Chapter 1206-1212

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Chapter 1206
Since Gerald had mentioned before that his fate was still largely undecided, she had often found herself thinking about the worst-case scenarios. It was the reason why she was so glad to see him in one piece now.
By then, those living in the neighborhood were already crowding around the duo as they watched in jealousy.
“It must be nice being so rich! I’m sure he can do whatever he pleases!” said one of the men in the crowd rather enviously.
His voice was so loud that a woman—who was returning from a stroll in a nearby park—heard it. Finding his comment strange, she then realized that a huge crowd had formed right in front of her house!
Feeling that something was amiss, she quickly made her way through the crowd and was shocked to see that her daughter—alongside some man whose back was facing her—was the center of all the attention!
“Still, that rich heir truly is capable… All he did was say a few things to that beauty to gain her affection!” said another person from within the crowd.
Hearing that, the woman growled, “…What?”
Under the impression that her daughter was getting bullied, she then rushed over and pulled Naomi away from the stranger’s embrace while before, “You b*stard! Unhand my daughter!”
She couldn’t care less whether the person was a rich heir or not. As long as he was trying to take advantage of her daughter, she was going to make sure that that playboy would get a piece of her mind.
“Now listen here, you-”
Momentarily stunned when she saw who the person her daughter had been hugging was, her angered face slowly turned into surprise before eventually ending in delight.
“…Gerald…? Are… Are you really Gerald…?” asked the woman, her shock evident in her voice.
“Indeed I am, madam. It’s truly been a long time since we’ve last met each other!” replied Gerald with a smile.
“And here I thought that someone was bullying Naomi! Well, now that I know who you are, do come in!” replied Naomi’s mother happily.
Since Gerald had cured her illness back then, her sudden change in mood was really no surprise. Regardless, all three of them then entered Naomi’s house.
Upon entering, Naomi’s mother took good care of Gerald and immediately headed off to cook the ingredients that Naomi had brought home with her. According to her mother, Gerald had to stay for a home-cooked meal with them no matter what.
Gerald himself wasn’t about to say no to that, and he simply sat on a sofa, chatting with Naomi as her mother cooked in the kitchen. 
While chatting, Gerald eventually asked about the two people that Naomi had talked with back at the entrance of the neighborhood.
Scratching the back of her head, Naomi then explained, “If you hadn’t reminded me about it, I would’ve surely forgotten about it by now… I even promised the two that I’d head over to the school to help them get to the bottom of the incident once I brought the groceries back home!”
“An incident? What happened?” asked Gerald, realizing now that the ‘incident’ had something to do with Naomi.
At that moment, Naomi’s mother walked out and said, “It’s all because of that thirty thousand dollar scholarship… You see, not only does Naomi have the position of a class teacher, but she also manages the scholarships of the senior students! The thing is, all that money suddenly went missing the night before the scholarship money was to be distributed! As if that wasn’t already troubling enough, a woman by the name of Yazmin Yallop keeps asserting that Naomi was the one who had taken the money! Her argument was that Noami was suddenly able to buy a house not long after the money was stolen!”
“While even the school had initially wanted to deal with the situation in a low-key manner, that madwoman reported the case to the police and insisted that Naomi was the perpetrator! That’s the reason why the officers were looking for her in the first place!” grumbled Naomi’s mother angrily.
Following, she then added, “I’m sure you’re well aware that Naomi isn’t such a person, right Gerald?
After all, even though your subordinates keep trying to hand her money, Naomi never accepts any of it!
With that in mind, why would she even covet the thirty thousand dollar scholarship?”
“But of course I believe her!” replied Gerald with a nod.
“I’m glad you agree! But my daughter here… You know, she said she was willing to just admit to stealing the money and let bygones be bygones! Just giving away thirty thousand dollars for something she didn’t do? Not on my watch! There’s no way I’m allowing that Yazmin to take advantage of her like this!” growled the angered mother.
“First things first… Who exactly is this Yazmin person?” asked Gerald.
