Chapter 1213-1219

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Chapter 1213
The very next day, Yazmin headed to school along with her husband.
Since Naomi had gotten a man to back her up the day before, Yazmin was definitely getting hers to help her as well. Yazmin was sure that the sight of her husband’s car alone would be enough to scare the life out of Naomi’s man! Humph!
Still, Yazmin would be lying if she said that those weird messages and Thiago’s disappearance the day before didn’t have her worried. Even after calling him and his men, none of them picked up, and none of them were at Sherry’s place either. Where could they be…?
Though Thiago and his men could get a bit wild while enjoying themselves, she also knew them to be very responsible men. It was near-impossible for them not to return her messages after completing their job.
Feeling odd about the entire situation, that was the second reason she was bringing her husband along. Whatever the case was, she knew Sherry’s background well so she probably wouldn’t be a problem for her.
It wasn’t long before they arrived in front of the school building. Since Yazmin’s husband was driving the newest BMW 7-series, a group of male students was instantly drawn to it.
“Holy cow! Is that Mrs. Yallop’s husband? Not only is he driving a BMW 7-series, but he’s also charming?!”
“D*mn! So her husband’s a rich heir! By the looks of it, his family must be super powerful too! Though with how luxuriously Mrs. Yallop always dresses, it isn’t too surprising that her husband isn’t an ordinary man!”
Still, in their high school days, it was common enough for male students to favor talking about games and cars.
Locking her arms around her husband’s, Yazmin then stood in front of the car for a brief moment, enjoying every second of how envious and adoring the students were of her and her husband.
After pretending to retrieve some things from the car, Yazmin saw a few of her colleagues coming to work and called out, “Well hello there, Mrs. Shaq! You’re early today! And the same goes for you as well, Mrs. Xanders!”
Seeing the smiling woman calling out to them, Mrs. Shaq then replied, “Good day to you too, Mrs. Shaq!
Is that your husband! The car he’s driving looks pretty new! It must’ve been expensive!”
Though everyone looked enthusiastic to reply to Yazmin’s greeting, deep inside, they were all equally upset.
‘Why’s she even being all proud about that? So what if she has a rich husband and a nice car! Big deal! Still… Why is it that other people always have better lives… There’s no way we could ever compete with her!’ Thought several of her colleagues who were cursing her in their minds with utter jealousy.
As the female teachers continued putting on a cheery façade while talking with Yazmin, a few male colleagues of Yazmin’s showed up.
The moment they all saw the car, they were instantly impressed. One of them was so excited that he immediately said, “Holy! That’s a BMW 7-series! It’s the newest model in 2020 and it’s barely been a few days since it was released into the market! How cool!”
After they continued talking with Yazmin and her husband for a while, one of the female teachers finally found herself unable to hold back anymore as she asked, “When would you be free to take us out on a ride in the car, Mrs. Yallop?”
“Why, anytime, of course! Where would you like to go? My husband can be our driver!” replied Yazmin with a smile.
“Oh, how kind you are, Mrs. Yallop! I’ll be thanking you in advance then!”
“I’m just glad you finally realize how nice a person I am! While I know I can be hard to deal with sometimes, but I’m generally a very kind person to those close to me! It’s just the way my straightforward personality is! Unlike a very fake teacher of course! You know, the house she bought near our school spans a good hundred and fifty square feet! It’s quite obvious where she got the money to buy that house from, given her current financial status!” replied Yazmin.
“I don’t know… Maybe she just found a rich husband…?” said one of the male teachers.
“Hah! Her? Tell you what, I’ve checked the bursary record before and I’ve already seen what her husband looks like!” replied Yazmin.
“What? How does he look?”
Chapter 1214
“Saying that he looks below-average is an overstatement for him! With that in mind, how could he possibly be rich? He’s probably just some regular worker somewhere!”
Knowing that, Yazmin was beyond sure that such a person wouldn’t ever be able to compare with her husband.
Before any of her colleagues could even react, a group of students began screaming out of the blue! Some were even screaming so hard that they seemed close to fainting!
