Chapter 201-210

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Chapter 201
After Gerald arrived in the classroom.

He re-added Mila Smith on WeChat.

“I’ve got something important to tell you!” He messaged her.

Of course, it was Harper who taught him that.

Mila was angry, and Gerald knew it was probably because of himself, so he wanted to make it clear to Mila.

And the words really worked well, though.

Soon, Mila replied to his message.

“What is it? Hurry up and say it!”

“Are you free this afternoon? There’s a movie that just went online with pretty great reviews! I’m looking for some company to watch with me!”

This was taught by Naomi.

Gerald’s good friends were all sitting next to Gerald, giving him some useful advice.

“Oh, then you should go look for that pretty girl, why are you looking for me?”

Mila replied coldly.

“I’m looking for the most beautiful and generous person. Oh, and someone who gets easily angry at me to be my company. I’ve been thinking about it, and it seems like you’re the only one who fits all the criteria. Otherwise, how would you recommend a girl like her?”

“F*ck off, I don’t know such a person!”

“Then that leaves you to be the only one!”

“Why are you like this? This doesn’t sound like you at all!”

Mila replied with a shocked emoji.

Honestly, chatting with Gerald made her feel so much better and happier.

“So, are you coming? I’ve already bought your ticket. It’s okay if you refuse to come, on the condition
that you find me a lady like you, and only then will I accept your refusal!”

“Haha, okay, I’ll go for the sake of you being so sincere, but I have one condition: You have to buy me dinner! I’m not going for nothing!”

“No problem!”

The deal had been sealed!

Harper and Naomi made a victory cheer.

However, Gerald smiled bitterly and scratched his head.

So, there were so many things to consider when talking to girls.

In the past, Gerald did not know about this. When he talked to girls, it was just people asking questions and him answering them.

Mila had once said that she was attracted to Gerald’s calm composure and honesty.

And with that, Gerald and Mila got along pretty well.

But looking at it now…

Adding some other words in the same sentence with the same meaning created a whole different effect!

‘Flirting requires skills and knowledge,’ Gerald thought to himself.

The movie started at eleven o’clock.

Gerald planned to meet up with Mila at ten o’clock.

When the bell rang, Gerald walked out of the classroom.

His phone suddenly rang, and seeing the number on the screen, it made his heart flutter.

It was a call from Queta Smith.

The two had already given each other their numbers, and Gerald told Queta that no matter what happened, she can always call him first.

The connection went through.

“Gerald, where are you?”

“I’m at college! What’s going on?”

“It’s Yasmin, she…she suddenly fainted on the ground! I carried her to the hospital, but… but I don’t have money and the hospital won’t treat her!”

“What! You’re at the hospital entrance now? Okay, okay, I’ll be right there!”

Once he heard that Yasmin was unconscious and her condition was quite serious…

Gerald panicked.

The previous week had all been very peaceful.

He was very concerned about Yasmin’s health. He immediately ran downstairs and drove to the hospital.

When he arrived at the hospital’s entrance, Gerald saw Queta and three other people waiting anxiously
at the entrance.

He stopped his car at the side of the road and dashed toward their direction.

“What happened?”

Gerald saw Yasmin, who looked pale and was trembling all over.

“Yasmin experienced this symptom before, but this time it’s even more severe!”

Queta was crying nervously.

Both children were also shaking Gerald’s arm, “Big brother, please save our sister!”

“I understand now, I’ll go in and ask the doctor to take a look!”

After he took Yasmin from Queta’s arms, he ran toward the hospital’s emergency lobby.

“Stop right there! I’ve told you guys over and over again, you can’t see the doctor without paying! Go
look for other ways and stop stirring trouble here!”

Two guards stopped Gerald in his tracks, blocking his way.

“I have money, please let me help the child to get treated!”

Gerald said hastily.

Chapter 202
“Young man, it’s not that we won’t help you. If we let you in like this and you can’t pay up for the bills, we might have to use brute force on you. So, how about you go somewhere else and get the money, then we’ll talk!”

The two security guards were quite old. Maybe because they saw Queta and the others were in a tough situation, their tone was not as rough as earlier.

Well, obviously Queta had been kicked out once.