“Ah… She’s the class teacher of the class right next to mine… She’s been jealous of me ever since I took over her position in the grade she’s teaching in. I didn’t even have a say in it when I got recommended to get the role during the conferring of academic titles… However, she fully doubts that and believes that I made schemes to snatch everything away from her! With that in mind, she’s been hostile toward me ever since!” replied Naomi with a sigh.
“She’s bullying you because her husband is both powerful and capable! Aside from that, you’re also slightly at fault for being so gentle all the time! Some people are just like this, you know? The more you respect her, the more she’ll think how easily bullied you are. I’ve already told you to tell Chairman Lyle about this, but you simply refused… We have Gerald’s support on our side, you know? What are you even afraid of?”
“…It’d be better if you said less about this mom. Regardless, I need to head over to the school since the officers are still waiting for me… Do you mind waiting here for the moment, Gerald?” asked Naomi.
“Actually, I was planning to head to your school to have a look around anyway. Let’s just head over together!” replied Gerald as he stood up.
Chapter 1207
Gerald knew Naomi’s personality well. As long as she thought that she was able to solve an issue, she simply wouldn’t rely on others to help her. In fact, she would still refuse to beg others for help, even if she couldn’t solve the issue in the end!
He also knew that she was probably feeling guilty about asking for his—and in turn, Zack’s—help after receiving so much of his money during their last meeting.
‘For a teacher, she still behaves like a silly girl…’ Gerald thought to himself as he drove Naomi to Mayberry First High School.
Upon parking his car at the entrance, both of them had just taken a few steps into the school when a female student—carrying a backpack—saw Naomi and called out, “Miss Milton! Hello!”
From her greeting, it was evident that she was one of Naomi’s students. Though her clothes were well kept and her face was considerably beautiful, Gerald could tell that the girl barely had any confidence in her. After all, she hardly even dared to raise her head while talking to others. While observing her, Gerald also noticed that her backpack was slightly torn.
“You haven’t gone home yet, Sherry?” asked Naomi in a slightly concerned tone.
After lowering her head even more, Sherry then replied, “I-I was told to stay back at school, miss… I’ve already written about how you remained at school throughout the entire day the day before yesterday… They told me that it could be used as evidence! I’m really sorry I can’t help with much, Miss Milton! But I truly believe that you weren’t the one who had taken the money!”
Sherry’s voice slowly got softer and softer, and by the end of her sentence, the now teary-eyed girl’s voice was barely audible.
Smiling subtly, Naomi then said, “It’s fine, Sherry. You said the truth and that’s all that matters to me… Regardless, your results have been wavering slightly of late… It’s almost time for the final high school exam you know? Focus more on that and give it your all, alright? Now, it’s getting pretty late. Hurry along home, now!”
After getting patted on the head, Sherry then nodded before leaving the school.
As Naomi watched her run off, Gerald averted his gaze from Sherry, disallowing Naomi from noticing the sudden seriousness in his eyes.
“…She’s the most obedient student in the class, you know? She’s extremely diligent when it comes to her studies as well. Seeing her that hardworking, I was always willing to stay back at school to teach her… However, it was about a month ago when her mood suddenly turned slightly bad… I’m not sure what happened, but it influenced her results slightly negatively as well!” said Naomi, concern in her voice.
“Studies aren’t the only thing you should be concerned about, you know? If you think the student deserves it, then as a teacher, you should be concerned about her life as well. You should take note of whether there are any sore spots that she refuses to talk about, or whether something’s happened to her family… Things like that, you know?” replied Gerald as he smiled at Naomi.
“You almost sound like you’ve previously worked as a teacher yourself,” said Naomi as she returned the smile.
“I have, but nowhere near your level of dedication, of course! I was a Biology teacher for a short period, but then again, I only taught by reading out of the textbook!”
Amused, Naomi simply chuckled at his reply, and soon enough, both of them arrived at the principal’s office.
Before they even entered, however, both of them could already hear the frantic yells of a woman from inside the principal’s office.