“…The hell?” muttered Yazmin as she and her other colleagues turned to look at the front gate to see what all the commotion was about.
The second they saw what the students were screaming about, however, the group of teachers immediately widened their eyes before cursing out loud in shock. Yazmin, in particular, seemed more flabbergasted than the rest, covering her mouth in astonishment.
“W-what a cool car!” shouted everyone in both shock and awe.
The ‘cool car’ they were referring to, was one that cost millions of dollars. In fact, it was arguably a hundred times cooler than a Lamborghini sports car! The car itself was now slowly driving from the school compound toward the main school building.
Not even caring about the school rules—which stated that students weren’t allowed to bring their phones to school—anymore, all of them immediately began snapping pictures of the expensive-looking car. 
“I-It’s a Lambo! A million-dollar Lambo!” stuttered Yazmin’s husband as his jaw dropped.
“Whose car is that? Is it the husband of one of the teachers? Or perhaps one of the students’ fathers?” added one of the male teachers who was still shocked by the sight.
“If I’m correct, then that car right there is limited edition! There are less than a hundred cars for this model in our country, you know?” shouted a car expert from within the crowd.
With all this happening, Yazmin’s expression quickly turned sour. Naturally, this was because the spotlight on her husband’s BMW 7-series had now been stolen by that other car!
“…Since you know so many people, can’t you guess who the driver of that car is, hubby?” asked Yazmin.
Hearing that, the other female teachers instantly grew jealous again. After all, they knew better than to doubt how powerful Yazmin’s husband was.
“…Well, while I do know several wealthy businessmen in Mayberry, some regions are still beyond my reach… Regardless, once I see the driver’s face, I may know who he is! Bring me my name card, Yazmin!” replied her husband as he straightened his suit.
“Right away, hubby!” said Yazmin as she happily returned to his car to retrieve his name card.
Before she opened his car’s door, however, she made sure to look at her female colleagues before saying, “Businessmen are always like this, you know? It’s natural for them to want to exchange name cards with others, especially when the other party is an experienced director! After all, it could very well bring business to them, though I don’t expect any of you to understand!”
Naturally, this made the other female teachers upset.
Regardless, the car finally stopped moving when it parked right next to the BMW 7-series.
Everyone’s attention was now on the car, and both teachers and students alike held their breaths, eager to find out who the owner of the car was.
Shortly after, the car’s door was opened, and out stepped a young man with his right hand in his pocket. Simultaneously, the door opposite of the driver’s seat was also opened, and an extremely beautiful yet familiar-looking woman stepped out.
The moment Yazmin saw the duo who had just exited the car, the name card in her hand instantly fluttered to the ground. Her entire body now trembling, Yazmin felt as though her soul had just been crushed by an immense strike of lightning.
Her mind now completely blank, the current situation felt almost dream-like.
While Yazmin felt like she was about to faint, many of the other students and teachers were now screaming!
“Miss Naomi! It’s you!”
Chapter 1215
True to their words, the duo that had just descended the car truly were Gerald and Naomi.
Knowing that, Yazmin felt as though her entire world had just been flipped.
After all, she had assumed that since Naomi probably didn’t have anyone capable backing her up, her husband could easily get rid of her. While it was true that she had met Gerald yesterday, Yazmin simply thought he was some ordinary man who would suffer terribly by her hand today!
Never could she have imagined that he would be this filthy rich!
Now sweating profusely and genuinely unsure of what to even do next, her heart skipped a beat the moment she saw a police car driving into the school.
Though there had only been two police officers the day before, four of them stepped out of the car today.
Scanning the crowd, one of the officers glared at Yazmin before saying, “Good day, Miss Milton, and I see that Miss Yallop is here too! There’s been some progress on the case… Why don’t we discuss this in the principal’s office…?”
“F-fine by me…!” replied Yazmin, her gut telling her that something was insanely wrong.
Once they were in the office, the pressuring atmosphere there caused great discomfort to Yazmin. After all, everyone was now looking at her differently.