“Mr. Linton and Mr. Lawrence, what’s going on here? Why are these bums standing in front of our hospital? Huh? Isn’t that the ones I kicked out because they couldn’t afford the treatment? Why are they still here?”

“Oh, Dr. Quintero! I’m sorry, I’ll make them leave this instant!”

“Hurry up, they’re ruining our hospital’s image. Let’s go, Minnie and Lindy, I’ll take you to eat something
delicious today, hehe!”

Dr. Quintero spoke as he led the two little beauties along the way.

The two little girls looked at Gerald and the others with contempt.

“Hehe, why are you still standing there, go beg for money!”

“Look at what they’re wearing, can they even afford to see a doctor? Ugh!”

The two little girls took turns to throw jabs at them.

Apparently, they looked down on Gerald and Quenta because of their clothing.

“Dr. Quintero, please, please, have a look at Yasmin, please!”

On the other hand, Quenta was so desperate that she was all about to kneel down to beg the doctor.

“I have money, so please treat her. I’ll pay for the bills once she gets treated!” Gerald’s tone was cold.

“Hahahaha, what a joke!”

“You must be teasing me, aren’t you, brat? You don’t look like someone that has money, haha, don’t even try to fool me! The door is right there, so please get the hell out of here!”

Gerald looked at Queta. “Wait here for a moment, I promise you we’ll get in,” he reassured.

Then, Gerald glared at Dr. Quintero and the two little girls. He trotted to the side of the road, got into the car, and stepped hard on the gas pedal.


“Oh my God!”


The three of them were all in shock.

Especially Dr. Quintero, whose face was almost green.

Gerald was driving a Lamborghini Reventon, a 2.7 million dollar luxury car!

He did not expect Gerald to be this wealthy!

The two little girls covered their mouths in awe.

The visual impact that the luxury car had brought them was too great!

“Can we go in now?”

Gerald asked after rolling down the car window.

“Yes, yes, of course! I’ll arrange a diagnostic team this instant! I’m not eating anymore and I’ll get things settled as soon as possible!”

Dr. Quintero panicked.

Gerald snickered at him.

It was hard dealing with people like Dr. Quintero. They would never listen no matter how much they begged nicely, instead, they would only listen once they were proved wrong.

Yasmin was immediately sent into the emergency room.

The diagnosis came out quickly. It showed that Yasmin was anemic, and her condition was more serious.

However, the hospital was confident and they reassured that their treatment will cure Yasmin’s disease
within a year.

Gerald and Queta were relieved when they heard the news. A boulder was lifted from their shoulders.

“Mr. Crawford, next time, you must pay more attention to Yasmin. Look after her more and make sure she eats more fruits!”

This time, the doctor’s two little girls gathered around Gerald.

Gerald just nodded his head with a bitter smile.

It was only after Yasmin was moved into the hospital room that Gerald was completely relieved.

“Queta, you should get back to work, or else you might get another lecture from your boss!”

The two children shook their heads.

“Ah, I’m fine, I have to take care of Yasmin!”

“Leave that to us. Besides, Gerald is here too!”

“How can I entrust this job to you boys. Besides, what if Yasmin has to go to the bathroom?”

Queta was also in a dilemma. Not only did she have to work, but she also had to support the three children.

However, Yasmin had become her first priority.

“If you’re busy, just go to work. I’ll just have a friend to come over to take care of Yasmin!”

The two nurses?

To be honest, Gerald was not worried either.

It was really inconvenient if he was to stay behind and take care of her.

So, Gerald just happened to think of a woman who would be perfect for the job.

He was going to call Jane Zara.


On his phone screen, he had received thirty missed calls from Mila, and he was bombarded by messages on WeChat.

Gerald was used to putting his phone on silent during morning classes. When he left the classroom, he was in such a hurry that he forgot to unmute his phone until now.

Looking at the time now, it was almost one o’clock.

In other words, Mila had been standing and waiting for him for more than two hours…

Chapter 203
The first thing Gerald did was contact Jane Zara.

Although Jane wanted money, she still got along with it. As long as Gerald asked for her help, she was willing to lend a hand.

As expected, she came immediately after the phone call.