“I’m telling you, officers, she’s the culprit! You really don’t have to investigate any further! I swear to god that there’s nobody else capable of doing the deed! Besides, not only do we have a testimony now, but we also have material evidence! I mean, just look at the house she’s just bought for herself! I’ve been wondering for a while how she was so willing to suddenly fork out so much to buy that house! At long last, I finally realized that she had her eyes on the cash this entire time! It’s been her plan this entire time, I tell you! So again, there’s no need to investigate anymore! Just capture and take her away already! Imprison or shoot her in the head, I don’t care! Just do whatever you need to do!”
“Miss Yallop, please be quiet… Solid evidence is needed before we do anything…” replied the male officer as both of the police looked helplessly at Yasmine.
It was at that moment when Gerald and Naomi decided to step into the principal’s office.
Staring at the teacher who looked to be around the age of twenty-four, Gerald remembered how Naomi had said that Yazmin’s husband was quite capable.
While Naomi had only been able to join the school after passing the official teacher examination, Yazmin was simply given an important position in the school the moment she was recruited.
As time passed, the difference between Yazmin and Naomi’s capabilities became more and more discernible. With Naomi clearly being more adept at her job, it was no wonder why the principal had handed the more important tasks for Naomi to deal with.
Knowing that only caused Yazmin’s jealousy to skyrocket…
Chapter 1208
Yazmin wasn’t just jealous of Naomi’s capabilities either. In fact, she was even more irked by the fact that Naomi had been chosen to be the top beauty in the school!
The moment she found out about that, Yazmin nearly went mad with rage. As long as Naomi existed, Yazmin felt that she would always remain in her shadow.
“…Humph! Don’t you know how late you are? You almost had me wondering whether you were too frightened to come for fear you’d get tossed into jail immediately! You even brought some guy with you!
Are you planning to scare me with him or something? Just look at how shabby he looks!” said Yazmin right off the bat.
Simply choosing to ignore her, Naomi then began explaining her point of view to the officers and the principal.
In the end, they weren’t able to arrive at an immediate conclusion. With that said, the officers then told them that they would probably return again the day after. They also told Naomi to be prepared at all times, stating that as long as they could contact her at all times, she should be fine.
The moment the officers left after saying that, Yazmin immediately turned to look at Naomi before shouting coldly, “Humph! Even if there isn’t an immediate conclusion, I assure you that the incident won’t end until the culprit is caught! And here I was thinking that you were a woman with good temperament before this… To think that you’d actually steal the scholarship money! Don’t you have a guilty conscience at all? It’s truly a wonder how you were chosen to be the most exceptional teacher in the first place!”
“Honestly, you of all people should know what exactly took place… Best be careful now… Don’t get into too much trouble or you’ll end up hurting yourself instead!” sneered Gerald as he glared icily at Yazmin.
Suddenly being stared at like that, Yazmin felt herself go pale as she gulped slightly.
Naomi herself turned to look at Gerald in bewilderment.
‘…Why would he say such a thing…? Is he assuming that Yazmin stole the money and placed the blame on me instead…? But that’s impossible! Yazmin was out on a business trip when the incident happened… Besides, she wasn’t even aware that I had taken the scholarship out at that point in time… Heck, not even my mom knew back then! With that in mind, I’m the only possible person to know about this… It’s the reason why Yazmin immediately placed the blame on me…’ Naomi thought to herself.
“…What… What do you mean by that? Don’t get into too much trouble or I’ll end up hurting myself? Listen, you’d better tell me what you mean by that, or I’m not letting you leave the school alive!” replied Yazmin, her anxiety evident in her voice.
“Oh, I’m sure you know exactly what I mean… Either way, let’s just wait till tomorrow. I’ll share the truth behind all this and I hope someone won’t end up crying then!” said Gerald as he led Naomi out of the office.
Once they had left, Yazmin’s eyes grew fierce as she left the office and instantly began making a phone call.
“…Hubby? I’m facing some issues… Naomi called over some guy and he seems to be targeting me! What should I do…?” asked Yazmin.
“Worry not. I’ll investigate his background right this instant!”
“That’s great to hear! Hah! I’ll definitely ruin Naomi this time… As for the student, think of a way to keep her quiet and obedient! I’m glad that everything is still under control” replied Yazmin in a vicious voice before hanging up.