“…We’ve received new evidence about the theft, and after some digging, we found a new lead! Apparently, someone had been forcing a student to act on their behalf, and in extremely cruel ways too!” explained one of the officers to the principal.
“Thanks for your hard work, officers!”
Hearing that, Yazmin’s face turned even paler as her heart skipped a beat. Gulping, she turned to look at her husband, a clear sign that she was asking for his help.
However, the moment he took a step back, Yazmin finally realized where her feelings of insecurity were stemming from. 
Yazmin’s husband knew for a fact that he couldn’t get involved any further into the matter. The young man who was currently standing before him… His background was definitely not a simple one, and with that in mind, her husband knew better than to challenge such a person.
He also knew that if he continued helping Yazmin, he wouldn’t be able to get away easily. Though he honestly wanted to just run out of the office at that moment, he was well aware that a few security guards were currently patrolling right outside the office’s door.
As he continued thinking about what he should do next, one of the officers took a warrant out and showed it to Yazmin.
“Miss Yallop, we suspect that you and your husband are involved in a crime! With that in mind, please follow us back to the station for further questioning!”
Utterly stunned to hear that, Yazmin’s husband immediately retorted, “T-this is none of my business!
That woman was in charge of the entire thing! This doesn’t involve me at all!”
Following that, he immediately swung the office door open and attempted to escape! Naturally, he was instantly caught by one of the security guards who were still patrolling outside the office.
Upon hearing that, Yazmin instantly began shrieking in a frenzy before attempting to escape as well! She knew for a fact that if they were found guilty of the deed, then they wouldn’t be released for at least twenty years!
With that in mind, she managed to dash past the guards who were still busy pinning her husband down. None of them had expected her to run out as well!
By the time she arrived at the stairs, all the students who had seen her running for her life were utterly confused as to what was happening.
Before she could even take the first step down, however, she felt a jolt of electricity running down her spine!
Screaming from the impact of the thrown object, Yazmin crumbled to the floor and saw that she had been hit by an electric rod that was glowing blue!
“H-huh? Isn’t that Mrs. Yallop…?”
“My god! Why are they trying to capture her?!”
As the present students instantly covered their mouths while taking steps backward, Gerald himself jogged over to where Yazmin currently lay. 
Seeing that the other officers were still a distance away, Gerald bent down and shocked her with the electric rod one more time before they arrived, sending the woman unconscious.
“If it wasn’t for our current location, I hope you know that I’d have torn you into a thousand pieces by now…!” growled Gerald as he tossed the rod to the side.
With his current temper, he wouldn’t truly be Gerald if he didn’t treat a cruel woman like Yazmin the same way he did to that woman in Lugaw City…
Chapter 1216
With the current matter resolved, Gerald and Naomi soon found themselves returning to the hospital to visit Sherry and her mother.
Though Gerald stayed for quite a long time in the hospital, he eventually found himself disappointed. It didn’t seem like the person who had triggered the jade charm before was going to make an appearance again any time soon.
While he had initially thought that the person in question could be one of the doctors, nurses, or even patients in the hospital, after walking through the entire hospital for most of the morning, Gerald was now doubtful that that was the case.
With the middle of the month now dangerously close, he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t anxious.
Eventually concluding that the woman with the strong yin physique would’ve shown herself by now if she truly was related to the hospital, Gerald simply sent Naomi back to the school before considering heading to other nearby schools or universities to begin searching again.
Honestly, he felt that none of this made any sense. After all, according to what Master Ghost had said, due to fate’s role, even if Gerald were to miss meeting the other person the first time, they would certainly meet again!
Knowing that thinking about it wouldn’t really do him any good, Gerald simply spent the rest of the morning driving around several high schools and universities. In the end, he still couldn’t find the person he was looking for.
With only one final university left unchecked, Gerald simply sighed before muttering to himself, “…Mayberry University it is!”
If she wasn’t there either, then he really didn’t know where else to look for her.
