with sweat.

He knew that they definitely encountered a tough opponent this time!

“This is Big Dolph’s territory! When Big Dolph arrives, don’t even dream about being able to step out of this place!”

Louie continued threatening.

“Miss Hanna, call Big Dolph!”

Louie signaled Hanna.

Hanna nodded and replied, “Okay! I have already sent a text message to him just now. Big Dolph is
already bringing his men over here. When he arrives later, then we will be able to watch a good show!”

On the other side.

“Douglas, stop the car! I want to get off!”

Douglas had already drove away in a hurry.

Halfway through, Cindy suddenly yelled out loud as she anxiously wanted to get out of the car.

“What’s wrong, Cindy?”

Leila asked.

“No! No! I am still worried about leaving Gerald behind all alone! Everyone knows who Louie is! He will really destroy Gerald!”

Cindy could not help but cried out of worry as she thought about it.

“Hmph! Why are you so worried about him? It serves him right for pretending to be a hero! He deserves it!”

Leila replied contemptuously.

Everything was as clear as day. Gerald and Douglas were simply incomparable.

One was a fool whereas the other was really a man who knew how to find a way to survive.

This was especially so when earlier on, Douglas had taken the lead to down the bottle of wine. Leila was moved.

Man. Nothing could beat that!

But when it came to Gerald, Leila simply shook her head because she was utterly speechless.

“That’s right, Cindy. Besides that, the both of you don’t even know each other that well anyway. Why do you care about his life or death? Why are you so worried about him? Damn it! Cindy, don’t tell me that you like that pathetic dickhead?”

Douglas asked as he continued driving.

“Go ahead and think whatever you want. All I know is that if it weren’t because of Gerald, none of us
would have been able to get out of that place so easily! Stop the car! I want to go back and take a look!”

Douglas could not bear to see Cindy acting so anxiously. So, he stopped the car.

Cindy got out of the car before she ran back towards the karaoke bar.

“Cindy, come back!”

Leila yelled anxiously.

“Douglas, what do we do now? How am I going to explain it to Cindy’s grandfather if she is in danger?”

“Oh.. okay you know what, let’s do this. We’ll turn around and go back too.”

“Ahh? No! Douglas, do you want to save that Gerald too?”

“F*ck! Why would I want to save him? I am just afraid that something will happen to Cindy. We should
go back and look out for Cindy from a distance. That way, we can also see what’s going on with the entire situation!”

Douglas explained.

Everyone agreed to his plan. So, the two cars turned around, back to the karaoke bar…

The Invincible Rich Man (Gerald Crawford)Where stories live. Discover now