Meanwhile, Gerald and Naomi were already in his car. However, it wasn’t long before Naomi realized that they weren’t heading back to her home.
“…Gerald…? Where are we headed to?” asked Naomi.
“Well, about that student of yours… Sherry, was it? Could you tell me where she lives?” asked Gerald in return.
“…Huh? You want to meet Sherry? For what reason…? She’s an obedient child and she’s already given her part of the testimony… I assure you that she’s only told them the truth, and I truly hope that she did so rather than choose to lie just to defend me… That way, she won’t have too much to weigh on her mind!” replied Naomi.
“Oh, I could tell that she’s obedient. However, I could also tell that she was facing another issue, a very troubling one at that. If we don’t act fast she could end up falling into an endless abyss… So again, where does she live?”
Chapter 1209
Gerald was no stranger to mind reading. As long as a person’s training was less than his, he was able to see what that person was thinking from just a simple glance.
That said, when he had earlier bumped into Sherry, he came to learn about the truth about the incident.
Yazmin truly was a vicious woman with the wickedest of hearts. After all, from what Gerald found out, death wasn’t off the table when that woman became jealous. Fearing that something would happen to Sherry, Gerald wanted Naomi to bring him to her.
From what Gerald had read from Sherry’s mind, it was about a week ago when Yazmin made her appearance before Sherry’s house, even though Yazmin should’ve rightfully been on some kind of business trip at that time.
After calling Sherry out, she ordered her to secretly stalk Naomi and attempt to steal the scholarship money. Yazmin even explicitly said that by doing so, she would be able to frame Naomi! Adding that her husband’s subordinates would lend her a hand in secret while Sherry did the deed, Yazmin also promised that once Sherry acquired the money, she could use it to pay for the medical expenses needed to treat her mother’s illness.
Upon digging a bit deeper into her memories, Gerald found that her mother had fallen seriously ill about half a month ago, and her fatherless family was simply too poor to do anything about it.
Even so, Sherry simply couldn’t bring herself to steal!
It was then when Yazmin began threatening her. According to Sherry’s memories, Yazmin had told her that if she refused to help her, then Yazmin would actively try to cut off her grant to the point where Sherry wouldn’t be able to sit for her college entrance exams!
In fact, she wouldn’t even be able to acquire her high school graduation certificate! Hearing that, Sherry was instantly terrified. After all, her biggest dream was to get admitted into university.
After a few restless nights of battling between her dreams and her morals, Sherry’s determination finally shattered the moment Yazmin told her that she was going to use her connections to make Sherry drop out if she continued being hesitant.
With a threat like that, Sherry had no choice but to obey.
Following that, Sherry began stalking Naomi until she eventually took the money out. The night after Naomi did that, Sherry snuck into the financial room with the key that she had previously duplicated.
As for the surveillance system, Yazmin’s husband had made sure to send some of his men to deal with it first. Due to all that happened behind the scenes, Naomi was eventually labeled as a thief.
Of course, Gerald wasn’t blaming Sherry for doing all this. After all, it was evident that the girl had a simple heart. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to gather so much off her mind so easily. Being a filial and obedient girl, Gerald didn’t doubt the fact that Sherry was pretty much a victim in all this as well.
Regardless, Gerald currently had two things on his mind as he continued driving to Sherry’s house. Firstly, he told Naomi all that he had found out to get her clarification on all this.
As for the other thing, he wanted to save Sherry too.
After all, if she did indeed use all thirty thousand dollars to pay for her mother’s medical fees, then Sherry would still end up losing her chance to sit for her college entrance exams. What more, there was also a very real chance that she would end up getting imprisoned! Not only would her life be ruined, but her mother would also be filled with grief! It could truly result in a broken family!
Thinking about it made Gerald remember how vicious and cruel a woman Yazmin was. Quite honestly, he had to actively hold himself back from beating that woman to death when they had earlier met in the principal’s office.
Regardless, after hearing what Gerald had to say about the situation, Naomi ended up covering her mouth in fear. While she absolutely bought what Gerald had just told her, she simply couldn’t believe that Yazmin would dare to do such a thing, even though Naomi knew for a fact that she was being targeted by her.