Upon arriving at the university, Gerald immediately felt slightly embarrassed when he saw so many students pointing at his car. He really shouldn’t have been this high-profile…
With that in mind, he quickly turned his car around and headed for the small forest where he used to park his car in the past. Upon arriving there, he saw that a few cars had already been parked in his usual spot.
Momentarily stopping his own car, Gerald saw that there were many beautiful girls there dressed to impress as well, as several rich young men who each seemed to own different kinds of sports cars, Ferraris, and many other expensive-looking cars.
Gerald also noticed that there seemed to be a conflict between two of the men, and all the others present at the scene were currently gathered around them.
Listening in, Gerald heard one of the men say, “How dare you even park your cheap car here? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself at all? My car is worth at least three hundred thousand dollars you know?”
“Mr. Yackee is so handsome and cool! His car looks absolutely marvelous as well!”
“Yeah! What a wonderful car!”
Squealed a few of the girls while looking rather enviously at the one who had spoken. 
From what Gerald could tell, the other man’s car probably cost around a hundred and twenty thousand dollars. As a result, all the girls there were naturally supporting Mr. Yackee.
Nobody was standing up for the other guy at all, and after being made to feel so inferior, the other man simply drove away angrily.
While Gerald had once used this secluded spot to hide how rich he was, things had apparently changed now. From what he could tell, those who now knew about this small forest were mostly owners of luxury cars. To show off their wealth, only the most expensive and dazzling luxury cars were permitted to park here.
As for the others who knew of this place, they mostly consisted of both male and female students who wanted to enjoy the show.
Regardless, the moment Mr. Yackee saw that he had successfully driven the other guy away, an extremely proud-looking expression was formed on his face. Just as he was about to park his car properly, however, the loud revving of engines could suddenly be heard.
Turning to look at the source of the sound, everyone’s eyes widened as an even cooler-looking Lamborghini made its appearance! The atmosphere climaxed as soon as it stopped close enough and a young man—wearing a pair of sunglasses as well as cropped pants—stepped out of the car.
Turning to look at Mr. Yackee, the man—who was chewing some gum—then declared, “About time you get lost, don’t you think? Do you really think that you deserve to park here? My car is worth at least seven hundred and sixty million dollars, you know?”
“I-it’s Mr. Lockworth!”
“Oh my god, he’s so handsome!”
Gerald could simply watch as the girls began squealing in excitement again.
While he wasn’t aware of this, everyone from within that crowd knew of the legend surrounding that small forest. Essentially, the legend stated that a mysterious and rich young man once made his appearance in this very forest in a top-notch luxury car. Following that, the owner of the car managed to pursue and get the university’s top goddess to fall for him! Though it was simple, the tale was popular enough to make the small forest west of the university a famous parking spot for those with luxury cars.
“What are you still looking at, Mr. Yackee? Move your car already so that Yalter can park his car!”
“Indeed! It’s more suitable for Mt. Lockworth to park there and you know it!”
After hearing the girls’ shouts of contempt, Mr. Yackee could only purse his lips as his inferiority complex kicked in. By the time he drove off angrily, the scene had already attracted the attention of at least a hundred onlookers.
Shaking his head with a wry smile on his face, Gerald simply thought, ‘These kids think they’re so young and rich… You should be making use of your youth and wealth to do more meaningful things!’
Following that, he stepped on his accelerator, driving his Lamborghini directly toward the crowd of people…
Chapter 1217
As the students heard the revving of yet another car’s engine, they turned to look at the Lamborghini as it swerved right before them before halting, sending the fallen leaves on the ground scattering all over the place with the force of an autumn gale.
The abrupt appearance of the car left everyone at the scene momentarily frozen in shock.
“…Is… is that a Lamborghini Reventon…?”
The situation was so dream-like that everyone could barely hide the shock on their faces. None of them even dared to blink for a while, for fear that the sight of the luxurious car would simply disappear the second they did.
Not only was the limited-edition Lamborghini Reventon a car that was worth at least two million and six hundred thousand dollars, but according to the local legend, the mysterious rich and young man had initially owned a similar car!