Only then did Gerald wipe the cold sweat from his forehead and dialed Mila’s number.

“Sorry, the number you dialed is off…”

Her phone was turned off again!

Gerald sent her a message on WeChat.

As expected, he was blocked and his number was deleted.


Gerald blamed himself even more now.

He blamed himself more than yesterday for saying the wrong thing. He had no idea how to explain things to Mila regarding his lateness.

After Gerald returned to college, he even went to look for Mila a few times, but he ended up getting the door shut right in his face.

She did not even look at him at all.

He was afraid that this cold war would last for an eternity.

Gerald walked around the campus by himself, stopping at a small park and resting there for a while.

Dealing with relationship issues really left him a little overwhelmed.

One thing he had learned today was that girls actually did not mean it if they said ‘No’.

He immediately thought of Xavia Yorke.

They used to come to this small park too.

They would both take a stroll here, hand in hand.

Then, Gerald had mustered up the courage to ask Xavia if they could have sex.


“Scram! Gerald, what kind of girl do you take me for?”

Gerald remembered that he had gotten slapped and scolded by Xavia.

It was obvious that she did not want to.

From her attitude, she really meant to say no!

It made him quite self-conscious at that time. Xavia was indeed a good girl, but why did things turn out that way? On the contrary, Gerald treated her even better after that incident.

Now that he thought about it…

Heh, girls…

He was wondering where Xavia is and what she is doing at the moment.

The scenery made him emotional. He could not help himself but think of Xavia again.

But the memories were slowly fleeting.

Just like that, he sat in the park until it was five o’clock in the afternoon.

Then, Gerald’s phone rang. It was from Jane Zara.

“Gerald, wher…where are you?”

Based on Jane’s tone, she sounded both anxious and weeping.

Gerald felt his nerves tighten. Could something bad have happened to Yasmin?

“I’m at college, I’ll be on my way to the hospital now. I’ll get you some food along the way. Jane, is anything wrong?”

Gerald asked.

“Gerald, something happened to me this afternoon. It’s my mother. Geez, at first, I thought she was messing with me and I clearly told her no, but look what happened now. My mother actually booked a banquet in Mayberry for me to meet my blind date!”

“Gerald, I really don’t want to go, I’m still so young, don’t you think so too?”

Jane cried out.

Gerald was relieved after hearing this.

Turns out, it was just a forced blind date kind of situation.

To be honest, it was not the first time it had happened to Gerald.

It was rather not that surprising to him at all.

It was almost time for his graduation after all. Jane had graduated some time ago, and somewhere in life, they would have to experience the same thing which other people would also have to face.

Blind dates were one of those things.

“You really don’t want to go, do you?”

“Umm, I really don’t want to, but what do you think I should do? Now that my mom has set up a banquet, my blind date is already there! This isn’t exactly a blind date since families and friends from both sides are expected to be there for a meal together!”

“Okay, I’ll go with you later. I’ll return the favor this time!”

Gerald said blandly.

“Ah? For real? Mr. Crawford, you’re the best! Then, will you go as my boss or my friend? Or…”

“Let’s just say I’m your friend!”

Gerald smiled bitterly.

Since Jane had helped him today, it was only right that he should return the small favor.

Chapter 204
No matter what, Jane was still his employee, and since she had begged him, there was no way he could turn her down.

So this time, Gerald was willing to help her out.

After the arrangements were settled, Gerald went to the hospital and brought Yasmin some food. Then, he waited for Queta to arrive before leaving with Jane.

The dinner was held in a private lounge at a restaurant in Mayberry.

This was not the first time Gerald had done this, so he was quite familiar with it.

Even the opening of the scene was almost the same.

They pushed open the door to the lounge.

“Jane, you’re finally here! Huh? Who is this guy?”

Inside the private lounge, a middle-aged woman dressed in a rather fashionable manner, whom Gerald
assumed was Jane’s mother, was now staring coldly at him.

Looking at Gerald’s rather ordinary outfit, the woman was already somewhat looking down on him.

She was a city dweller, and she seemed to look down on country folks and the way they dressed.

“Uhhh… This is Gerald Crawford, and he’s my boy… friend!”