She trembled as she thought how terrifying a jealous person’s heart could get.
“…Then… If what you’re saying is true, then Sherry’s life will surely be ruined! That poor diligent girl!” said Naomi, her worry apparent in her voice.
“It’s not too late yet. However, judging from that woman’s actions, I’m sure that she’ll be sending some people over to keep an eye on Sherry soon. Hang on tight, we’re going to be rushing over to her place!” replied Gerald as he instantly began accelerating.
Soon after, they arrived at a shantytown in the suburbs of Mayberry. It wasn’t long before both of them could see Sherry from afar, holding onto a thermos in her backyard. From the looks of it, she had just cooked a meal for her mother and was now heading back into her house.
Just as she was opening her front door, however, two black cars suddenly came to a screeching halt before her house, and out stepped six sturdy-looking men. All of them had crew cuts and they were also wearing gold chains around their necks. With bags under their armpits and cigarettes in their mouths, the men were quick to block Sherry from closing the door behind her.
“What’s the hurry, little girl? I’m sure that serving the meal can wait!” said what seemed to be the leader with a cold smile.
“…It’s you people again! I already did the thing you told me to! Why are you still pestering me?” replied Sherry as she hugged onto her thermos tightly while taking a step back in fear.
“Haha! There’s no need to be afraid… Honestly, we’re just here to warn you not to reveal the incident to others no matter what… Well, that was the initial plan, that is. We decided to take an extra measure by having you record yourself admit to doing the deeds. Fret not, for as long as you don’t reveal the incident to the public, then the video will be safe in our hands forever. However, should news about the deed spill out, then you’ll soon find yourself getting famous all over the country once we post the video on every major social media site!” added the leader as he laughed aloud, prompting a few of his men to show Sherry the video cameras they were holding onto.
Chapter 1210
“Again, worry not, little girl! We’ll be quick as long as you’re obedient. In fact, I’d even be willing to pay you some cash… if you make me feel good, that is! You’ll be using the money to save a life anyway, so what I’m about to do to you next is going to be a fair trade!” shouted the leader as he dragged Sherry by the arm, causing the thermos she was holding onto to fall to the ground!
As the carefully-prepared food that Sherry had earlier cooked for her mother got spilled all over the ground, the leader quickly covered her mouth and began carrying her into one of their cars!
Seeing that, the other five men stood at the side as they laughed in excitement.
However, one of the men’s laughter was short-lived as he suddenly felt someone grabbing his right ear! Before he could even react, the sickening sound of flesh being torn off could be heard. By the time he screamed in agony, half of his face was already bloodied!
Gerald himself casually tossed the torn-off ear to the ground before revealing that he was holding onto a large iron stick that he had picked up from the streets.
With a single smash to the man’s head, he immediately fell to the ground, convulsing as foam exited his mouth!
The second they saw how terribly their comrade was suffering, the remaining men immediately grew terrified. As for their leader, he quickly jumped out from the car, a hideous expression on his face.
“You f*cking bastard! How dare you ruin our affairs! You’re just begging for death, aren’t you?!” roared the fierce-looking man as he unsheathed a dagger that had been attached to his waist.
Before the leader could strike, another one of his men had already unsheathed his own dagger, and was currently rushing toward Gerald to stab him!
However, Gerald was much, much faster.
Grabbing onto the assailant’s ear, Gerald twisted it with great force, causing yet another tearing sound to be heard as a new scream filled the air.
Repeating the process, Gerald tossed the ear aside before smashing the stick into the side of his head. Naturally, this man reacted exactly the same as the first.
“You… You b*stard! Gang up on him!” ordered the leader as his eyelids twitched rapidly.
Though the leader weighed over a hundred kilograms, his movements weren’t clumsy at all. In fact, he was the fastest and also the smartest among his men.
Charging at Gerald, he leaped into the air, aiming a flying kick right at Gerald’s head!
Even so, Gerald remained calm as he struck the iron stick right into the man’s leg before he was even able to get close to Gerald.