Now that that specific car had arrived at this specific location, those present felt like they were living out the legend that everyone kept talking about. None of them had truly expected to be able to witness the car for themselves, which was why they were all so stupefied by the sight of it.
Mr. Lockworth himself was left utterly dumbfounded. However, he quickly regained his senses and knew that he had to admit defeat this time.
‘That car… It… It’s simply too luxurious!’ Yalter thought to himself before immediately driving his car away from the parking space so that Gerald could park his car there.
After parking his car in his old spot, the girls instantly began screaming hysterically—with many of them placing their hands over their mouths and the rest cupping their cheeks—as Gerald stepped out of his car.
All this was simply too amazing for them to remain calm!
“Hey there, brother! What’s your phone number?”
“Do you have a girlfriend, brother?”
As the girls there instantly began huddling around Gerald, the other rich men quickly began heading over to their own cars—with the intention of driving them away from the area—while shouting, “We’ll be taking our leave now, brother!”
“Hold it!” shouted Gerald in a cold voice as he turned to look at them.
Hearing how frigid and commanding his voice was, everyone was instantly paralyzed in place.
Following that, Gerald then retained his cold voice as he asked, “Tell me, was there a point of comparing how wealthy each of you were?”
Hearing that, the boys quickly lowered their heads, each of them at a loss for words.
“While you may be rich, I hope that each of you realize that there’ll always be wealthier people out there! With that in mind, since there’s always going to be someone richer than you, why even bother comparing in the first place? If you have that much time and energy, you should be spending all that on your family and those you care for instead! Why even come all the way out here just to show off?” added Gerald in a casual tone as the boys turned red in embarrassment while nodding slowly.
“He’s right, you know? How could people like Mr. Lockworth or Mr. Yackee ever dream to be able to compare to him?”
“Now that I’ve met you, I finally understand what it means to be mature and stable, sir! You truly are charming and everything you say is completely true!”
By that point, several of the girls—with love-struck expressions on their faces—were backing Gerald up with affectionate voices.
As one of the girls began rubbing her arm against Gerald’s he simply pushed her aside before saying, “You girls aren’t any better!”  
Turning to face them next, he then said, “Have a good look at what you’re all wearing now! T-shirts without any pants or even shorts underneath? Is this how girls should be acting? Don’t you think you’re all being a little too shameless?! As for you in particular! Your top is nothing more than a thin rope at this point! What’s the point of exposing so much of your body to others? Be a bit more ladylike for heaven’s sake!”
After seeing this money-worshiping group of youngsters, it was no real wonder why Gerald was so furious at them.
Knowing that they would definitely come to regret it—in the future—if they didn’t use this time to cherish and appreciate their family members and loved ones, Gerald could only reprimand them in hopes that it would return them to their senses.
However, several of the girls simply began crying as soon as they heard Gerald scolding them!
“…Just… Leave already! Leave! All of you!”
Chapter 1218
After waving his hand to drive everyone away, Gerald made sure he parked his car properly while wondering to himself what was wrong with today’s society.
So what if one was rich? If everything could be resolved with money, then Gerald wouldn’t have to continue searching like this.
Shaking the thought off, Gerald then looked at the campus building before heading in its direction to continue his search for a woman with a strong yin physique.
What happened earlier was simply a small episode, and Gerald’s thoughts were soon replaced with a slight nostalgia as he stepped into the campus again after graduating for over two years.
As the saying went, life was a circle that went round and round. Regardless of whether a person was rich or poor, they would always end up returning to where they came from.
True to that saying’s words, all of this had started in this very university. After all, Gerald had first been told that he was the heir of the Crawford family while he was studying here. What more, Gerald had also met the love of his life on this very campus.
Even the milk tea shop at the entrance of the campus was still there, and the owner of that shop was still the same person.
Looking at the shop, he recalled how Mila had forgotten to bring her wallet out with her when she was buying some milk tea back then… Him helping her pay for it was their very first encounter…
Back then, his relationship with Mila had been both pure and innocent… There weren’t any earthshattering or bitter moments in their relationship at all. Just a simple, ‘I love you and you love me’ relationship… Of course, good things never tended to last.