On the other hand, Jane did not know what was going on in her head, and the words just slipped right out of her mouth.

Did they not agree to just being friends?

Now, Gerald was being used as a boyfriend again, f*ck!

He was embarrassed, but since the word had been said, he could not argue much.

However, Jane stuck out her tongue at Gerald. She was clearly excited.

What was she thinking?

Clearly, she thought that it would be nice if Gerald was her boyfriend.

She had dreamt about this for the past few days.

In the past, Jane had only liked Gerald when she knew that he was so wealthy.

But after spending some time together, she could see the other side of Gerald. He was lowkey, introverted, and generous to other people. More importantly, Gerald trusted her very much.

This just added to her list of reasons why she liked and respected him very much.

She was very fascinated by him.

“What? What did you just say, Jane? He’s your boyfriend?”

Jane’s mother and dad were clearly shocked. Their mouths were wide open.

Both of them were public officials, so they would very much prefer their daughter to date someone of equal social status.

Now that their daughter had brought a nobody to the blind date…

“Mom, Dad, yes, he’s my boyfriend! We’ve been hanging out for a while now!”

“Gerald… Crawford, say hello to my parents!”

Seeing that Gerald did not object to his new identity as her boyfriend, Jane decided to become a little more daring.

She reminded Gerald.

“Hi, Mrs. Zara…”

“Where did you come from, young brat? My daughter is not someone a dirty b*stard like you could get! Get out of here!”

Jane’s mother snarled at him coldly.

She was having none of it. It took her a whole lot of effort to finally make an appointment with the
leader’s wife. Today, they had agreed to let the two families’ children meet and get to know each other.

In the future, the two families would become in-laws.

Everything seemed so perfect.

It did not occur to her that her daughter would not play by the rules. After much pressuring and persuasion, her daughter was finally here, which was good news. But she did not expect her daughter would bring along a boyfriend.

The other family was about to arrive. If they were to see this, they might have a bad impression of the Zaras, and the relationship between both families may be severed.

Her blood was boiling, and when she looked at Gerald, she felt a hundred times more resentful toward him.

While talking, the lounge’s door suddenly opened. Outside, a line of people walked in with items in their

“Mr. Zara, my sincere apologies. I’m sorry that we’re late, hahaha!”

In came a party of four people, among them were two youngsters, a woman, and a man.

The girl, in particular, was dressed up beautifully.

Looking at them, the Zaras were unable to remain their composure.

What was going on? The boy should be Mr. and Mrs. Jenkin’s son.

And what about the girl?

Could it be that the son had brought his girlfriend along?

“Oh, Mr. Zara, let me introduce you, this is my niece, she’s my third brother’s daughter. She’s a fourth- year student from Johnhurst University, and she’s here to join her cousin!”

“Niece, say hi to Uncle Zara!”

However, the girl did not hear what they were talking about as her gaze was fixed on Gerald.

The corner of her lips curled into a mocking smile.

“Huh, Gerald! I never thought I would run into you here?”

Chapter 205
The girl knew Gerald.

On the other hand, Gerald was shocked to see this pretty girl.

“Whitney Jenkins?”

Ever since that time he had beaten up Victor Wright, he had completely broken up with Whitney.

She had always been secretly in love with Victor. Even after Gerald had bought her a dress, in her eyes, Gerald was incomparable to Victor.

And because of Gerald, Whitney had almost lost her position in the student council, so when he ran into her these few days, she was always cold toward him.

Who knew they would actually run into each other here today!

“Gerald, what are you doing here?”

Whitney’s eyes were deadly.

“Gerald, do you know each other?”

Jane was now standing next to Gerald. Her tone was somewhat dubious as she asked.

“Of course I know her, we’re from the same department!”

Gerald smiled bitterly.

Then, he looked at Whitney. ”I’m here to meet Jane’s parents!”

“Meet her parents? What for?”

Whitney’s eyes were even colder.

The three members of the Jackson family looked toward Gerald at the same time.

“Gerald is my boyfriend, so why can’t he meet my parents?”

Jane directly replied without hesitation.

She really had no interest in whoever Christian Jenkins was.

In fact, after knowing Gerald, Jane’s taste in man had also improved.