Following the sickening sounds of bones cracking, the leader screamed in pain as he toppled to the ground. With how hard Gerald had hit his leg, his leg was now angled in a way that his calf was folded against his thigh. After being twisted in such a frightening way, the man could even feel his thigh with his toes!
As he continued screaming on the ground while convulsing erratically before Gerald, Gerald himself coldly declared, “I won’t even bother using my fists to beat all of you up! You’re all nothing but b*stards!”
After saying that, he then ripped the leader’s ear off as well before throwing it aside! Now bleeding profusely, the leader of the men almost found himself fainting from the sheer pain alone.
Seeing that, the remaining men instantly threw their daggers aside as they began running away! After seeing their boss being beaten up so easily, they knew they could never dream of defeating Gerald. Not only was Gerald powerful, but he was also a savage for pulling off the ears of whoever he beat up!
Of course, it was impossible for them to escape in the first place.
Running after the escaping men, Gerald whacked his iron stick onto all of them, making sure to rip an ear off each of the men.
Once he was done, he fed the ears he had collected to a few stray dogs…
Chapter 1211
With all the assailants now lying on the ground, Gerald threw the stick away. Naomi herself immediately ran toward the car to help Sherry up.
Being both soft and weak, the scene from earlier had almost shocked Sherry to death.
Had those men had the chance to touch her inappropriately, Sherry wouldn’t have had the will to live on with that memory in mind!
The fact that she had been constantly forced to do things against her will for a while now didn’t help her mental state. If they had truly had their way with her, then Sherry feared that taking her own life wasn’t going to be out of the question anymore.
Regardless, her teacher was now here and the teary-eyed Sherry immediately embraced Naomi while whimpering, “M-Miss Milton…! Y-you’ve been so good to me and yet I… I… I’m such a jerk! A total inhumane, jerk…!”
Comforting the crying girl, Naomi simply replied, “It’s alright, I understand… I don’t blame you… After all, you only did all this because your mother had fallen sick, right? Why didn’t you tell me that you had been going through such a rough time…?”
Naomi truly felt bad for what Sherry had to go through this entire time. She couldn’t imagine how hellish it would be for the girl had Gerald decided not to come back to look for her…
It’d be a complete waste for such a talented girl’s future to be destroyed, just like that… Not wanting to think about it anymore, Naomi simply reminded herself that in the end, the most important thing was that her student was still safe.
“I-I was the one who stole the money, miss…!” wailed Sherry, unable—and unwilling—to hide the truth anymore.
“B-but I didn’t dare use any of the money! No matter how broke I am, I’d never use such unclean cash! I’ve been earning all that I needed by working part-time as a tutor!” added Sherry in between tears.
“I’m proud of you for not using any of it… And again, I understand!” replied Naomi as she continued comforting the sobbing girl.
A little while later, Gerald walked toward the side of her house’s door and lifted a loose tile. Just as Sherry had said, the money was there, all thirty thousand dollars of it. Seeing that, Gerald couldn’t help but feel slightly touched by Sherry’s sincere personality.
“Hey now, your mother still hasn’t eaten, you know…? Now stop crying and let’s go cook her a new meal! I’d like to meet her at the hospital as well!” said Naomi as she wiped the tears off Sherry’s face.
Nodding slowly in agreement, the two of them then quickly cooked up a new meal. After getting it into the thermos, Gerald sent both Naomi and Sherry to the hospital.
As for the bloodied bodyguards left there, Gerald easily settled the messy scene with a single phone call.
Once they arrived at the hospital, Gerald joined the duo as they visited Sherry’s mother. From just a single look at her, Gerald was able to tell that the illness was nothing too serious, at least for his standards. While it wasn’t incurable, the problem was that treating her mother’s sickness required a lot of money.
Sherry truly had it rough. With that in mind, Gerald paid for all the medical fees needed and even promised Sherry that all her university living expenses and fees would be sponsored by the Mayberry Commercial Group.
Gerald also told her that he would get a person named Zack to arrange a job for her once she made a full recovery. Comforting her, Gerald added that everything was going to get better soon.
It was about nine at night when everything was settled. Knowing that Sherry had been through a lot today, Naomi decided to accompany and have a little talk with her.