From the moment he had met her, Gerald had never wanted to be the heir of the Crawford family. If he could choose, he would’ve very much preferred to remain poor. After all, Mila didn’t despise him regardless of his wealth.
After graduating university, both of them could have continued living together happily. After getting jobs and collecting enough money, they could’ve even opened a milk tea shop together. By that point, they would’ve surely earned enough to get married and start a beautiful family together… All could’ve gone so perfectly…
Thinking about it, Gerald couldn’t help but smile slightly bitterly. Then again, there was no way that the past him would’ve been able to predict that all this would happen…
As he continued being deep in thought, he suddenly heard a voice call out, “Hey there, handsome!
You’ve been standing all dazed there for a good five minutes, you know? Are you alright?”
Turning to look at who had called him, Gerald was greeted by the sight of a smiling girl with a ponytail hairstyle who was currently waving at him.
Caught off guard by her sudden question, Gerald only managed to say, “…Uh… Yeah. You… need something from me?”
Hearing that, the girl simply laughed aloud. How silly of him to be standing there in a daze in broad daylight… She wondered what he could possibly be thinking of…
“…Well, my roommates and I were planning to take pictures together by the lake, you see… I was looking for someone who could help photograph us! Since you’re the first person I’ve bumped into while searching around, I wonder if you’d be willing to take our pictures for us, handsome?” asked the girl— who had already been interested in Gerald when she first saw him from a distance—as she held out her camera to him. It was undeniable, after all, that Gerald had a charming appearance.
“…Oh. I… Sure I guess…” replied Gerald as he took the camera from her. Seeing that it wasn’t a particularly difficult request to begin with, Gerald found it hard to turn her down.
“Alright! Also, please be careful with that. It’s a very expensive camera! Think you know how to operate it?” asked the girl who now realized that Gerald was dressed in rather ordinary clothing. With that in mind, she couldn’t help but worry that he would accidentally get it to malfunction if he truly had no idea how to use it.
“Don’t worry, I do!” replied Gerald with a simple nod.
Meanwhile, six girls could be heard chattering away at the side of the lake. Since they were all about to head into their second year of university and the weather looked good today, all of them had agreed to come out to take pictures together. They wanted to make sure that they captured sufficient memories of their first year in university.
While there were many people strolling around the lake, all of them seemed to be couples, and many were even acting rather intimately by hugging each other in public. Due to that, the girls felt that it would be a little too awkward for them to ask them for their help. 
“…Speaking of which, where the hell is Yulisa? From her message earlier, she told me that she’s already found someone to photograph us! What’s taking her so long…?”
“Speak of the devil! There they are now! Hey, look at the guy she brought along. He looks rather handsome, no?” said another girl as she giggled.
“Handsome? Him? Hah! I think he looks rather ordinary!” replied a third girl as she shook her head.
“That’s quite enough. What are you girls even thinking? Remember, he’s being kind enough to help us take our pictures so we should be courteous and polite to him!” said a long-haired girl—who was standing right in the middle of the group—with a smile.
Chapter 1219
Hearing that, the girls made sure to thank Gerald first as soon as he got close enough to them.
Even when they did so, however, Gerald was still feeling slightly absentminded. After all, he was constantly being bombarded with nostalgic memories of his own, back when he was still studying here.  
Eventually, Gerald snapped out of it and got into position before saying, “Well, I’ll be taking the picture now if you girls are ready!”
“We’re all good to go!” said the girls after getting into various poses as they laughed among themselves.
Getting the confirmation he needed, Gerald slowly raised the camera. Once he was sure that everyone was within the picture, he then said, “Alright, on the count of, one! Two! Three- f*ck!”
Out of the blue, Gerald suddenly jolted in both surprise and excitement, resulting in the camera being thrown into the air! By the time everyone relevant realized what was happening, the camera had already collided onto the ground! With its lens slightly cracked and a few extra ‘clunks’ coming from inside the camera, everyone was fairly certain that a few components inside the device had been broken.