She had met someone powerful, so no matter how excellent the other guys were, they were still no match to Gerald.

Hence, now Jane had this kind of mindset when it came to choosing boyfriends.

Her words were like an atomic bomb.

Everyone present was shocked by what she said.

It had the most impact on the Jenkins.

They had come here in a great rush, just to hear that Jane was very connected to Mayberry International Inc. Moreover, she was a very pretty lady, and they considered her family as equal.

To sum things up, she was the perfect candidate to become the daughter-in-law of the Jenkins Family.

However, they did not expect to find out that Jane was taken after they had brought their son to this blind date.

“Mr. Zara, what’s this all about?”

Whitney’s uncle asked coldly.

Christian Jenkin was also looking at Gerald with hostility,

He was in love with Jane.

Right now, he was sizing up on Gerald. He scanned Gerald’s body for something he could use to
compare with himself.

Jane’s parents hurriedly apologized to the Jenkins, explaining that it was all a misunderstanding and such.

But deep inside, they were cursing his ancestors. ‘Stinky b*stard! Look what trouble you’ve brought upon us today!’

“Dad, calm down. As Uncle Zara said, there might be some misunderstanding. Besides, this guy right
here is Whitney’s classmate!”

Christian flashed the watch on his wrist.

At this moment, his lips curled into a smile.

“Oh, classmate? Gerald, I finally know why you’ve been so glamorous lately, it turns out that you’re taken! Honestly, Gerald, before this you’ve won the lottery and became rich, it made me really
uncomfortable. But seeing that you bought me a dress, though I still hate you, I’m not as disgusted by you as before!”

“Now, though, it looks like you’re even more disgusting than I thought?”

“I mean, how did you get so rich? You’ve won the lottery, but it seems like your money is never-ending. It turns out that you have a sugar-mummy, and I’m sure both of you are up to something!”

Whitney did not talk much when she entered the lounge.

She slowly recognized Jane

Was she not the woman Chad Xanders had pursued, who was then caught on the spot by Jacelyn Leigh and Danny Xanders, as well as Gerald who was being kept in the car by this very woman?

She had seen the entire scene with her own eyes.

But what happened next made Whitney think that it was very unlikely.

Chapter 206
Even if she were to be a sugar mummy, she would not have a sugar baby like Gerald, but this woman had admitted that Gerald was her boyfriend!

Whitney then did not respect him any further. She stared at him very proudly as if she was mocking him for being a sugar baby!

After hearing what they had said, Jane’s parents’ face turned awful. They really believed that Gerald was a sugar baby.

Jane’s mother pointed at Gerald and said, “Jane, give me an explanation now. What is going in with this Gerald? Is he really a sugar baby?”

“No, mom! I can explain!” Jane was getting frustrated.

It was just a simple matter of rejecting a marriage, but things had turned the wrong way.

“I’m not listening to your explanation. Just tell me if he is or is he not?” Jane’s mother asked angrily.

Whitney crossed her arms and walked beside Christian. She smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Christian. Do you remember the poor dude I told you about who was in the same course as me? The guy that was dumped by his ex-girlfriend who then moved on to a rich guy!”

“After that, he won a lottery and then became really proud. Do you still remember that poor peasant? That’s him!”

Whitney thought to herself that since she had turned to her dark side, she might as well just go on ahead and crush Gerald. She only wanted to be friends with Gerald because she thought he was quite rich. Especially when Gerald bought her a shirt that was worth a few thousand dollars because she had helped him. She was actually quite touched by him, but now, she realized he was just a playboy with no money!

Whitney publicly humiliated him just to prove to Jane that he used to be a poor and lowly peasant!

When Christian realized that he was just a poor guy, he did not have any pressure at all.

“Answer me, Jane! Is he the kind of person like what Whitney said? Is he really a poor peasant?” Jane’s
mother was trying to force an answer out of Jane. The whole situation was so embarrassing!

“I…” Jane did not know what to say anymore.

“Yes, I am from a poor family, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have any dignity left in me. All I wanted was just to earn some pocket money and study so that I could be a better person. Is that wrong?” Gerald was hurt by what Whitney had said.