Since Gerald didn’t really know how to comfort such a young lady, he headed off with the same flask from before to get some water.
It was at that moment when…
Chapter 1212
All of a sudden, the jade charm that Gerald had been carrying around seemed to sense something!
Feeling his body tremble in excitement, Gerald knew that a woman with a strong yin physique was around!
With that, he immediately began searching around the area.
However, the jade’s reaction quickly vanished and Gerald found himself disappointed. He couldn’t just have imagined that, right?
“What on earth happened…? Why did it stop reacting so quickly?” muttered the confused Gerald to himself, his disappointment evident.
Since the charm had reacted so strongly just moments ago, Gerald assured himself that the reaction must have diminished since the woman with the strong yin physique had left the area. With that in mind, Gerald dashed down the hospital, actively looking around while hoping for another reaction from the jade. However, no further reactions were triggered.
By the time he gave up and returned to the hospital room, Naomi had just closed the door behind her.
“I think we should leave for now, Gerald… Sherry’s clearly exhausted herself from all the pressure she’s been facing lately, and I say this because she’s now fast asleep on an extra bed in the room! Still, I can’t help but worry about their safety if we leave just like that…” said Naomi.
“Not to worry. I’ve already ordered for a few bodyguards to stand guard over them without them knowing. My guards are quite capable so you needn’t worry any further!”
“That’s a relief… Also, Sherry told me that she would be heading to the police station to make her statement tomorrow. She’s far too pitiful after having to face all that so I really hope that you’ll take good care of her… She doesn’t deserve to get hurt a second time!”
“I’ll be there for everything!”
Hearing that, Naomi nodded slowly, a cocktail of emotions reflected in her eyes.
As long as Gerald was here, Naomi wouldn’t be afraid even if the sky began falling.
To be entirely honest, she sometimes still wondered what life would’ve been like if she had gotten together with Gerald at the very beginning. Perhaps they would’ve gotten married by now, living life happily with each other… She didn’t even care for Gerald’s money… All she truly wanted was to be with him…
Even so, Naomi knew that Gerald was still yearning for Mila who had apparently gone missing. With that in mind, there was no way that she was going to act that selfishly…
However, the more Gerald cared for her, the harder her heart throbbed.
Following that, Gerald sent Naomi home and Naomi’s mother cooked a nice supper for both of them. Gerald only left after having his second home-cooked meal from Naomi’s mother.
Sometime later, Yazmin asked her husband, “…Hubby? Is something the matter…?”
“It’s just strange, you know? I can’t seem to contact Thiago and the others at all! Also, earlier when I called the hospital, Sherry’s mother was apparently in the midst of transferring? By the time I got there to have a look for myself, she wasn’t even in the same ward anymore! What the hell is even going on…?” grumbled Yazmin’s husband with a frown.
“Well, maybe Thiago and the others are out having some fun! They probably muted their phones or something… As for Sherry, it wouldn’t surprise me if the hospital has finally kicked her out since she doesn’t have the cash to pay for all those medical expenses! I’ll call Thiago later as well to ask him about it… Though again, if you’ve already been trying to call him for some time, I truly believe that he’s just having too much fun to notice!” replied Yazmin.
“…That’s true. Fine then… Regardless, I’ve already gotten all my connections to check for that man’s background. It’s weird that they haven’t replied to me though… Whatever the case is, I’m still going to find the chance to show him how great I am tomorrow!” sneered her husband.
It was exactly at that moment when his phone began ringing many, many times. Several messages were—almost simultaneously—being sent to him, and Yazmin’s husband quickly picked up his stillvibrating phone.
Upon reading the text messages, a frown slowly formed on his face as he muttered, “…The hell is all this supposed to mean…?”
“What is it hubby…?” asked Yazmin in a gentle tone. As long as her husband could help get rid of Naomi for her, she didn’t have much else she wished for.
“…All these messages… They’re all saying the same thing…” replied Yazmin’s husband as he shook his head.
“…What is it?”
“Well, they all say, ‘good luck!’”
—— To be Continued... ——

The Invincible Rich Man (Gerald Crawford)Where stories live. Discover now