Regardless, Gerald’s actions stemmed from the fact that at that moment, he had suddenly felt an immensely strange feeling in his heart. Not only that, but he was also sure that he had felt the jade charm react while he was still concentrating his hardest on taking the picture just seconds ago.
The only other time he had felt such a way was when he had first met Cundrie. Turning to look at the girls again, Gerald was sure that his initial shock had been triggered when he first paid closer attention to the long-haired girl’s—who was standing in the middle of the group—aura while he was still counting down earlier. There was no doubt about it now.
She was definitely the second girl with the strong yin physique that he needed to locate!
As Master Ghost had previously said, yins and yangs were prone to attracting each other, especially when they were close by. Should these opposites come too close to each other, they would most definitely have an encounter with each other.
Whatever the case was, Gerald knew that he had made the right choice by looking for the girl in his old university as well. To think that the one he was looking for was studying at Mayberry University this entire time!
Though Gerald was sighing in relief, the other girls were now all equally dumbfounded. With their jaws gaping widely, they all stared in horror at the camera that was still lying on the ground.
The camera alone cost around seven thousand and six hundred dollars! To think that this guy would just toss it into the air like that!
Naturally, Yulisa was the first person to react as she shouted, “W-what?!”
Her entire world was now spinning as her vision darkened slightly in her shock. After all, the camera wasn’t even hers to begin with! It was a rented camera, and with it now being broken, surely she’d have to be the one to pay for its repair cost!
“You… You a*s hole! What were you thinking by just throwing our camera into the air like that?!” roared Yulisa as she rushed over to Gerald before pushing him in her rage.
Of course, the other girls were equally as angry as she was. After all, this was supposed to be a happy occasion and they were all ready to have their photographs taken to commemorate the event as well! Anyone would get displeased with something as unexpected as this happening.
“While he certainly looks like he won’t ever be able to achieve anything in his life, he’s certainly a pro at ruining things! Seriously though, Yulisa! How’d you even manage to find someone like this to take our picture?!” growled one of the girls as all of them took turns glaring at Gerald.
Whatever the case was, Yulisa looked like she was ready to burst into tears at any second.
Seeing that, the long-haired girl pushed her hair behind her ears before picking the camera up and checking for any broken parts. After a while, she said, “…I don’t really think that the camera is damaged… After a brief look at it, I remember that this kind of camera has a protective layer around each of its components… Even so, we’ll probably still need to fork out at least one to two thousand dollars since the camera lens looks slightly cracked due to the fall earlier!”
“Humph! You have no idea how angry I am right now! Of all the people I could’ve bumped into and asked for help, it had to be him! If it was anyone else, we could’ve had our pictures taken ages ago! Oh, why on earth am I so unlucky…? ” grumbled Yulisa who was now beyond annoyed and angry.
“How much do I owe you? I’ll compensate!” replied Gerald immediately.
“Hah! You? Pay me seven thousand and six hundred dollars, then we’ll be even!” snorted Yulisa.
“You’re asking him for that much…? We’d be lucky if he’s even able to fess up three hundred dollars! How truly unlucky we are…!” sighed the other girls.
“I’ll pay you that exact amount!” said Gerald as he slid his hand into his pocket to retrieve his cell phone so that he could immediately transfer the money over. The second he did so, however, he instantly felt both awkward and embarrassed. After feeling around in all his pockets, he realized that his cell phone wasn’t on him!
Thinking where he could’ve misplaced it, he quickly remembered that he had left his cell phone in his car earlier since he had been a bit too eager to lecture that group of money-worshiping teenagers!
The only money he had on him now was apparently a hundred and twenty dollars! After all, he hadn’t had the need to use physical money for the longest time.
“…Hah! For a second there, you almost made me feel like you were capable enough to pay for the damage!”
—— To be Continued... ——

The Invincible Rich Man (Gerald Crawford)Where stories live. Discover now