He started talking about his previous lifestyle. “Why do all of you have to be so judgmental? So what if I’m broke? I didn’t do anything bad to all of you, so why should I be bullied?” Gerald stared at Whitney and yelled at her.

All these years, Whitney had been harassing him, and it was no less than Yuri.

Once, when he and Xavia were walking outside the classroom, she saw them and started criticizing him
publicly. “Wow, even a poor b*stard like Gerald has a girlfriend! What big news!”

“Anyways, please go and clean up the study hall. You don’t have to eat with your girlfriend since you
won’t have enough money to eat if you don’t work either way!”

“What do you mean you’re not going? I’ll stop your bursary and let you f*ck off!” Whitney said as she
slapped him.

All of these were things that happened in the first and second year of university. Whitney had always insulted him in front of Xavia, and because of that, Xavia had even argued with her.

All of these were stuck with Gerald for years, and he had been keeping them in his heart.

Things had gotten better when they went to year three only because Whitney was sick of insulting him already.

“So you really are a poor b*stard. Leave now and don’t ever bother my daughter again!” Jane’s mother was furious. She picked up a glass of hot tea and splashed it toward Gerald’s face.

Chapter 207
“Mom! Stop!” Jane almost fainted when she saw the glass splashing over. Unfortunately, she could not
stop her.

Gerald could not dodge in time, but luckily, it only hit his body. Gerald was immediately covered with tea leaves and tea.

“You don’t deserve my daughter! Now f*ck off as far as possible!” Jane’s mother threw the glass on the

She was also trying to tell Jenkins that the Zara family was absolutely sincere and she did not care about the life and death of that poor b*stard, Gerald.

“Look here, Gerald! Let me take a video of you so that the entire department would know how disgusting you are!” Whitney was laughing really loudly while the Jenkins were all smiling.

Gerald would have never thought that Jane’s mother would treat him like that. How ignorant could she
be to treat someone like that publicly?

Gerald picked out the tea leaves on his shirt and glanced at the entire room of people. Especially Whitney.

“Whitney, what if one day you realized that I’m not the poor b*stard you think I was and realized that I’m f*cking rich? What would you do?”

“And all of you that hate on the poor. You guys are really ignorant, do you know that? What is it that all of you are so proud of? If only you all knew that you guys are the poor b*stards in my eyes, what would all of you do?”

Jane thought that Gerald must be furious, but his voice was surprisingly calm.


“Gerald, are you nuts? You must be crazy about being rich, huh? Stop fooling around, sucker! I’m going to record all of this and show everyone how embarrassing you are!” Whitney mocked him.

“Jane, so this is the kind of boyfriend you have eh? Why should we even treat him like a person? Look at
him, does he look like a person? This kind of poor b*stard would only end up dying on the street!”

“That’s right! Look at what he’s wearing. Jane, it’s okay if you’re still young and you don’t understand much. How about you let Christian and Whitney bring you to Wayfair Mountain Entertainment and relax? I heard they were doing some events, and Uncle Jenkins over here has three tickets. Since you

used to work at the villa, you could bring Christian for a walk!” Christian’s mother immediately came out
and spoke as if she was very used to situations like these.


“Go ahead. Don’t worry about me!” Gerald said calmly.

Jane wanted to shake her head, but after listening to Gerald’s tone, she did not dare to refuse the offer.

Gerald finally understood that it was impossible for him to lead an ordinary life. There would always be people trying to find fault or make fun of him! Gerald was not going to tolerate them anymore this time.

While he was trying to get a tissue out of his pocket, his Lamborghini car key fell out. He did not do it on purpose!

When he wanted to pick up the car key, Whitney bent down and picked it up first.

“You have a car? That’s weird!” She looked at the car key carefully and laughed.

“Wow! It’s a Lamborghini car key! Gerald, you drive a Lamborghini?”

“It must be fake! Lamborghini doesn’t have a car key that looks like that.” Christian was shocked at first,
but after he looked closely he smiled.

That car key was different from the others just like it’s controls were different. The only thing that was
similar was the Lamborghini logo, and not many people had seen that car key before.

Chapter 208
He did not blame their reaction.

“Hahaha! Gerald, I didn’t know you were this kind of person. Why can’t you get a toy that looks more legit than this one?”

“I really don’t want to talk about this person anymore. Christian, let’s go. We’ll go to Wayfair Mountain
Entertainment in your Maserati! Let’s go, Jane!”

“From today onward, you will be the most disgusting person in our department, Gerald! Could you please do me a favor and get lost now!” Whitney threw the Lamborghini car key on the ground.

Jane did not dare to go against Gerald’s will, and she went with them.

“Mr. Zara, would you like to take a look at Christian’s new car?” Christian’s father asked.

“Sure! Let's go and have a look! While you, please get out of here!” Jane’s mother walked beside Gerald
and pushed him.

Gerald took a deep breath and picked up his car key. He followed them out.

They were surrounding a Lamborghini Raventon and discussing the car.

“This is the car I was talking about, Christian. There’s a super-rich guy in our school, and he must be eating at this restaurant!” Whitney was excited when she saw the car.

She had always wanted to make friends with this extremely rich guy.

“Christian, do you recognize this car?”

Christian’s father and Jane’s parents just arrived and they were all shocked.

They did not notice the car when they arrived! They knew that it was truly a luxurious car.

“It’s a Lamborghini, but I’m not sure which model it is. Quite sure that it’s more expensive than the Lamborghini Poison! Super luxurious!”

“Oh my goodness!”

The Jenkins and Zaras were all amused.

“This is a Reventon. It belongs to one of the richest guys in our school!” Whitney said.

Gerald walked past them as they were talking.

“What are you doing, Gerald?”

“This poor b*stard hasn’t left yet?” Christian scoffed.

“What is he even doing here?” Jane’s mother said.

“This poor b*stard is just here to pick up his car. See you guys next time!” Gerald smiled as he pressed
his car key and opened the car door.

The headlights blinked and the car roof opened.

Gerald got into the car and everyone was dumbstruck.

“Wait, what?” Whitney shouted.

Gerald was the owner of this car?! The car key was not fake and this car belonged to him?! The extremely rich guy from her department was Gerald even though he was the most ordinary person?!

“What’s going on, Gerald? This car is yours? It’s truly yours?” Whitney was in disbelief. Her heart felt like it had just exploded. She could not believe that he was the same poor b*stard in her eyes! What was happening?!

Chapter 209
Even Jane’s parents were shocked.

They were even asking him to leave their own daughter alone. No wonder he had said that they were the poor b*stards in his eyes!

How was that even possible!

Gerald pressed the horn as he drove out of the basement carpark.

When he passed by Whitney, she really did wish that Gerald would notice her. Even if it meant scolding her or giving her a slap. However, Gerald did not. He merely ignored her and left.

As for Jane, he had helped her enough.

He stepped on the accelerator and drove out of the basement carpark.

Gerald knew that this would hurt even harder than simply just showing off. He did not even bother about their expressions.

“Who is he?” Christian swallowed.

Whitney was confused and helpless. She didn't even know the answer to that question. Whitney really did think of apologizing to him after what she had done to him after finding out that he was really rich. He had looked so attractive when he got into the car!

She even thought of taking pictures of Gerald and his car to let the entire school know. Just like how she would usually show off.

Whitney calmed herself down. If the whole school knew about Gerald’s true identity, she would never
stand a chance anymore, and everyone would start teasing her if the school learned about his identity.

There was a voice telling Whitney to try her best at winning Gerald’s heart. ‘Most love stories always
start with the main characters hating each other!’ She told herself

Meanwhile, after everyone had found out Gerald’s identity, they all looked toward Jane.

Jane shook her head and said, “Don’t even think about asking me! I don’t know anything!”
Going back to Gerald.

It was already seven o’clock in the evening. After Gerald texted Queta to make sure that Yasmin was okay, he then went back to the hostel.

His phone rang again. It was Zack.

“Mr. Crawford, where are you? I must be troubling you by calling you at this time!”

“I was just about to go back to school. What’s the matter, Zack?”

“As you know, I’ve resigned from the position of Mayberry Commercial Street’s CEO and Ms. Crawford
has brought in a new CEO, Michael Zeke. He’s an old friend of mine and he’s flying in tonight.”

“Yes, my sister has mentioned it before.”

“What I’m saying is, he would like to pay you a visit!”

What a determined person. The first thing for him to do after arriving was to visit Gerald. Indeed, everyone who worked for Jessica was all very serious about their work.

“Where would he like to visit me? How about you make some arrangements for that and I’ll be going
back to the villa tonight. We can meet at the villa!”

“Alright, Mr. Crawford!”

Gerald immediately drove back to the villa after he had hung up.

He did not know much about this person named Michael, but since he was going to pay a visit, Gerald had to be there. His sister, Jessica, could manage everything. He just had to be there.

Soon enough, when Gerald had reached the villa, the event that was going on at the Wayfair Mountain was to welcome the new CEO, Michael.

It was late at night, but the night at Wayfair Mountain was still young.

Chapter 210
There were many rich people walking around. Gerald reached the main entrance and watched from the outside.

He went to the backdoor and went in from there. When he reached his own meeting room, Zack was standing there with another middle-aged man.

There were only two of them, so the other one must be Michael Zeke. He looked really mature and reliable, but through his eyes, Gerald could tell that he would be an aggressive person.

“Mr. Crawford!” Zack shouted.

“Michael Zeke. Nice to meet you, Mr. Crawford!” Michael bowed.

“Nice to meet you, Director Zeke. Please be at ease. We’ll talk more inside!” Gerald smiled politely.

Michael simply introduced himself and then talked about the future plans he had for Mayberry International Inc.

His ideas were very creative and strong. It was very different from how Zack would do things. Michael was a very straightforward and aggressive person when it came to work.

“Anyway, I’ve heard from Zack that you have recently bought a bungalow at the hilltop. Have you done any renovations yet?”

Gerald nodded his head.

“Um, before I came out to work, I used to study interior design overseas. You can have a look at this
blueprint, and maybe if you’re interested, I could be in charge of the project!” Michael smiled.


Zack had had enough. He hit the table to express his anger.

“Director Zeke, I think you’re not very familiar with the situation here. You should get to know things around here first. In fact, I’m already in charge of the renovation of Mr. Crawford’s new bungalow, and the project can be finished within ten days. You don’t have to be worried about it!”

‘D*mn it! I was good enough to bring him to visit Mr. Crawford, yet now, he’s trying to steal my job! This is too outrageous!’ Zack thought to himself.

“Ten days? I could do it within five days with top-notch renovations. I would definitely not delay Mr.
Crawford from moving in!” Michael talked back.

“Five days is impossible, Director Zeke.” Gerald smiled.

“I’ll give the orders myself. If I can’t finish the project within five days, I’ll gladly resign my position with the headquarters!”

Gerald felt embarrassed. It was just renovations, it would be fine no matter who did the project.

After what Michael had said, Zack was dumbfounded. He would not dare to give orders like that.

Zack did not know why he was so unhappy when in truth, he was way closer to Gerald than Michael.

The renovations of the bungalow were then passed to Michael to handle.

After the meeting was over, Michael went out to meet the guests while Gerald went back to his own bedroom to rest.

“You’re still the same old you, Michael. Very aggressive and I like that, but I must remind you, you must be careful working at Mayberry. Especially when working with Mr. Crawford, as you know his identity is still not known to the public!”

“I understand. Most of my men don't know about his identity. Even my wife doesn’t know about it. I almost got you fired the last time I accidentally exposed his identity. I will not repeat the same mistake!” Michael smiled.

Zack took a deep breath. That was probably his biggest mistake of all time when he had almost gotten Gerald into trouble because of Nigel Fisher.

Gerald went back to his bedroom, but he did not go to sleep immediately. Just as he was thinking about something, his sister called.

“Dude, there are two days left, what the hell are you doing? Have you finished what I asked you to do? There are two more millions left. Are you trying to get me killed?” His sister yelled at him.
He then realized that he only spent eight million on the bungalow.

“Oh no, what can I do? How do I spend those two million?”

Gerald was up the entire night thinking of how to spend the money, and finally, he had an idea...

The Invincible Rich Man (Gerald Crawford)Where stories live. Discover now